xodg <- xod_xgrg
xodgg <- groupFeatures(xodg, param = SimilarRtimeParam(4))
xodgg <- groupFeatures(xodgg, param = AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.3))
xm <- loadXcmsData("xmse")
test_that("featureGroups,featureGroups<-,XCMSnExp works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
expect_error(featureGroups(xod_x), "Please run")
res <- featureGroups(xodg)
tmp <- xodg
featureGroups(tmp) <- "a"
expect_true(all(featureGroups(tmp) == "a"))
expect_error(featureGroups(xod_x) <- "a", "Please run")
expect_error(featureGroups(xodg) <- 1:2, "length")
test_that("featureGroups,featureGroups<-,XcmsExperiment works", {
expect_error(featureGroups(dropFeatureDefinitions(xm)), "Please run")
res <- featureGroups(xm)
tmp <- xm
featureGroups(tmp) <- "a"
expect_true(all(featureGroups(tmp) == "a"))
expect_error(featureGroups(dropFeatureDefinitions(xm)) <- "a", "Please run")
expect_error(featureGroups(xm) <- 1:2, "length")
test_that("SimilarRtimeParam works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
prm <- SimilarRtimeParam(3)
expect_error(groupFeatures(xod_x, prm), "No feature definitions")
expect_error(groupFeatures(xodg, prm, msLevel = 1:2), "single MS")
res <- groupFeatures(xodg, prm)
expect_true(any(colnames(featureDefinitions(res)) == "feature_group"))
res2 <- groupFeatures(xodg,
SimilarRtimeParam(3, groupFun = MsCoreUtils::group))
expect_true(length(table(featureGroups(res2))) <
## Different MS levels
tmp <- xodg
idx <- c(1:3, 5, 45, 47)
featureDefinitions(tmp)$ms_level[idx] <- 2
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm)
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm, msLevel = 2L)
## Pre-defined groups
fgs <- rep("AB", nrow(featureDefinitions(xodg)))
fgs[idx] <- NA
tmp <- xodg
featureGroups(tmp) <- fgs
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm)
test_that("SimilarRtimeParam,XcmsExperiment works", {
prm <- SimilarRtimeParam(3)
expect_error(groupFeatures(dropFeatureDefinitions(xm), prm),
"No feature definitions")
expect_error(groupFeatures(xm, prm, msLevel = 1:2), "single MS")
res <- groupFeatures(xm, prm)
expect_true(any(colnames(featureDefinitions(res)) == "feature_group"))
res2 <- groupFeatures(
xm, SimilarRtimeParam(3, groupFun = MsCoreUtils::group))
expect_true(length(table(featureGroups(res2))) <
## Different MS levels
tmp <- xm
idx <- c(1:3, 5, 45, 47)
featureDefinitions(tmp)$ms_level[idx] <- 2
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm)
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm, msLevel = 2L)
## Pre-defined groups
fgs <- rep("AB", nrow(featureDefinitions(xm)))
fgs[idx] <- NA
tmp <- xm
featureGroups(tmp) <- fgs
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, prm)
test_that("AbundanceSimilarityParam works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
prm <- AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.5, value = "maxo")
expect_equal(prm@threshold, 0.5)
expect_equal(prm@dots, list(value = "maxo"))
expect_error(AbundanceSimilarityParam(subset = "4"), "integer")
expect_error(groupFeatures(xod_x, AbundanceSimilarityParam()), "feature")
groupFeatures(xodg, AbundanceSimilarityParam(subset = c(1, 4, 5))),
"should be between")
res <- groupFeatures(xodg, AbundanceSimilarityParam())
expect_true(any(colnames(featureDefinitions(res)) == "feature_group"))
expect_true(length(unique(featureDefinitions(res)$feature_group)) <
res_2 <- groupFeatures(xodg, AbundanceSimilarityParam(subset = c(2, 3)))
expect_error(plotFeatureGroups(res_2, featureGroups = "a"), "None of the")
expect_error(plotFeatureGroups(xodg), "None of the")
