#' @include utils.R
#' @import mgcv
#' @description Get fitted values for each cell.
#' @param models Either the \code{SingleCellExperiment} object obtained after
#' running \code{fitGAM}, or the specific GAM model for the corresponding gene,
#' if working with the list output of \code{tradeSeq}.
#' @param gene Gene name of gene for which to extract fitted values.
#' @details Using the gene expression model of \code{tradeSeq} available at
#' \url{https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-14766-3#Sec2}.
#' the output of \code{predictCells} returns the \eqn{\eta_{gi}} value for each cell.
#' @return A vector of fitted values.
#' @examples
#' data(gamList, package = "tradeSeq")
#' predictCells(models = gamList, gene = 1)
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @rdname predictCells
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predictCells",
signature = c(models = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(models, gene){
# check if all gene IDs provided are present in the models object.
if (is(gene, "character")) {
if (!all(gene %in% rownames(models))) {
stop("Not all gene IDs are present in the models object.")
id <- match(gene, rownames(models))
} else id <- gene
dm <- colData(models)$tradeSeq$dm # design matrix
X <- colData(models)$tradeSeq$X # linear predictor
betaMat <- rowData(models)$tradeSeq$beta[[1]]
beta <- betaMat[id,]
yhat <- exp(t(X %*% t(beta)) +
matrix(dm$offset, nrow = length(gene),
ncol = nrow(X), byrow = TRUE))
colnames(yhat) <- colnames(models)
rownames(yhat) <- gene
#' @rdname predictCells
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predictCells",
signature = c(models = "list"),
definition = function(models, gene){
# check if all gene IDs provided are present in the models object.
if (is(gene, "character")) {
if (!all(gene %in% rownames(models))) {
stop("The gene ID is not present in the models object.")
id <- which(rownames(models) %in% gene)
} else {
id <- gene
yhat <- t(sapply(models[id], "[[", "fitted.values"))
rownames(yhat) <- gene
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