#' @title Retrieve a given module from a Fastqc* Object
#' @description Retrieve a specific module from a Fastqc* object as a
#' data.frame
#' @details
#' This function will return a given module from a Fastqc* object as a
#' data.frame. Note that each module will be it's own unique structure,
#' although all will return a data.frame
#' @param object Can be a `FastqcData`, `fastqcDataList`, or simply
#' a `character` vector of paths
#' @param module The requested module as contained in a FastQC report. Possible
#' values are `Summary`, `Basic_Statistics`,
#' `Per_base_sequence_quality`, `Per_tile_sequence_quality`,
#' `Per_sequence_quality_scores`, `Per_base_sequence_content`,
#' `Per_sequence_GC_content`, `Per_base_N_content`,
#' `Sequence_Length_Distribution`, `Sequence_Duplication_Levels`,
#' `Overrepresented_sequences`, `Adapter_Content`,
#' `Kmer_Content`, `Total_Deduplicated_Percentage`.
#' Note that spelling and capitalisation is exactly as contained within a
#' FastQC report, with the exception that spaces have been converted to
#' underscores. Partial matching is implemented for this argument.
#' @include FastqcData.R
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @include FastqcFile.R
#' @include FastqcDataList.R
#' @return A single `tibble` containing module-level information
#' from all FastQC reports contained in the Fastqc* object.
#' @examples
#' # Get the files included with the package
#' packageDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "ngsReports")
#' fl <- list.files(packageDir, pattern = "fastqc.zip", full.names = TRUE)
#' # Load the FASTQC data as a FastqcDataList object
#' fdl <- FastqcDataList(fl)
#' # Extract the Summary module, which corresponds to the PASS/WARN/FAIL flags
#' getModule(fdl, "Summary")
#' # The Basic_Statistics module corresponds to the table at the top of each
#' # FastQC report
#' getModule(fdl, "Basic_Statistics")
#' @docType methods
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom methods slotNames slot
#' @export
#' @rdname getModule
#' @aliases getModule
setMethod("getModule", "FastqcData", function(object, module){
## This is the list of defined modules from the object specification
allMods <- slotNames("FastqcData")
## Make sure we have asked for a valid module
module <- match.arg(module, allMods)
## Get the Filename for the underlying Fastq file
nm <- fqName(object)
## Extract the actual module
df <- slot(object, module)
## The Total_Deduplicated_Percentage needs to be handled separately
## as this returns a double which needs to be coerced into a df
if (module == "Total_Deduplicated_Percentage") {
if (is.na(df)) {
df <- tibble()
else {
df <- tibble(Total_Deduplicated_Percentage = df)
## If we have an empty data.frame, just return that here with a message
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
message(module, " missing from ", nm)
## Make sure the first column is the name of the underlying fastq file
cols <- colnames(df)
df$Filename <- nm
## Return the tibble / data.frame
df[unique(c("Filename", cols))]
#' @export
#' @rdname getModule
#' @aliases getModule
setMethod("getModule", "FastqcDataList", function(object, module){
## This is the list of defined modules from the object specification
allMods <- slotNames("FastqcData")
## Make sure we have asked for a valid module
module <- match.arg(module, allMods)
## Extract module as a list
allDfs <- lapply(object, getModule, module = module)
## Now handle each module as appropriate. All can simply be joined using
## dplyr::bind_rows()
allDfs <- dplyr::bind_rows(allDfs)
#' @export
#' @rdname getModule
#' @aliases getModule
setMethod("getModule", "ANY", function(object, module){
## Obtain a FastqcData/List object then extract the module
## This will fail if an invalid file path is specified
fqcData <- FastqcDataList(object)
if (length(fqcData) == 1) fqcData <- fqcData[[1]]
getModule(fqcData, module)
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble_row
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom methods slotNames slot
#' @export
#' @rdname getModule
#' @aliases getModule
setMethod("getModule", "FastpData", function(object, module){
## This is the list of defined modules from the object specification
allMods <- slotNames("FastpData")
## Make sure we have asked for a valid module
module <- match.arg(module, allMods)
## Get the Filename for the underlying Fastq file
isPaired <- object@paired
nm <- c(Filename = basename(path(object)), fqName(object))
nm_tbl <- as_tibble_row(nm)
## Extract the actual module
mod <- slot(object, module)
if (module == "Summary") {
mod <- lapply(mod, function(x) bind_cols(nm_tbl, x))
if (module %in% c("Before_filtering", "After_filtering")) {
mod$read1 <- bind_cols(nm_tbl[c("Filename", "read1")], mod$read1)
names(mod$read1)[names(mod$read1) == "read1"] <- "fqName"
if (isPaired) {
mod$read2 <- bind_cols(nm_tbl[c("Filename", "read2")], mod$read2)
names(mod$read2)[names(mod$read2) == "read2"] <- "fqName"
if (module %in% c("Adapters", "Duplication", "Insert_size")) {
mod <- bind_cols(nm_tbl, mod)
#' @export
#' @rdname getModule
#' @aliases getModule
setMethod("getModule", "FastpDataList", function(object, module){
## This is the list of defined modules from the object specification
allMods <- slotNames("FastpData")
## Make sure we have asked for a valid module
module <- match.arg(module, allMods)
## Extract module as a list
anyPaired <- any(vapply(object, function(x) x@paired, logical(1)))
allMods <- lapply(object, getModule, module = module)
out <- list()
if (module == "Summary") {
modNames <- c("Before_filtering", "After_filtering", "Filtering_result")
out <- lapply(
function(mod) bind_rows(lapply(allMods, function(x) x[[mod]]))
names(out) <- modNames
if (module %in% c("Before_filtering", "After_filtering")) {
r1 <- bind_rows(lapply(allMods, function(x) x[["read1"]]))
out[["read1"]] <- r1
if (anyPaired) {
r2 <- bind_rows(lapply(allMods, function(x) x$read2))
out[["read2"]] <- r2
if (module %in% c("Adapters", "Duplication", "Insert_size")) {
out <- bind_rows(allMods)
if (module %in% c("paired", "command", "version", "path")) {
vals <- unlist(allMods)
names(vals) <- c()
out <- tibble(Filename = basename(path(object)))
out[[module]] <- vals
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