# mock data function just used for the tests in this file
make_mock_base_data_for_testing_run_qc <- function(num_cells) {
num_responses <- 7
grna_target_data_frame <- make_mock_grna_target_data(c(2, 2), 1, 1, 3)
on_targets <- unique(grna_target_data_frame$grna_target)[1:2]
num_grnas <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
grna_matrix <- make_mock_grna_matrices(
non_nt_patterns = "zero",
nt_patterns = "zero", num_cells = num_cells
response_matrix <- make_mock_response_matrices(
num_responses = num_responses, num_cells = num_cells,
patterns = "column"
) |>
`rownames<-`(c(on_targets, paste0("response_", (length(on_targets) + 1):num_responses)))
extra_covariates <- data.frame(x = rep(c("b1", "b2"), each = num_cells / 2))
positive_control_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = on_targets,
response_id = on_targets
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = rep(on_targets, times = 2),
response_id = rep(paste0("response_", length(on_targets) + 1:2), each = 2)
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs
test_that("run_qc remove cells with multiple grnas in low moi", {
test_data_list <- make_mock_base_data_for_testing_run_qc(num_cells = 24)
num_cells <- ncol(test_data_list$response_matrix)
num_grnas <- nrow(test_data_list$grna_matrix)
num_targets <- sum(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target != "non-targeting")
unique_targets <- unique(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target[1:num_targets])
nt_guides <- with(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame, grna_id[grna_target == "non-targeting"])
grna_matrix <- test_data_list$grna_matrix
grna_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(grna_matrix)), 1)
for (i in 1:num_grnas) grna_matrix[i, i] <- 10 # for clear expression
locs_of_extra_expression <- 2:4
grna_matrix[1, locs_of_extra_expression] <- 10 # these cells now have 2 grnas clearly expressed
response_matrix <- test_data_list$response_matrix
response_matrix[] <- rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0), times = prod(dim(response_matrix)) / 4)
for (i in 1:nrow(response_matrix)) response_matrix[i, i] <- 2 # to avoid low rank covariate data frame
scep_low <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = test_data_list$positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = test_data_list$discovery_pairs
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 9) |>
# the only cells in use are those with a single grna UMI count exceeding
# the threshold
expect_equal(scep_low@cells_in_use, (1:num_grnas)[-locs_of_extra_expression])
test_that("run_qc remove cells via `additional_cells_to_remove` high moi", {
test_data_list <- make_mock_base_data_for_testing_run_qc(num_cells = 24)
num_cells <- ncol(test_data_list$response_matrix)
num_grnas <- nrow(test_data_list$grna_matrix)
num_targets <- sum(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target != "non-targeting")
unique_targets <- unique(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target[1:num_targets])
nt_guides <- with(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame, grna_id[grna_target == "non-targeting"])
grna_matrix <- test_data_list$grna_matrix
grna_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(grna_matrix)), 2)
for (i in 1:num_grnas) grna_matrix[i, i] <- 10 # for clear expression
response_matrix <- test_data_list$response_matrix
response_matrix[] <- rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0), times = prod(dim(response_matrix)) / 4)
for (i in 1:nrow(response_matrix)) response_matrix[i, i] <- 2 # to avoid low rank covariate data frame
scep_high_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = test_data_list$positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = test_data_list$discovery_pairs
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 5)
expect_equal(run_qc(scep_high_pre_qc)@cells_in_use, 1:num_cells) # all here
cells_to_remove <- c(1, 3, 5)
scep_qc <- run_qc(scep_high_pre_qc, additional_cells_to_remove = cells_to_remove)
expect_equal(scep_qc@cells_in_use, (1:num_cells)[-cells_to_remove])
test_that("run_qc remove cells with `response_n_umis_range` and `response_n_nonzero_range` high moi", {
test_data_list <- make_mock_base_data_for_testing_run_qc(num_cells = 100)
num_cells <- ncol(test_data_list$response_matrix)
num_grnas <- nrow(test_data_list$grna_matrix)
num_targets <- sum(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target != "non-targeting")
unique_targets <- unique(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target[1:num_targets])
nt_guides <- with(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame, grna_id[grna_target == "non-targeting"])
grna_matrix <- test_data_list$grna_matrix
grna_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(grna_matrix)), 4)
response_matrix <- test_data_list$response_matrix
response_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(response_matrix)), 2) + 10
zero_umi_count_idx <- c(1, 5)
high_umi_count_idx <- 2:4
response_matrix[, zero_umi_count_idx] <- 0
response_matrix[, high_umi_count_idx] <- 100
scep_high_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = test_data_list$positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = test_data_list$discovery_pairs
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 7)
scep_all <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1))
expect_identical(scep_all@cells_in_use, 1:100) # all remain currently
scep_qc <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0.02, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1))
expect_identical(scep_qc@cells_in_use, (1:100)[-zero_umi_count_idx])
scep_qc <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0, .97), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1))
expect_identical(scep_qc@cells_in_use, (1:100)[-high_umi_count_idx])
scep_qc <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0.03, 1))
expect_identical(scep_qc@cells_in_use, (1:100)[-zero_umi_count_idx])
scep_qc <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, .02))
expect_equal(scep_qc@cells_in_use, zero_umi_count_idx)
test_that("run_qc remove cells with `p_mito_threshold` high moi", {
test_data_list <- make_mock_base_data_for_testing_run_qc(num_cells = 100)
num_cells <- ncol(test_data_list$response_matrix)
num_grnas <- nrow(test_data_list$grna_matrix)
num_targets <- sum(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target != "non-targeting")
unique_targets <- unique(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame$grna_target[1:num_targets])
