########## The main demonstration plots #############
#' water fall plot
#' This function allows you to express your love of cats.
#' @param iES_mat,gs_str is the iES_mat with tumor and normal and gs name.
#' @param indVec the binary indicator for normal(0) and tumor (1) patients.
#' @param title boolean true or false for including the title (gs_str) in the ggplot.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggpubr
#' @return ggplot object containing the KM plot.
#' @keywords waterfall plot for normal and tumor sample
#' @examples
#' data(PRAD_data)
#' data(GSDB_example)
#' iES_mat = iES_cal2(prad_exprs, GSDB = GSDB_example)
#' water_fall(iES_mat, gs_str = "SimPathway1", indVec =prad_inds)
#' @export
water_fall = function(iES_mat, gs_str,indVec, title = TRUE){
group_colors = c(tumor = "Brown", normal = "#56B4E9")
inds1 = which(indVec==0)
inds2 = which(indVec==1)
iES_res = list(normal = iES_mat[, inds1], tumor = iES_mat[, inds2])
gs_ind = which(rownames(iES_mat) == gs_str)
normal = iES_res[[1]][gs_ind,]; tumor = iES_res[[2]][gs_ind, ]
n_gap = round((length(tumor) + length(normal)) * 0.01)
tmp_iES_mat = data.frame(value = c(tumor[order(tumor)], rep(0, n_gap), normal[order(normal)]),
type = c(rep("tumor", length(tumor)), rep("tumor", n_gap), rep("normal", length(normal))),
fill = c(rep("fill", length(tumor)), rep(NA, n_gap), rep("fill", length(normal))))
nrow_iES_mat = nrow(tmp_iES_mat)
if (title ==TRUE){
p = ggplot(tmp_iES_mat, aes(x = seq_len(nrow_iES_mat), y = value)) +
geom_area(aes(fill = type)) +
theme(legend.position="top", legend.direction="horizontal", panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))+
labs(x="Samples", y="Enrichment Score") +
scale_fill_manual(values=group_colors) +
p = ggplot(tmp_iES_mat, aes(x = seq_len(nrow_iES_mat), y = value)) +
geom_area(aes(fill = type)) +
theme(legend.position="top", legend.direction="horizontal", panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))+
labs(x="Samples", y="Enrichment Score") +
#' density fall plot
#' This function allows you to express your love of cats.
#' @param iES_mat,gs_str is the iES_mat with tumor and normal and gs name.
#' @param indVec the binary indicator for normal(0) and tumor (1) patients.
#' @param title boolean true or false for including the title in the ggplot.
#' @import ggpubr
#' @importFrom survminer ggsurvplot
#' @keywords densityfall plot for normal and tumor sample.
#' @return ggplot object containing the KM plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(PRAD_data)
#' data(GSDB_example)
#' iES_mat = iES_cal2(prad_exprs, GSDB = GSDB_example)
#' density_fall(iES_mat, gs_str = "SimPathway1", indVec = prad_inds)
density_fall = function(iES_mat, gs_str,indVec, title = TRUE){
inds1 = which(indVec==0)
inds2 = which(indVec==1)
iES_res = list(normal = iES_mat[, inds1], tumor = iES_mat[, inds2])
gs_ind = which(rownames(iES_mat) == gs_str)
normal = iES_res[[1]][gs_ind,]; tumor = iES_res[[2]][gs_ind, ]
tmp_m = Mclust(normal, parameter = TRUE, modelNames = "V")
id = which.max(tmp_m$parameters$pro)
tmp_mean = tmp_m$parameters$mean[id]
tmp_iES_mat = data.frame(value = c(normal, tumor),
type = c(rep("normal", length(normal)), rep("tumor", length(tumor))))
if (title ==TRUE){
p = ggdensity(tmp_iES_mat, x = "value",rug = TRUE,
color = "type", fill = "type",
palette = c("#56B4E9", "Brown"),
main = gs_str, legend.title = "") +
geom_vline(xintercept= c(tmp_mean, mean(tumor)), linetype="dashed", color = c("#56B4E9", "Brown"))
p = ggdensity(tmp_iES_mat, x = "value", rug = TRUE,
color = "type", fill = "type",
palette = c("#56B4E9", "Brown"),
legend.title = "")+
geom_vline(xintercept= c(tmp_mean, mean(tumor)), linetype="dashed", color = c("#56B4E9", "Brown"))
#' iES survival for a certain pathway
#' This function allows you to express your love of cats.
