#' @export
#' @inherit CellRanger-class title description
#' @note Updated 2023-09-28.
#' @details
#' Read [10x Genomics Cell Ranger](https://www.10xgenomics.com/software/) output
#' for a Chromium data set into a `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' Currently supports loading of a single genome.
#' @section Directory structure for multiple samples:
#' Cell Ranger can vary in its output directory structure, but we're requiring a
#' single, consistent directory structure for datasets containing multiple
#' samples that have not been aggregated into a single matrix with `aggr`.
#' Cell Ranger v3 output:
#' ```
#' | <dir>/
#' |-- <sampleName>/
#' |---- outs/
#' |------ filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
#' |-------- barcodes.tsv.gz
#' |-------- features.tsv.gz
#' |-------- matrix.mtx.gz
#' |------ filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
#' |------ metrics_summary.csv
#' |------ molecule_info.h5
#' |------ possorted_genome_bam.bam
#' |------ possorted_genome_bam.bam.bai
#' |------ raw_feature_bc_matrix/
#' |-------- barcodes.tsv.gz
#' |-------- features.tsv.gz
#' |-------- matrix.mtx.gz
#' |------ raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
#' |------ web_summary.html
#' ```
#' Cell Ranger v2 output:
#' ```
#' | <dir>/
#' |-- <sampleName>/
#' |---- outs/
#' |------ filtered_gene_bc_matrices/
#' |-------- <genomeBuild>/
#' |---------- barcodes.tsv
#' |---------- genes.tsv
#' |---------- matrix.mtx
#' |------ filtered_gene_bc_matrices_h5.h5
#' |------ metrics_summary.csv
#' |------ molecule_info.h5
#' |------ possorted_genome_bam.bam
#' |------ possorted_genome_bam.bam.bai
#' |------ raw_gene_bc_matrices/
#' |-------- <genomeBuild>/
#' |---------- barcodes.tsv
#' |---------- genes.tsv
#' |---------- matrix.mtx
#' |------ raw_gene_bc_matrices_h5.h5
#' ```
#' @section Sample metadata:
#' A user-supplied sample metadata file defined by `sampleMetadataFile` is
#' required for multiplexed datasets. Otherwise this can be left `NULL`, and
#' minimal sample data will be used, based on the directory names.
#' @section Reference data:
#' We strongly recommend supplying the corresponding reference data required for
#' Cell Ranger with the `refdataDir` argument. It will convert the gene
#' annotations defined in the GTF file into a `GRanges` object, which get
#' slotted in [`rowRanges()`][SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges]. Otherwise, the
#' function will attempt to use the most current annotations available from
#' Ensembl, and some gene IDs may not match, due to deprecation in the current
#' Ensembl release.
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param dir `character(1)`.
#' Directory path to Cell Ranger output.
#' @param filtered `logical(1)`.
#' Use filtered (recommended) or raw counts. Note that raw counts still
#' contain only whitelisted cellular barcodes.
#' @param refdataDir `character(1)` or `NULL`.
#' Directory path to Cell Ranger reference annotation data.
#' @return `CellRanger`.
#' @seealso
#' - https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file("extdata", "cellranger_v3", package = "Chromium")
#' x <- CellRanger(dir)
#' print(x)
CellRanger <- # nolint
filtered = TRUE,
organism = NULL,
ensemblRelease = NULL,
genomeBuild = NULL,
gffFile = NULL,
refdataDir = NULL,
samples = NULL,
censorSamples = NULL,
sampleMetadataFile = NULL,
transgeneNames = NULL,
interestingGroups = "sampleName") {
isString(organism, nullOk = TRUE),
isInt(ensemblRelease, nullOk = TRUE),
isString(genomeBuild, nullOk = TRUE),
isString(gffFile, nullOk = TRUE),
isADir(refdataDir, nullOk = TRUE),
isAny(samples, classes = c("character", "NULL")),
isAny(censorSamples, classes = c("character", "NULL")),
isAFile(sampleMetadataFile, nullOk = TRUE),
isCharacter(transgeneNames, nullOk = TRUE),
alert("Importing Chromium single-cell RNA-seq run.")
