args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
slope = as.numeric(args[1])
foreign_prop = as.numeric(args[2])
S = as.integer(args[3])
which_changing = as.integer(args[4])
run = as.integer(args[5])
output_file = args[6]
get_alpha = function(slope, which_changing, cell_types){
# Get the alpha matrix
intercept = rep(0, length(cell_types))
slope_arr = rep(0, length(cell_types))
slope_arr[which_changing] = slope
matrix(intercept %>% c(slope_arr), ncol = 2)
get_survival_X = function(S){
readRDS("dev/PFI_all_cancers.rds") %>%
filter(PFI.2 == 1 & ! & PFI.time.2 > 0) %>%
select(real_days = PFI.time.2 ) %>%
mutate(real_days = real_days %>% scale(center = F) %>% as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(S) %>%
mutate(sample = sprintf("S%s", 1:n())) %>%
mutate(alive = sample(0:1, n(), replace = T)) %>%
mutate(days = ifelse(alive==1, real_days/2, real_days) ) %>%
mutate(intercept = 1)
generate_mixture = function(.data, X_df, alpha, foreign_prop = 0) {
add_attr = function(var, attribute, name) {
attr(var, name) <- attribute
logsumexp <- function (x) {
y = max(x)
y + log(sum(exp(x - y)))
softmax <- function (x) {
exp(x - logsumexp(x))
# Avoid map error
.my_data = .data
# Regress on the log days
X = X_df %>% mutate(real_days = log(real_days)) %>% select(intercept, real_days) %>% nanny::as_matrix()
sample_list = .data %>% tidyseurat::pull(sample) %>% unique %>% sample(size = nrow(X), replace = TRUE)
samples_run_df =
.data %>%
tidyseurat::count(sample, name = "cell_total") %>%
dplyr::sample_n(nrow(X), replace = T) %>%
tibble::rowid_to_column(var = "run")
ct_names = .data %>% tidyseurat::distinct(cell_type_curated) %>% pull(1)
alpha_df = alpha %>% %>% setNames(sprintf("alpha_%s", 1:2)) %>% mutate(cell_type_curated = ct_names)
ct_changing = alpha_df %>% filter(alpha_2 != 0) %>% pull(cell_type_curated)
cell_type_proportions =
# Choose samples
samples_run_df %>%
# Choose proportions
# Decide theoretical, noise-less proportions for each sample
X %*% t(alpha) %>%
apply(1, softmax) %>%
t %>%
`*` (40) %>% %>%
as_tibble() %>%
setNames(ct_names) %>%
mutate(run = 1:n()) %>%
gather(cell_type_curated, alpha, -run)
) %>%
# Add X
left_join(X_df %>% select(-sample) %>% mutate(run = 1:n())) %>%
# Add alpha
left_join(alpha_df) %>%
group_by(run) %>%
mutate(p = gtools::rdirichlet(1, alpha) %>% as.numeric()) %>%
# Add fold increase decrease
fold_change =
matrix(c(rep(1, 2), c(0, max(X,2))), ncol = 2) %*% t(alpha) %>%
apply(1, softmax) %>%
t %>%
`*` (40) %>%
apply(1, softmax) %>%
.[ct_names == ct_changing,] %>%
{ max(.) / min(.) } %>%
{ slope = alpha[,2][ alpha[,2]!=0]; ifelse(slope<0, -(.), (.)) }
# Add counts
dirichlet_source =
cell_type_proportions %>%
mutate(cell_count = as.integer(cell_total*p)) %>%
mutate(transcriptome = pmap(
list(sample, cell_type_curated, cell_count),
~ {
my_mat =
.my_data %>%
# Subset sample/cell-type
tidyseurat::filter(sample == ..1 & cell_type_curated == ..2) %>%
`@` (assays) %>%
my_mat[,sample(1:ncol(my_mat), size=..3, replace = TRUE)] %>%
as.matrix() %>%
rowSums %>%
enframe(name = "transcript", value = "count")
)) %>%
# Add foreign sample
neural_sample =
readRDS("dev/ENCODE.rds") %>%
filter(grepl("neur", `Cell type`)) %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(transcript = symbol, count_neuro = count)
# Make mix
dirichlet_source %>%
mutate(c = count) %>%
group_by(run, transcript) %>%
summarise(`count mix` = c %>% sum) %>%
ungroup %>%
left_join(dirichlet_source %>% nanny::subset(run) ) %>%
mutate(fold_change = fold_change) %>%
# Add neuron
left_join(neural_sample, by = "transcript") %>%
mutate(prop_neural = foreign_prop) %>%
mutate(count_neuro = if_else(, 0, count_neuro)) %>%
mutate(`count mix` = (`count mix` * (1-prop_neural))+(count_neuro*prop_neural)) %>%
# Add proportions
add_attr(cell_type_proportions, "proportions")
mix_base =
readRDS("~/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/dev/test_simulation_singleCell_makeflow_pipeline/PBMC_integrated_curated.rds") %>%
tidyseurat::filter(sample != "SCP591") %>%
tidyseurat::filter(cell_type_curated != "dendritic_myeloid")
cell_types = mix_base %>% pull(cell_type_curated) %>% unique
alpha = get_alpha(slope, which_changing, cell_types)
X_df = get_survival_X(S)
mix_base %>%
generate_mixture(X_df, alpha, foreign_prop = foreign_prop) %>%
# Parse
mutate(`count mix` = as.integer(`count mix`), run = as.character(run)) %>%
#select(-level) %>%
rename(sample_source = sample) %>%
rename(sample = run) %>%
rename(symbol = transcript) %>%
# Save
saveRDS(output_file, compress = "xz")
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