
test_that("plotNContent outputs correct objects", {

  p <- plotNContent(fdl[[1]])
  expect_true(is(p, "gg"))
  p <- plotNContent(fdl)
  expect_true(is(p, "gg"))

  p <- plotNContent(fdl[[1]], dendrogam = TRUE, usePlotly = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(p, "plotly"))
  p <- plotNContent(fdl, dendrogam = TRUE, usePlotly = TRUE)
  expect_true(is(p, "plotly"))


test_that("plotNContent works for all variations of FastpData params", {
  p <- plotNContent(fp)
  expect_true(is(p, "gg"))
  p <- plotNContent(fp, TRUE)
  expect_true(is(p, "plotly"))

test_that("plotNContent works for all variations of FastpDataList params", {
  fpl <- FastpDataList(path(fp))
  p <- plotNContent(fpl)
  expect_true(is(p, "gg"))
    plotNContent(fpl, dendrogram = TRUE), "Cannot cluster.+"
    plotNContent(fpl[1], reads = "read1", dendrogram = TRUE), "Cannot cluster one file.+"
steveped/ngsReports documentation built on July 24, 2024, 10:45 a.m.