test_that("diffreport etc works", {
g <- group(faahko)
f <- fillPeaks(g)
d <- diffreport(f)
## Fake xcmsSet with 1 sample in class 1
sampclass(f) <- c(1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3)
d <- diffreport(f, class1=1, class2=2)
## Test anova
d <- diffreport(f)
sampclass(f) <- rep(1:4,3)
d <- diffreport(f)
diffreport(g, missing = 3)
expect_error(diffreport(f, missing = "b"))
test_that("findPeaks.MSW works", {
## We do expect an error if we have multiple spectra (issue #237)
test_that("fillPeaks,xcmsSet and filled flag works", {
xsg <- group(faahko)
xsgf <- fillPeaks(xsg, method = "chrom")
expect_equal(nrow(peaks(xsg)) + length(xsgf@filled), nrow(peaks(xsgf)))
test_that("fillPeaks,xcmsSet columns works", {
xsg <- group(faahko)
xsg <- group(faahko_xs)
peaks(xsg) <- cbind(peaks(xsg), anotherColumn=4711)
oldCnames <- colnames(peaks(xsg))
xsgf <- fillPeaks(xsg) # parallel disabled: , nSlaves=2)
newCnames <- colnames(peaks(xsgf))
expect_equal(oldCnames, newCnames)
## Check dims if nothing to do
oldDims <- dim(peaks(xsgf))
xsgf2 <- fillPeaks(xsgf) # parallel disabled: , nSlaves=2)
newDims <- dim(peaks(xsgf2))
expect_equal(oldDims, newDims)
## Case where only some samples have NA values
xsg <- group(faahko_xs, minfrac=1)
xsgf <- fillPeaks(xsg) # parallel disabled: , nSlaves=2)
sampclass(xsgf) <- c(rep("KO", 1), rep("WT", 2))
xsgf <- group(xsgf, minfrac=1)
xsgf <- fillPeaks(xsgf) # parallel disabled: , nSlaves=2)
test_that("getEIC,xcmsSet works", {
## xset <- fillPeaks(group(faahko))
xset <- faahko_grouped_filled
## xset <- faahko_grouped_filled
e <- getEIC(xset, sampleidx = c(1,2), groupidx = c(1,2), rtrange=200)
expect_equal(sampnames(e), c("ko15", "ko16"))
## plot(e)
## Reproduce issue #92
e <- getEIC(xset, sampleidx = c(5, 9), groupidx = c(1, 2), rtrange = 200)
expect_equal(sampnames(e), sampnames(xset)[c(5, 9)])
## Compare with raw data.
rtr <- matrix(c(2876, 2932), nrow = 1)
mzr <- matrix(c(200.1, 200.1), nrow = 1)
e <- getEIC(xset, sampleidx = c(1), mzrange = mzr,
rtrange = rtr, rt = "raw")
## Read the raw data of file 1:
xr <- xcmsRaw(filepaths(xset)[1], profstep = profStep(xset))
e_2 <- getEIC(xr, mzrange = mzr, rtrange = rtr, step = 0.1)
expect_equal(e_2@eic[[1]][[1]], e@eic[[1]][[1]])
## Check what happens if we select another -> issue #92
e <- getEIC(xset, sampleidx = c(5, 9), mzrange = mzr,
rtrange = rtr, rt = "raw")
## sample 5
xr <- xcmsRaw(filepaths(xset)[5], profstep = profStep(xset))
e_2 <- getEIC(xr, mzrange = mzr, rtrange = rtr, step = 0.1)
expect_equal(e_2@eic[[1]][[1]], e@eic[[1]][[1]])
## sample 9
xr <- xcmsRaw(filepaths(xset)[9], profstep = profStep(xset))
e_2 <- getEIC(xr, mzrange = mzr, rtrange = rtr, step = 0.1)
expect_equal(e_2@eic[[1]][[1]], e@eic[[2]][[1]])
test_that("getEIC,xcmsSet works after retcor", {
## xset <- fillPeaks(group(retcor(group(faahko))))
xset <- faahko_grouped_retcor_filled
## xset <- faahko_processed
opt.warn <- options("warn")$warn
options("warn" = 2) ## turns warning into errors
e <- getEIC(xset, sampleidx=c(1,2), groupidx=c(1,2),
rt="corrected", rtrange=200)
options("warn" = opt.warn)
test_that("getXcmsRaw,xcmsSet works", {
xset <- faahko_grouped_retcor_filled
## get the first as raw data file.
xr <- getXcmsRaw(xset, sampleidx = 1)
## apply the rt correction
xr <- getXcmsRaw(xset, sampleidx = 1, rt="raw")
## get the first 4
xr <- getXcmsRaw(xset, sampleidx = 1:4)
## check if the settings are translated correctly
file <- system.file('cdf/KO/ko15.CDF', package = "faahKO")
xs <- xcmsSet(file, step = 2)
xr <- getXcmsRaw(xs)
xr_orig <- xcmsRaw(file, profstep = 2)
expect_equal(xr, xr_orig)
## check the prof step:
expect_equal(profStep(xs), 2)
## check all *new* methods for xcmsSet
expect_equal(mslevel(xs), mslevel(xr))
expect_equal(profMethod(xs), profMethod(xr))
expect_equal(profStep(xs), profStep(xr))
