# copyright: Xi Wang (xi.wang@newcastle.edu.au)
# integrating DE and DS for SeqGSEA
normFactor <- function(permStat) {
scoreNormalization <- function(scores, norm.factor) {
stopifnot( nrow(as.matrix(scores)) == length(norm.factor) )
scores <- scores / norm.factor
scores[ is.na(scores) | is.infinite(scores) ] <- 0
geneScore <- function (DEscore, DSscore = NULL,
method = c("linear", "quadratic", "rank"),
DEweight = 0.5) {
# DEscore: differential expression score
# DSscore: differential splicing score
# Method: linear: weigth * a + (1 - weight) * b
# quadratic: sqrt(weigth * a ^ 2 + (1 - weight) * b ^ 2)
# rank: (rank_a * a + rank_b * b) / (rank_a + rank_b), where ranks are in ascending order
# DEweight: the weight for DE, (1-DEweight) for DS
DEscore[is.na(DEscore) | is.infinite(DEscore)] <- 0
if(DEweight == 1) return(DEscore)
stopifnot(length(DEscore) == length(DSscore))
DSscore[is.na(DSscore) | is.infinite(DSscore)] <- 0
if(DEweight == 0) return(DSscore)
method <- match.arg(method, c("linear", "quadratic", "rank"))
switch(method, linear = {
DEscore * DEweight + DSscore * (1 - DEweight)
}, quadratic = {
sqrt(DEscore^2 * DEweight + DSscore^2 * (1 - DEweight))
}, rank = {
DErank <- rank(DEscore, ties.method = "min")
DSrank <- rank(DSscore, ties.method = "min")
(DEscore * DErank * DEweight + DSscore * DSrank *
(1 - DEweight))/(DErank * DEweight + DSrank * (1 - DEweight))
genePermuteScore <- function (DEscoreMat, DSscoreMat = NULL,
method = c("linear", "quadratic", "rank"),
DEweight = 0.5) {
# parameters as function `geneScore`
DEscoreMat[is.na(DEscoreMat)] <- 0
if(DEweight == 1) return(DEscoreMat)
stopifnot(all(dim(DEscoreMat) == dim(DSscoreMat)))
DSscoreMat[is.na(DSscoreMat)] <- 0
if(DEweight == 0) return(DSscoreMat)
method <- match.arg(method, c("linear", "quadratic", "rank"))
switch(method, linear = {
DEscoreMat * DEweight + DSscoreMat * (1 - DEweight)
}, quadratic = {
sqrt(DEscoreMat^2 * DEweight + DSscoreMat^2 * (1 - DEweight))
}, rank = {
DErankMat <- apply(DEscoreMat, 2, rank, ties.method = "min")
DSrankMat <- apply(DSscoreMat, 2, rank, ties.method = "min")
(DEscoreMat * DErankMat * DEweight + DSscoreMat * DSrankMat *
(1 - DEweight))/(DErankMat * DEweight + DSrankMat *
(1 - DEweight))
rankCombine <- function(DEscore, DSscore, DEscoreMat, DSscoreMat, DEweight=0.5) {
# combining DE and DS with the same weight according to rank in the observe data
stopifnot( length(DEscore) == length(DSscore))
DEscore[ is.na(DEscore) | is.infinite(DEscore) ] <- 0
DSscore[ is.na(DSscore) | is.infinite(DSscore) ] <- 0
stopifnot(all(dim(DEscoreMat) == dim(DSscoreMat)))
DEscoreMat[is.na(DEscoreMat)] <- 0
DSscoreMat[is.na(DSscoreMat)] <- 0
DErank <- rank(DEscore, ties.method="min")
DSrank <- rank(DSscore, ties.method="min")
geneScore <- ( DEscore * DErank * DEweight + DSscore * DSrank * (1 - DEweight) ) / (DErank * DEweight + DSrank * (1 - DEweight) )
geneScoreMat <- ( DEscoreMat * DErank * DEweight + DSscoreMat * DSrank * (1 - DEweight) ) / (DErank * DEweight + DSrank * (1 - DEweight) )
list(geneScore=geneScore, genePermuteScore=geneScoreMat)
### dealing with geneset file ###
convertEnsembl2Symbol <- function(ensembl.genes) {
