#' Prepare peaklist for interactive browser
#' This function adds some html that is needed for the interactive browser.
#' It adds a plus button to open the first nesting (collapse_col) and a View button to view the second nesting (modal_col).
#' @param peaklist A \code{\link{tibble}} peaklist with nested columns for pcgroup and the feauture annotations
#' @param collapse_col A string. The first nesting for pcgroups.
#' @param modal_col A string. The second nesting for feature annotations.
#' @return A \code{\link{tibble}} containing the same columns as the input table but with extra hmtl.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate select bind_cols
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom tibble data_frame
#' @importFrom rlang := sym
#' @importFrom purrr map_int map map2
peaklist_browser_prep <- function(peaklist, collapse_col = "features", modal_col = "anno"){
# make check happy
. <-
rows <-
offset <-
pcgroup <-
# add the + button
peaklist %<>% {bind_cols(data_frame(' ' = rep('⊕',nrow(.))),.)}
# add view button and remove it again when there are nothing to show
peaklist %<>% mutate(rows := map_int(!!sym(collapse_col), nrow)) %>%
mutate(offset = cumsum(rows)-rows) %>%
mutate(!!collapse_col := map2(!!sym(collapse_col), offset, ~add_view_col(..1,..2, modal_col=modal_col))) %>%
mutate(!!collapse_col := map(!!sym(collapse_col), ~ mutate(..1, View = ifelse(sapply(!!sym(modal_col),nrow)>0,View,"")) )) %>%
# make pcgroup a character so we can do text search
peaklist %<>% mutate(pcgroup = as.character(pcgroup))
#' Datatables callback function to modify peakbrowser table
#' Internal function for the database callback
#' @param modal_col A string. The second nesting for feature annotations.
#' @return Callback stript.
#' @keywords internal
BP_callback <- function(modal_col){
table.column(1).nodes().to$().css({cursor: 'pointer'})
// Format child object into another table
var format = function(d) {
if(d != null){
var result = ('<table id=\"' + d[1] + '\"><thead><tr>').replace('.','_')
for (var col in d[d.length - 1][0]){
result += '<th>' + col + '</th>'
result += '</tr></thead></table>'
return result
return ''
var format_datatable = function(d) {
if(d != null){
var subtable = $(('table#' + d[1]).replace('.','_')).DataTable({
'data': d[d.length - 1].map(Object.values),
'autoWidth': false,
'deferRender': true,
'stripeClasses': [],
'info': false,
'lengthChange': false,
'ordering': false,
'paging': false,
'scrollX': false,
'scrollY': false,
'searching': false
var subtable = $(('table#' + d[1]).replace('.','_')).DataTable({
'data': d[d.length - 1].map(Object.values),
'autoWidth': false,
'deferRender': true,
'stripeClasses': [],
'info': false,
'lengthChange': false,
'ordering': false,
'paging': false,
'scrollX': false,
'scrollY': false,
'searching': false,
'columnDefs': [
//{'orderable': false, 'className': 'details-control', 'targets': 0},
{'visible': false, 'targets': -",modal_col,"}
table.on('click', 'td.details-control', function() {
var table = $(this).closest('table')
var td = $(this)
var row = $(table).DataTable().row(td.closest('tr'))
if (row.child.isShown()) {
} else {
#' Function to add the View button
#' Internal function for the datatables View button that opens the modal
#' @param X The table to add buttons to.
#' @param offset A numeric vector. Offset for the button id for each row.
#' @param modal_col A string. The second nesting for feature annotations.
#' @param FUN The shiny Input function to create.
#' @param len Integer How many buttons to make.
#' @param id String. Prefix for the id.
#' @param label A character vector. The text to but on each button. Should have the same length as the number of rows in X.
#' @param ...
#' @return Callback stript.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom shiny actionButton
#' @describeIn add_view_col Generates all buttons
add_view_col <- function(X,offset, modal_col){
View = shinyInput(actionButton,
label = paste0("View (", sapply(X[[modal_col]], nrow),")"),
onclick = 'Shiny.onInputChange(\"select_button\", this.id)'
#' @describeIn add_view_col generates multople shiny inputs with different labels
shinyInput <- function(FUN, len, id, offset, label, ...) {
inputs <- character(len)
for (i in seq_len(len)) {
inputs[i] <- as.character(FUN(paste0(id, i+offset), label[i], ...))}
#' Peaklist Browser
#' Open a peaklist browser for a peaklist prepared with \code{\link{peaklist_browser_prep}}.
#' @param peaklist A \code{\link{tibble}} peaklist with nested columns for pcgroup and the feauture annotations
#' @param collapse_col A string. The first nesting for pcgroups.
#' @param modal_col A string. The second nesting for feature annotations.
#' @return Opens a shiny app with the peaklist browser
#' @export
#' @references
#' https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-examples/issues/9#issuecomment-295018270
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38575655/shiny-modules-namespace-outside-of-ui-for-javascript-links
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45739303/r-shiny-handle-action-buttons-in-data-table
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40107022/r-shinybs-popup-window
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46593607/datatable-with-nesting-child-rows-and-modal
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom shiny fluidPage uiOutput reactive eventReactive observeEvent renderUI shinyApp tags column HTML
#' @importFrom shinyBS toggleModal bsModal
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput renderDataTable JS
peaklist_browser <- function(peaklist, collapse_col, modal_col){
# make check happy
tags <- tags
# find nested colums
collapse_col_idx <- which(collapse_col == colnames(peaklist))
modal_col_idx <- which(modal_col == colnames(peaklist[[collapse_col]][[1]]))
ui <- fluidPage( tags$head(tags$style(HTML('
.modal-lg {
width: 95%;
server <- function(input, output, session) {
my_data <- reactive(peaklist)
output$my_table <- DT::renderDataTable(my_data(),
options = list(columnDefs = list(
list(visible = FALSE, targets = c(collapse_col_idx-1) ), # Hide row numbers and nested columns
list(orderable = FALSE, className = 'details-control', targets = 0) # turn first column into control column
server = TRUE,
rownames = FALSE,
escape = -c(1),
callback = JS(BP_callback(ncol(my_data()[[collapse_col]][[1]])-modal_col_idx+1)),
selection = "none",
# Here I created a reactive to save which row was clicked which can be stored for further analysis
SelectedRow <- eventReactive(input$select_button,
as.numeric(strsplit(input$select_button, "_")[[1]][2])
# This is needed so that the button is clicked once for modal to show, a bug reported here
# https://github.com/ebailey78/shinyBS/issues/57
observeEvent(input$select_button, {
toggleModal(session, "modalExample", "open")
DataRow <- eventReactive(input$select_button,
output$popup <- renderUI({
paste0("Data for Row Number: ", SelectedRow()),
size = "large",
escape = -c(3,4), # escape name and inchi column
selection = "none"
shinyApp(ui, server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.