# Hierarchical (by exp. design) retention time correction using robust loess
# FIXME: Should probably have 'span' and 'runs' parameters here
rtcor.rloess <- function(object) {
corrected <- retcor_hier_robust(object@comps, object@phenoData)
raw <- split(object@comps[,"rt"], object@comps[,"sample"])
split(object@comps[,"rt"], object@comps[,"sample"]) <- corrected
res <- list()
cor <- function(sample)
lo <- loess(corrected[[sample]] - raw[[sample]] ~ raw[[sample]])
res <<- c(res, list(residuals(lo)))
object@rt$raw[[sample]] +
na.flatfill(predict(lo, object@rt$raw[[sample]]))
object@rt$corrected <- lapply(seq_along(object@rt$corrected), cor)
rtcor_res <- unsplit(res, object@comps[,"sample"])
object@comps <- cbind(object@comps, rtcor_res = rtcor_res)
### FIXME: Probably need to correct peaks here too
retcor_hier_robust <- function(comps, design, subset = seq_len(nrow(design)),
if (is.logical(subset)) # ensure subset are indices
subset <- which(subset)
comp_sub <- comps[comps[,"sample"] %in% subset,]
if (ncol(design) > 0) { # recurse along first factor
retcor_subset <- function(ind)
retcor_hier_robust(comps, design[,-1,drop=F], ind, ...)
sample_ind <- split(seq_len(nrow(design))[subset], design[subset,1])
children <- lapply(sample_ind, retcor_subset)
#samples <- vector("list", length(subset))
#samples[unlist(sample_ind)] <- unlist(children, F)
rt <- unsplit(children, design[subset,1])
weights <- lapply(rt, attr, "weights")
} else {
# correct replicates
weights <- split(rep(1, nrow(comp_sub)), comp_sub[,"sample"])
rt <- split(comp_sub[,"rt"], comp_sub[,"sample"])
# find medians for each group
#rt_medians <- tapply(comp_sub[,"rt"], comp_sub[,"group"], median)
# find sample with highest sum of group sizes and use it as reference
group_sizes <- table(comp_sub[,"group"])
groups <- split(comp_sub[,"group"], comp_sub[,"sample"])
reference <- which.max(lapply(groups, function(group)
# return models (per sample) for predicting corrected retention times
lapply(seq_along(subset), function(sample) {
# in each group, subtract median rt
#dev <- rt[[sample]] - rt_medians[groups[[sample]]]
group_matching <- match(groups[[sample]], groups[[reference]])
dev <- rt[[sample]] - rt[[reference]][group_matching]
r_lo <- robust_loess(abs(dev) ~ rt[[sample]], weights = weights[[sample]],
na.action = "na.exclude", b = 2, runs = 10)
model <- loess(dev ~ rt[[sample]], weights = weights(r_lo), na.action = "na.exclude")
# save some plots for first sample matched to other replicate
if (FALSE && sample == 2 && ncol(design) == 0) {
rt_sorted <- sort(rt[[sample]])
d <- data.frame(time = rt[[sample]], dev = dev, adev = abs(dev), weight = weights(r_lo))
p_abs <- qplot(time, adev, colour = weight, data = d, ylab = expression(abs(dev))) +
geom_line(x = rt_sorted, y = predict(r_lo, rt_sorted), size = 2, colour = "gray50")
ggsave(p_abs, file = "robust-loess-abs.pdf", width = 9, height = 3)
p <- qplot(time, dev, colour = weight, data = d) +
geom_line(x = rt_sorted, y = predict(model, rt_sorted), size = 2, colour = "gray50")
ggsave(p, file = "robust-loess.pdf", width = 9, height = 3)
p_zoom <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-2,2))
ggsave(p_zoom, file = "robust-loess-zoom.pdf", width = 9, height = 3)
ord <- order(rt[[sample]]) # flat interpolate NA's on ends
corrected <- numeric(length(ord))
corrected[ord] <- rt[[sample]][ord] - na.flatfill(predict(model, rt[[sample]][ord]))
old_weights <- weights[[sample]]
new_weights <- weights(r_lo)
# override missings (no matches with reference) with previous weights
new_weights[is.na(new_weights)] <- old_weights[is.na(new_weights)]
attr(corrected, "weights") <- new_weights
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