ensembl = useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
getBM(values = ensembl.genes, attributes = c('ensembl_gene_id','hgnc_symbol'),
filters = 'ensembl_gene_id', mart = ensembl, bmHeader=FALSE )
convertSymbol2Ensembl <- function(symbols) {
ensembl = useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
getBM(values = symbols, attributes = c('hgnc_symbol', 'ensembl_gene_id'),
filters = 'hgnc_symbol', mart = ensembl, bmHeader=FALSE )
loadGenesets <- function(geneset.file, geneIDs, geneID.type=c("gene.symbol","ensembl"),
genesetsize.min = 5, genesetsize.max = 1000, singleCell = FALSE) {
# geneIDs can contain more than one genes, splited by '+' (because of HTSeq counting)
# geneIDs can be in either "gene symbols" or "ensembl gene names"
geneset.name <- basename(geneset.file)
geneIDs <- unique(as.character(geneIDs))
nGeneID <- length(geneIDs)
geneID.type <- match.arg(geneID.type, c("gene.symbol","ensembl"))
splitGeneIDs <- strsplit(as.character(geneIDs), "+", fixed=TRUE)
uniGenes <- unlist(splitGeneIDs, use.names=FALSE)
idxGenes <- rep(seq_along(splitGeneIDs), sapply(splitGeneIDs, length))
stopifnot( length(uniGenes) == length(idxGenes))
if (geneID.type == "ensembl") {
temp = convertEnsembl2Symbol(uniGenes)
idx <- data.frame(idx=idxGenes, ensembl = uniGenes,
symbol = rep(NA_character_, length(uniGenes)),
idx$symbol <- temp$hgnc_symbol [ match( uniGenes, temp$ensembl_gene_id ) ]
# solving duplicated mapping (say, one ensembl ID maps to multiply gene symbols)
multi.map <- temp[duplicated(temp$ensembl_gene_id),] # using 'duplicated' for identifying duplicated matches
addi.idx <- idx[match( multi.map$ensembl_gene_id, uniGenes ), ]
addi.idx$symbol <- multi.map$hgnc_symbol
idx <- rbind(idx, addi.idx)
} else {
idx <- data.frame(idx=idxGenes, symbol = uniGenes, row.names=uniGenes)
gs.lines <- readLines(geneset.file)
nGS <- length(gs.lines)
gs <- vector("list", length=nGS)
gs.name <- vector("character", length=nGS)
gs.descs <- vector("character", length=nGS)
for (i in 1:nGS) {
strs <- noquote(unlist(strsplit(gs.lines[[i]], "\t")))
gs.name[i] <- strs[1]
gs.descs[i] <- strs[2]
temp.genes <- do.call(c, as.list(sapply(strs[3:length(strs)], function(x) {
x <- gsub(" ", "", x)
unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"\\///")) # multiple genes are separated by "///" in one entry (str[j])
gs[[i]] <- unique( idx$idx[ idx$symbol %in% temp.genes ] )
gene.set <- newGeneSets(name = geneset.name, sourceFile = geneset.file, scGSEA = singleCell,
geneList=geneIDs, GS=gs, GSNames=gs.name, GSDescs=gs.descs,
GSSizeMin=genesetsize.min, GSSizeMax=genesetsize.max)
calES <- function(gene.set, gene.score, weighted.type=1) {
ngene <- length(gene.score)
nset <- size(gene.set)
gene.set.size <- geneSetSize(gene.set)
sort.idx <- order(gene.score, decreasing=TRUE)
gene.score.sorted <- gene.score[sort.idx]
cumsum.score <- matrix(0, nrow = ngene, ncol = nset)
for (i in 1:nset) {
ngene.hit <- gene.set.size[i]
ngene.miss <- ngene - ngene.hit
sort.idx.hit <- match(gene.set[i], sort.idx)
cumsum.score[,i] <- - 1.0 / ngene.miss
if( weighted.type == 0 ) {
cumsum.score[sort.idx.hit, i] <- 1.0 / ngene.hit
