#' Method to fit msqrob models with robust regression and/or ridge regression and/or random effects
#' It models multiple features simultaneously, e.g. multiple peptides from the same protein.
#' @description Parameter estimation of msqrob models for `QFeatures`instance.
#' The method aggregates features within the model e.g. from peptides to proteins.
#' It provides fold change estimates and their associated uncertainty at the aggregated
#' level (e.g. protein level) while correcting for the peptide species that are observed
#' in each sample. It also addresses the correlation in the data, e.g. the peptide data
#' for the same protein in a sample are correlate because they originate from the same
#' protein pool. The method however does not return aggregated expression values for each sample.
#' For visualisation purposes aggregated expression values are provide by the `aggregateFeatures`
#' function from the `QFeatures` Package
#' @author Lieven Clement
#' @examples
#' # Load example data
#' # The data are a Feature object with containing
#' # a SummarizedExperiment named "peptide" with MaxQuant peptide intensities
#' # The data are a subset of spike-in the human-ecoli study
#' # The variable condition in the colData of the Feature object
#' # contains information on the spike in condition a-e (from low to high)
#' data(pe)
#' # Fit MSqrob model using robust ridge regression starting from peptide intensities
#' # The fold changes are calculated at the protein level while correcting for
#' # the different peptide species in each sample and the correlation between
#' # peptide intensities of peptides of the same protein in the same sample.
#' colData(pe)$samples <- rownames(colData(pe))
#' pe <- msqrobAggregate(pe, i = "peptide", fcol = "Proteins",
#' formula = ~condition + (1|samples) + (1|Sequence),
#' ridge = TRUE)
#' getCoef(rowData(pe[["msqrobAggregate"]])$msqrobModels[["P00956"]])
#' ## Same but on a SummarizedExperiment object
#' se <- getWithColData(pe, "peptide")
#' se <- msqrobAggregate(se, fcol = "Proteins",
#' formula = ~condition + (1|samples) + (1|Sequence),
#' ridge = TRUE)
#' getCoef(rowData(se)$msqrobModels[["P00956"]])
#' @param object `QFeatures` instance
#' @param formula Model formula. The model is built based on the
#' covariates in the data object.
#' @param i `character` or `integer` to specify the element of the `QFeatures` that
#' contains the log expression intensities that will be modelled.
#' @param fcol The feature variable of assay ‘i’ defining how to summarise
#' the features.
#' @param name A ‘character(1)’ naming the new assay. Default is ‘newAssay’.
#' Note that the function will fail if there's already an assay
#' with ‘name’.
#' @param aggregateFun A function used for quantitative feature aggregation.
#' Details can be found in the documentation of the `aggregateFeatures`
#' of the `QFeatures` package.
#' @param modelColumnName `character` to indicate the variable name that is used
#' to store the msqrob models in the rowData of the SummarizedExperiment
#' instance or of the assay of the QFeatures instance. Default is "msqrobModels".
#' @param robust `boolean(1)` to indicate if robust regression is
#' performed to account for outliers. Default is `TRUE`. If
#' `FALSE` an OLS fit is performed.
#' @param ridge `boolean(1)` to indicate if ridge regression is
#' performed. Default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` the fixed effects are
#' estimated via penalized regression and shrunken to zero.
#' @param maxitRob `numeric(1)` indicating the maximum iterations in
#' the IRWLS algorithm used in the M-estimation step of the robust
#' regression.
#' @param tol `numeric(1)` indicating the tolerance for declaring convergence
#' of the M-estimation loop.
#' @param doQR `boolean(1)` to indicate if QR decomposition is used when adopting
#' ridge regression. Default is `TRUE`. If `FALSE` the predictors of the fixed
#' effects are not transformed, and the degree of shrinkage can depend on the encoding.
#' @param lmerArgs a list (of correct class, resulting from ‘lmerControl()’
#' containing control parameters, including the nonlinear optimizer to be used
#' and parameters to be passed through to the nonlinear optimizer, see the
#' ‘lmerControl’ documentation of the lme4 package for more details.
#' Default is `list(control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))`
#' @return A ‘QFeatures’ object with an additional assay.
#' @rdname msqrobAggregate
#' @aliases msqrobAggregate msqrobAggregate,QFeatures-method
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom QFeatures addAssay addAssayLink
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment getWithColData
#' @export
"msqrobAggregate", "SummarizedExperiment",
aggregateFun = MsCoreUtils::robustSummary,
modelColumnName = "msqrobModels",
robust = TRUE,
ridge = FALSE,
maxitRob = 1,
tol = 1e-6,
doQR = TRUE,
lmerArgs = list(control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))) {
if (!fcol %in% colnames(rowData(object)))
stop("The rowData does not contain variable '", fcol, "'.")
if (ridge == FALSE & is.null(findbars(formula)) ){
stop("Formula contains no random effects.")
if (length(formula) == 3) {
formula <- formula[-2]
rowdata <- rowData(object)
#Get the variables from the formula and check if they are in the coldata or rowdata
check_vars <- all.vars(formula) %in% c(colnames(rowdata), colnames(colData(object)))
if (!all(check_vars)){
if(sum(!check_vars) >1) {
vars_not_found <- paste0(all.vars(formula)[!check_vars], collapse=", ")
stop(paste("Variables", vars_not_found, "are not found in coldata or rowdata"), sep = "")
} else{
vars_not_found <- all.vars(formula)[!check_vars]
stop(paste0("Variable ", vars_not_found, " is not found in coldata or rowdata"), sep = "")
#If there is at least one variable from the formula in the rowdata then keep rowdata
#Otherwise return NULL
if(!(any(colnames(rowdata) %in% all.vars(formula)))){
rowdata <- NULL
modelOutput <- msqrobLmer(
y = assay(object),
formula = formula,
data = droplevels(colData(object)),
rowdata = rowdata,
robust = robust,
ridge = ridge,
maxitRob = maxitRob,
tol = tol,
doQR = doQR,
lmerArgs = lmerArgs,
featureGroups = rowData(object)[[fcol]]
object <- QFeatures::aggregateFeatures(
object = object,
fcol = fcol,
fun = aggregateFun
rowData(object)[[modelColumnName]] <- modelOutput
#' @rdname msqrobAggregate
"msqrobAggregate", "QFeatures",
name = "msqrobAggregate",
aggregateFun = MsCoreUtils::robustSummary,
modelColumnName = "msqrobModels",
robust = TRUE,
ridge = FALSE,
maxitRob = 1,
tol = 1e-6,
doQR = TRUE,
lmerArgs = list(control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))) {
if (is.null(object[[i]])) stop("QFeatures object does not contain assay ", i)
x <- getWithColData(object, i)
x <- msqrobAggregate(
object = x,
formula = formula,
fcol = fcol,
aggregateFun = aggregateFun,
modelColumnName = modelColumnName,
robust = robust,
ridge = ridge,
maxitRob = maxitRob,
tol = tol,
doQR = doQR,
lmerArgs = lmerArgs
object <- addAssay(object, x, name)
addAssayLink(object, i, name, varFrom = fcol, varTo = fcol)
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