#Merged indev2.R script and testf function
#st <- list(SRA_library_strategy="ChIP-Seq", gene="STAT1",
# antibody="STAT1", SRA_secondary_library_strategy = "RNA-Seq")
# do.call(searchForTerm, st)
#' Search for samples matching criteria of interest
#' \code{searchForTerm} provides an automated framework for searching
#' within SRA database for samples matching a range of different criteria
#' (e.g. experimental method, tissue type).
#' It also supplements the sample information with data from GEO (if available)
#' @param SRA_library_strategy Experimental method (e.g. RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq).
#' Only one SRA_library_strategy is allowed in a single query.
#' To get a list of available library strategies,
#' run \code{ getDatabaseInformation()}
#' @param gene A character vector with genes of interest
#' (it is recommended to provide a few synonyms)
#' @param antibody A character vector with antibodies of interest
#' (it is recommended to provide a few synonyms, please note that
#' some studies annotate their antibodies with trade names/symbols)
#' @param cell_type A character vector describing source types of interest
#' (cell type, tissue, organ etc.)
#' @param treatment A character vector with keywords
#' regarding treatment protocol
#' @param species A character vector with taxonomy IDs (e.g. "9606" for human)
#' @param platform A character vector with sequencing platforms
#' @param SRA_secondary_library_strategy Additional experimental method
#' of interest filtered from the studies featured in search results
#' @param return_all A logical indicating what results should be returned.
#' FALSE means that only samples matching criteria of interest
#' will be returned (and their putative inputs/controls
#' for RNA-Seq or ChIP-Seq).
#' TRUE means that the whole SRPs will be returned(containing
#' matching samples, but also all the other samples within an SRP).
#' Defaults to TRUE
#' @return Nothing. Creates a range of files with the query information
#' and search results.
#' @section Argument requirements:
#' \strong{REQUIRED}: SRA_library_strategy AND at least one of:
#' gene, antibody, cell_type or treatment
#' \strong{OPTIONAL}: species, platform, SRA_secondary_library_strategy
#' @section Further information:
#' For further information (especially on the output files)
#' please refer to the package vignettes.
#' @examples
#' startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' #Simple search
#' searchForTerm(SRA_library_strategy = "ChIP-Seq", gene = "sir3")
#' #searchForTerm(SRA_library_strategy = "RNA-Seq",
#' # gene = c("p53", "tp53"), species = "9606")
#' #Search with parameters stored in a list
#' #st <- list(SRA_library_strategy="ChIP-Seq", gene="STAT1", antibody="STAT1")
#' #do.call(searchForTerm, st)
#' @export
searchForTerm <- function(SRA_library_strategy,
return_all = TRUE){
OTH_input <- NULL
OTH_control <- NULL
# Checking arguments
variable_list <- c("SRA_library_strategy",
e <- environment()
# The top 15 most popular entries for SRA_library_strategy
supported_SRA_library_strategy <- c("WGS",
supported_SRA_secondary_library_strategy <- supported_SRA_library_strategy
library_warning_message <- paste0("Library strategy does not belong ",
"to the recommended options. If you do not get satisfying results, ",
"please run .manageLibraryStrategy for further information")
#SRA_secondary_library_strategy, task="check_can"))
if( !.manageLibraryStrategy(SRA_library_strategy, task="check_can") ){
#Require SRA_library_strategy (not missing, not NULL, not "",
# not a vector of length >1, must belong to the list)
if (missing(SRA_library_strategy)){
stop("No SRA_library_strategy provided")
} else if (is.null(SRA_library_strategy)) {
#NULL needs to be checked before NA (otherwise will get logical(0))
stop("No SRA_library_strategy provided")
} else if (is.na(SRA_library_strategy)){
stop("No SRA_library_strategy provided")
} else if (SRA_library_strategy == "") {
stop("No SRA_library_strategy provided")
} else if (length(SRA_library_strategy) != 1 ) {
stop("Only one SRA_library_strategy is supported at any given time")
} else if (!(SRA_library_strategy %in% supported_SRA_library_strategy)){
sls <- paste(supported_SRA_library_strategy, collapse = ", ")
warning(paste0(paste0("Library strategy does not belong to ",
"the recommended options. If you do not get satisfying results, ",
"please try one of: "),
". Alternatively, check your options with getDatabaseInformation()"))
#Check validity of SRA_secondary_library_strategy
# (may be NULL, BUT not NA, not "", all elements belong to the list)
if (!is.null(SRA_secondary_library_strategy)){
if (is.na(SRA_secondary_library_strategy)){
stop("No SRA_secondary_library_strategy provided")
} else if (SRA_secondary_library_strategy == "") {
stop("No SRA_secondary_library_strategy provided")
} else {
for (l in seq_along(SRA_secondary_library_strategy)){
if (!(SRA_secondary_library_strategy[[l]]
%in% supported_SRA_secondary_library_strategy)) {
sls <-
collapse = ", ")
stop(paste0(paste0("Library strategy does not belong ",
"to the list of supported library strategies. ",
"Please try one of: "),
sls, "."))
