
#' @title Plot the Base Qualities for each file
#' @description Plot the Base Qualities for each file as separate plots
#' @details When acting on a `FastqcDataList`, this defaults to a heatmap
#' using the mean Per_base_sequence_quality score. A set of plots which
#' replicate those obtained through a standard FastQC html report can be
#' obtained by setting `plotType = "boxplot"`, which uses `facet_wrap`
#' to provide the layout as a single ggplot object.
#' When acting an a `FastqcData` object, this replicates the
#' `Per base sequence quality` plots from FastQC with no faceting.
#' For large datasets, subsetting by R1 or R2 reads may be helpful.
#' An interactive plot can be obtained by setting `usePlotly = TRUE`.
#' @param x Can be a `FastqcData`, `FastqcDataList` or character
#' vector of file paths
#' @param usePlotly `logical` Default `FALSE` will render using
#' ggplot. If `TRUE` plot will be rendered with plotly
#' @param labels An optional named vector of labels for the file names.
#' All filenames must be present in the names.
#' @param pattern Regex to remove from the end of the Fastp report and Fastq
#' file names
#' @param nc `numeric`. The number of columns to create in the plot layout.
#' Only used if drawing boxplots for multiple files in a FastqcDataList
#' @param warn,fail The default values for warn and fail are 30 and 20
#' respectively (i.e. percentages)
#' @param plotType `character` Can be either `"boxplot"` or
#' `"heatmap"`
#' @param plotValue `character` Type of data to be presented. Can be
#' any of the columns returned by the appropriate call to `getModule()`
#' @param reads Create plots for read1, read2 or all when using a FastpDataList
#' @param readsBy If paired reads are present, separate using either linetype
#' or by facet
#' @param module Select Before and After filtering when using a FastpDataList
#' @param bases Which bases to include on the plot
#' @param pwfCols Object of class [PwfCols()] to give colours for
#' pass, warning, and fail values in plot
#' @param showPwf Include the Pwf status colours
#' @param cluster `logical` default `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`,
#' fastqc data will be clustered using hierarchical clustering
#' @param dendrogram `logical` redundant if `cluster` is `FALSE`
#' if both `cluster` and `dendrogram` are specified as `TRUE`
#' then the dendrogram will be displayed.
#' @param boxWidth set the width of boxes when using a boxplot
#' @param heat_w Relative width of any heatmap plot components
#' @param scaleColour ggplot discrete colour scale, passed to lines
#' @param scaleFill ggplot2 continuous scale. Passed to heatmap cells
#' @param plotTheme \link[ggplot2]{theme} object
#' @param plotlyLegend logical(1) Show legend for interactive plots. Only called
#' when drawing line plots
#' @param ... Used to pass additional attributes to theme() and between methods
#' @return A standard ggplot2 object or an interactive plotly object
#' @examples
#' # Get the files included with the package
#' packageDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "ngsReports")
#' fl <- list.files(packageDir, pattern = "fastqc.zip", full.names = TRUE)
#' # Load the FASTQC data as a FastqcDataList object
#' fdl <- FastqcDataList(fl)
#' # The default plot for multiple libraries is a heatmap
#' plotBaseQuals(fdl)
#' # The default plot for a single library is the standard boxplot
#' plotBaseQuals(fdl[[1]])
#' # FastpData objects have qyalities by base
#' fp <-  FastpData(system.file("extdata/fastp.json.gz", package = "ngsReports"))
#' plotBaseQuals(
#'   fp, plotTheme = theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#' )
#' @docType methods
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram order.dendrogram na.omit hclust dist
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom rlang !! sym
#' @name plotBaseQuals
#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
        x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*", ...
    ) standardGeneric("plotBaseQuals")
#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
    "plotBaseQuals", signature = "ANY",
    function(x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*", ...){
#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
    "plotBaseQuals", signature = "FastqcData",
        x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*", pwfCols,
        warn = 25, fail = 20, boxWidth = 0.8, showPwf = TRUE, plotlyLegend = FALSE,

        ## Get the data
        df <- getModule(x, "Per_base_sequence_quality")

        ## Make a blank plot if no data is found
        if (!length(df)) {
            msg <- "No Per Base Sequence Quality Module Detected"
            p <- .emptyPlot(msg)
            if (usePlotly) p <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "")