## With pre-defined grps.
tmp <- xodg
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group <- "FG.2"
idx <- c(4, 12, 23, 46)
featureDefinitions(tmp)$ms_level[idx] <- 2
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 1)
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res)[idx] == "FG.2"))
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res)[-idx] != "FG.2"))
res_2 <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 2)
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res_2)[-idx] == "FG.2"))
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res_2)[idx] != "FG.2"))
tmp <- quantify(xodg, filled = TRUE, method = "sum", value = "maxo")
res <- groupFeatures(xodg, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), filled = TRUE,
method = "sum", value = "maxo")
res_2 <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam())
expect_equal(featureGroups(res), featureGroups(res_2))
test_that("groupFeatures,XcmsExperiment,AbundanceSimilarityParam works", {
AbundanceSimilarityParam()), "feature")
groupFeatures(xm, AbundanceSimilarityParam(subset = c(1, 4, 5, 10))),
"should be between")
res <- groupFeatures(xm, AbundanceSimilarityParam())
expect_true(any(colnames(featureDefinitions(res)) == "feature_group"))
expect_true(length(unique(featureDefinitions(res)$feature_group)) <
res_2 <- groupFeatures(xm, AbundanceSimilarityParam(subset = c(2, 3)))
expect_error(plotFeatureGroups(res_2, featureGroups = "a"), "None of the")
expect_error(plotFeatureGroups(xm), "None of the")
## With pre-defined grps.
tmp <- xm
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group <- "FG.2"
idx <- c(4, 12, 23, 46)
featureDefinitions(tmp)$ms_level[idx] <- 2
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 1)
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res)[idx] == "FG.2"))
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res)[-idx] != "FG.2"))
res_2 <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 2)
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res_2)[-idx] == "FG.2"))
expect_true(all(featureGroups(res_2)[idx] != "FG.2"))
tmp <- quantify(xm, filled = TRUE, method = "sum", value = "maxo")
res <- groupFeatures(xm, AbundanceSimilarityParam(), filled = TRUE,
method = "sum", value = "maxo")
res_2 <- groupFeatures(tmp, AbundanceSimilarityParam())
expect_equal(featureGroups(res), featureGroups(res_2))
## test_that("featureGroupPseudoSpectrum works", {
## skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
## fvals <- featureValues(xodgg, method = "maxint", value = "maxo")
## ## 3 feature
## ft_idx <- which(featureGroups(xodgg) == "FG.010.001")
## res <- featureGroupPseudoSpectrum("FG.010.001", xodgg, fvals = fvals,
## intensityFun = median)
## expect_true(is(res, "Spectrum1"))
## expect_true(peaksCount(res) == 3)
## expect_true(validObject(res))
## expect_equal(intensity(res), apply(fvals[ft_idx, ], MARGIN = 1,
## median, na.rm = TRUE))
## expect_equal(mz(res), featureDefinitions(xodgg)$mzmed[ft_idx])
## expect_equal(rtime(res), median(featureDefinitions(xodgg)$rtmed[ft_idx]))
## ## 1 feature
## res <- featureGroupPseudoSpectrum("FG.010.002", xodgg, fvals = fvals,
## intensityFun = median)
## ft_idx <- which(featureGroups(xodgg) == "FG.010.002")
## expect_true(is(res, "Spectrum1"))
## expect_true(peaksCount(res) == 1)
## expect_true(validObject(res))
## expect_equal(unname(intensity(res)),
## unname(median(fvals[ft_idx, ], na.rm = TRUE)))
## expect_equal(mz(res), featureDefinitions(xodgg)$mzmed[ft_idx])
## expect_equal(rtime(res), median(featureDefinitions(xodgg)$rtmed[ft_idx]))
## expect_error(
## featureGroupPseudoSpectrum("FG.009.1", xodgg, fvals = fvals, n = 12),
## "has to be an integer")
## })
## test_that("featureGroupFullScan works", {
## skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