## scanrange for the xcmsSet is NULL which means we're reading all data from
## the raw data files, while the one of the xcmsRaw is always
## (1, lenght(scans)).
## expect_equal(scanrange(xs), scanrange(xr))
expect_equal(profinfo(xs), profinfo(xr))
## testing alternative scan range.
xr2 <- getXcmsRaw(xs, scanrange = c(5, 100))
expect_equal(scanrange(xr2), c(1, 96))
xr2_orig <- xcmsRaw(file, scanrange = c(5, 100), profstep = 2)
expect_equal(xr2, xr2_orig)
## This scanrange is expected to be from 1 to length(xr@scantime)
expect_equal(scanrange(xr2), c(1, length(xr2@scantime)))
## Test xcmsSet with scanrange:
xs <- xcmsSet(file, step = 2, scanrange = c(5, 100))
expect_equal(scanrange(xs), c(5, 100))
## BUT: if we extract the xcmsRaw from this xcmsSet object we will get
## (1, 96) instead of (5, 100).
xr <- getXcmsRaw(xs)
expect_equal(scanrange(xr), c(1, length(xr@scantime)))
xr_2 <- xcmsRaw(file, scanrange = c(5, 100), profstep = 2)
expect_equal(xr, xr_2)
test_that("getXcmsRaw,xcmsSet works, issue #44", {
## Subset to two files.
xsetRaw <- updateObject(faahko)
xsetRaw <- xsetRaw[, 1:2]
## First sample is reference, i.e. no rt adjustment performed
xs <- retcor(group(xsetRaw), method = "obiwarp", center = 1)
## Second is corrected, first is center:
expect_identical(xs@rt$raw[[1]], xs@rt$corrected[[1]])
expect_true(!all(xs@rt$raw[[2]] == xs@rt$corrected[[2]]))
## Now, if we get the second raw file we expect to get the raw times.
expect_true(all(xs@rt$corrected[[1]] == xs@rt$raw[[1]])) # TRUE, wouldn't do correction.
expect_false(all(xs@rt$corrected[[2]] == xs@rt$raw[[2]])) ## FALSE, would do correction.
## We get the raw data for the second file; this one was corrected and
## thus it's retention time is expected to be different from raw.
xr2 <- getXcmsRaw(xs, sampleidx = 2, rt = "corrected")
expect_identical(xr2@scantime, xs@rt$corrected[[2]])
expect_false(all(xr2@scantime == xs@rt$raw[[2]])) ## That should be FALSE!
test_that("group,GroupDensity doesn't fail with OnePeak", {
xs <- faahko
p <- peaks(xs)
peaks(xs) <- p[1, , drop = FALSE]
g <- group(xs, minsamp = 1, minfrac = 0.001, method = "density")
test_that("group,xcmsSet Nearest works", {
xs <- faahko
p <- peaks(xs)
g <- group(xs, method="nearest")
expect_equal(range(unlist(g@groupidx))[1], 1)
test_that("retcor,xcmsSet obiwarp doesn't fail", {
faahko_sub <- faahko[,1:2]
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", localAlignment=1, profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", distFunc="cor", profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", distFunc="cor_opt", profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", distFunc="cov", profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", distFunc="euc", profStep = 10)
xr <- retcor(faahko_sub, method="obiwarp", distFunc="prd", profStep = 10)
test_that("sampclass,xcmsSet works", {
xset <- faahko
## grouping the peaks
xset <- group(xset, method="density")
## reversing the order of the classes.
xset.revorder <- xset
sampclass(xset.revorder) <- c(rep("WT", 6), rep("KO", 6))
xset.revorder <- group(xset.revorder, method="density")
## check if we get what we want:
expect_equal(groups(xset)[, "KO"], groups(xset.revorder)[, "WT"])
## repeat that but submitting already a factor
xset.revorder.f <- xset
sampclass(xset.revorder.f) <- factor(c(rep("WT", 6), rep("KO", 6)))
xset.revorder.f <- group(xset.revorder.f, method="density")
expect_equal(groups(xset)[, "KO"], groups(xset.revorder.f)[, "WT"])
## next: pheno data contains a column class with a factor.
pd <- data.frame(class=factor(c(rep("WT", 6), rep("KO", 6))))
xset.pheno <- xset
phenoData(xset.pheno) <- pd
xset.pheno <- group(xset.pheno, method="density")
expect_equal(groups(xset)[, "KO"], groups(xset.pheno)[, "WT"])
## next checking what happens if we submit a multi-column data.frame
## to sampclass<-
pd <- data.frame(dummy=rep(c("a", "b"), 6), group=c(rep("KO", 6), rep("WT", 6)),
pair=c(1:6, 1:6))
