
Defines functions forge_xy_default_process_outcomes forge_xy_default_process_predictors forge_xy_default_process forge_xy_default_clean run_forge.default_xy_blueprint mold_xy_default_process_outcomes mold_xy_default_process_predictors mold_xy_default_process mold_xy_default_clean_outcomes mold_xy_default_clean_predictors mold_xy_default_clean run_mold.default_xy_blueprint refresh_blueprint.default_xy_blueprint new_default_xy_blueprint default_xy_blueprint

Documented in default_xy_blueprint new_default_xy_blueprint run_forge.default_xy_blueprint run_mold.default_xy_blueprint

#' Default XY blueprint
#' This pages holds the details for the XY preprocessing blueprint. This
#' is the blueprint used by default from `mold()` if `x` and `y` are provided
#' separately (i.e. the XY interface is used).
#' @inheritParams new-blueprint
#' @param x A data frame or matrix containing the predictors.
#' @param y A data frame, matrix, or vector containing the outcomes.
#' @param blueprint A preprocessing `blueprint`. If left as `NULL`, then a
#' [default_xy_blueprint()] is used.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return
#' For `default_xy_blueprint()`, an XY blueprint.
#' @details
#' As documented in [standardize()], if `y` is a _vector_, then the returned
#' outcomes tibble has 1 column with a standardized name of `".outcome"`.
#' The one special thing about the XY method's forge function is the behavior of
#' `outcomes = TRUE` when a _vector_ `y` value was provided to the original
#' call to [mold()]. In that case, `mold()` converts `y` into a tibble, with
#' a default name of `.outcome`. This is the column that `forge()` will look
#' for in `new_data` to preprocess. See the examples section for a
#' demonstration of this.
#' @section Mold:
#' When `mold()` is used with the default xy blueprint:
#' - It converts `x` to a tibble.
#' - It adds an intercept column to `x` if `intercept = TRUE`.
#' - It runs [standardize()] on `y`.
#' @section Forge:
#' When `forge()` is used with the default xy blueprint:
#' - It calls [shrink()] to trim `new_data` to only the required columns and
#' coerce `new_data` to a tibble.
#' - It calls [scream()] to perform validation on the structure of the columns
#' of `new_data`.
#' - It adds an intercept column onto `new_data` if `intercept = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Setup
#' train <- iris[1:100, ]
#' test <- iris[101:150, ]
#' train_x <- train["Sepal.Length"]
#' train_y <- train["Species"]
#' test_x <- test["Sepal.Length"]
#' test_y <- test["Species"]
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # XY Example
#' # First, call mold() with the training data
#' processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)
#' # Then, call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
#' # to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
#' forge(test_x, processed$blueprint)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Intercept
#' processed <- mold(train_x, train_y, blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(intercept = TRUE))
#' forge(test_x, processed$blueprint)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # XY Method and forge(outcomes = TRUE)
#' # You can request that the new outcome columns are preprocessed as well, but
#' # they have to be present in `new_data`!
#' processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)
#' # Can't do this!
#' try(forge(test_x, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))
#' # Need to use the full test set, including `y`
#' forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)
#' # With the XY method, if the Y value used in `mold()` is a vector,
#' # then a column name of `.outcome` is automatically generated.
#' # This name is what forge() looks for in `new_data`.
#' # Y is a vector!
#' y_vec <- train_y$Species
#' processed_vec <- mold(train_x, y_vec)
#' # This throws an informative error that tell you
#' # to include an `".outcome"` column in `new_data`.
#' try(forge(iris, processed_vec$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))
#' test2 <- test
#' test2$.outcome <- test2$Species
#' test2$Species <- NULL
#' # This works, and returns a tibble in the $outcomes slot
#' forge(test2, processed_vec$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Matrix output for predictors
#' # You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
#' bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
#' processed <- mold(train_x, train_y, blueprint = bp)
#' class(processed$predictors)
#' @export
default_xy_blueprint <- function(intercept = FALSE,
                                 allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
                                 composition = "tibble") {
    intercept = intercept,
    allow_novel_levels = allow_novel_levels,
    composition = composition

#' Create a new default blueprint
#' This page contains the constructors for the default blueprints. They can be
#' extended if you want to add extra behavior on top of what the default
#' blueprints already do, but generally you will extend the non-default versions
#' of the constructors found in the documentation for [new_blueprint()].
#' @inheritParams new_xy_blueprint
#' @inheritParams new_formula_blueprint
#' @inheritParams new_recipe_blueprint
#' @name new-default-blueprint
#' @export
new_default_xy_blueprint <- function(intercept = FALSE,
                                     allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
                                     composition = "tibble",
                                     ptypes = NULL,
                                     subclass = character()) {
    intercept = intercept,
    allow_novel_levels = allow_novel_levels,
    composition = composition,
    ptypes = ptypes,
    subclass = c(subclass, "default_xy_blueprint")