#Warning message if SRA_secondary_library_strategy not in canonical form
if (!is.null(SRA_secondary_library_strategy)){
if( !.manageLibraryStrategy(SRA_secondary_library_strategy,
task="check_can") ){
for (v in seq_along(variable_list)){
cn <- variable_list[v]
for (i in seq_along(get(cn))){
if (get(cn)[i]==""){
e[[cn]] <- e[[cn]][-i]
#NOTE: this converts empty string elements (of length 1)
# into empty elements (of length 0)
#To test for presence of a search term, use length(search_term)==0
min_one_required <- c("gene", "antibody", "cell_type", "treatment")
l <- 0
for (v in seq_along(min_one_required)){
l <- l + length(e[[min_one_required[v]]])
if (l==0){
mess <- paste0(paste0("Minimum one search term is required ",
"from the following list: "),
paste0(min_one_required, collapse = ", "))
.mm(cli::rule(left="SEARCH CONDITIONS SUMMARY"), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected gene: ",
paste(gene, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected antibody: ",
paste(antibody, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected cell type: ",
paste(cell_type, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected treatment: ",
paste(treatment, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected species: ",
paste(species, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected SRA_library_strategy: ",
paste(SRA_library_strategy, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected platform: ",
paste(platform, collapse = " OR ")), "search")
.mm(paste0("Selected SRA_secondary_library_strategy: ",
paste(SRA_secondary_library_strategy, collapse = " OR ")),
.mm(cli::rule(), "search")
# Save search terms as a list
st <- list(SRA_library_strategy=SRA_library_strategy,
treatment=treatment, species=species,
# Save search parameters and call details in a file
.generateParameterRecord(st = st,
file = do.call(.generateFileName,
c(st, list(output="PAR"),
fun_name = "searchForTerm")
.generateCallRecord(file = do.call(.generateFileName,
c(st, list(output="CALL"),
# Find entries containing search_terms (sample_list)
sample_list <- do.call(.searchSRA,
# Add input and control columns
if (st$SRA_library_strategy == "ChIP-Seq"){
sample_list$input <- "N"
} else {
sample_list$input <- NA
if (st$SRA_library_strategy == "ChIP-Seq"){
sample_list$control <- NA
} else {
# Add 'N' for all non-ChIP library strategies (including RNA-Seq)
sample_list$control <- "N"
#saveRDS(sample_list, "sample_list.Rda")
#For all the projects from the sample list, find all the corresponding SRRs
#all_list <- .searchForSRPChildren(unique(sample_list$study_accession),
#Changed to avoid problems with column management
all_list <- .searchForSRPChildren(unique(sample_list$study_accession), "*")
all_list$input <- NA
all_list$control <- NA
# Combine the sample_list with the list of all SRRs
# Mark SRRs from sample_list with "N" and the remaining SRRs with "check"
#spider_combined <- rbindUnique(sample_list, all_list) #PREVIOUSLY
spider_combined <- .rbindUniqueCols(x=sample_list,
y = all_list,
#spider_combined$input <- "check"
##===*===Pondered having a separate column for checking inputs
#(different from the one added by rbindUnique)
##Extracting information from sample_attribute column
#spider_combined$sra_sa_sample_type <- NA
#spider_combined$sra_sa_cell_line <- NA
#spider_combined$sra_sa_cell_type <- NA
#spider_combined$sra_sa_antibody <- NA
#Search for input-like entries and label them "I?"