} else if ( weighted.type == 1 ) {
gene.score.sorted.hit <- gene.score.sorted[sort.idx.hit]
cumsum.score[sort.idx.hit, i] <- gene.score.sorted.hit / sum(gene.score.sorted.hit)
} else {
gene.score.sorted.hit <- gene.score.sorted[sort.idx.hit] ** weighted.type
cumsum.score[sort.idx.hit, i] <- gene.score.sorted.hit / sum(gene.score.sorted.hit)
cumsum.score <- apply(cumsum.score, 2, cumsum)
t(cumsum.score) # nset rows * ngene cols
calES.perm <- function(gene.set, gene.score.perm, weighted.type=1) {
# only return ES (nset * times)
ngene <- nrow(gene.score.perm)
times <- ncol(gene.score.perm)
nset <- size(gene.set)
gene.set.size <- geneSetSize(gene.set)
#ES.perm <- matrix(0, nrow = nset, ncol = times) # nset rows, times cols
#ES.perm.vec <- matrix(0, nrow = nset, ncol = 1) # nset rows, 1 col
#for (i in 1:times) {
foreach (i = 1:times, .combine='cbind') %dopar% {
sort.idx <- order(gene.score.perm[,i], decreasing=TRUE)
gene.score.sorted <- gene.score.perm[sort.idx,i]
#for (j in 1:nset) {
foreach (j = 1:nset, .combine='c') %do% {
ngene.hit <- gene.set.size[j]
ngene.miss <- ngene - ngene.hit
sort.idx.hit <- match(gene.set[j], sort.idx)
score <- as.vector( rep( - 1.0 / ngene.miss, ngene ) )
if( weighted.type == 0 ) {
score[sort.idx.hit] <- 1.0 / ngene.hit
} else if ( weighted.type == 1 ) {
gene.score.sorted.hit <- gene.score.sorted[sort.idx.hit]
score[sort.idx.hit] <- gene.score.sorted.hit / sum(gene.score.sorted.hit)
} else {
gene.score.sorted.hit <- gene.score.sorted[sort.idx.hit] ** weighted.type
score[sort.idx.hit] <- gene.score.sorted.hit / sum(gene.score.sorted.hit)
#ES.perm[j,i] <- max(cumsum(score))
#ES.perm.vec[j,1] <- max(cumsum(score))
normES <- function(gene.set) {
stopifnot(is(gene.set, "SeqGeneSet"))
ES.mean <- rowMeans(gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm)
gene.set@GSEA.ES <- gene.set@GSEA.ES / ES.mean
gene.set@GSEA.ES[is.na(gene.set@GSEA.ES)] <- 0
gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm <- gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm / ES.mean
gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm [is.na(gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm )] <- 1
gene.set@GSEA.normFlag <- TRUE
signifES <- function(gene.set) {
stopifnot(is(gene.set, "SeqGeneSet"))
if(! gene.set@GSEA.normFlag)
gene.set <- normES(gene.set)
times <- ncol(gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm)
# pval
pval <- rowSums(gene.set@GSEA.ES <= gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm) / times
each.perm.max.ES <- apply(gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm, 2, max)
FWER <- sapply(gene.set@GSEA.ES, function(x) {
sum(x <= each.perm.max.ES) / times
FWER <- ifelse(FWER > 1, 1, FWER)
# FDR mean
#FWER <- sapply(gene.set@GSEA.ES, function(x) {
# mean( apply(x <= gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm, 2, sum) /
# sum( x <= gene.set@GSEA.ES) )
# FDR median
FDR <- sapply(gene.set@GSEA.ES, function(x) {
median( apply(x <= gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm, 2, sum) /
sum( x <= gene.set@GSEA.ES) )
FDR <- ifelse(FDR > 1, 1, FDR)
gene.set@GSEA.pval <- signif(pval, 5)
gene.set@GSEA.FWER <- signif(FWER, 5)
