degcounts_desc <-
#### Here you can upload DEG counts
## UI
data_degcountUI <- function(id, description = degcounts_desc){
ns <- NS(id)
h2("Deg Count Data Frame"),
HTML(markdown::renderMarkdown(text = glue(description))),
inputId = ns("plot_source"), label = "Choose your plot file source:",
selected = "upload",
choiceNames = c("Upload", "Example"),
choiceValues = c("upload", "eg"),
justified = TRUE, status = "primary",
checkIcon = list(yes = icon("ok", lib = "glyphicon"), no = icon(""))
textInputGroup(textId = ns("data_path"), btnId = ns("upload"), title = "Specify your data path", label = "Upload"),
column(width = 12, style = "padding-left: 0;",
downloadButton(ns("down_config"), "Save"),
label = "Add to task",
fluidRow(id = "plot_options",
a("Box Plot", href = "#shiny-tab-plot_box"),
## server
data_degcountServer <- function(id, shared){
module <- function(input, output, session){
data_init <- data.frame(matrix("", 8,8), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ns <- session$ns
shinyjs::hide(id = "plot_options")
selected_old <- reactiveVal("upload")
selected_flag <- reactiveVal(TRUE)
count_p_old <- reactiveVal("")
t.df <- reactiveVal(data_init)
# start the tab
shinyjs::hide(id = "tab_main")
observeEvent(input$validate, {
if (shinyCheckPkg(
session = session#,
# cran_pkg = "pkg-1",
# bioc_pkg = c("pkg-1", "pkg-2"),
# github = "haha/pkg-3"
)) {
shinyjs::show(id = "tab_main")
# update table
observeEvent(c(input$plot_source, input$data_path) , {
if (input$plot_source == "upload" & input$data_path == "") shinyjs::hide("df") else shinyjs::show("df")
output$df <- renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable(t.df(), selectCallback = TRUE, useTypes = FALSE) %>%
hot_context_menu(allowRowEdit = TRUE, allowColEdit = TRUE)
shinyjs::onclick("to_task", shinyjs::show(id = "plot_options"))
check_results <- T
observeEvent(input$to_task, {
shared$count$file <- tempfile(pattern = "DEGcounts", fileext = ".xls")
if (all(check_results)) {
session = session, type = "success",
title = "Data added", text = "Choose a plot type"
shared$count$df <- t.df()
writeLines(apply(shared$count$df, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"), shared$count$file)
observeEvent(c(input$plot_source, input$upload), ignoreInit = TRUE, {# only c work here, dont know why
if (selected_flag() == TRUE) {
session,inputId = "sweet_changecount_confirm",
title = "Do you want to change data frame Source?",
text = "If you change the data frame source or load a new file, Data frame data will be reset in this tab and 'Task' tab. You will LOSE unsaved data", type = "warning"
} else {
# update df
observeEvent(input$sweet_changecount_confirm, ignoreNULL = TRUE, {
if (isTRUE(input$sweet_changecount_confirm)) {
hot_deg(count_df = input$df,
count_p = input$data_path,
count_p_old = count_p_old(),
choice = input$plot_source,
choice_old = selected_old()
moduleServer(id, module)
# load deg count file
hot_deg <- function(count_df, count_p=NULL, count_p_old=NULL, choice, choice_old){
count_p <- switch(choice,
"upload" = count_p,
"eg" = "./data/DEGcounts.xls"
if (is.empty(count_p)) return(data.frame(place_holder = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
df.t <- read.csv(count_p, sep = '\t', comment.char = "#", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
names(df.t) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(df.t))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.