test_that(".getPeaks_xxx functions works", {
## Compare the old and new getPeaks implementations.
xs_m <- xcmsSet(faahko_3_files[1])
pks_range <- peaks(xs_m)[1:200, ]
## Extend the range
pks_range[, "mzmin"] <- pks_range[, "mzmin"] - 0.05
pks_range[, "mzmax"] <- pks_range[, "mzmax"] + 0.05
expect_warning(pks_o <- .getPeaks_orig(faahko_xr_1, peakrange = pks_range))
pks_n <- .getPeaks_new(faahko_xr_1, peakrange = pks_range)
expect_equal(pks_o, pks_n)
pks_tmp <- pks_o
## Force it to use different step.
expect_warning(pks_o <- .getPeaks_orig(faahko_xr_1, peakrange = pks_range,
step = 0.3))
pks_n <- .getPeaks_new(faahko_xr_1, peakrange = pks_range, step = 0.3)
expect_equal(pks_o, pks_n)
expect_true(sum(pks_o[, "into"] != pks_tmp[, "into"]) > 0)
## Change profile generation settings.
tmp <- deepCopy(faahko_xr_1)
tmp@profmethod <- "binlin"
expect_warning(pks_o <- .getPeaks_orig(tmp, peakrange = pks_range,
step = 0.2))
pks_n <- .getPeaks_new(tmp, peakrange = pks_range, step = 0.2)
## Can not expect identical values because of differences in binlin
## See issues #46 and #49.
expect_true(cor(pks_o[, "into"], pks_n[, "into"]) > 0.999)
expect_true(sum(pks_o[, "into"] != pks_tmp[, "into"]) > 0)
pks_tmp <- pks_o
## Change profile generation settings.
tmp@profmethod <- "binlinbase"
expect_warning(pks_o <- .getPeaks_orig(tmp, peakrange = pks_range,
step = 0.2))
pks_n <- .getPeaks_new(tmp, peakrange = pks_range, step = 0.2)
expect_equal(pks_o, pks_n)
expect_true(sum(pks_o[, "into"] != pks_tmp[, "into"]) > 0)
pks_tmp <- pks_o
tmp@profmethod <- "intlin"
pks_o <- .getPeaks_orig(tmp, peakrange = pks_range, step = 0.2)
pks_n <- .getPeaks_new(tmp, peakrange = pks_range, step = 0.2)
expect_equal(pks_o, pks_n)
expect_true(sum(pks_o[, "into"] != pks_tmp[, "into"]) > 0)
test_that("xcmsSet can handle MS2 data", {
filename <- system.file('iontrap/extracted.mzML', package = "msdata")
expect_equal(xcmsSet(filename, snthresh = 4, mslevel = 2)@mslevel, 2)
test_that("xcmsSet works with MS2... again", {
filename <- system.file('iontrap/extracted.mzML', package = "msdata")
expect_equal(xcmsSet(filename, snthresh = 4, mslevel = 2)@mslevel, 2)
test_that("phenoDataFromPaths and others don't fail", {
files <- system.file(c("cdf/KO/ko15.CDF", "cdf/KO/ko16.CDF",
"cdf/KO/ko18.CDF", "cdf/KO/ko19.CDF",
"cdf/KO/ko21.CDF", "cdf/KO/ko22.CDF",
"cdf/WT/wt15.CDF", "cdf/WT/wt16.CDF",
"cdf/WT/wt18.CDF", "cdf/WT/wt19.CDF",
"cdf/WT/wt21.CDF", "cdf/WT/wt22.CDF"),
package = "faahKO")
pd <- phenoDataFromPaths(files)
xs <- faahko
##xcms::phenoData(xs) <- pd
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2008-April/049184.html
xs <- xcms::`phenoData<-`(xs, pd)
xsg <- group(xs)
pd <- phenoDataFromPaths(files)
xs <- faahko
##xcms::phenoData(xs) <- pd
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2008-April/049184.html
xs <- xcms::`phenoData<-`(xs, pd)
xs <- group(xs)
