
Defines functions buildStringNetwork stringDBhomoSapiens .combinedScore

Documented in buildStringNetwork .combinedScore stringDBhomoSapiens

#' Calculate combined score for STRINGdb interactions
#' Please note that all the interactions have duplicates as it's
#'  a two way interaction (score(ProteinA-Protein) == score(ProteinB, PorteinA))
#' To better understand how the score is calculated, please see:
#'  https://string-db.org/help/faq/#how-are-the-scores-computed
#' @param allInteractions table with score of all interactions
#' @param scoreThreshold threshold to keep interactions
#' @param removeText remove text-based interactions
#' @return table with combined score
.combinedScore <- function(allInteractions, scoreThreshold, removeText) {
    # We manually compute using the guide in stringdb's faq
    prior <- 0.041

    computePrior <- function(score, prior) {
        score[score < prior] <- prior
        (score - prior) / (1 - prior)

    # normalize between 0 and 1
    mat <- Matrix::as.matrix(
        dplyr::select(allInteractions, -dplyr::starts_with("protein"))
    ) / 1000
    nonHomologyIxs <- which(colnames(mat) != "homology")

    # compute prior away
    mat[, nonHomologyIxs] <- computePrior(mat[, nonHomologyIxs], prior)

    # then, combine the direct and transferred scores for each category:
    combined <- c(
        "neighborhood", "coexpression", "experiments",
        "database", "textmining"

    for (ix in combined) {
        mat[, ix] <- 1 -
            (1 - mat[, ix]) *
                (1 - mat[, paste0(ix, "_transferred", sep = "")])

    # now, do the homology correction on cooccurrence and textmining:
    for (ix in c("cooccurence", "textmining")) {
        mat[, ix] <- mat[, ix] * (1 - mat[, "homology"])

    # Select only calculated columns
    mat <- mat[, c(
        "neighborhood", "fusion", "cooccurence", "coexpression",
        "experiments", "database", "textmining"

    # next, do the 1 - multiplication
    combinedScore <- (1 - mat[, "neighborhood"]) *
        (1 - mat[, "fusion"]) *
        (1 - mat[, "cooccurence"]) *
        (1 - mat[, "coexpression"]) *
        (1 - mat[, "experiments"])

    if (isFALSE(removeText)) {
        combinedScore <- combinedScore *
            (1 - mat[, "database"]) *
            (1 - mat[, "textmining"])

    # and lastly, do the 1 - conversion again, and put back the prior
    #  *exactly once*
    combinedScore <- prior + (1 - prior) * (1 - combinedScore)

    allInteractions |>
        dplyr::select(from = "protein1", to = "protein2") |>
        dplyr::mutate(combined_score = floor(combinedScore * 1000)) |>
        # Refilter combined score
        dplyr::filter(.data$combined_score >= scoreThreshold)

#' Download protein-protein interactions from STRING DB
#' @param version version of the database to use
#' @param scoreThreshold remove scores below threshold
#' @param removeText remove text mining-based scores
#' @param score_threshold `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @param remove.text `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return a data.frame with rows representing an interaction between two
#' proteins, and columns
#' the count of scores above the given score_threshold
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' stringDBhomoSapiens(scoreThreshold = 800)
#' }
stringDBhomoSapiens <- function(version = "11.0",
                                scoreThreshold = 0,
                                removeText = TRUE,
                                # Deprecated arguments with dots in name
                                # nolint start: object_name_linter.
                                score_threshold = deprecated(),
                                remove.text = deprecated()) {
    # nolint end: object_name_linter.
    # Lifecycle management: to remove after 1.23.0
    if (lifecycle::is_present(score_threshold)) {
            "stringDBhomoSapiens", "score_threshold", "scoreThreshold"
        scoreThreshold <- score_threshold
    if (lifecycle::is_present(remove.text)) {
        .deprecatedDotParam("separate2GroupsCox", "remove.text")
        removeText <- remove.text
    # Lifecycle management: end

    # nolint start: object_usage_linter
    species <- 9606 # Homo sapiens
    links <- "links.full" # what data to retrieve

    # Using multiple glue to keep line length short
    urlDomain <- "stringdb-static.org"
    urlPath <- "download/protein.{links}.v{version}" |> glue::glue()
    urlFile <- "{species}.protein.{links}.v{version}.txt.gz" |> glue::glue()
    url <- "https://{urlDomain}/{urlPath}/{urlFile}" |> glue::glue()
    # nolint end: object_usage_linter

