#' A custom S4 class for MS2 spectra, neutral loss patterns and
#' respective metainformation
#' @slot id a character string similar to the ID used by XCMSonline
#' or the ID given in a predefined peak list
#' @slot annotation a character string containing a user-defined
#' annotation, defaults to empty
#' @slot precursor (median) \emph{m/z} of the spectrum's precursor ion
#' @slot rt (median) retention time of the spectrum's precursor ion
#' @slot polarity the ionisation polarity,
#' \code{"positive"} or \code{"negative"}
#' @slot spectrum the actual MS2 spectrum as two-column matrix
#' (column 1 is (median) \emph{m/z}, column 2 is (median) intensity of the
#' product ions)
#' @slot neutral_losses a neutral loss pattern generated by subtracting the
#' product ion mass-to-charge ratios from the precursor \emph{m/z} in a
#' matrix format analogous to the \code{spectrum} slot
#' @importFrom methods setClass
#' @export
slots = list( id = "character",
annotation = "character",
precursor = "numeric",
rt = "numeric",
polarity = "character",
spectrum = "matrix",
neutral_losses = "matrix"))
#' A custom S4 class for MS1 pseudospectra and respective
#' metainformation
#' @slot id a the \code{"pcgroup"} number assigned by \pkg{CAMERA}
#' @slot annotation a character string containing a user-defined
#' annotation, defaults to empty
#' @slot rt (median) retention time of the ions contained in the
#' pseudospectrum
#' @slot spectrum the actual MS1 pseudospectrum as two-column
#' matrix (column 1 is (median) \emph{m/z}, column 2 is (median)
#' intensity of the ions)
#' @importFrom methods setClass
#' @export
slots = list( id = "numeric",
annotation = "character",
rt = "numeric",
spectrum = "matrix"))
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum A show generic for \code{MS2spectra}.
#' @param object An object of class \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}}
#' @return Prints information from the object slots with exception of
#' 'spectrum' and 'neutral_losses' where only a summary is given.
#' @importFrom methods setMethod show
#' @exportMethod show
cat('An object of class "MS2spectrum"', '\n',
'id:', object@id, '\n',
'annotation:', object@annotation, '\n',
'precursor:', format(object@precursor, nsmall = 4), '\n',
'retention time:', object@rt, '\n',
'polarity:', object@polarity, '\n',
'MS2 spectrum with', nrow(object@spectrum),
'fragment peaks',
'\n', 'neutral loss pattern with',
'neutral losses'
#' Convert spectra from \pkg{MSnbase} classes
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link[MSnbase:Spectrum-class]{Spectrum}}
#' or \code{\link[MSnbase:Spectrum-class]{Spectrum2}}
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}}
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importClassesFrom MSnbase Spectrum Spectrum2
#' @examples
#' #Load a "Spectrum2" object from MSnbase
#' library(MSnbase)
#' sp <- itraqdata[["X1"]]
#' #Convert this object to "MS2spectrum" class
#' new_sp <- as.MS2spectrum(sp)
#' #Or alternatively:
#' new_sp <- as(sp, "MS2spectrum")
#' @export
as.MS2spectrum <- function(x) as(x, "MS2spectrum")
setAs("Spectrum", "MS2spectrum",
function(from) {
precursor = from@precursorMz,
rt = from@rt,
spectrum = cbind(from@mz, from@intensity)
setAs("Spectrum2", "MS2spectrum",
function(from) {
precursor = from@precursorMz,
rt = from@rt,
spectrum = cbind(from@mz, from@intensity)
#' Calculate cosine similarity between two spectra
#' \code{cossim()} calculates the cosine of the spectral constrast angle as a
#' measure for the similarity of two spectra.
#' @param x,y MS2 spectra, either as \code{matrix},
#' \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} or \code{\linkS4class{pseudospectrum}}
#' objects. \code{x} and \code{y} must have the same class.
#' @param type Whether similarity between spectra (\code{"spectrum"}, default)
#' or neutral loss patterns (\code{"neutral_losses"}) is to be compared
#' @param mzTolerance The m/z tolerance used for merging. If two fragment peaks
#' are within tolerance, they are regarded as the same. Defaults to
#' \code{1e-5}, i.e. 10ppm.
#' @return The cosine similarity of \code{x} and \code{y}
#' @examples
#' load(file = system.file("extdata",
#' "annotatedSpeclist.RData",
#' package = "CluMSIDdata"))
#' cossim(annotatedSpeclist[[1]], annotatedSpeclist[[2]])
#' @export
cossim <- function(x, y, type = c("spectrum", "neutral_losses"),
mzTolerance = 1e-5) {
colnames(x) <- NULL
colnames(y) <- NULL
mm <- mergeTolerance(x, y, tolerance = mzTolerance)
sum(sqrt(mm[, 2]) * sqrt(mm[, 3])) /
(sqrt(sum(mm[, 2])) * sqrt(sum(mm[, 3])))
#' @describeIn cossim \code{cossim} method for
#' \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @exportMethod cossim
c(x = "MS2spectrum", y = "MS2spectrum"),
function(x, y, type, mzTolerance){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "spectrum"){
cossim(x@spectrum, y@spectrum, type = type,
mzTolerance = mzTolerance)
} else if(type == "neutral_losses"){
cossim(x@neutral_losses, y@neutral_losses,
type = type, mzTolerance = mzTolerance)
} else stop("'type' must be either 'spectrum' (default)
or 'neutral_losses'")
#' @describeIn cossim \code{cossim} method for
#' \code{\linkS4class{pseudospectrum}} objects
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @exportMethod cossim
setMethod( "cossim",
c(x = "pseudospectrum", y = "pseudospectrum"),
function(x, y, type, mzTolerance){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "spectrum"){
cossim(x@spectrum, y@spectrum,
type = type, mzTolerance = mzTolerance)
} else stop("with pseudospectra, 'type' must be 'spectrum'!")
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum Method for\code{MSnbase::precursorMz}
#' for \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects. Accesses \code{precursor}
#' slot and returns precursor \emph{m/z} as a numeric.
#' @importFrom MSnbase precursorMz
#' @exportMethod precursorMz
function(object) {
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum Method for\code{MSnbase::rtime}
#' for \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects. Accesses \code{rt}
#' slot and returns retention time as a numeric.
#' @importFrom MSnbase rtime
#' @exportMethod rtime
function(object) {
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum Method for\code{MSnbase::intensity}
#' for \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects. Accesses \code{spectrum}
#' slot and returns the intensity column as a numeric vector.
#' @importFrom MSnbase intensity
#' @exportMethod intensity
function(object) {
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum Method for\code{MSnbase::mz}
#' for \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects. Accesses \code{spectrum}
#' slot and returns the \emph{m/z} column as a numeric vector.
#' @importFrom MSnbase mz
#' @exportMethod mz
function(object) {
#' @describeIn MS2spectrum Method for\code{MSnbase::mz}
#' for \code{\linkS4class{MS2spectrum}} objects. Accesses \code{spectrum}
#' slot and returns the number of peaks as a numeric.
#' @importFrom MSnbase peaksCount
#' @exportMethod peaksCount
function(object) {
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