#' @export
#' @noRd
runDreme.list <- function(input, control, outdir = "auto", meme_path = NULL, silent = TRUE, ...){
x <- sequence_input_control_list(input, control)
input <- x$input
control <- x$control
res <- purrr::map(input, runDreme.default,
control = control,
outdir = outdir,
meme_path = meme_path,
silent = silent,
#' @export
#' @noRd
runDreme.BStringSetList <- function(input, control, outdir = "auto", meme_path = NULL, silent = TRUE, ...){
runDreme.list(as.list(input), control, outdir, meme_path, silent, ...)
#' @export
#' @noRd
runDreme.default <- function(input, control, outdir = "auto", meme_path = NULL, silent = TRUE, ...){
# Handle multiple input types by multiple dispatch
# input & control will be coerced to file paths
input <- sequence_input(input)
control <- sequence_input(control)
if (outdir == "auto") {outdir <- outdir_name(input, control)}
flags <- prepareDremeFlags(input = input, control = control, outdir = outdir, ...)
command <- search_meme_path(path = meme_path, util = "dreme")
ps_out <- processx::run(command, flags, spinner = TRUE, error_on_status = FALSE)
ps_out %>%
process_check_error(help_fun = ~{dreme_help(command)},
user_flags = cmdfun::cmd_help_parse_flags(flags),
default_help_fun = TRUE)
print_process_stdout(ps_out, silent = silent)
n_motifs <- dreme_nmotifs_found(ps_out)
if (n_motifs == 0) {return(NULL)}
dreme_out <- cmdfun::cmd_file_expect("dreme", c("txt", "html", "xml"), outdir = outdir)
dreme_results <- parseDreme(dreme_out$xml)
#' Prepare flags for Dreme
#' @param input input file path
#' @param control control file path
#' @param outdir output directory
#' @param ... additional flags defined by dreme. Pass flag and resulting value
#' (if any) as arg = value. If the flag has no value, set arg = TRUE.
#' @return vector of flags for system2 or processx
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
prepareDremeFlags <- function(input, control, outdir, ...){
argDict <- c(nmotifs = "m",
sec = "t",
evalue = "e",
seed = "s",
input = "p",
control = "n",
outdir = "oc",
ngen = "g")
flags <- cmdfun::cmd_args_all() %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_interp(argDict) %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_drop(c("n" = "shuffle")) %>%
#' Import dreme output to R
#' @param xml path to dreme_out/dreme.xml
#' @return data.frame with `motif` column containing universalmotif object representation of each DREME motif.
#' parseDreme("dreme_out/dreme.xml")
#' @noRd
parseDreme <- function(xml){
dreme_stats <- dreme_motif_stats(xml) %>%
# Don't need pvalue or evalue cols anymore
# since they're added by universalmotif as
# pval and eval
dplyr::select(-"pvalue", -"evalue")
pfms <- dreme_to_pfm(xml)
dreme_stats$motif <- pfms
# Convert to motif_df format
# suppressing messages about adding empty motif slots
universalmotif::update_motifs(dreme_stats, extrainfo = TRUE)
#' Returns Dreme help lines
#' @param command path to ame. output of search_meme_path(util = "ame")
#' @return
#' @noRd
dreme_help <- function(command){
processx::run(command, "-h", error_on_status = FALSE)$stderr
#' Return statistics of DREME results
#' @param dreme_xml_path path to dreme.xml
#' @return data.frame of dreme result statistics
#' Columns:
#' - id: motif id. Number represents order of discovery.
#' - alt: alternative id. Number represents order of discovery.
#' - seq: IUPAC sequence of matched motif
#' - length: basepair length of discovered motif
#' - nsites: number of times motif is discovered in reference sequence (can be more than 1 per entry)
#' - positive_hits: number of positive sequences with at least 1 site
#' - negative_hits: number of negative sequences with at least 1 site
#' - pvalue: pvalue
#' - evalue: evalue
#' - unerased_evalue
#' - positive_total: total number of sequences in positives (ie number of fasta entries)