    # download string data from string-db.org
    # We were using the package before, but the full dataset was
    #  no longer available. So had to do it manually
    allInteractions <- downloadFileLocal(url, oD = tempdir()) |>
        # read file into table
        readr::read_delim(delim = " ") |>
        # remove combined score, as we are calculating ourselves

    .combinedScore(allInteractions, scoreThreshold, removeText)

#' Build gene network from peptide ids
#' This can reduce the dimension of the original network, as there may not be a
#' mapping
#' between peptide and gene id
#' @param stringTbl `data.frame` or `tibble` with colnames and rownames as
#' ensembl peptide id _(same order)_.
#' @param useNames `character(1)` that defaults to use protein names
#' _('protein'), other options are 'ensembl' for ensembl gene id or 'external'
#' for external gene names.
#' @param string.tbl `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @param use.names `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return a new matrix with gene ids instead of peptide ids. The size of matrix
#'  can be different as
#' there may not be a mapping or a peptide mapping can have multiple genes.
#' @seealso [stringDBhomoSapiens()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' interactions <- stringDBhomoSapiens(scoreThreshold = 100)
#' string_network <- buildStringNetwork(interactions)
#' # number of edges
#' sum(string_network != 0)
#' }
buildStringNetwork <- function(stringTbl,
                               useNames = c("protein", "ensembl", "external"),
                               # Deprecated arguments with dots in name
                               # nolint start: object_name_linter.
                               string.tbl = deprecated(),
                               use.names = deprecated()) {
    # nolint end: object_name_linter.
    # Lifecycle management: to remove after 1.23.0
    if (lifecycle::is_present(string.tbl)) {
        .deprecatedDotParam("buildStringNetwork", "string.tbl")
        stringTbl <- string.tbl
    if (lifecycle::is_present(use.names)) {
        .deprecatedDotParam("buildStringNetwork", "use.names")
        useNames <- use.names
    # Lifecycle management: end

    useNames <- match.arg(useNames)

    # remove 9606. prefix
    stringTbl$from <- gsub("9606\\.", "", stringTbl$from)
    stringTbl$to <- gsub("9606\\.", "", stringTbl$to)

    # get sorted list of proteins
    mergedProt <- sort(unique(c(stringTbl$from, stringTbl$to)))

    # if useNames is not default, then replace proteins with genes (either
    #   ensembl_id or gene_name)
    if (useNames == "ensembl" || useNames == "external") {
        protMap <- protein2EnsemblGeneNames(mergedProt)
        rownames(protMap) <- protMap$ensembl_peptide_id

        # use external gene names
        if (useNames == "external") {
            extGenes <- protMap$ensembl_gene_id |>
                unique() |>
            rownames(extGenes) <- extGenes$ensembl_gene_id

            protMap$ensembl_gene_id <- extGenes[

        # keep only proteins that have mapping to gene
        newString <- stringTbl |>
                .data$from %in% protMap$ensembl_peptide_id &
                    .data$to %in% protMap$ensembl_peptide_id

        # empty gene ids default to previous code
        protMap <- protMap |>
                ensembl_gene_id =
                        .data$ensembl_gene_id == "",

        # replace protein with genes
        newString$from <- as.vector(protMap[
        newString$to <- as.vector(protMap[newString$to, "ensembl_gene_id"])

        # discard all interaction between gene and himself
        newString <- newString[newString$from != newString$to, ]

        # update list of protein index with genes
        mergedProt <- sort(unique(c(newString$from, newString$to)))
    } else {
        # if default then just pass the argument as newString
        newString <- stringTbl

    # Build sparse matrix

    newString$from <- readr::parse_factor(newString$from, mergedProt)
    newString$to <- readr::parse_factor(newString$to, mergedProt)

    i <- as.numeric(newString$from)
    j <- as.numeric(newString$to)

    # Create new sparse matrix with p x p dimensions (p = genes)
        i = i,
        j = j,
        x = newString$combined_score,
        dims = array(length(mergedProt), 2),
        dimnames = list(
sysbiomed/glmSparseNet documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 1:38 p.m.