"guide_axis_genomic returns proper object",
a <- guide_genomic_axis()
expect_is(a, "guide")
expect_is(a, "axis")
expect_is(a, "genomic_axis")
# Assuming test above went ok, we can pre-make the axis
untrained <- guide_genomic_axis()
test_that("guide_axis_genomic can be trained", {
sc <- scale_x_genomic(limits = GRanges(c("chr1:100-200", "chr2:100-200")))
sc <- ggnomics:::view_scales_from_scale_S4(sc)
b <- guide_train(untrained, sc$x, "x")
expect_true(all(c("key", "key_minor") %in% names(b)))
# Major key assumptions
expect_true(all(c("chr1", "chr2") %in% b$key$.label))
expect_is(b$key$x, "WoodenHorse")
expect_is(b$key$.value, "WoodenHorse")
expect_true(HelenOfTroy(b$key$x) == "UnstitchedGPos")
expect_true(HelenOfTroy(b$key$.value) == "UnstitchedGPos")
# Minor key assumptions
expect_true(all(c("120", "150", "180") %in% b$key_minor$.label))
expect_is(b$key_minor$x, "WoodenHorse")
expect_is(b$key_minor$.value, "WoodenHorse")
expect_true(HelenOfTroy(b$key_minor$x) == "UnstitchedGPos")
expect_true(HelenOfTroy(b$key_minor$.value) == "UnstitchedGPos")
test_that("guide_axis_genomic training yield axis if non-S4 input", {
a <- guide_genomic_axis()
sc <- scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 10))
sc <- ggnomics:::view_scales_from_scale_S4(sc)
b <- guide_train(a, sc$x, "x")
expect_is(b, "axis")
expect_false(inherits(b, "genomic_axis"))
# Assuming test above went ok, we can pre-make the axis
sc <- scale_x_genomic(limits = GRanges(c("chr1:100-200", "chr2:100-200")))
sc <- ggnomics:::view_scales_from_scale_S4(sc)
trained <- guide_train(untrained, sc$x, "x")
test_that("guide_axis_genomic can be transformed", {
df <- DataFrame(x = GRanges(c("chr1:100-200", "chr2:100-200")),
y = 1:2)
g <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()
gb <- ggplot_build(g)
gb$layout$setup_panel_guides(gb$plot$guides, gb$plot$layers, gb$plot$mapping)
co <- gb$layout$coord
# abc <- co$setup_panel_guides(gb$panel_params, trained)[[1]]$x
trained$position <- "bottom"
transformed <- guide_transform(trained, co, gb$layout$panel_params[[1]])
expect_is(trained$key$x, "WoodenHorse")
expect_is(transformed$key$x, "numeric")
expect_is(trained$key_minor$x, "WoodenHorse")
expect_is(transformed$key_minor$x, "numeric")
expect_false("y" %in% names(trained$key))
expect_true("y" %in% names(transformed$key))
expect_false("y" %in% names(trained$key_minor))
expect_true("y" %in% names(transformed$key_minor))
test_that("guide_axis_genomic grob can be made", {
df <- DataFrame(x = GRanges(c("chr1:100-200", "chr2:100-200")),
y = 1:2)
g <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()
gt <- ggplotGrob(g)
grob <- gt$grobs[[grep("axis-b", gt$layout$name)]]
grob <- grob$children$axis
expect_equal(nrow(grob$layout), 3)
grobclass <- unlist(lapply(lapply(grob$grobs, class), head, 1))
# This should be the ticks
expect_true("polyline" %in% grobclass)
# Should have 2 'titleGrob's, 1 for chromosome, one for position
expect_equal(sum(grepl("titleGrob", grobclass)), 2)
labs <- lapply(grob$grobs[grobclass != "polyline"], function(x) {
# Order or length, longest should be position, other chromosome
labs <- labs[order(lengths(labs))]
expect_equal(labs[[1]], c("chr1", "chr2"))
expect_equal(labs[[2]], as.character(c(120, 150, 180, 120, 150, 180)))
# Test secondary axis position
gt <- ggplotGrob(g + scale_x_genomic(position = "top"))
grob <- gt$grobs[[grep("axis-t", gt$layout$name)]]
grob <- grob$children$axis
expect_equal(nrow(grob$layout), 3)
grobclass <- unlist(lapply(lapply(grob$grobs, class), head, 1))
# This should be the ticks
expect_true("polyline" %in% grobclass)
# Should have 2 'titleGrob's, 1 for chromosome, one for position
expect_equal(sum(grepl("titleGrob", grobclass)), 2)
labs <- lapply(grob$grobs[grobclass != "polyline"], function(x) {
# Order or length, longest should be position, other chromosome
labs <- labs[order(lengths(labs))]
expect_equal(labs[[1]], c("chr1", "chr2"))
expect_equal(labs[[2]], as.character(c(120, 150, 180, 120, 150, 180)))
test_that("guide_axis_genomic can be vertical", {
df <- DataFrame(x = GRanges(c("chr1:100-200", "chr2:100-200")),
y = 1:2)
g <- ggplot(df, aes(y, x)) + geom_point()
gt <- ggplotGrob(g)
grob <- gt$grobs[[grep("axis-l", gt$layout$name)]]
grob <- grob$children$axis
expect_equal(nrow(grob$layout), 3)
grobclass <- unlist(lapply(lapply(grob$grobs, class), head, 1))
# This should be the ticks
expect_true("polyline" %in% grobclass)
# Should have 2 'titleGrob's, 1 for chromosome, one for position
expect_equal(sum(grepl("titleGrob", grobclass)), 2)
labs <- lapply(grob$grobs[grobclass != "polyline"], function(x) {
# Order or length, longest should be position, other chromosome
labs <- labs[order(lengths(labs))]
expect_equal(labs[[1]], c("chr1", "chr2"))
expect_equal(labs[[2]], as.character(c(120, 150, 180, 120, 150, 180)))
# Test secondary axis position
gt <- ggplotGrob(g + scale_y_genomic(position = "right"))
grob <- gt$grobs[[grep("axis-r", gt$layout$name)]]
grob <- grob$children$axis
expect_equal(nrow(grob$layout), 3)
grobclass <- unlist(lapply(lapply(grob$grobs, class), head, 1))
# This should be the ticks
expect_true("polyline" %in% grobclass)
# Should have 2 'titleGrob's, 1 for chromosome, one for position
expect_equal(sum(grepl("titleGrob", grobclass)), 2)
labs <- lapply(grob$grobs[grobclass != "polyline"], function(x) {
# Order or length, longest should be position, other chromosome
labs <- labs[order(lengths(labs))]
expect_equal(labs[[1]], c("chr1", "chr2"))
expect_equal(labs[[2]], as.character(c(120, 150, 180, 120, 150, 180)))
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