
#' @title Add a status column
#' @description
#' Add a status column based on significance and estimated change
#' @details
#' This takes a simple object and adds a new column classifying entries into
#' one of three categories, as specified using `up`, `down` or `other`.
#' Results in the new column will always be returned as a factor with levels in
#' order of the values provided in the arguments `other`, `down` and `up`
#' @param x Object to be classified
#' @param fc_col Name of the fold-change column
#' @param sig_col Name of the column with significance values
#' @param alpha significance threshold
#' @param cutoff minimum estimated change to be considered in either of the up
#' or down categories
#' @param up,down,other factor levels to annotate regions based on the above
#' criteria
#' @param missing Value to add when either fc_col or sig_col has NA values
#' @param new_col name of the new column to be added
#' @param drop logical(1) Drop unused factor levels from the status column
#' @param ... Used to pass arguments between methods
#' @return An object of the same type as provided
#' @examples
#' ## Working with a data.frame
#' set.seed(101)
#' df <- data.frame(logFC = rnorm(20), p = rbeta(20, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 20))
#' df$FDR <- p.adjust(df$p, "fdr")
#' addDiffStatus(df)
#' ## This works identically with a GRanges object, amongst others
#' gr <- GRanges(paste0("chr1:", seq_len(20)))
#' mcols(gr) <- df
#' addDiffStatus(gr)
#' @name addDiffStatus
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("addDiffStatus", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("addDiffStatus"))
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
    signature = signature(x = "data.frame"),
        x, fc_col = "logFC", sig_col = c("FDR", "hmp_fdr", "p_fdr", "adj.P.Value"),
        alpha = 0.05, cutoff = 0, up = "Increased", down = "Decreased",
        other = "Unchanged", missing = "Undetected", new_col = "status",
        drop = FALSE, ...
    ) {

        # Start with a df
        stopifnot(is(x, "data.frame"))
        nm <- colnames(x)
        fc_col <- match.arg(fc_col, nm)
        sig_col <- intersect(sig_col, nm)[[1]]
        stopifnot(length(sig_col) == 1)
        fc <- x[[fc_col]]
        sig <- x[[sig_col]] < alpha
        status <- case_when(
            is.na(sig) | is.na(fc) ~ missing[[1]],
            !sig ~ other[[1]],
            fc > abs(cutoff) ~ up[[1]],
            fc < -abs(cutoff) ~ down[[1]],
            TRUE ~ other[[1]]
        ## Do we need to add an explicit NA value here?
        lv <- unique(c(other, down, up, missing))
        if (drop) lv <- intersect(lv, status)
        x[[new_col]] <- factor(status, levels = lv)
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
    "addDiffStatus", signature = signature(x = "DataFrame"),
    function(x, new_col = "status", ...) {
        df <- as.data.frame(x)
        orig_names <- colnames(df)
        df <- addDiffStatus(df, new_col = new_col, ...)
        x[[new_col]] <- df[[new_col]]
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
    "addDiffStatus", signature = signature(x = "GRanges"), function(x, ...) {
        df <- mcols(x)
        df <- addDiffStatus(df, ...)
        mcols(x) <- df
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
    "addDiffStatus", signature = signature(x = "GRangesList"), function(x, ...) {
        endoapply(x, addDiffStatus, ...)
#' @rdname addDiffStatus-methods
#' @export
    "addDiffStatus", signature = signature(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
    function(x, ...) {
        df <- rowData(x)
        df <- addDiffStatus(df, ...)
        rowData(x) <- df
steveped/extraChIPs documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 12:36 a.m.