context("tradeSeq output works and fails when it is supposed to")
# Create data ----
data("sds", package = "tradeSeq")
# Create fake data
n <- nrow(reducedDim(sds))
G <- 100
pseudotime <- slingPseudotime(sds, na = FALSE)
cellWeights <- slingCurveWeights(sds)
means <- matrix(rep(rlnorm(n = G, meanlog = 4, sdlog = 1), n),
nrow = G, ncol = n, byrow = FALSE
dispersions <- matrix(rep(runif(n = G, min = 0.8, max = 3), n),
nrow = G, ncol = n, byrow = FALSE
# add pseudotime effects for a few
id <- sample(1:100, 20)
means[id, ] <- sweep(means[id, ], 2, FUN = "*", STATS = (pseudotime[, 1] / 50))
# simulate NB counts
counts <- matrix(rnbinom(n = G * n, mu = means, size = 1 / dispersions),
nrow = G, ncol = n)
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts))
sce@int_metadata$slingshot <- sds
# fitGAM tests
weights <- t(apply(counts, 1, function(cell) {rep(1, length(cell))}))
# Do the tests ----
test_that("fitGAM fails when expected", {
# ncol(counts), Pseudotime and weights don't have the same length
## Pseudotime is too short
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, pseudotime = pseudotime[1:20],
cellWeights = cellWeights, nknots = 3)}
## cellWeights is too short
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, pseudotime = pseudotime,
cellWeights = cellWeights[1:20], nknots = 3)}
## ncol(counts) is too short
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts[, 1:20], pseudotime = pseudotime,
cellWeights = cellWeights, nknots = 3)}
cellWeights2 <- cellWeights
cellWeights2[1,] <- 0
# Fails if there is cells with zero weights in all lineages
## Multiple lineages
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, pseudotime = pseudotime,
cellWeights = cellWeights2,
nknots = 3)}
## One lineage
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, pseudotime = pseudotime[,1],
cellWeights = cellWeights[,1],
nknots = 3)})
# Fail if weights does not have the right lengths
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, pseudotime = pseudotime,
cellWeights = cellWeights, weights = weights[,1:20],
nknots = 3)})
# Fail if weights does not have the right lengths
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds = sds, weights = weights[,1:20])}
# Fail if wrong inputs
## No count matrix
expect_error(expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(NULL, sds = sds, nknots = 3)})
## Wrong gene IDs
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds = sds, nknots = 3,
genes = as.character(0:10))
## Wrong conditions
expr = {tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds = sds, nknots = 3,
conditions = rep(1, ncol(counts)))
## Switch to normal if one condition
expect_message(tradeSeq::fitGAM(verbose = FALSE,
counts, sds = sds, nknots = 3, conditions = as.factor(rep(1, ncol(counts)))),
regexp = "Only one condition was provided. Will run fitGAM without conditions")
## Switch to sce if conditions
expect_warning(tradeSeq::fitGAM(verbose = FALSE, sce = FALSE,
counts, sds = sds, nknots = 3, conditions = as.factor(rep(1, ncol(counts)))))
test_that("fitGAM with weights",{
expect_s4_class(tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds, nknots = 3, verbose = FALSE,
weights = weights), "SingleCellExperiment" )
test_that("various", {
expect_warning(tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds, nknots = 3, sce = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE))
expect_s4_class(tradeSeq::fitGAM(counts, sds, nknots = 3, genes = 1:20,
verbose = FALSE), "SingleCellExperiment")
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