        # Get the plot labels organised
        labels <- .makeLabels(x, labels, pattern)
        labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]
        df$Filename <- labels[df$Filename]

        df$Base <- factor(df$Base, levels = unique(df$Base))
        df$Position <- as.integer(df$Base)
        df$xmin <- df$Position - boxWidth/2
        df$xmax <- df$Position + boxWidth/2

        ## Sort out the colours
        if (missing(pwfCols)) pwfCols <- ngsReports::pwf
        pwfCols <- setAlpha(pwfCols, 0.2)

        ## Set the limits & rectangles
        ylim <- c(0, max(df$`90th_Percentile`) + 1)
        expand_x <- round(0.015*(max(df$Position) - min(df$Position)), 1)
        rects <- tibble(
            xmin = min(df$Position) - expand_x,
            xmax = max(df$Position) + expand_x,
            ymin = c(0, fail, warn),
            ymax = c(fail, warn, max(ylim)),
            Status = c("FAIL", "WARN", "PASS")
        if (!showPwf) rects <- rects[NULL,]

        ## Get the Illumina encoding
        enc <- getModule(x, "Basic_Statistics")$Encoding[1]
        enc <- gsub(".*(Illumina [0-9\\.]*)", "\\1", enc)
        ylab <- paste0("Quality Scores (", enc, " encoding)")

        ## Generate the basic plot
        lq <- "Lower_Quartile"
        uq <- "Upper_Quartile"
        p <- ggplot(df)
        if (showPwf) p <- p + geom_rect(
            data = rects,
            aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = Status)
        p <- p + geom_rect(
            aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = !!sym(lq), ymax = !!sym(uq)),
            fill = "yellow", colour = "black"
        ) +
                aes(x = xmin, xend = xmax, y = Median, yend = Median), colour = "red"
            ) +
            geom_linerange(aes(x = Base, ymin = `10th_Percentile`, ymax = !!sym(lq))) +
            geom_linerange(aes(x = Base, ymin = !!sym(uq), ymax = `90th_Percentile`)) +
            geom_line(aes(Base, Mean, group = Filename), colour = "blue") +
            scale_fill_manual(values = getColours(pwfCols)) +
            scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
            scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim, expand = c(0, 0)) +
            xlab("Position in read (bp)") +
            ylab(ylab) +
            facet_wrap(~Filename, ncol = 1) +
            guides(fill = "none") +
            theme_bw() +
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)
        p <- .updateThemeFromDots(p, ...)

        if (usePlotly) {
            hv <-  c(
                "Base", "Mean", "Median", "Upper_Quartile", "Lower_Quartile",
                "`10th_Percentile`", "`90th_Percentile`"
            if (!plotlyLegend) p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
            p <- suppressMessages(
                suppressWarnings(plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = hv))

            hideRects <- function(x) {
                x_matches <- all(x$x %in% unlist(rects[c("xmax", "xmin")]))
                y_matches <- all(x$y %in% unlist(rects[c("ymin", "ymax")]))
                if (x_matches & y_matches) x$hoverinfo <- "none"
                if (all(x$text == "")) x$hoverinfo <- "none" #Box fill

            ## Set the hoverinfo for bg rectangles to none,
            ## This will effectively hide them
            p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, hideRects)


#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
    "plotBaseQuals", signature = "FastqcDataList",
        x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*",
        pwfCols, warn = 25, fail = 20, showPwf = TRUE, boxWidth = 0.8,
        plotType = c("heatmap", "boxplot"), plotValue = "Mean",
        cluster = FALSE, dendrogram = FALSE, nc = 2, heat_w = 8L, ...

        ## Get the data
        mod <- "Per_base_sequence_quality"
        df <- getModule(x, mod)
        maxQ <- max(df[["90th_Percentile"]])

        if (!length(df)) {
            msg <- "No Per Base Sequence Quality Module Detected"
            p <- .emptyPlot(msg)
            if (usePlotly) p <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "")

        ## Sort out the colours
        if (missing(pwfCols)) pwfCols <- ngsReports::pwf

        ## Drop the suffix, or check the alternate labels
        labels <- .makeLabels(x, labels, pattern)
        labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]

        ## Get the Illumina encoding for the axis label
        enc <- getModule(x, "Basic_Statistics")$Encoding[1]
        enc <- gsub(".*(Illumina [0-9\\.]*)", "\\1", enc)