#' @export
refresh_blueprint.default_xy_blueprint <- function(blueprint) {
  do.call(new_default_xy_blueprint, as.list(blueprint))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @param x A data frame or matrix containing the predictors.
#' @param y A data frame, matrix, or vector containing the outcomes.
#' @rdname run-mold
#' @export
run_mold.default_xy_blueprint <- function(blueprint, ..., x, y) {

  cleaned <- mold_xy_default_clean(blueprint = blueprint, x = x, y = y)

  blueprint <- cleaned$blueprint
  x <- cleaned$x
  y <- cleaned$y

  mold_xy_default_process(blueprint = blueprint, x = x, y = y)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mold - xy - clean

mold_xy_default_clean <- function(blueprint, x, y) {
  cleaned <- mold_xy_default_clean_predictors(blueprint, x)

  blueprint <- cleaned$blueprint
  x <- cleaned$x

  # Special case `y = NULL` as a 0 column variation on `x`
  if (is.null(y)) {
    y <- x[0L]

  cleaned <- mold_xy_default_clean_outcomes(blueprint, y)

  blueprint <- cleaned$blueprint
  y <- cleaned$y

  new_mold_clean_xy(blueprint, x, y)

mold_xy_default_clean_predictors <- function(blueprint, x) {
  x <- coerce_to_tibble(x)
  list(blueprint = blueprint, x = x)

mold_xy_default_clean_outcomes <- function(blueprint, y) {
  y <- standardize(y)
  list(blueprint = blueprint, y = y)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mold - xy - process

mold_xy_default_process <- function(blueprint, x, y) {
  processed <- mold_xy_default_process_predictors(blueprint, x)

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  predictors <- processed$data
  predictors_ptype <- processed$ptype
  predictors_extras <- processed$extras

  processed <- mold_xy_default_process_outcomes(blueprint, y)

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  outcomes <- processed$data
  outcomes_ptype <- processed$ptype
  outcomes_extras <- processed$extras

  ptypes <- new_ptypes(predictors_ptype, outcomes_ptype)
  extras <- new_extras(predictors_extras, outcomes_extras)

  blueprint <- update_blueprint0(blueprint, ptypes = ptypes)

  new_mold_process(predictors, outcomes, blueprint, extras)

mold_xy_default_process_predictors <- function(blueprint, x) {

  # Important! Collect ptype before adding intercept!
  ptype <- extract_ptype(x)

  x <- maybe_add_intercept_column(x, blueprint$intercept)

  x <- recompose(x, composition = blueprint$composition)

    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = x,
    ptype = ptype

mold_xy_default_process_outcomes <- function(blueprint, y) {
  ptype <- extract_ptype(y)

    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = y,
    ptype = ptype

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname run-forge
#' @export
run_forge.default_xy_blueprint <- function(blueprint,
                                           outcomes = FALSE) {

  cleaned <- forge_xy_default_clean(
    blueprint = blueprint,
    new_data = new_data,
    outcomes = outcomes

  blueprint <- cleaned$blueprint
  predictors <- cleaned$predictors
  outcomes <- cleaned$outcomes
  extras <- cleaned$extras

    blueprint = blueprint,
    predictors = predictors,
    outcomes = outcomes,
    extras = extras

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

forge_xy_default_clean <- function(blueprint, new_data, outcomes) {
  new_data <- coerce_to_tibble(new_data)

  predictors <- shrink(new_data, blueprint$ptypes$predictors)

  predictors <- scream(
    allow_novel_levels = blueprint$allow_novel_levels

  if (outcomes) {
    outcomes <- shrink(new_data, blueprint$ptypes$outcomes)
    # Never allow novel levels for outcomes
    outcomes <- scream(outcomes, blueprint$ptypes$outcomes)
  } else {
    outcomes <- NULL

  new_forge_clean(blueprint, predictors, outcomes)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

forge_xy_default_process <- function(blueprint, predictors, outcomes, extras) {
  processed <- forge_xy_default_process_predictors(blueprint, predictors)

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  predictors <- processed$data
  predictors_extras <- processed$extras

  processed <- forge_xy_default_process_outcomes(blueprint, outcomes)

  blueprint <- processed$blueprint
  outcomes <- processed$data
  outcomes_extras <- processed$extras

  extras <- c(
    new_extras(predictors_extras, outcomes_extras)

  new_forge_process(predictors, outcomes, extras)

forge_xy_default_process_predictors <- function(blueprint, predictors) {
  predictors <- maybe_add_intercept_column(predictors, blueprint$intercept)

  predictors <- recompose(predictors, composition = blueprint$composition)

    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = predictors

forge_xy_default_process_outcomes <- function(blueprint, outcomes) {

  # no outcomes to process
  if (is.null(outcomes)) {
    result <- new_forge_process_terms(
      blueprint = blueprint,
      data = outcomes

    blueprint = blueprint,
    data = outcomes
tidymodels/hardhat documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 11:38 p.m.