forcesegmentsontemplate: Custom resegmentation with user-defined segment information

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forcesegmentsontemplateR Documentation

Custom resegmentation with user-defined segment information


forcesegmentsontemplate forces a user-defined segmentation pattern on a template. The input containing the segment information requires the chromosome name, start position, and end position of the segments. This can be provided manually as a data frame or as a data frame such as obtained by getadjustedsegments. This means you can also use this function to force the segment pattern of one sample onto another sample. It is possible to retain the break points of the original input template.


forcesegmentsontemplate(segmentinput, template, QDNAseqobjectsample = FALSE, 
                        combinesegments = FALSE, funtype = 'mean')



Data frame containing segment information. Requires columns with chromosome name, start position, and end position. The function looks for column names containing "chr", "start", and "end" to find the required information


Object. Either a data frame as created by objectsampletotemplate, or a QDNAseq-object. Note that segmented data is not required for this function, unless combining segments


Integer. Specifies which sample to use as input from the QDNAseq-object. Required when using a QDNAseq-object as template. Default = FALSE


Logical. When TRUE, segment break points from the input template are retained. Default = FALSE


Character string. Specifies which function to use to calculate segment values. An alternative would be 'median'. Default = 'mean'


This function only changes (or adds) the segments column of the input template. Copynumbers values are always retained, even if they fall out of the range of the segmentinput.


Returns a template data frame with the columns bin, chromosome, copynumbers, and segments


Jos B. Poell

See Also

getadjustedsegments, twosamplecompare


template <- objectsampletotemplate(copyNumbersSegmented, index = 1)
segments <- getadjustedsegments(copyNumbersSegmented, 2)[,1:3]
newtemplate <- forcesegmentsontemplate(segments, template)
first50M <- forcesegmentsontemplate(data.frame(chr = 1:22, 
  start = rep(1, 22), end = rep(50000000, 22)), template)

tgac-vumc/ACE documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 12:15 a.m.