        ## Set the plot type & value
        plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
        possVals <- setdiff(colnames(df), c("Filename", "Base"))
        plotValue <- match.arg(plotValue, possVals)
        xlab <- "Position in read (bp)"
        lq <- "Lower_Quartile"
        uq <- "Upper_Quartile"

        if (plotType == "boxplot") {

            ylab <- paste0("Quality Scores (", enc, " encoding)")

            ## Sort out the colours
            pwfCols <- setAlpha(pwfCols, 0.2)

            ## Setup the boxes & the x-axis
            df$Base <- factor(df$Base, levels = unique(df$Base))
            df$Position <- as.integer(df$Base)
            df$xmin <- df$Position - boxWidth/2
            df$xmax <- df$Position + boxWidth/2

            ## Set the limits & rectangles
            ylim <- c(0, max(df$`90th_Percentile`) + 1)
            expand_x <- round(0.015*(max(df$Position) - min(df$Position)), 1)
            rects <- tibble(
                xmin = min(df$Position) - expand_x, xmax = max(df$Position) + expand_x,
                ymin = c(0, fail, warn), ymax = c(fail, warn, max(ylim)),
                Status = c("FAIL", "WARN", "PASS")

            ## Generate the basic plot
            df$Filename <- labels[df$Filename]
            p <- ggplot(df)
            if (showPwf) p <- p + geom_rect(
                data = rects,
                aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = Status)
            p <- p + geom_rect(
                aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = !!sym(lq), ymax = !!sym(uq)),
                fill = "yellow", colour = "black"
            ) +
                    aes(x = xmin, xend = xmax, y = Median, yend = Median), colour = "red"
                ) +
                    aes(x = Base, ymin = `10th_Percentile`, ymax = !!sym(lq))
                ) +
                    aes(x = Base, ymin = !!sym(uq), ymax = `90th_Percentile`)
                ) +
                geom_line(aes(Base, Mean, group = Filename), colour = "blue") +
                scale_fill_manual(values = getColours(pwfCols)) +
                scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
                scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim, expand = c(0, 0)) +
                xlab(xlab) +
                ylab(ylab) +
                facet_wrap(~Filename, ncol = nc) +
                guides(fill = "none") +
                theme_bw() +
                    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)
            p <- .updateThemeFromDots(p, ...)

            ## Make interactive if required
            if (usePlotly) {
                hv <- c(
                    "Base", "Mean", "Median", "Upper_Quartile", "Lower_Quartile",
                    "`10th_Percentile`", "`90th_Percentile`"
                p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
                p <- suppressMessages(plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = hv))
                hideRects <- function(x) {
                    x_matches <- all(x$x %in% unlist(rects[c("xmax", "xmin")]))
                    y_matches <- all(x$y %in% unlist(rects[c("ymin", "ymax")]))
                    if (x_matches & y_matches) x$hoverinfo <- "none"
                    if (all(x$text == "")) x$hoverinfo <- "none" #Box fill
                p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, hideRects)

            out <- p

        if (plotType == "heatmap") {

            ## Sort out the data for the Base, allowing for any size bins
            df$Base <- lapply(
                    rng <- as.integer(str_split(x, pattern = "-")[[1]])
                    seq(min(rng), max(rng), by = 1L)
            df <- unnest(df, Base)
            df <- df[c("Filename", "Base", plotValue)]
            maxVal <- max(df[[plotValue]], na.rm = TRUE)
            phredMax <- ifelse(maxVal <= warn, max(maxQ, 41), ceiling(maxVal + 1))

            ## Set up the dendrogram & labels
            key <- names(labels)
            clusterDend <- .makeDendro(df, "Filename", "Base", plotValue)
            dx <- ggdendro::dendro_data(clusterDend)
            if (dendrogram | cluster) {
                key <- labels(clusterDend)
            if (!dendrogram) dx$segments <- dx$segments[0,]
            lv <- labels[key]
            df$Filename <- factor(labels[df$Filename], levels = lv)

            cols <- .makePwfGradient(
                vals = na.omit(df[[plotValue]]), pwfCols = pwfCols,
                breaks = c(0, fail, warn, phredMax), passLow = FALSE, na.value = "white"

