#' Find instances of motifs using FIMO
#' FIMO scans input sequences to identify the positions of matches to each input
#' motif. FIMO has no sequence length or motif number restrictions.
#' @param sequences path to fasta file, or stringset input.
#' @param motifs path to .meme format file, or universalmotif/universalmotif list input.
#' @param bfile path to background file, or special values: "motif" to use
#' 0-order frequencies contained in the motif, or "uniform" to use a uniform
#' letter distribution. (default: "motif")
#' @param outdir output directory location. Only used if text = FALSE. Default:
#' "auto" to autogenerate directory name. Note: if not using a fasta path as
#' input, this will be a temporary location unless explicity set.
#' @param parse_genomic_coord `logical(1)` whether to parse genomic position
#' from fasta headers. Fasta headers must be UCSC format positions (ie
#' "chr:start-end"), but base 1 indexed (GRanges format). If names of fasta
#' entries are genomic coordinates and parse_genomic_coord == TRUE, results
#' will contain genomic coordinates of motif matches, otherwise FIMO will return
#' relative coordinates (i.e. positions from 1 to length of the fasta entry).
#' @param skip_matched_sequence `logical(1)` whether or not to include the DNA
#' sequence of the match. Default: `FALSE`. Note: jobs will complete faster if
#' set to `TRUE`. `add_sequence()` can be used to lookup the sequence after data import if
#' `parse_genomic_coord` is `TRUE`, so setting this flag is not strictly needed.
#' @param max_strand if match is found on both strands, only report strand with
#' best match (default: TRUE).
#' @param text `logical(1)` (default: `TRUE`). No output files will be created
#' on the filesystem. The results are unsorted and no q-values are computed.
#' This setting allows fast searches on very large inputs. When set to `FALSE`
#' FIMO will discard 50% of the lower significance matches if >100,000 matches are
#' detected. `text = FALSE` will also incur a performance penalty because it
#' must first read a file to disk, then read it into memory. For these reasons,
#' I suggest keeping `text = TRUE`.
#' @param meme_path path to `meme/bin/` (optional). Defaut: `NULL`, searches
#' "MEME_PATH" environment variable or "meme_path" option for path to "meme/bin/".
#' @param silent `logical(1)` whether to suppress stdout/stderr printing to
#' console (default: TRUE). If the command is failing or giving unexpected
#' output, setting `silent = FALSE` can aid troubleshooting.
#' @param ... additional commandline arguments to fimo. See the FIMO Flag table below.
#' @return GRanges object containing positions of each match. Note: if
#' `parse_genomic_coord = FALSE`, each `seqnames` entry will be the full fasta
#' header, and start/end will be the relative position within that sequence of the
#' match. The GRanges object has the following additional `mcols`:
#' * motif_id = primary name of matched motif
#' * motif_alt_id = alternate name of matched motif
#' * score = score of match (higher score is a better match)
#' * pvalue = pvalue of the match
#' * qvalue = qvalue of the match
#' * matched_sequence = sequence that matches the motif
#' @export
#' @details Additional arguments passed to `...`. See: [Fimo web manual](http://meme-suite.org/doc/fimo.html?man_type=web)
#' for a complete description of FIMO flags.
#' | FIMO Flag | allowed values | default | description |
#' |:-----------------:|:--------------:|:-------:|:---------------------------|
#' | alpha | `numeric(1)` | 1 | alpha for calculating position-specific priors. Represents fraction of sites that are binding sites of TF of interest. Used in conjunction with `psp` |
#' | bfile | "motif", "motif-file", "uniform", file path, | "motif" | If "motif" or "motif-file", use 0-order letter frequencies from motif. "uniform" sets uniform letter frequencies. |
#' | max_stored_scores | `integer(1)` | NULL | maximum number of scores to be stored for computing q-values. used when `text = FALSE`, see FIMO webpage for details |
#' | motif_pseudo | `numeric(1)` | 0.1 | pseudocount added to motif matrix |
#' | no_qvalue | `logical(1)` | FALSE | only needed when `text = FALSE`, do not compute q-value for each p-value |
#' | norc | `logical(1)` | FALSE | Do not score reverse complement strand |
#' | prior_dist | file path | NULL | file containing binned distribution of priors |
#' | psp | file path | NULL | file containing position specific priors. Requires `prior_dist` |
#' | qv_thresh | `logical(1)` | FALSE | use q-values for the output threshold |
#' | thresh | `numeric(1)` | `1e-4` | output threshold for returning a match, only matches with values less than `thresh` are returned. |
#' @details # Citation
#' If you use `runFimo()` in your analysis, please cite:
#' Charles E. Grant, Timothy L. Bailey, and William Stafford Noble, "FIMO:
#' Scanning for occurrences of a given motif", Bioinformatics, 27(7):1017-1018,
#' 2011. [full text](http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/02/16/bioinformatics.btr064.full)
#' @details ## Licensing
#' The MEME Suite is free for non-profit use, but for-profit users should purchase a
#' license. See the [MEME Suite Copyright Page](http://meme-suite.org/doc/copyright.html) for details.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' if (meme_is_installed()){
#' # Generate some example input sequences
#' seq <- universalmotif::create_sequences()
#' # sequences must have values in their fasta headers
#' names(seq) <- seq_along(seq)
#' # Create random example motif to search for
#' motif <- universalmotif::create_motif()
#' # Search for motif in sequences
#' # parse_genomic_coord set to FALSE since fasta headers aren't in "chr:start-end" format.
