# GSE44563 <- searchForAccession("GSE44563", file_output = FALSE) #single gse
# GSM277339 <- searchForAccession("GSM277339", file_output = FALSE) #triple gse
# GSM640576 <- searchForAccession("GSM640576", file_output = FALSE) #double gse
# df_whole <- rbind(GSE44563, GSM277339, GSM640576)
# df <- df_whole[ ,c(2, 5,4, 11)]
# df <- dbGetQuery(geo_con, "SELECT gsm, series_id,
# title AS gsm_title, characteristics_ch1 FROM gsm WHERE
# series_id LIKE '%,%' GROUP BY RANDOM() LIMIT 20")
##gse_columns <- c("gse", "title", "type", "pubmed_id")
##gse_columns <- dbListFields(geo_con, "gse")
#' Append information from GSE columns to a data frame
#' Performs search for GSEs in the gse table and fetches columns of interest,
#' which get appended to the existing data frame. In case a sample belongs
#' to multiple GSEs, the information appears in the same field separated
#' with a special character.
#' @param df Data frame with series_id column containing GSEs;
#' gsm column is also required for join purposes
#' @param gse_columns Character vector with names of GSE columns to be appended
#' @return Data frame with appended gse columns
#' (they will be named with a prepended 'GSE_')
#' @examples
#' # .appendGSEColumns(df, "pubmed_id") # Append only pubmed_id column
#' # .appendGSEColumns(df, "*") # Append all available columns from gse
#' @details
#' NOTE: pubmed_id column (in gse table from the database generated
#' by GEOmetadb) appears to only contain approximately 20% of entries
#' from the online version of GEO (the rest has missing pubmed_ids)
#' @keywords internal
.appendGSEColumns <- function(df, gse_columns){
.mm("Running .appendGSEColumns", "fn")
.mm("Adding information about GSEs...", "prog")
gsm <- NULL
series_id <- NULL
database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
# Checks and housekeeping (arguments) ####
if (missing(gse_columns)){
message("No gse_columns provided")
#warning("No gse_columns provided")
if (is.null(gse_columns)){
message("No gse_columns provided")
#warning("No gse_columns provided")
# Check for gsm and series_id columns
if ( !("gsm" %in% colnames(df) & "series_id" %in% colnames(df))){
stop("Columns needed for appending GSE data are missing")
# ===*=== is it really appropriate if no gsm/series_id?
# df_out <- df[gse_columns] <- NA
# return(df_out)
all_gse_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "gse")
# Change * to full column list
if (length(gse_columns) == 1 & gse_columns[1] == "*"){
gse_columns <- all_gse_columns
# Check if all gse_columns are within gse
if (sum(gse_columns %in% all_gse_columns)!=length(gse_columns)){
stop("All specified columns must be in gse table")
# If series_id is not there, append it
if (!("gse" %in% gse_columns)){
gse_columns <- c("gse", gse_columns)
# Create a vector with final gse_columns for checking
final_gse_columns <- gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% "gse"]
final_gse_columns <- paste0("GSE_", final_gse_columns)
# If gse_columns already present, stop
if (sum(final_gse_columns %in% colnames(df)) == length(final_gse_columns)){
stop("All GSE columns already exist within the data frame")
# If some gse_columns already present, give warning
if (sum(final_gse_columns %in% colnames(df)) > 0){
warning("Some GSE columns already exist within the data frame")
# Collapse column list to comma separated string for SQLite
gse_columns_sql <- paste0(gse_columns, sep = ", ", collapse = "")
gse_columns_sql <- substr(gse_columns_sql, 1, nchar(gse_columns_sql)-2)