            ## Start the heatmap
            hj <- 0.5 * heat_w / (heat_w + 1 + dendrogram)
            p <- ggplot(df, aes(Base, Filename, fill = !!sym(plotValue))) +
                geom_tile() +
                labs(x = xlab, y = c()) +
                ggtitle(stringr::str_to_title(gsub("_", " ", mod))) +
                do.call("scale_fill_gradientn", cols) +
                scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
                scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(0), position = "right") +
                    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                    panel.background = element_blank(),
                    plot.title = element_text(hjust = hj),
                    axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = hj)
            if (dendrogram | showPwf)
                p <- p + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 0), "points"))

            ## Get any arguments for dotArgs that have been set manually
            p <- .updateThemeFromDots(p, ...)

            ## Add the status sideBar
            status <- subset(getSummary(x), Category == gsub("_", " ", mod))
            status$Filename <- factor(labels[status$Filename], levels = lv)
            if (!showPwf) status <- status[0, ]

            out <- .prepHeatmap(p, status, dx$segments, usePlotly, heat_w, pwfCols)



#' @importFrom tidyselect everything all_of
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom rlang !! sym
#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
    "plotBaseQuals", signature = "FastpData",
        x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*",
        pwfCols, warn = 25, fail = 20, showPwf = FALSE,
        module = c("Before_filtering", "After_filtering"),
        reads = c("read1", "read2"), readsBy = c("facet", "linetype"),
        bases = c("A", "T", "C", "G", "mean"),
        scaleColour = NULL, plotTheme = theme_get(), plotlyLegend = FALSE, ...

        ## Get the data
        module <- match.arg(module)
        data <- getModule(x, module)
        avail_reads <- names(data)
        reads <- match.arg(reads, avail_reads, several.ok = TRUE)
        df <- dplyr::bind_rows(data[reads], .id = "reads")
        fpName <- .makeLabels(df, labels, pattern)
        df[["Filename"]] <- df[["fqName"]]
        df <- df[c("Filename", "reads", "quality_curves")]
        df <- tidyr::unnest(df, everything())
        bases <- match.arg(bases, colnames(df), several.ok = TRUE)
        readsBy <- match.arg(readsBy)
        linetype <- NULL
        if (readsBy == "linetype") linetype <- sym("Filename")

        ## Make a blank plot if no data is found
        if (!length(df)) {
            msg <- "No Quality Curve Data Detected"
            p <- .emptyPlot(msg)
            if (usePlotly) p <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "")

        # Get the plot labels organised
        labels <- .makeLabels(df, labels, pattern = pattern, ...)
        labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]
        df$Filename <- labels[df$Filename]
        df <- pivot_longer(
            df, cols = all_of(bases), names_to = "base", values_to = "quality"
        df[["base"]] <- factor(df[["base"]], levels = bases)
        df[["quality"]] <- round(df[["quality"]], 2)

        ## Sort out the Pwf Colours
        if (missing(pwfCols)) pwfCols <- ngsReports::pwf
        pwfCols <- setAlpha(pwfCols, 0.2)

        ## Set the limits & rectangles
        ylim <- c(0.975 * min(df$quality), 1.025 * max(df$quality))
        expand_x <- round(0.015*(max(df$position) - min(df$position)), 1)
        rects <- tibble(
            xmin = min(df$position) - expand_x,
            xmax = max(df$position) + expand_x,
            ymin = c(0, fail, warn),
            ymax = c(fail, warn, max(ylim)),
            Status = c("FAIL", "WARN", "PASS")
        xlim <- c(rects$xmin[[1]], rects$xmax[[1]])
        rects <- dplyr::filter(rects, !!sym("ymax") > min(ylim))
        rects[["ymin"]][rects[["ymin"]] < min(ylim)] <- min(ylim)

        ## The scaleColour
        if (is.null(scaleColour)) {
            line_cols <- c(
                A = "#807C58", `T` = "#601490", C = "green", G = "blue",
                mean = "grey30"
            scaleColour <- scale_colour_manual(values = line_cols)
        stopifnot(is(scaleColour, "ScaleDiscrete"))
        stopifnot(scaleColour$aesthetics == "colour")
        stopifnot(is(plotTheme, "theme"))

        names(df) <- stringr::str_to_title(names(df))
        p <- ggplot(df)
        if (showPwf) {
            p <- p + geom_rect(
                data = rects,
                    xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax,
                    fill = Status
                inherit.aes = FALSE

        p <- p +
                    !!sym("Position"), !!sym("Quality"), colour = !!sym("Base"),
                    linetype = {{ linetype }}
                ), ...
            ) +
            scaleColour +
            scale_fill_manual(values = getColours(pwfCols)) +
            scale_x_continuous(expand = rep(0, 4), limits = xlim) +
            scale_y_continuous(expand = rep(0, 4), limits = ylim) +
            labs(colour = c()) +
            guides(fill = "none") +
            ggtitle(fpName) +
            theme_bw() +
        if (readsBy == "facet") p <- p + facet_wrap(~Filename)

        if (usePlotly) {
            tt <- c("Position", "Base", "Quality")
            if (!plotlyLegend) p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
            p <- suppressMessages(
                suppressWarnings(plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = tt))
            p$x$data <- lapply(
                function(x) {
                    if (all(x$text == "")) x$hoverinfo <- "none"