## Setting the filepaths again; otherwise we will have problem finding these
## files ... obviously.
filepaths(xs) <- files
xs <- fillPeaks(xs)
dr <- diffreport(xs, class1="KO", class2="WT")
expect_true(nrow(dr) > 0)
test_that("showError works", {
errs <- .getProcessErrors(xs)
expect_equal(length(errs), 0)
ph <- .getProcessHistory(xs)
expect_equal(length(ph), 0)
xs <- updateObject(xs)
expect_true(.hasSlot(xs, ".processHistory"))
errs <- .getProcessErrors(xs)
expect_equal(length(errs), 0)
errs <- showError(xs)
expect_equal(length(errs), 0)
ph <- .getProcessHistory(xs, fileIndex = 3)
expect_equal(length(ph), 0)
test_that("split.xcmsSet works", {
xsl <- split(faahko, sampclass(faahko))
expect_equal(length(xsl), 2)
xsl <- split(faahko, sampnames(faahko))
expect_equal(length(xsl), length(sampnames(faahko)))
xsl <- split(faahko, c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))
expect_equal(length(xsl), 2)
expect_equal(length(sampnames(xsl[[1]])), 1)
expect_equal(length(sampnames(xsl[[2]])), 11)
expect_equal(sampnames(xsl[[1]]), sampnames(faahko)[1])
xsl <- split(faahko, c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1))
expect_equal(length(xsl), 2)
expect_equal(length(sampnames(xsl[[1]])), 1)
expect_equal(length(sampnames(xsl[[2]])), 11)
expect_equal(sampnames(xsl[[1]]), sampnames(faahko)[12])
xsl <- split(faahko, c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))
expect_equal(length(xsl), 2)
expect_equal(sampnames(xsl[[1]]), sampnames(faahko)[6])
xsl <- split(faahko,c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))
expect_equal(length(xsl), 1)
xsl <- split(faahko, sampclass(faahko))
expect_equal(length(sampnames(c(xsl[[1]], xsl[[2]]))), 12)
## short factor:
f = c(1, 2, 2)
xsl <- split(faahko, f)
for (x in unique(f)) {
num.samps = sum(x==f)
expect_equal(length(xsl[[x]]@filepaths), num.samps)
expect_equal(nrow(xsl[[x]]@phenoData), num.samps)
expect_equal(length(xsl[[x]]@rt$raw), num.samps)
## long factor
f = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3)
actual.f = f[1:nrow(faahko@phenoData)]
xsl <- split(faahko, f)
for (x in unique(actual.f)) {
num.samps = sum(x==actual.f)
expect_equal(length(xsl[[x]]@filepaths), num.samps)
expect_equal(nrow(xsl[[x]]@phenoData), num.samps)
expect_equal(length(xsl[[x]]@rt$raw), num.samps)
## check phenoData
xset <- faahko
## make a dummy phenoDate data.frame
pd <- data.frame(class = xset$class, exp = rep(1:6, 2))
rownames(pd) <- sampnames(xset)
phenoData(xset) <- pd
## split by sampleclass
xsetList <- split(xset, sampclass(xset))
expect_equal(xsetList[[1]]$class, droplevels(pd[pd$class=="KO", "class"]))
expect_equal(xsetList[[2]]$exp, pd[pd$class=="WT", "exp"])
## now split by the experiment
xsetList <- split(xset, xset$exp)
## just check some stuff...
expect_equal(length(xsetList[[1]]$class), 2)
expect_equal(nrow(phenoData(xsetList[[4]])), 2)
## have to make sure we also do have the mslevel, profinfo,
## scanrange, dataCorrection and polarity set.
expect_equal(mslevel(xset), mslevel(xsetList[[1]]))
expect_equal(scanrange(xset), scanrange(xsetList[[1]]))
expect_equal(xset@polarity, xsetList[[1]]@polarity)
test_that("split.xcmsSet preserves ProcessHistory", {
spl <- split(faahko, sampclass(faahko))
expect_true(length(spl[[1]]@.processHistory) == 0)
spl <- split(xs_1, f = c(1, 2, 1, 2))
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[c(1, 3)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 2L
expect_equal(spl[[1]]@.processHistory, ph)
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[c(2, 4)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 2L
expect_equal(spl[[2]]@.processHistory, ph)