#' runFimo(seq, motif, parse_genomic_coord = FALSE)
#' }
runFimo <- function(sequences, motifs, bfile = "motif",
outdir = "auto",
parse_genomic_coord = TRUE,
skip_matched_sequence = FALSE,
max_strand = TRUE,
text = TRUE,
meme_path = NULL,
silent = TRUE,
sequences <- sequence_input(sequences)
motifs <- motif_input(motifs)
if (outdir == "auto") outdir <- paste0(outdir_name(sequences, motifs$path), "_fimo")
user_flags <- prepareFimoFlags(bfile = bfile,
parse_genomic_coord = parse_genomic_coord,
skip_matched_sequence = skip_matched_sequence,
max_strand = max_strand,
text = text,
outdir = outdir,
flags <- c(user_flags, motifs$path, sequences)
command <- search_meme_path(path = meme_path, util = "fimo")
ps_out <- processx::run(command, flags, error_on_status = FALSE)
ps_out %>%
process_check_error(help_fun = ~{fimoHelp(command)},
user_flags = cmdfun::cmd_help_parse_flags(user_flags) %>%
# filter out special inputs to bfile
grep("--$", ., invert = TRUE, value = TRUE),
flags_fun = ~{gsub("-", "_", .x)},
default_help_fun = TRUE)
print_process_stdout(ps_out, silent = silent)
print_process_stderr(ps_out, silent = silent)
if (!is.na(text)) {
if (text){
fimo_res <- ps_out$stdout %>%
I() %>%
fimo_out <- cmdfun::cmd_file_combn("fimo", "tsv", outdir = outdir)
fimo_out$tsv %>%
#' Parse flags for FIMO input
#' @param bfile background file
#' @param parse_genomic_coord parse genomic coordinates from name
#' @param skip_matched_sequence skip matched
#' @param max_strand max strand
#' @param text text
#' @param outdir outdir
#' @param ... ...
#' @return
#' @noRd
prepareFimoFlags <- function(bfile, parse_genomic_coord, skip_matched_sequence, max_strand, text, outdir = outdir, ...){
argsDict <- c("outdir" = "oc")
flags <- cmdfun::cmd_args_all() %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_interp(argsDict) %>%
purrr::set_names(~{gsub("_", "-", .x)})
if (!is.null(bfile)){
if (file.exists(bfile) & bfile %in% c("motif", "uniform")) {
message(paste0("Working directory contains a file named: ", bfile, " that will be used as the `bfile` argument.",
"To force use of the FIMO keyword, pass argument as: `bfile = --", bfile, "--`"))
if (!file.exists(bfile) & bfile %in% c("motif", "uniform")){
# if bfile isn't a path, user is probably inputting special keywords which
# get wrapped in '--', but first drop all "-" in bfile input in case user
# added '--' already.
flags$bfile %<>% gsub("-", "", .) %>%
gsub("(.+)", "--\\1--", .)
flags %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_to_flags(prefix = "--")
#' Returns help string for FIMO
#' @param command
#' @return
#' @noRd
fimoHelp <- function(command){
processx::run(command, error_on_status = FALSE)$stderr
#' Import fimo matches as GRanges object.
#' @param fimo_tsv path to fimo.tsv output
#' @return GenomicRanges object for each match position. Note: if
#' parse_genomic_coord == FALSE, each `seqnames` entry will be the fasta
#' header, and start/end will be the position within that sequence of the
#' match.
#' @noRd
parseFimo <- function(fimo_tsv){
fimo_lines <- tryCatch(readr::read_tsv(fimo_tsv,
comment = "#",
col_types = c("motif_id" = "c",
"motif_alt_id" = "c",
"sequence_name" = "c",
"start" = "i",
"stop" = "i",
"strand" = "c",
"score" = "d",
"p-value" = "d",
"q-value" = "d",
"matched_sequence" = "c")
error = function(e) {
# move the empty string check down
if (fimo_tsv == ""){
warning = function(w) {
# If the above file import fails w/ warning
# (usually because fimo.tsv is empty)
# Double check that the file is actually empty
# (no other lines except for comments & empty lines)
# Then return NULL if that's the case.
lines <- readr::read_lines(fimo_tsv) %>%
grep("^#", ., invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
line_lengths <- vapply(lines, nchar, integer(1))
if (any(line_lengths) > 0){
stop(paste("Error reading file:", fimo_tsv))
# NULL is only returned above if fimo_tsv is empty, therefore no matches
if (is.null(fimo_lines)) {
message("No matches were detected")
fimo_matches <- fimo_lines %>%
dplyr::rename_all(~{gsub("-", "", .)}) %>%
dplyr::rename("seqnames" = "sequence_name") %>%
# NOTE: FIMO uses 1-based coordinates, so no need to shift for GRanges conversion
# Compute q-value?
#dplyr::group_by(motif_alt_id) %>%
#dplyr::mutate(q.value = p.value/n())
#' Import FIMO results
#' @param fimo_tsv path to fimo.tsv output file
#' @return GenomicRanges object for each match position. Note unless coordinates
#' are genomic positions, each `seqnames` entry will be the fasta header, and
#' start/end will be the position within that sequence of the match.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fimo_tsv <- system.file("extdata", "fimo.tsv", package = "memes")
#' importFimo(fimo_tsv)
importFimo <- function(fimo_tsv){
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