phenoData(xset) <- pd
## No class column, so we're returning the interaction.
expect_equal(sampclass(xset), interaction(pd, drop=TRUE))
## now we're going to submit 2 columns of the pd
sampclass(xset) <- pd[, c("group", "pair")]
as.character(interaction(pd[, c("group", "pair"), drop=TRUE])))
test_that("sampnames,xcmsSet and sampclass,xcmsSet work", {
file <- system.file('cdf/KO/ko15.CDF', package = "faahKO")
xs <- xcmsSet(files=file, snames=c("A"), method = "centWave", noise = 10000)
expect_equal(sampnames(xs), "A")
expect_equal(rownames(phenoData(xs)), "A")
xs <- xcmsSet(files=file, sclass=c("A"), method = "centWave", noise = 10000)
expect_equal(as.character(sampclass(xs)), "A")
test_that("[,xcmsSet works", {
.compare <- function(xs, xsub, idx){
## sampclass?
## sampnames?
## filepaths?
expect_equal(filepaths(xsub), filepaths(xs)[idx])
## peaks
peaks.all <- peaks(xs)
peaks.sub <- peaks(xsub)
cat("Comparing peaks...")
for(i in 1:length(idx)){
## peaks
expect_equal(peaks.sub[peaks.sub[, "sample"]==i, "into"],
peaks.all[peaks.all[, "sample"]==idx[i], "into"])
## rt, raw
expect_equal(xs@rt$raw[[idx[i]]], xsub@rt$raw[[i]])
## rt, corrected
expect_equal(xs@rt$corrected[[idx[i]]], xsub@rt$corrected[[i]])
if(length(xs@groupidx) > 0){
cat("Comparing peak groups...")
## check the groups and groupidx using the groupval method.
into.all <- groupval(xs, value="into", method="maxint")
into.sub <- groupval(xsub, value="into", method="maxint")
for(i in 1:length(idx)){
expect_equal(into.all[, idx[i]], into.sub[, i])
res <- faahko[, integer()]
expect_true(is(res, "xcmsSet"))
expect_true(nrow(res@peaks) == 0)
xset <- faahko
idx <- 8
xsub <- xset[, idx]
.compare(xset, xsub, idx)
## repeating the same using different ordering.
idx <- c(8, 1, 5)
xsub <- xset[, idx]
.compare(xset, xsub, idx)
## performing a grouping, retention time correction and second grouping
##data(faahko, package="faahKO")
xset <- group(faahko, method="density")
xset <- retcor(xset, method="loess", family="symmetric")
xset <- group(xset)
##xset <- fillPeaks(xset)
xsub <- xset[, idx]
.compare(xset, xsub, idx)
## subset by names
idx <- c("ko15", "wt19", "ko21", "wt22")
xsub <- xset[, idx]
intidx <- match(idx, sampnames(xset))
.compare(xset, xsub, intidx)
## and at last using logical.
idx <- rep(FALSE, 12)
idx[c(2, 8)] <- TRUE
xsub <- xset[, idx]
intidx <- which(idx)
.compare(xset, xsub, intidx)
## testing some errors...
expect_error(xset[1, ])
expect_error(xset[, 20])
expect_error(xset[, "not there"])
fs <- c(system.file('cdf/KO/ko15.CDF', package = "faahKO"),
system.file('cdf/KO/ko16.CDF', package = "faahKO"),
system.file('cdf/KO/ko18.CDF', package = "faahKO"),
system.file('cdf/KO/ko19.CDF', package = "faahKO"))
xs_1 <- xcmsSet(fs, profparam = list(step = 0), method = "centWave",
noise = 10000, snthresh = 50)
## Testing subsetting with .processHistory:
xsub <- xs_1[, c(2, 3)]
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[c(2, 3)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 2L
expect_equal(xsub@.processHistory, ph)
## Reverse ordering:
xsub <- xs_1[, c(3, 2)]
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[[3]]
ph@fileIndex <- 1L
expect_equal(.getProcessHistory(xsub, fileIndex = 1), list(ph))
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[[2]]
ph@fileIndex <- 2L
expect_equal(.getProcessHistory(xsub, fileIndex = 2), list(ph))
## Add fake ProcessHistory before and after the real ones.
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory
ph <- c(list(ProcessHistory(fileIndex = 1:4)), ph,
list(ProcessHistory(fileIndex = 1:4)))
xs_1@.processHistory <- ph
xsub <- xs_1[, c(2, 3)]
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[c(1, 3, 4, 6)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L:2L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[3]]@fileIndex <- 2L
ph[[4]]@fileIndex <- 1L:2L
expect_equal(xsub@.processHistory, ph)
test_that("sampclass,xcmsSet works with unused groups", {
classes <- sampclass(faahko)
levels(classes) <- c(levels(classes), "Leftover")
xs <- faahko
sampclass(xs) <- classes
xsg <- group(xs)
expect_equal(sampclass(xs), sampclass(xsg))
test_that("updateObject,xcmsSet works", {
newXs <- updateObject(xs)
expect_identical(xs@peaks, newXs@peaks)
## xs might be an old object.
if (!.hasSlot(xs, "scanrange"))
expect_identical(newXs@scanrange, numeric(0))
expect_identical(xs@groups, newXs@groups)
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