test_that("chromatogram works", {
skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")
## OnDiskMSnExp
## TIC
od_tmp <- filterFile(filterRt(od_x, c(2500, 3000)), file = 2)
chrs <- chromatogram(od_tmp)
spctr <- spectra(od_tmp)
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[1, 1]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
## BPC
chrs <- chromatogram(od_tmp, aggregationFun = "max")
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[1, 1]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
## XCMSnExp
xod_x <- filterFile(filterRt(faahko_xod, c(2500, 3000)), file = 2)
chrs <- chromatogram(xod_x)
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[1, 1]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
## BPC
chrs <- chromatogram(xod_x, aggregationFun = "max")
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[1, 1]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
## with adjusted retention times.
chrs <- chromatogram(filterFile(xod_xgr, file = 2),
adjustedRtime = FALSE, aggregationFun = "max")
spctr <- spectra(filterFile(xod_xgr, file = 2, keepAdjustedRtime = FALSE))
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[1, 1]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
chrs <- chromatogram(filterFile(xod_xgr, file = 2,
keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE),
aggregationFun = "max")
expect_equal(intensity(chrs[[1]]), ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE,
adjusted = TRUE)[[2]])
## Subset to certain mz range in all files.
chrs_adj <- chromatogram(xod_xgr, mz = c(300, 330))
expect_equal(rtime(chrs_adj[1, 1]), rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE)[[1]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs_adj[1, 2]), rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE)[[2]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs_adj[1, 3]), rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE)[[3]])
## Now subsetting for mz:
tmp <- filterRt(filterFile(od_x, file = 2), c(2500, 3000))
chrs <- chromatogram(tmp, mz = c(300, 400))
expect_equal(mz(chrs[1, 1], filter = TRUE), c(300, 400))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(tmp, mz = c(300, 400)))
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
ints2 <- intensity(chrs[1, 1])
ints2[is.na(ints2)] <- 0
expect_equal(ints2, ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), unlist(lapply(spctr, rtime)))
## with adjusted retention times
chrs <- chromatogram(filterFile(xod_xgr, file = 2,
keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE),
mz = c(300, 400))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(filterFile(xod_xgr, file = 2),
mz = c(300, 400)))
ints <- unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z)
ints2 <- intensity(chrs[1, 1])
ints2[is.na(ints2)] <- 0
expect_equal(ints2, ints)
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE)[[2]])
## Now subsetting for rt:
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = c(2700, 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 1]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 1]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 2]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 2]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 3]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 3]) <= 2900))
spctr <- spectra(filterRt(od_x, rt = c(2700, 2900)))
ints <- split(unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z) sum(intensity(z)))),
f = unlist(lapply(spctr, fromFile)))
expect_equal(ints[[1]], intensity(chrs[1, 1]))
expect_equal(ints[[2]], intensity(chrs[1, 2]))
expect_equal(ints[[3]], intensity(chrs[1, 3]))
## Using adjusted rt:
chrs2 <- chromatogram(xod_xgr, rt = c(2700, 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs2[1, 1]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs2[1, 1]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs2[1, 2]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs2[1, 2]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs2[1, 3]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs2[1, 3]) <= 2900))
expect_true(length(chrs[1, 1]) != length(chrs2[1, 1]))
expect_true(length(chrs[1, 2]) == length(chrs2[1, 2]))
expect_true(length(chrs[1, 3]) != length(chrs2[1, 3]))
tmp <- filterRt(xod_xgr, rt = c(2700, 2900))
expect_equal(rtime(chrs2[1, 1]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[1]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs2[1, 2]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[2]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs2[1, 3]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[3]])