## fvals <- featureValues(xodgg, method = "maxint", value = "maxo")
## ## 3 feature
## res <- featureGroupFullScan("FG.010.001", xodgg, fvals = fvals)
## ft_idx <- which(featureGroups(xodgg) == "FG.010.001")
## expect_true(is(res, "Spectrum1"))
## expect_true(
## abs(rtime(res) -
## median(featureDefinitions(xodgg)[ft_idx, "rtmed"])) < 0.1)
## expect_true(all(featureDefinitions(xodgg)[ft_idx, "mzmed"] %in% mz(res)))
## ## 1 feature
## res <- featureGroupFullScan("FG.010.002", xodgg, fvals = fvals)
## ft_idx <- which(featureGroups(xodgg) == "FG.010.002")
## expect_true(is(res, "Spectrum1"))
## expect_true(
## abs(rtime(res) -
## median(featureDefinitions(xodgg)[ft_idx, "rtmed"])) < 0.8)
## expect_true(all(featureDefinitions(xodgg)[ft_idx, "mzmed"] %in% mz(res)))
## })
## test_that("featureGroupSpectra works", {
## skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
## ## Errors
## expect_error(featureGroupSpectra(xodgg, subset = 1:5), "an integer")
## expect_error(featureGroupSpectra(xod), "feature definitions")
## expect_error(featureGroupSpectra(xodgg, featureGroup = c("a")), "all feature")
## ## Get all of them
## res_all <- featureGroupSpectra(xodgg)
## expect_true(is(res_all, "MSpectra"))
## expect_equal(mcols(res_all)$feature_group, unique(featureGroups(xodgg)))
## expect_equal(unname(peaksCount(res_all)),
## unname(lengths(mcols(res_all)$feature_id)))
## ## Get them in a subset
## res_sub <- featureGroupSpectra(xodgg, subset = c(1, 3))
## expect_true(sum(is.na(rtime(res_sub))) == 59)
## ## Get only selected ones
## res <- featureGroupSpectra(
## xodgg, featureGroup = c("FG.010.001", "FG.010.002"))
## expect_true(length(res) == 2)
## expect_equal(mcols(res)$feature_group, c("FG.010.001", "FG.010.002"))
## idx <- which(mcols(res_all)$feature_group %in% c("FG.010.001", "FG.010.002"))
## expect_equal(res[[1]], res_all[[idx[1]]])
## expect_equal(res[[2]], res_all[[idx[2]]])
## })
test_that(".group_eic_similarity works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
chr1 <- Chromatogram(rtime = 1:10 + rnorm(n = 10, sd = 0.3),
intensity = c(5, 29, 50, NA, 100, 12, 3, 4, 1, 3))
chr2 <- Chromatogram(rtime = 1:10 + rnorm(n = 10, sd = 0.3),
intensity = c(80, 50, 20, 10, 9, 4, 3, 4, 1, 3))
chr3 <- Chromatogram(rtime = 3:9 + rnorm(7, sd = 0.3),
intensity = c(53, 80, 130, 15, 5, 3, 2))
chrs <- MChromatograms(list(chr1, chr2, chr3))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 1L)))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(
chrs, ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest", tolerance = 0))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 3L)))
chrs <- MChromatograms(list(chr1, chr2, chr3, chr1, chr2, chr3), ncol = 2)
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, aggregationFun = mean,
ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 1L)))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, aggregationFun = max,
ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 1L)))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, aggregationFun = min,
ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 1L)))
chrs <- MChromatograms(list(chr1, chr2, chr3, chr1, chr2, chr3,
chr2, chr3, chr1), ncol = 3)
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 3L)))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, aggregationFun = max,
threshold = 0.1,
ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L)))
res <- .group_eic_similarity(chrs, aggregationFun = median,
ALIGNFUNARGS = list(method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res, factor(c(1L, 2L, 1L)))
test_that("EicSimilarityParam works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
res <- EicSimilarityParam()
expect_equal(res@threshold, 0.9)
expect_equal(res@ALIGNFUNARGS, list(tolerance = 0, method = "closest"))