#Decide which columns to search
# Extract GSMs from the experiment_title
spider_combined <- .extractGSM(spider_combined)
# Extract SRA sample attributes
spider_combined <- .saExtractor(spider_combined)
# Detect inputs (ChIP) and controls (RNA)
spider_combined <- .detectInputs(spider_combined) #Detect ChIP-Seq inputs
#spider_combined$rna_control <- NA #Add new column
spider_combined <- .detectControls(spider_combined) #Detect RNA-Seq controls
# Add columns for sample sheets (lane and merge*
# (will label it mer to avoid interference with merge function))
spider_combined <- .detectMerges(spider_combined)
#Check if there are any missing runs ===*=== Disabled
# (dbSendQuery stopped working!)
# Add pairedEnd column
spider_combined <- .convertPairedEnds(spider_combined)
.vex("spider_output_combined_no_geo", spider_combined)
# Search for entries in GEO
gsm_db_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
#gsm_columns <- c("gsm", "series_id", "gpl", "title",
# "source_name_ch1", "organism_ch1", "characteristics_ch1")
gsm_columns <- "*"
#gse_columns <- c("title", "pubmed_id")
#gse_columns <- c("pubmed_id")
gse_columns <- "*"
#gsm_list <- test12[1:10, 2]
#gsm_list <- c("GSM2342088")
#gsm_list <- c("GSM2342088", "GSM2140962")
#Get GSMs from column created by .extractGSM() # sampletogsm ===*===
gsm_list <- spider_combined$gsm
#Leave only unique, non-na entries
gsm_list <- unique(gsm_list[!is.na(gsm_list)])
#spider_geo <- geoFinder(get(gsm_db_name, envir = get(database_env)),
#gsm_list = gsm_list, gsm_columns = gsm_columns, gse_columns = gse_columns)
if (length(gsm_list)>0){
spider_geo <- .searchGEOForGSM(gsm_list,
geo_columns = gsm_columns,
gse_columns = gse_columns)
# Extract characteristics_ch1 into separate columns
spider_geo <- .chExtractor(spider_geo)
# Merge spider_comibined and spider_geo
spider_combined <- merge(spider_combined, spider_geo,
by.x = "gsm", by.y = "gsm",
all.x = TRUE) # by.x sampletogsm ===*===
#saveRDS(spider_combined, "spider_combined_prelim.Rda")
#Give info on superseries
spider_superseries <- .verifySuperseries(spider_combined$series_id)
} else {
if (length(gsm_columns)==1 & gsm_columns[1] == "*" &
length(gse_columns)==1 & gse_columns[1]== "*"){
columns_to_add <-
as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()[c("GSM", "GSE")]))
spider_combined[, columns_to_add] <- NA
spider_combined <- .chExtractor(spider_combined)
spider_superseries <- NULL
} else {
# ===*===
stop("No results in GEO. No appropriate ways to deal with this")
#.vex("temp_spider_geo", spider_geo)
# Rename SRA and OTH columns, check if all valid
#print(colnames(spider_combined)) #===*===
if ("sra_ID" %in% colnames(spider_combined)){
spider_combined <-
spider_combined[, -grep("sra_ID", colnames(spider_combined))]
spider_combined <- .renameSRAColumns(spider_combined)
spider_combined <- .renameOTHColumns(spider_combined)
# Generate outputs
.generateOutput(spider_combined, spider_superseries, st = st)
if (return_all == FALSE){
if (st$SRA_library_strategy =="ChIP-Seq"){
spider_combined <-
SRA_library_strategy == st$SRA_library_strategy &
OTH_input %in% c("N", "input"))
} else if (st$SRA_library_strategy =="RNA-Seq"){
spider_combined <-
SRA_library_strategy == st$SRA_library_strategy &
OTH_control %in% c("N","control","otherwise"))
} else {
spider_combined <-
SRA_library_strategy == st$SRA_library_strategy &
OTH_control %in% c("N"))
spider_combined <- .unifyDFFormat(spider_combined)
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