# unifyyDFFormat
#' Unify formats of data frames
#' @param df Data frame to be processed
#' @return Data frame in a unified format
#' Unifies the format of a data frame. The following transformations are made:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Order columns
#' \item Remove duplicate rows (\code{unique(df)})
#' \item Order rows (and resetting row names)
#' \item Convert data types (mostly to character,
#' with some exceptions converted to integer)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.unifyDFFormat <- function(df){
#col_order <- c("sra", "gsm", "gse", "other", "added")
# Order columns ####
valid_columns <- listValidColumns()
# Exclude SRA_sra_ID (not present in sra_ft)
sra_ind <-
which(colnames(df) %in%
gsm_ind <- which(colnames(df) %in% valid_columns$GSM)
gse_ind <- which(colnames(df) %in% valid_columns$GSE)
other_ind <- which(colnames(df) %in% valid_columns$Other)
df <- df[, c(sra_ind, gsm_ind, gse_ind, other_ind)]
df <- .orderDFColumns(df)
# Remove duplicates
df <- unique(df)
# Order rows according to accession and reset row names ####
df <- orderDFAccessions(df)
# Convert column data type ####
# Not used atm
numeric_cols <- c("SRA_spots",
"OTH_n", "OTH_lane")
for (i in seq(1, dim(df)[2])){
#if (!colnames(df)[i] %in% numeric_cols){
# df[ , i] <- as.character(df[, i])
#} else {
# df[ , i] <- as.numeric(df[ ,i])
df[, i] <- as.character(df[,i])
row.names(df) <- NULL
# orderDFAccessions
#' Order df rows in accession order
#' @param df Data frame to be ordered (must contain columns corresponding
#' to types specified in \code{acc_order}, i.e. study_accession,
#' sample_accession, experiment_accession, run_accession, gsm).
#' @param acc_order A character vector with accession levels to be used
#' for ordering (their order specifies which accession level is taken
#' into account first). Default value lists all possible elements.
#' @param na.last Logical denoting whether NA values should be placed last.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Data frame with rows ordered accordingly. The row names are reset.
#' @family Manipulation functions
#' @examples
#' # Use for ordering rows within df after manipulating it, e.g.:
#' startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' df1 <- searchAnywhere("trimkd")
#' df2 <- searchAnywhere("arabidopsis")
#' df <- rbind(df1, df2)
#' df <- orderDFAccessions(df)
#' @export
orderDFAccessions <- function(df,
acc_order = c("study",
na.last = TRUE){
acc_cols <- list()
acc_cols[["study"]] <- "study_accession"
acc_cols[["sample"]] <- "sample_accession"
acc_cols[["experiment"]] <- "experiment_accession"
acc_cols[["run"]] <- "run_accession"
acc_cols[["gsm"]] <- "gsm"
# Check df contains necessary columns
.verifyColumns(df, acc_cols)
col_ind <- integer() # For storing column indices
# Access like: acc_cols[["study"]]
for (i in seq_along(acc_order)){
col_ind[i] <- which(colnames(df) %in% acc_cols[[acc_order[i]]])
if (length(col_ind[i])>1){
stop("Multiple matching columns")
order_columns <- list()
for (a in seq_along(col_ind)){
order_columns <- c(order_columns, list(df[, col_ind[a]]))
df <- df[orderAccessions(order_columns, na.last = TRUE), ]
rownames(df) <- NULL
# .checkValidColumns
#' Check if column names of df are within allowed set
#' @param df Data frame to be checked
#' @return Nothing - give an error or a warning
#' Current checks
#' \itemize{
#' \item Argument is a data frame
#' \item All columns within Valid Columns list
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.checkValidColumns <- function(df){
if (!class(df) %in% "data.frame"){
stop("Argument is not a data frame")
# Get a vector with allowed columns
allowed_columns <- as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()))
if (sum(colnames(df) %in% allowed_columns)==length(colnames(df))){
.mm("All columns have valid names", "diag")
} else {
wrong_columns <- colnames(df)[!colnames(df) %in% allowed_columns]
stop(paste0("Some columns are not allowed: ",
paste0(wrong_columns, collapse = ", ")))
# listValidColumns
#' List valid columns within the data frames
#' @return A list with column names grouped into categories
#' @examples
#' startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' listValidColumns() # List all columns
#' listValidColumns()$SRA # List columns from sra table
#' listValidColumns()$GSM # List columns from gsm table
#' listValidColumns()$GSE # List columns from gse table
#' listValidColumns()$Other # List other columns
#' @section Column Categories:
#' The following categories are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item SRA - columns from the sra table (SRA database)
#' with added 'SRA_' prefix
#' \item GSM - columns from the gsm table (GEO database)
#' with added 'GSM_' prefix
#' \item GSE - columns from the gse table (GSE database)
#' with added 'GSE_' prefix
#' \item Other - other columns (created within the pacakge)
#' with added 'OTH_' prefix
#' }
#' @export
listValidColumns <- function(){
# Database connections ####
sra_database_name <- "sra_con"
geo_database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
# Columns that are not prefixed ####
sra_acc <- c("run_accession",
geo_acc <- c("gsm", "series_id")
# List of other columns ####
oth_columns <- c("input", "control",
"sa_tissue", "sa_antibody", "sa_gene",
"sa_treatment", "sa_remainder",
"ch1_tissue", "ch1_antibody", "ch1_gene",
"ch1_treatment", "ch1_remainder",
"lane", "mer", "pairedEnd", "n")
oth_columns <- paste0("OTH_", oth_columns)
# Create lists of db columns ####
sra_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(sra_database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "sra")
gsm_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(geo_database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "gsm")
gse_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(geo_database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "gse")
sra_columns <- sra_columns[!sra_columns %in% "sra_ID"] # Remove sra_ID
# Remove run_ID column ===*===
#sra_columns <- sra_columns[!sra_columns %in% "run_ID"]
gse_columns <- gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% "gse"] # Remove gse column
sra_columns[!sra_columns %in% sra_acc] <-
paste0("SRA_", sra_columns[!sra_columns %in% sra_acc])
#sra_columns <- c(sra_acc, sra_columns) # NOTE: order not preserved
gsm_columns[!gsm_columns %in% geo_acc] <-
paste0("GSM_", gsm_columns[!gsm_columns %in% geo_acc])
#gsm_columns <- c(geo_acc, gsm_columns) # NOTE: order not preserved
gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% geo_acc] <-
paste0("GSE_", gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% geo_acc])
#gse_columns <- c(geo_acc, gse_columns) # NOTE: order not preserved
db_columns <- list(SRA = sra_columns,
GSM = gsm_columns,
GSE = gse_columns,
Other = oth_columns)
#' Order columns in a data frame
#' @param df Data frame with columns to be ordered
#' @return Data frame with ordered columns
#' The columns are matched against the list in listValidColumns()
#' (in the order of subsets). Any non-matching columns are not included
#' @keywords internal
.orderDFColumns <- function(df){
x <- colnames(df)
x_length <- length(x)
col_list <- as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()))
y <- character()
for (i in seq_along(col_list)){
if (sum(x %in% col_list[i]) > 0){
y <- c(y, match(col_list[i], x))
y <- as.integer(y)
df <- df[ , x[y]]
if (length(y) < x_length){
warning("Some columns were removed")
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