nt_guides <- with(test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame, grna_id[grna_target == "non-targeting"])
grna_matrix <- test_data_list$grna_matrix
grna_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(grna_matrix)), 4)
response_matrix <- test_data_list$response_matrix
rownames(response_matrix)[6:7] <- paste0("MT-", rownames(response_matrix)[6:7])
response_matrix[] <- rpois(prod(dim(response_matrix)), 2)
high_p_mito_idx <- c(1, 5)
response_matrix[6:7, high_p_mito_idx] <- 100
scep_high_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = test_data_list$grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = test_data_list$positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = test_data_list$discovery_pairs
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 7)
scep_qc <- scep_high_pre_qc |>
run_qc(response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), p_mito_threshold = .93)
expect_identical(scep_qc@cells_in_use, (1:100)[-high_p_mito_idx])
test_that("run_qc test positive control pairs", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting"),
chr = 0, start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 40
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_t3 <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
# grna_matrix["id3", cells_expressing_t3] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
# # target t1: all control group are non-zero, all NT are non-zero
# # whether or not the counts reflect this will depend on if there are "control" cells
# # other than `cells_expressing_nt1`
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 100
# these next two only matter for complement control group: this makes it so
# there will be 20 non-zero control cells in that situation
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t3] <- 100
# target t2: all control group are non-zero, all NT are 0
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 100
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 0
# these next two only matter for complement control group: this makes it so
# there will be 0 non-zero control cells in that situation
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_t1] <- 0
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_t3] <- 0
# target t3: all cells are non-zero
response_matrix["t3", all_cells] <- 100
positive_control_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("t1", "t2", "t3")
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t1", "t2", "t2"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_4", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
scep_low_control_nt_all_pass <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
# confirming the values of `n_nonzero_trt` and `n_nonzero_cntrl`
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_all_pass@positive_control_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_trt, c(10, 10, 0))
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_all_pass@positive_control_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_cntrl, c(10, 0, 10))
# confirming all pass QC with these thresholds
# for this one only t3 fails because it has no cells expressing the response, since no gRNAs express t3
scep_low_control_nt_fail <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_fail@positive_control_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
# for this one only t2 fails, because that's the only one with 0 control group responses
scep_low_control_nt_fail <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 1
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_fail@positive_control_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
## testing `control_group = "complement"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high" # forces complement control group
) |>
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
scep_high_control_complement_all_pass <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
# confirming the values of `n_nonzero_trt` and `n_nonzero_cntrl`
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_all_pass@positive_control_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_trt, c(10, 10, 0))
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_all_pass@positive_control_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_cntrl, c(20, 0, 40))
# confirming all pass QC with these thresholds
scep_high_control_complement_fail <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_fail@positive_control_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
scep_high_control_complement_fail <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1), # don't want to remove any cells here
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 21
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_fail@positive_control_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
test_that("run_qc test discovery pairs", {
# the test above for positive controls uses the same ideas as this one
# but has clearer comments
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting"),
chr = 0, start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 40
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_t3 <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
# grna_matrix["id3", cells_expressing_t3] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 0
# these two only matter for complement set
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t3] <- 100
response_matrix["response_5", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["response_5", all_cells[-cells_expressing_t2]] <- 100
response_matrix["response_6", ] <- 100
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
scep_low_control_nt_all_pass <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
# confirming the values of `n_nonzero_trt` and `n_nonzero_cntrl`
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_all_pass@discovery_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_trt, c(10, 0, 0))
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_all_pass@discovery_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_cntrl, c(0, 10, 10))
# confirming all pass QC with these thresholds
scep_low_control_nt_fail <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_fail@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
scep_low_control_nt_fail <- scep_low_control_nt_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 1
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
expect_equal(scep_low_control_nt_fail@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
## testing `control_group = "complement"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high" # forces complement control group
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40)
