Man pages for thomazbastiaanssen/anansi
Annotation-Based Analysis of Specific Interactions

anansiCalculate an association network
anansi_compute_clrcompute CLR using Aitchison's method
anansiCorCompute r-statistics for each featureY-featureX pair in the...
anansiCorPvalueCompute r-statistics for each featureY-featureX pair in the...
anansiCorTestByGroupRun correlations for all interacting metabolites and...
anansi_dicDictionary to link KEGG compounds to KEGG orthologues
anansiDiffCorRun differential correlation analysis for all interacting...
anansiInput-classAn S4 class to contain all 'anansi' input so that they can...
anansiOutput-classAn S4 class to contain all 'anansi' output so that they can...
anansiTale-classAn S4 class to contain all 'anansi' stats results so that...
anansiTranslateTranslate tableY and tableX columns column to human readable...
anansiWeb-classAn S4 class to contain all metabolomics and functional input...
anansiYarn-classAn S4 class to contain all 'anansi' input and output so that...
argonansiWeb-classAn S4 class to contain all metabolomics and functional input...
argonaut_parse_diffParse argonansi output
argonaut_parse_fullParse argonansi output
argonaut_parse_totParse argonansi output
argonaut_rep_to_stratExpand a matrix of dictionary dimensions to stratified...
assessWebCallHelper function to assess the input feature tables
clr_imputedResample random values, perform CLR over each iteration and...
clr_liteImpute zeroes and perform a centered log-ratio (CLR)...
collate_model_output_argonautRun differential correlation analysis for all interacting...
cpd_translationLookup table to convert KEGG compound IDs to their...
FMT_KOsSnippet of the untransformed inferred functional data from...
FMT_metabSnippet of the CLR-transformed hippocampal metabolomics data...
FMT_metadataSnippet of the metadata from the FMT Aging study.
gather_plotTake anansi output and wrangle it to a list of plottable...
getAnansianansi wrapper for the MultiAssayExperiment class
getAnansiResultsExtract information from an anansiTale object and parse it...
get_strat_XCollapse tableX for Argonaut data
glm_argonaut_calc_diff_corRun differential correlation analysis for all interacting...
impute_zeroesReplace zeroes with non-zero values in order to perform a...
KO_member_dicDictionary to link KEGG orthologues based on their pathway...
KO_translationLookup table to convert KEGG orthologue (KO) IDs to their...
makeAdjacencyMatrixStarting point to wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary...
makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberListWrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix
makeAdjacencyMatrixFromListWrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix
mock_dictionaryHelper function to make a mock dictionary
plot-anansiYarn-ANY-methodPlotting method for 'anansiYarn' object.
print-anansiYarn-methodPrint method for 'anansiYarn' object.
prune_dictionary_for_exclusivityKick out particularly large groups before wrangling the...
show-anansiYarn-methodShow method for 'anansiYarn' object.
softmaxUndo CLR transformation with softmax
spinToLongTake anansi output and wrangle it all to a long data.frame...
spinToPlotsTake anansi output and wrangle it to a list of plottable...
spinToWideTake anansi output and wrangle it all to a wide data.frame...
summary-anansiYarn-methodSummary method for 'anansiYarn' object.
weaveWebFromStratifiedTablesCreate an argonansiWeb object from two 'omics tables and a...
weaveWebFromTablesCreate an anansiWeb object from two 'omics tables and a...
thomazbastiaanssen/anansi documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 2:07 p.m.