gene.set@GSEA.FDR <- signif(FDR, 5)
GSEnrichAnalyze <- function(gene.set, gene.score, gene.score.perm, weighted.type=1) {
stopifnot(is(gene.set, "SeqGeneSet"))
stopifnot(all(names(gene.score) == gene.set@geneList))
GSEA.score.cumsum <- calES(gene.set, gene.score, weighted.type=weighted.type)
GSEA.ES <- apply(GSEA.score.cumsum, 1, max)
GSEA.ES.pos <- apply(GSEA.score.cumsum, 1, which.max)
GSEA.ES.perm <- calES.perm(gene.set, gene.score.perm, weighted.type=weighted.type)
stopifnot(length(GSEA.ES) == nrow(GSEA.ES.perm))
stopifnot(length(GSEA.ES) == length(GSEA.ES.pos))
gene.set@GSEA.score.cumsum <- GSEA.score.cumsum
gene.set@GSEA.ES <- GSEA.ES
gene.set@GSEA.ES.pos <- GSEA.ES.pos
gene.set@GSEA.ES.perm <- GSEA.ES.perm
gene.set <- normES(gene.set)
gene.set <- signifES(gene.set)
GSEAresultTable <- function(gene.set, GSDesc = FALSE)
stopifnot( is( gene.set, "SeqGeneSet" ) )
if(length(gene.set@GSEA.ES) == 0) stop("Please run GSEnrichAnalyze first.")
result <- data.frame(
GSName = gene.set@GSNames,
GSSize = gene.set@GSSize,
ES = gene.set@GSEA.ES,
ES.pos = gene.set@GSEA.ES.pos,
pval = gene.set@GSEA.pval,
FDR = gene.set@GSEA.FDR,
FWER = gene.set@GSEA.FWER
if(! GSDesc)
GSDesc = gene.set@GSDescs
topGeneSets <- function(gene.set, n = 20, sortBy = c("FDR", "pvalue", "FWER"), GSDesc = FALSE) {
stopifnot( is( gene.set, "SeqGeneSet" ) )
sortBy <- match.arg(sortBy, c("FDR", "pvalue", "FWER"))
res <- GSEAresultTable(gene.set, GSDesc)
switch(sortBy, FDR = {
res <- res[order(res$FDR)[1:n],]
}, pvalue = {
res <- res[order(res$pvalue)[1:n],]
}, FWER = {
res <- res[order(res$FWER)[1:n],]
runSeqGSEA <- function(data.dir, case.pattern, ctrl.pattern, geneset.file,
output.prefix, topGS=10,
geneID.type=c("gene.symbol", "ensembl"),
nCores=1, perm.times=1000, seed=NULL, minExonReadCount=5,
integrationMethod=c("linear", "quadratic", "rank"),
DEweight=c(0.5), DEonly=FALSE,
minGSsize=5, maxGSsize=1000, GSEA.WeightedType=1)
## Assuming starting with exon reads counts, even for DEonly analysis
# 0 # prepairation
# input count data files
case.files <- dir(data.dir, pattern=case.pattern, full.names = TRUE)
control.files <- dir(data.dir, pattern=ctrl.pattern, full.names = TRUE)
stopifnot (length(case.files)> 0)
stopifnot (length(control.files)> 0)
# setup parallel backend
if (nCores > 1) {
cl <- makeCluster(nCores)
registerDoParallel(cl) # parallel backend registration
# 1 # DS analysis
# load exon read count data
RCS <- loadExonCountData(case.files, control.files)
# remove genes with low exprssion
RCS <- exonTestability(RCS, cutoff=minExonReadCount)
geneTestable <- geneTestability(RCS)
RCS <- subsetByGenes(RCS, unique(geneID(RCS))[ geneTestable ])
# get gene IDs, which will be used in initialization of gene set
geneIDs <- unique(geneID(RCS))
permuteMat <- genpermuteMat(RCS, times=perm.times, seed=seed)
if(! DEonly) {
# calculate DS NB statistics
RCS <- estiExonNBstat(RCS)
RCS <- estiGeneNBstat(RCS)
# calculate DS NB statistics on the permutation data sets
RCS <- DSpermute4GSEA(RCS, permuteMat)
# 2 # DE analysis
# get gene read counts
geneCounts <- getGeneCount(RCS)
# calculate DE NB statistics
label <- label(RCS)