# Convert df to long format (gsm, series_id),
# where multiple series_id is in separate rows
df_ids_long <- df %>% dplyr::select(gsm, series_id)
df_ids_long <- df_ids_long %>% tidyr::separate_rows(series_id, sep = ",")
# Find a list of gses to search for
gse_list <- unique(df_ids_long$series_id)
gse_list <- gse_list[grepl("^GSE\\d\\d\\d+$", gse_list)]
#print("THIS IS THE GSE LIST ===================")
# Check whether at least one valid GSE is present
if (length(gse_list)==0){
warning("No valid GSEs present")
# Don't include gsm
gse_columns <- gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% "gse"]
# Matrix gets filled with NAs
df_columns <-
stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(gse_columns),
nrow = dim(df)[1])), gse_columns)
df_out <- cbind(df, df_columns)
df_out <- .renameGSEColumns(df_out)
#df_out[gse_columns] <- NA # Didn't work
# Search for information in GSE ####
gse_df <- data.frame()
for (s in seq_along(gse_list)){
query <- paste0("SELECT ", gse_columns_sql,
" FROM gse WHERE gse = '", gse_list[s], "'")
chunk <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), query)
gse_df <- rbind(gse_df, chunk)
colnames(gse_df)[grepl("^gse$", colnames(gse_df))] <- "series_id"
warning("No matching GSEs found")
df_out <- df[gse_columns] <- NA
# Rename columns
# colnames(gse_df)[colnames(gse_df)!="series_id"] <-
# paste0("GSE_", colnames(gse_df)[colnames(gse_df)!="series_id"])
gse_df <- .renameGSEColumns(gse_df)
# Join (and collapse) gse_df and df_ids_long dfs ####
df_ids_long <- df_ids_long %>% dplyr::left_join(gse_df, by = "series_id")
collapsible_columns <- colnames(df_ids_long)
collapsible_columns <- collapsible_columns[!grepl("gsm",
# collapsible_columns <- collapsible_columns[!grepl("series_id",
# collapsible_columns)]
collapse_str <- ";;"
x <- character()
for (c in seq_along(collapsible_columns)){
# for (c in 1){
# x[c] <- paste0(collapsible_columns[c], " = paste(",
# collapsible_columns[c], ", collapse = ';;' )" )
# x[c] <- paste0(collapsible_columns[c], " = paste(unique(",
# collapsible_columns[c], "), collapse = '\\\\\\\\' )" )
x[c] <- paste0(collapsible_columns[c], " = paste(unique(",
collapsible_columns[c], "), collapse = collapse_str )" )
collapse_expression <- paste0(x, collapse = "", sep = ", ")
collapse_expression <- substr(collapse_expression, 1,
collapse_expression <-
paste0("df_ids_long %>% dplyr::group_by(gsm) %>% dplyr::summarise(",
collapse_expression, ") %>%dplyr::ungroup()")
# Perform above (stitched) commands
df_ids_long <- eval(parse(text = collapse_expression))
# Convert back to normal df format
df_ids_long <- as.data.frame(df_ids_long)
# Cosmetic changes ####
# Remove NAs mixed in with other patterns
# Logic: gsub(“(NA,|,NA)”, “”, x) if "," is collapse_str
na_pattern <- paste0("(NA", collapse_str, "|", collapse_str, "NA)")
for (x in collapsible_columns){
df_ids_long[ , x] <- gsub(na_pattern, "", df_ids_long[, x])
df_ids_long[ (df_ids_long[, x]=="NA") , x] <- NA
# Replace ";;" with "," for series_id and GSE_pubmed_id (if exists)
df_ids_long$series_id <- gsub(collapse_str, ",", df_ids_long$series_id)
if (sum(grepl("^GSE_pubmed_id$", colnames(df_ids_long)))>0) {
df_ids_long$GSE_pubmed_id <- gsub(collapse_str, ",",
# Join with the original df ####
df_out <- df %>% dplyr::left_join(df_ids_long,
by = c("gsm", "series_id"))
## This order is better for display purposes
# df_out <- df_ids_long %>% dplyr::left_join(df,
# by = c("gsm", "series_id"))
df_out <- as.data.frame(df_out)
.vex("temp_df_out", df_out)
.mm(".appendGSEColumns completed", "fn")
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