## Add fake ProcessHistory steps.
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory
ph <- c(list(ProcessHistory(fileIndex = 1:4)), ph,
xs_2 <- xs_1
xs_2@.processHistory <- ph
spl <- split(xs_2, f = c(2, 1, 1, 1))
ph <- xs_2@.processHistory[c(1, 3, 4, 5)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L:3L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[3]]@fileIndex <- 2L
ph[[4]]@fileIndex <- 3L
expect_equal(spl[[1]]@.processHistory, ph)
ph <- xs_2@.processHistory[c(1, 2)]
ph[[1]]@fileIndex <- 1L
ph[[2]]@fileIndex <- 1L
expect_equal(spl[[2]]@.processHistory, ph)
test_that("c.xcmsSet preserves ProcessHistory", {
spl <- split(faahko, sampclass(faahko))
conc <- do.call("c", spl)
expect_equal(length(conc@.processHistory), 0)
spl <- split(xs_1, c(1, 1, 2, 2))
conc <- c(spl[[1]], spl[[2]])
expect_equal(xs_1@.processHistory, conc@.processHistory)
## Different ordering
xs_1.1 <- xs_1[, c(1, 3)]
xs_1.2 <- xs_1[, 2]
xs_1.3 <- xs_1[, 4]
## Add a fake processing for the second one.
ph <- xs_1.2@.processHistory
ph <- c(list(ProcessHistory(fileIndex = 1)), ph)
xs_1.2@.processHistory <- ph
## Combine them.
conc <- c(xs_1.1, xs_1.2, xs_1.3)
## 1st
expect_equal(conc@.processHistory[[1]], xs_1@.processHistory[[1]])
## 2nd
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[[3]]
ph@fileIndex <- 2L
expect_equal(conc@.processHistory[[2]], ph)
## 3rd
ph <- xs_1.2@.processHistory[[1]]
ph@fileIndex <- 3L
expect_equal(conc@.processHistory[[3]], ph)
## 4th
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[[2]]
ph@fileIndex <- 3L
expect_equal(conc@.processHistory[[4]], ph)
## 5th
ph <- xs_1@.processHistory[[4]]
ph@fileIndex <- 4L
expect_equal(conc@.processHistory[[5]], ph)
## empty
xs <- xcmsSet(system.file("microtofq/MM8.mzML", package="msdata"),
method="centWave", ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20, 50))
xs2 <- xcmsSet(system.file("microtofq/MM14.mzML", package="msdata"),
method="centWave", ppm=25, peakwidth=c(20, 50))
comb <- c(xs, xs2)
expect_true(nrow(peaks(comb)) == 0)
test_that(".getProcessHistory works", {
expect_equal(.getProcessHistory(xs_1, fileIndex = 2:3),
test_that("xcmsSet centWave works", {
file <- system.file('microtofq/MM14.mzML', package = "msdata")
xset1 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5,12),
profparam = list(step = 0))
xset2 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5,12),
profparam = list(step = 0), scanrange=c(1,112))
xset3 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5,12),
profparam = list(step = 0), scanrange=c(1,80))
expect_true(nrow((peaks(xset1)@.Data)) == nrow((peaks(xset2)@.Data)))
expect_true(nrow((peaks(xset1)@.Data)) > nrow((peaks(xset3)@.Data)))
test_that("xcmsSet matchedFilter works", {
file <- system.file('microtofq/MM14.mzML', package = "msdata")
xset1 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="matchedFilter", fwhm=10)
xset2 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="matchedFilter", fwhm=10,
xset3 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="matchedFilter", fwhm=10,
expect_true(nrow((peaks(xset1)@.Data)) == nrow((peaks(xset2)@.Data)))
expect_true(nrow((peaks(xset1)@.Data)) > nrow((peaks(xset3)@.Data)))
test_that("xcmsSet parallel works", {
file <- system.file('microtofq/MM14.mzML', package = "msdata")
xset1 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5,12),
scanrange=c(1,80), profparam = list(step = 0))
xset2 <- xcmsSet(files=file, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5,12),
scanrange=c(1,80), profparam = list(step = 0))
## parallel disabled: , nSlaves=2)
expect_true(nrow((peaks(xset1)@.Data)) == nrow((peaks(xset2)@.Data)))
test_that("phenoDataFromPaths works", {
base_dir <- system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")
cdf_files <- list.files(base_dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
pd <- phenoDataFromPaths(cdf_files)
expect_true(colnames(pd) == "class")
expect_equal(levels(pd$class), c("KO", "WT"))
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