## Run info ------------------------------------------------------------
level <- "genes"
dir <- realpath(dir)
if (isADir(refdataDir)) {
refdataDir <- realpath(refdataDir) ## nocov
sampleDirs <- .sampleDirs(dir = dir, filtered = filtered)
lanes <- detectLanes(sampleDirs)
assert(isInt(lanes) || identical(lanes, integer()))
## Sample metadata -----------------------------------------------------
allSamples <- TRUE
sampleData <- NULL
## Get the sample data.
if (isString(sampleMetadataFile)) {
## Normalize path of local file.
if (file.exists(sampleMetadataFile)) {
sampleMetadataFile <- realpath(sampleMetadataFile)
## Note that URL input is also supported here.
sampleData <- importSampleData(
file = sampleMetadataFile,
lanes = lanes,
pipeline = "cellranger"
assert(isSubset(rownames(sampleData), names(sampleDirs)))
sampleIds <- rownames(sampleData)
} else {
sampleIds <- names(sampleDirs)
## Subset the sample directories, if necessary.
if (is.character(samples) || is.character(censorSamples)) {
if (is.character(samples)) {
samples <- makeNames(samples)
assert(isSubset(samples, sampleIds))
sampleIds <- samples
if (is.character(censorSamples)) {
censorSamples <- makeNames(censorSamples)
assert(isSubset(censorSamples, sampleIds))
sampleIds <- setdiff(sampleIds, censorSamples)
isSubset(sampleIds, names(sampleDirs))
isSubset(sampleIds, names(sampleDirs)),
if (length(sampleIds) < length(sampleDirs)) {
sampleDirs <- sampleDirs[sampleIds]
txt("Loading a subset of samples:")
## Subset the user-defined sample metadata to match, if necessary.
if (!is.null(sampleData)) {
keep <- rownames(sampleData) %in% sampleIds
sampleData <- sampleData[keep, , drop = FALSE]
allSamples <- FALSE
## Assays (counts) -----------------------------------------------------
matrixFiles <- .matrixFiles(
sampleDirs = sampleDirs,
filtered = filtered
## Get the pipeline from the matrix file attributes.
pipeline <- attr(matrixFiles, "pipeline")
assert(isString(pipeline) || identical(pipeline, NA_character_))
attr(matrixFiles, "pipeline") <- NULL
counts <- .importCounts(matrixFiles)
## Row data (genes/transcripts) ----------------------------------------
refJson <- NULL
## Prepare gene annotations as GRanges.
if (isADir(refdataDir)) {
## nocov start
fmt = paste0(
"Using 10X Genomics reference data ",
"for feature annotations: %s"
## JSON data.
refJsonFile <- file.path(refdataDir, "reference.json")
refJson <- import(refJsonFile)
## Get the genome build from JSON metadata.
genomeBuild <- unlist(refJson[["genomes"]])
## Get the Ensembl release version from JSON metadata.
## e.g. "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.93.filtered.gtf"
ensemblRelease <-
x = refJson[["input_gtf_files"]][[1L]],
split = ".",
fixed = TRUE
## Convert the GTF file to GRanges.
gffFile <- file.path(refdataDir, "genes", "genes.gtf")
rowRanges <- makeGRangesFromGff(gffFile)