scep_high_control_complement_all_pass <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
# confirming the values of `n_nonzero_trt` and `n_nonzero_cntrl`
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_all_pass@discovery_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_trt, c(10, 0, 0))
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_all_pass@discovery_pairs_with_info$n_nonzero_cntrl, c(10, 30, 40))
# confirming all pass QC with these thresholds
scep_high_control_complement_fail <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 1, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_fail@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
scep_high_control_complement_fail <- scep_high_control_complement_pre_qc |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, 1), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 21
) # don't want to remove the cells I'm messing with
expect_equal(scep_high_control_complement_fail@discovery_pairs_with_info$pass_qc, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
test_that("run_qc PC pairs interaction between cellwise QC with `response_n_umis_range` and `response_n_nonzero_range`, and pairwise QC low moi", {
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting"),
chr = 0, start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 40
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_no_grna <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
# # target t1: all control group are non-zero, all NT are non-zero
# # whether or not the counts reflect this will depend on if there are "control" cells
# # other than `cells_expressing_nt1`
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 100
# these next two only matter for complement control group: this makes it so
# there will be 20 non-zero control cells in that situation
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["t1", cells_expressing_no_grna] <- 100
# target t2: all control group are non-zero, all NT are 0
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 100
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 0
# these next two only matter for complement control group: this makes it so
# there will be 0 non-zero control cells in that situation
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_t1] <- 0
response_matrix["t2", cells_expressing_no_grna] <- 0
# target t3: all cells are non-zero
response_matrix["t3", all_cells] <- 100
cells_to_remove_low_umi <- c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 31)
cells_to_remove_high_umi <- c(3, 13, 32, 33, 34)
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_low_umi] <- 0
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_high_umi] <- 100000
positive_control_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("t1", "t2", "t3")
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t1", "t2", "t2"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_4", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_low <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "low"
) |>
positive_control_pairs = positive_control_pairs,
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
control_group = "nt_cells"
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40) |>
# these params are chosen to remove the intended cells in cellwise-qc
response_n_umis_range = c(0, .85), response_n_nonzero_range = c(0.20, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 5, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 0
# making sure that the only cells removed are the ones intended to be removed
all_cells[-c(cells_to_remove_low_umi, cells_to_remove_high_umi, cells_expressing_no_grna)]
# 6 cells were removed from on-target 1, 3 cells from on-target 2
c(4, 7, 0)
# 4 NT cells were removed
c(6, 0, 6)
test_that("run_qc discovery pairs interaction between cellwise QC with `response_n_umis_range` and `response_n_nonzero_range`, and pairwise QC high moi", {
# the test above for positive controls uses the same ideas as this one
# but has clearer comments
grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
grna_id = c("id1", "id2", "id3", "nt1"),
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "non-targeting"),
chr = 0, start = 0, end = 1
num_grna <- nrow(grna_target_data_frame)
num_cells <- 40
num_responses <- 10
# using sample(0:1) so no entries can accidentally cross the threshold
grna_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, num_grna * num_cells, replace = TRUE), num_grna, num_cells) |>
cells_expressing_t1 <- 1:10
cells_expressing_t2 <- 11:20
cells_expressing_t3 <- 21:30
cells_expressing_nt1 <- 31:40
all_cells <- 1:num_cells
grna_matrix["id1", cells_expressing_t1] <- 50
grna_matrix["id2", cells_expressing_t2] <- 50
# grna_matrix["id3", cells_expressing_t3] <- 50
grna_matrix["nt1", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 50
response_matrix <- matrix(rpois(num_responses * num_cells, 1), num_responses, num_cells) |>
`rownames<-`(c("t1", "t2", "t3", paste0("response_", 4:num_responses)))
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t1] <- 100
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_nt1] <- 0
# these two only matter for complement set
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["response_4", cells_expressing_t3] <- 100
response_matrix["response_5", cells_expressing_t2] <- 0
response_matrix["response_5", all_cells[-cells_expressing_t2]] <- 100
response_matrix["response_6", ] <- 100
cells_to_remove_low_umi <- c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 31)
cells_to_remove_high_umi <- c(3, 13, 32, 33, 34)
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_low_umi] <- 0
response_matrix[, cells_to_remove_high_umi] <- 100000
discovery_pairs <- data.frame(
grna_target = c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
response_id = c("response_4", "response_5", "response_6")
## testing `control_group = "nt_cells"` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
scep_high <- import_data(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = "high"
) |>
discovery_pairs = discovery_pairs,
) |>
assign_grnas(method = "thresholding", threshold = 40) |>
response_n_umis_range = c(0, .85), response_n_nonzero_range = c(.20, 1),
n_nonzero_trt_thresh = 0, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh = 11
all_cells[-c(cells_to_remove_low_umi, cells_to_remove_high_umi)]
# 4 cells remain in t1
c(4, 0, 0)
# 13 cells were removed from the control group for t3
c(10, 20, 27)
# pair1 only has 10 nonzero control cells
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