DEG <-runDESeq(geneCounts, label)
# calculate DE NB statistics on the permutation data sets
DEpermNBstat <- DENBStatPermut4GSEA(DEG, permuteMat) # permutation
# 3 # score normalization
# DE score normalization
DEscore.normFac <- normFactor(DEpermNBstat)
DEscore <- scoreNormalization(DEGres$NBstat, DEscore.normFac)
DEscore.perm <- scoreNormalization(DEpermNBstat, DEscore.normFac)
if(DEonly) {
DSscore <- NULL
DSscore.perm <- NULL
} else {
# DS score normalization
DSscore.normFac <- normFactor(RCS@permute_NBstat_gene)
DSscore <- scoreNormalization(RCS@featureData_gene$NBstat, DSscore.normFac)
DSscore.perm <- scoreNormalization(RCS@permute_NBstat_gene, DSscore.normFac)
# visilization of DE & DS scores
if(! DEonly) {
plotGeneScore(DEscore, DEscore.perm, pdf=paste(output.prefix,".DEScore.pdf",sep=""), main="Expression")
plotGeneScore(DSscore, DSscore.perm, pdf=paste(output.prefix,".DSScore.pdf",sep=""), main="Splicing")
# output DE and DS scores
writeScores(DEscore, DSscore, file = paste(output.prefix,".DEDS_Score.txt",sep=""))
DEweight <- 1
GSEAres.list <- vector("list", length(DEweight))
names(GSEAres.list) <- paste0("weight",sub(".", "_", DEweight, fixed =TRUE))
for(i in 1:length(DEweight)) {
if (DEweight[i] == 1) {
output.prefix0 <- paste0(output.prefix, ".DEonly")
} else if (DEweight[i] == 0) {
output.prefix0 <- paste0(output.prefix, ".DSonly")
} else
output.prefix0 <- paste0(output.prefix, ".weight", sub(".", "_", DEweight[i], fixed =TRUE))
# 4 # score integration
gene.score <- geneScore(DEscore, DSscore, method=integrationMethod, DEweight=DEweight[i])
gene.score.perm <- genePermuteScore(DEscore.perm, DSscore.perm, method=integrationMethod, DEweight=DEweight[i])
# visilization of gene scores
plotGeneScore(gene.score, gene.score.perm, pdf=paste(output.prefix0,".GeneScore.pdf",sep=""))
# output gene score
writeScores(DEscore, DSscore, geneScore = gene.score,
geneScoreAttr = paste(integrationMethod, DEweight[i], sep=","),
file = paste(output.prefix0,".GeneScore.txt",sep=""))
# 5 # main GSEA
# load gene set data
gene.set <- loadGenesets(geneset.file, geneIDs, geneID.type=geneID.type,
genesetsize.min = minGSsize, genesetsize.max = maxGSsize)
# enrichment analysis
gene.set <- GSEnrichAnalyze(gene.set, gene.score, gene.score.perm, weighted.type=GSEA.WeightedType)
# format enrichment analysis results
GSEAres <- GSEAresultTable(gene.set, TRUE)
GSEAres.list[[i]] <- GSEAres
# 6 #output results
plotES(gene.set, pdf=paste(output.prefix0,".SeqGSEA.EnrichScore.pdf",sep=""))
plotSig(gene.set, pdf=paste(output.prefix0,".SeqGSEA.FDR.pdf",sep=""))
write.table(GSEAres, paste(output.prefix0,".SeqGSEA.result.txt",sep=""),
quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
topList <- order(GSEAres$FDR, GSEAres$pval)
for(j in 1:min(topGS,length(topList))) {
output.prefix00 <- paste0(output.prefix0, ".top_", j, "_GS_detail")
plotSigGeneSet(gene.set, topList[j], gene.score, pdf=paste0(output.prefix00, ".pdf"))
writeSigGeneSet(gene.set, topList[j], gene.score, file=paste0(output.prefix00, ".txt"))
GSEAres.list # return a list of GSEA results for meta analysis
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