## nocov end
} else if (isString(gffFile)) {
## This step is necessary for generating v2 working example. Note
## that this works with a remote URL.
rowRanges <- makeGRangesFromGff(
file = gffFile,
level = "genes",
ignoreVersion = TRUE
} else if (isString(organism)) {
## Cell Ranger uses Ensembl refdata internally. Here we're fetching
## the annotations with AnnotationHub rather than pulling from the
## GTF file in the refdata directory. It will also drop genes that
## are now dead in the current Ensembl release. Don't warn about old
## Ensembl release version.
rowRanges <- makeGRangesFromEnsembl(
organism = organism,
level = level,
genomeBuild = genomeBuild,
release = ensemblRelease,
ignoreVersion = TRUE
if (is.null(genomeBuild)) {
genomeBuild <- metadata(rowRanges)[["genomeBuild"]]
if (is.null(ensemblRelease)) {
ensemblRelease <- metadata(rowRanges)[["ensemblRelease"]]
} else {
"Slotting empty ranges into {.fun %s}.",
rowRanges <- emptyRanges(rownames(counts))
assert(is(rowRanges, "GenomicRanges"))
## Metrics -------------------------------------------------------------
## Note that "molecule_info.h5" file contains additional information
## that may be useful for quality control metric calculations.
aggregation <- NULL
sampleMetrics <- NULL
summary <- NULL
if (.isAggregate(dir)) {
aggregation <- import(file.path(dir, "outs", "aggregation.csv"))
aggregation <- as(aggregation, "DataFrame")
summary <- import(file.path(dir, "outs", "summary.json"))
summary <- as(summary, "SimpleList")
} else if (!.isMinimalSample(dir)) {
sampleMetrics <- .importSampleMetrics(sampleDirs)
## Column data ---------------------------------------------------------
colData <- DataFrame(row.names = colnames(counts))
## Generate automatic sample metadata, if necessary.
if (is.null(sampleData)) {
## Define the grep pattern to use for sample ID extraction.
pattern <- "^(.+)_[ACGT]+$"
if (all(grepl(pattern, colnames(counts)))) {
match <- strMatch(x = colnames(counts), pattern = pattern)
samples <- unique(match[, 2L, drop = TRUE])
} else if (hasLength(sampleDirs, n = 1L)) {
samples <- names(sampleDirs)
sampleData <- minimalSampleData(samples)
## Join `sampleData` into cell-level `colData`.
if (identical(nrow(sampleData), 1L)) {
colData[["sampleId"]] <- as.factor(rownames(sampleData))
} else {
colData[["sampleId"]] <- mapCellsToSamples(
cells = rownames(colData),
samples = rownames(sampleData)
sampleData[["sampleId"]] <- as.factor(rownames(sampleData))
## Need to ensure the `sampleId` factor levels match up, otherwise we'll
## get a warning during the `leftJoin()` call below.
x = levels(colData[["sampleId"]]),
y = levels(sampleData[["sampleId"]])
levels(sampleData[["sampleId"]]) <- levels(colData[["sampleId"]])
colData <- leftJoin(colData, sampleData, by = "sampleId")
is(colData, "DataFrame"),
## Metadata ------------------------------------------------------------
interestingGroups <- camelCase(interestingGroups, strict = TRUE)
assert(isSubset(interestingGroups, colnames(sampleData)))
metadata <- list(
"aggregation" = aggregation,
"allSamples" = allSamples,
"call" = standardizeCall(),
"dir" = dir,
"ensemblRelease" = as.integer(ensemblRelease),
"genomeBuild" = as.character(genomeBuild),
"gffFile" = as.character(gffFile),
"interestingGroups" = interestingGroups,
"lanes" = lanes,
"level" = level,
"matrixFiles" = matrixFiles,
"organism" = as.character(organism),
"packageVersion" = .pkgVersion,
"pipeline" = pipeline,
"refJson" = as.list(refJson),
"refdataDir" = as.character(refdataDir),
"sampleDirs" = sampleDirs,
"sampleMetadataFile" = as.character(sampleMetadataFile),
"sampleMetrics" = sampleMetrics,
"summary" = summary,
"umiType" = "chromium"
## SingleCellExperiment ------------------------------------------------
object <- makeSingleCellExperiment(
assays = SimpleList(counts = counts),
rowRanges = rowRanges,
colData = colData,
metadata = metadata,
transgeneNames = transgeneNames
## Return --------------------------------------------------------------
## Always prefilter, removing very low quality cells and/or genes.
object <- calculateMetrics(object = object, prefilter = TRUE)
object <- new(Class = "CellRanger", object)
alertSuccess("Chromium single-cell RNA-seq run imported successfully.")
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