## UI
uploadUI <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
h2("Upload Count Table"),
boxPlus(title = "Upload count table", width = 12, closable = FALSE,
fileInput(ns("count_targets"), "Upload a targets file",
multiple = F,
accept = ".txt"),
fileInput(ns("count_input"), "Upload a count table",
multiple = F,
accept = c(".xls")),
checkboxInput(ns("demo"), "Use Sample Data"),
## server
uploadServer <- function(input, output, session, shared = shared){
if (all(!is.null(input$count_input), !is.null(input$count_targets), !input$demo)){
count_list <<- load_count(targets_file = input$count_targets$datapath, count_table = input$count_input$datapath)
output$count_table <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(count_df)})
shared$count_table <- count_list$countDF
shared$count_list <- count_list
} else if (input$demo == T) {
count_list <<- load_count(targets_file = 'data/targetsPE.txt', count_table = 'data/countDFeByg.xls')
output$count_table <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(count_df)})
shared$count_table <- count_list$countDF
shared$count_list <- count_list
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.