#' @importFrom survminer ggsurvplot
#' @import survival
#' @import mclust
#' @import ggpubr
#' @param iES_mat,gs_str is the GSDB iES_mat with tumor and normal and gs name.
#' @param cli clinical data corresponding to the expression data.
#' @param indVec the binary indicator for normal(0) and tumor (1) patients.
#' @param npatsThre the threshold of number of patients for survival analysis.
#' @param title boolean true or false for including the title (gs_str) in the ggplot.
#' @return ggplot object containing the KM plot.
#' @keywords densityfall plot for normal and tumor sample
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(PRAD_data)
#' data(GSDB_example)
#' iES_mat = iES_cal2(prad_exprs, GSDB = GSDB_example)
#' iES_survPlot(iES_mat, cli = prad_cli, gs_str = "SimPathway1", indVec = prad_inds)
iES_survPlot = function(iES_mat, cli, gs_str, indVec = NULL, npatsThre=5, title = TRUE){
npaths = nrow(iES_mat)
path_names = rownames(iES_mat)
inds1 = which(indVec==0)
inds2 = which(indVec==1)
iES_res = list(normal = iES_mat[, inds1], tumor = iES_mat[, inds2])
norm_Y = iES_mat[, inds1]
tumor_Y = iES_mat[, inds2]
tumor_pat_names = colnames(tumor_Y)
tumor_com = intersect(tumor_pat_names, cli$bcr_patient_barcod)
tumor_Y = tumor_Y[, which(tumor_pat_names %in% tumor_com)]
norm_vec = norm_Y[gs_str, ]
tumor_vec = tumor_Y[gs_str, ]
tmp_m = Mclust(norm_vec, parameter = TRUE, modelNames = "V")
id = which.max(tmp_m$parameters$pro)
tmp_mean = tmp_m$parameters$mean[id]
tmp_sd = sqrt(tmp_m$parameters$variance$sigmasq[id])
# UP or DOWN Regulate
if (tmp_mean < mean(tumor_vec)){
thre = tmp_mean + 2*tmp_sd
perturb = names(tumor_vec)[which(tumor_vec >= thre)]
thre = tmp_mean - 2*tmp_sd
perturb = names(tumor_vec)[which(tumor_vec < thre)]
normlike = setdiff(tumor_com, perturb)
nlen1 = length(perturb)
nlen2 = length(normlike)
if (nlen1>=npatsThre & nlen2>=npatsThre){
tmp_cli = rbind(cli[which(cli$bcr_patient_barcode %in% perturb),],
cli[which(cli$bcr_patient_barcode %in% normlike),])
tmp_cli$class = c(rep("perturb", nlen1), rep("normlike", nlen2))
tmp_cox = coxph(Surv(times, patient.vital_status) ~ class, data=tmp_cli, method = "breslow")
nperturb = length(perturb)
sfit <- survfit(Surv(times, patient.vital_status)~class, data = tmp_cli, conf.type="log-log")
if (title ==TRUE){
p = ggsurvplot(sfit, conf.int=TRUE, pval=TRUE, risk.table=FALSE,
legend.labs=c("perturbed", "normal-like"), legend.title="",
palette=c("darkred", "darksalmon"),
linetype = "strata",
title= gs_str, data = tmp_cli)
p = ggsurvplot(sfit, conf.int=TRUE, pval=TRUE, risk.table=FALSE,
legend.labs=c("perturbed", "normal-like"), legend.title="",
palette=c("darkred", "darksalmon"),
linetype = "strata", data = tmp_cli)
p = NULL
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