expect_equal(res@ALIGNFUN, alignRt)
expect_equal(res@FUN, stats::cor)
expect_equal(res@FUNARGS, list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
expect_equal(res@n, 1L)
expect_equal(res@onlyPeak, TRUE)
expect_equal(res@dots, list())
res <- EicSimilarityParam(FUN = dist)
expect_equal(res@FUN, dist)
res <- EicSimilarityParam(ALIGNFUN = sum)
expect_equal(res@ALIGNFUN, sum)
res <- EicSimilarityParam(groupFun = max)
expect_equal(res@groupFun, max)
res <- EicSimilarityParam(threshold = 0, n = 10, onlyPeak = FALSE)
expect_equal(res@threshold, 0)
expect_equal(res@n, 10)
expect_equal(res@onlyPeak, FALSE)
res <- EicSimilarityParam(ALIGNFUNARGS = list(a = 4))
expect_equal(res@ALIGNFUNARGS, list(a = 4))
res <- EicSimilarityParam(FUNARGS = list(b = 5))
expect_equal(res@FUNARGS, list(b = 5))
res <- EicSimilarityParam(someother = 5)
expect_equal(res@dots, list(someother = 5))
expect_error(EicSimilarityParam(threshold = c(4, 3)), "positive numeric")
expect_error(EicSimilarityParam(n = 1:2), "positive numeric")
expect_error(EicSimilarityParam(onlyPeak = c(TRUE, FALSE)), "length 1")
expect_error(EicSimilarityParam(value = "other"))
test_that("groupFeatures,XCMSnExp,EicSimilarityParam works", {
## n outside number of samples
expect_error(groupFeatures(xodg, param = EicSimilarityParam(n = 10)),
"smaller than or")
## no feature definitions
expect_error(groupFeatures(xod_x, param = EicSimilarityParam()), "No")
## MS level length > 1
groupFeatures(xodg, param = EicSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 1:2),
"single MS level")
tmp <- xodg
res_all <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam())
#' FG.009, FG.001, FG.001, FG.002, FG.003, FG.003
idx <- c(3, 12, 13, 34, 39, 40)
tmp <- xodg
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group <- NA
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group[idx] <- "FG"
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam())
expect_true(length(unique(featureGroups(res))) < length(idx))
a <- featureGroups(res)[idx]
b <- featureGroups(res_all)[idx]
expect_equal(as.integer(factor(a, levels = unique(a))),
as.integer(factor(b, levels = unique(b))))
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group <- NULL
featureDefinitions(tmp)$ms_level[idx] <- 2
res_2 <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 2)
res <- groupFeatures(xodgg, param = EicSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7))
expect_true(length(table(featureGroups(xodgg))) <
test_that("groupFeatures,XcmsExperiment,EicSimilarityParam works", {
## n outside number of samples
expect_error(groupFeatures(xm, param = EicSimilarityParam(n = 10)),
"smaller than or")
## no feature definitions
param = EicSimilarityParam()), "No")
## MS level length > 1
groupFeatures(xm, param = EicSimilarityParam(), msLevel = 1:2),
"single MS level")
tmp <- loadXcmsData("xmse")
tmp <- filterFeatureDefinitions(tmp, 1:50)
res_all <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam())
#' FG.014, FG.007, FG.007, FG.006, FG.006, FG.006
idx <- c(1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 14)
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group <- NA
featureDefinitions(tmp)$feature_group[idx] <- "FG"
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam())
expect_true(length(unique(featureGroups(res))) < length(idx))
a <- featureGroups(res)[idx]
b <- featureGroups(res_all)[idx]
expect_equal(as.integer(factor(a, levels = unique(a))),
as.integer(factor(b, levels = unique(b))))
featureGroups(tmp) <- NA
tmp <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = SimilarRtimeParam(4))
res <- groupFeatures(tmp, param = EicSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7))
expect_true(length(table(featureGroups(tmp))) <
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