## Check the values...
keepSp <- which(adjustedRtime(xod_xgr) >= 2700 &
adjustedRtime(xod_xgr) <= 2900)
expect_warning(tmp <- xod_xgr[keepSp])
ints <- unlist(lapply(spectra(tmp), function(z) sum(intensity(z))))
intsL <- split(ints, fromFile(tmp))
expect_equal(intensity(chrs2[1, 1]), intsL[[1]])
expect_equal(intensity(chrs2[1, 2]), intsL[[2]])
expect_equal(intensity(chrs2[1, 3]), intsL[[3]])
## Now subsetting for rt and mz:
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = c(2700, 2900), mz = 335)
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 1]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 1]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 2]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 2]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 3]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 3]) <= 2900))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(filterRt(od_x, rt = c(2700, 2900)), mz = 335))
ints <- split(unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z) {
if (z@peaksCount)
else return(NA)
})), f = unlist(lapply(spctr, fromFile)))
expect_equal(ints[[1]], intensity(chrs[1, 1]))
expect_equal(ints[[2]], intensity(chrs[1, 2]))
expect_equal(ints[[3]], intensity(chrs[1, 3]))
## Using adjusted rt: LLLL
chrs <- chromatogram(xod_xgr, rt = c(2700, 2900), mz = 335)
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 1]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 1]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 2]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 2]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 3]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 3]) <= 2900))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(filterRt(xod_xgr, rt = c(2700, 2900)), mz = 335))
ints <- split(unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z) {
if (z@peaksCount)
else return(NA)
})), f = unlist(lapply(spctr, fromFile)))
expect_equal(ints[[1]], intensity(chrs[1, 1]))
expect_equal(ints[[2]], intensity(chrs[1, 2]))
expect_equal(ints[[3]], intensity(chrs[1, 3]))
## Check the rtime.
tmp <- filterRt(xod_xgr, rt = c(2700, 2900))
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 1]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[1]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 2]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[2]])
expect_equal(rtime(chrs[1, 3]), rtime(tmp, bySample = TRUE)[[3]])
## What if we're completely off?
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = c(5000, 5500))
expect_true(nrow(chrs) == 0)
## Now rt is within range, but mz is completely off. We expect Chromatograms
## with same length than there are spectra in the rt range, but all NA
## values.
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = c(2600, 2700), mz = 12000)
rts <- split(rtime(od_x), f = fromFile(od_x))
rts <- lapply(rts, function(z) z[z >= 2600 & z <= 2700])
expect_equal(unname(lengths(chrs[1, , drop = TRUE])), unname(lengths(rts)))
## All have to be NA.
expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(chrs[1, ], function(z) is.na(intensity(z))))))
## Multiple ranges.
rtr <- matrix(c(2700, 2900, 2600, 2800), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
mzr <- matrix(c(355, 355, 344, 344), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = rtr, mz = mzr)
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 1]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 1]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 2]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 2]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[1, 3]) >= 2700 & rtime(chrs[1, 3]) <= 2900))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[2, 1]) >= 2600 & rtime(chrs[2, 1]) <= 2800))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[2, 2]) >= 2600 & rtime(chrs[2, 2]) <= 2800))
expect_true(all(rtime(chrs[2, 3]) >= 2600 & rtime(chrs[2, 3]) <= 2800))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(filterRt(od_x, rt = rtr[1, ]),
mz = mzr[1, ]))
ints <- split(unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z) {
if (z@peaksCount)
else return(NA)
})), f = unlist(lapply(spctr, fromFile)))
expect_equal(ints[[1]], intensity(chrs[1, 1]))
expect_equal(ints[[2]], intensity(chrs[1, 2]))
expect_equal(ints[[3]], intensity(chrs[1, 3]))
spctr <- spectra(filterMz(filterRt(od_x, rt = rtr[2, ]),
mz = mzr[2, ]))
ints <- split(unlist(lapply(spctr, function(z) {
if (z@peaksCount)
else return(NA)
})), f = unlist(lapply(spctr, fromFile)))
expect_equal(ints[[1]], intensity(chrs[2, 1]))
expect_equal(ints[[2]], intensity(chrs[2, 2]))
expect_equal(ints[[3]], intensity(chrs[2, 3]))
## Multiple ranges with complete off ranges.
rtr <- matrix(c(2700, 2900, 5000, 5500, 2600, 2800), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
mzr <- matrix(c(355, 355, 500, 500, 344, 344), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = rtr, mz = mzr)
expect_true(nrow(chrs) == 3)
expect_true(all(lengths(chrs[2, ]) == 0))
rtr <- matrix(c(2700, 2900, 2700, 2900, 2600, 2800), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
mzr <- matrix(c(355, 355, 100000, 100000, 344, 344), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
chrs <- chromatogram(od_x, rt = rtr, mz = mzr)
expect_true(nrow(chrs) == 3)
## All values in the 2nd Chromosome object have to be NA.
expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(chrs[2, ], function(z) is.na(intensity(z))))))
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