#' @rdname plotBaseQuals-methods
#' @export
    "plotBaseQuals", signature = "FastpDataList",
        x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, pattern = ".(fast|fq|bam).*",
        pwfCols, warn = 25, fail = 20, showPwf = FALSE,
        module = c("Before_filtering", "After_filtering"),
        plotType = "heatmap", plotValue = c("mean", "A", "T", "C", "G"),
        scaleFill = NULL, plotTheme = theme_get(), cluster = FALSE,
        dendrogram = FALSE, heat_w = 8L, ...

        ## Get the data
        module <- match.arg(module)
        plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
        plotValue <- match.arg(plotValue)

        df <- bind_rows(getModule(x, module), .id = "reads")
        df$Filename <- df$fqName
        df <- df[c("Filename", "quality_curves")]
        df <- unnest(df, !!sym("quality_curves"))
        df <- df[c("Filename", "position", plotValue)]
        maxQ <- max(df[[plotValue]], na.rm = TRUE)
        phredMax <- ifelse(maxQ <= warn, max(maxQ, 41), ceiling(maxQ + 1))

        ## Drop the suffix, or check the alternate labels
        labels <- .makeLabels(df, labels, pattern)
        labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]
        ## Set up the dendrogram & labels
        key <- names(labels)
        clusterDend <- .makeDendro(df, "Filename", "position", plotValue)
        dx <- ggdendro::dendro_data(clusterDend)
        if (dendrogram | cluster) key <- labels(clusterDend)
        if (!dendrogram) dx$segments <- dx$segments[0,]
        lv <- labels[key]
        df$Filename <- factor(labels[df$Filename], levels = lv)
        df[[plotValue]] <- round(df[[plotValue]], 2)

        ## Set the plot titles
        xlab <- "Position in read (bp)"
        main <- gsub("_", " ", module)
        main <- stringr::str_to_title(paste(main, collapse = ""))

        ## Sort out the colours
        if (missing(pwfCols)) pwfCols <- ngsReports::pwf
        if (is.null(scaleFill)) {
            cols <- .makePwfGradient(
                vals = na.omit(df[[plotValue]]), pwfCols = pwfCols,
                breaks = c(0, fail, warn, phredMax), passLow = FALSE,
                na.value = "white"
            scaleFill <- do.call("scale_fill_gradientn", cols)
        stopifnot(is(scaleFill, "ScaleContinuous"))
        stopifnot(scaleFill$aesthetics == "fill")
        stopifnot(is(plotTheme, "theme"))

        ## Start the heatmap
        hj <- 0.5 * heat_w / (heat_w + 1 + dendrogram)
        p <- ggplot(
            df, aes(!!sym("position"), Filename, fill = !!sym(plotValue))
        ) +
            geom_tile() +
            labs(x = xlab, y = c()) +
            ggtitle(main) +
            scaleFill +
            scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
            scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(0), position = "right") +
            theme_bw() +
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank()
            ) +
        if (dendrogram) p <- p +
            theme(plot.margin = unit(c(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 0), "points"))

        ## Manually replicate the status using the provided values
        status <- lapply(split(df, df$Filename), \(x) min(x[[plotValue]]))
        status <- unlist(status)
        status_df <- tibble(
            Filename = names(status), value = as.numeric(status)
        status_df$Status <- cut(
            status_df$value, breaks = c(0, fail, warn, Inf),
            labels = c("FAIL", "WARN", "PASS")
        status_df$Filename <- factor(status_df$Filename, levels = lv)
        if (!showPwf) status_df <- status_df[0, ]
        .prepHeatmap(p, status_df, dx$segments, usePlotly, heat_w, pwfCols)

steveped/ngsReports documentation built on July 24, 2024, 10:45 a.m.