#' - negative_total: total number of sequences in negatives
#' - pos_frac/neg_frac: fraction of positive or negative sites with a match
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @noRd
dreme_motif_stats <- function(dreme_xml_path) {
# Extract metadata about number of matches for each motif, etc.
dreme_xml <- xml2::read_xml(dreme_xml_path)
# Get information about # of positive & # negative regions
pos_info <- xml2::xml_children(dreme_xml)[1] %>%
xml2::xml_find_all("//positives") %>%
attrs_to_df() %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = as.numeric(as.character(.data$count)))
neg_info <- xml2::xml_children(dreme_xml)[1] %>%
xml2::xml_find_all("//negatives") %>%
attrs_to_df() %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = as.numeric(as.character(.data$count)))
# Extract statistics & motif counts for each dreme motif
motif_stats <- xml2::xml_children(dreme_xml)[2] %>%
xml2::xml_children() %>%
dbl_cols <- grep("[^id|alt|seq]", names(motif_stats), value = TRUE)
motif_stats %<>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(dbl_cols, as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(c("length", "nsites",
"p", "n"), as.integer)
# append info about positive / negative regions
# compute some useful statistics
motif_stats_final <- motif_stats %>%
dplyr::rename("positive_hits" = "p",
"negative_hits" = "n") %>%
dplyr::mutate("positive_total" = pos_info$count %>% as.integer,
"negative_total" = neg_info$count %>% as.integer,
"pos_frac" = .data$positive_hits/.data$positive_total,
"neg_frac" = .data$negative_hits/.data$negative_total) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rank = gsub("^m", "", .data$id) %>% as.integer(),
id = paste0(.data$id, "_", .data$seq)) %>%
dplyr::select("rank", dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Finally, change id and alt to "name" and "altname"
# for compatibility with universalmotif
dplyr::rename("name" = "id",
"altname" = "alt")
#' Return named vector of letter frequencies from DREME run
#' @param dreme_run_info `xml_nodeset` of the dreme run info
#' @return named vector of letter frequencies, suitable as input to `bkg` in
#' universalmotif::create_motif
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
dreme_get_background_freq <- function(dreme_run_info){
background_entry <- xml2::xml_find_all(dreme_run_info, "//background")
background_df <- background_entry %>%
attrs_to_df() %>%
dplyr::select(-"from") %>%
lapply(function(x) as.character(x) %>% as.numeric) %>%
background_freq <- as.numeric(background_df) %>%
#' return list of universalmotif PCM objects
#' @param dreme_xml_path path to dreme.xml output
#' @return list of PCM output in Universalmotif format. Appended with metadata
#' from DREME output.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
dreme_to_pfm <- function(dreme_xml_path){
dreme_xml <- xml2::read_xml(dreme_xml_path)
dreme_run_info <- xml2::xml_children(dreme_xml)[1] %>%
background_freq <- dreme_get_background_freq(dreme_run_info)
motifs_matrix <- xml2::xml_children(dreme_xml)[2] %>%
xml2::xml_children() %>%
purrr::map(get_probability_matrix) %>%
motif_stats_list <- dreme_motif_stats(dreme_xml_path) %>%
pfmList <- purrr::map2(motif_stats_list, motifs_matrix, ~{
type = "PCM",
name = .x$name,
altname = .x$altname,
bkg = background_freq,
pval = .x$pvalue,
nsites = .x$nsites,
bkgsites = .x$negative_total,
eval = .x$evalue)
#' Return probability matrix for dreme motif
#' Takes a <motif></motif> XML entry to return the probability matrix
#' @param motif_xml_entry
#' @return position probability matrix
#' @noRd
get_probability_matrix <- function(motif_xml_entry){
# takes a <motif></motif> XML entry to return the probability matrix
# WARNING: matrix is a character matrix (NOT NUMERIC)
# need to do the lapply(matrix, function(x)
# as.character(x) %>% as.numeric()) %>% bind_cols(.)
# trick for numeric matrix
motif_attr <- attrs_to_df(motif_xml_entry, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!("length" %in% names(motif_attr))){
nsites <- motif_attr$width %>%
as.character() %>%
} else {
nsites <- motif_attr$length %>%
as.character() %>%
freqs <- motif_xml_entry %>%
xml2::xml_children(.) %>%
freq_table <- lapply(freqs, attrs_to_df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
freq_matrix <- lapply(freq_table, function(x) as.character(x) %>% as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.) %>%
#' Return line reporting number of motifs passing cutoff in DREME stdout
#' @param stdout stdout from processx
#' @return
#' @noRd
dreme_nmotifs_line <- function(stdout){
lines <- strsplit(stdout, "\n") %>%
matchLine <- grep("\\d motifs with E-value <", lines, value = TRUE)
#' Grab number of discovered motifs from stdout line
#' @param line output of dreme_nmotifs_line
#' @return
#' @noRd
dreme_nmotifs <- function(line){
nmotifs <- gsub("(^\\d+).+", "\\1", line)
#' Return number of discovered DREME motifs
#' @param processx_out output of processx run
#' @return `integer(1)` of number of motifs passing threshold
#' @noRd
dreme_nmotifs_found <- function(processx_out){
processx_out$stdout %>%
dreme_nmotifs_line() %>%
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