test_that("XCMSnExp, XCMSnExp works", {
rts <- rtime(faahko_od)
rts_2 <- rtime(od_x)
expect_equal(rts, rts_2)
## Test with bySample.
rts_3 <- rtime(xod_x, bySample = TRUE)
expect_equal(rts_3, split(rts, f = fromFile(faahko_od)))
## Check if rtimes are correctly ordered for bySample
rts_4 <- rtime(filterFile(faahko_od, file = 2))
expect_equal(rts_4, rts_3[[2]])
rts_4 <- rtime(filterFile(faahko_od, file = 3))
expect_equal(rts_4, rts_3[[3]])
## Compare with the values we get from an xcmsSet:
rtx <- faahko_xs@rt$raw
expect_equal(unlist(rtx, use.names = FALSE),
unlist(rtime(faahko_xod, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE))
test_that("featureValues,XCMSnExp works", {
fdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = faahko_xs$class)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(xod_x, param = fdp)
xs <- group(faahko_xs, method = "density")
fvs <- featureValues(od_x, value = "into")
expect_equal(rownames(fvs), rownames(featureDefinitions(od_x)))
rownames(fvs) <- NULL
colnames(fvs) <- NULL
gvs <- groupval(xs, value = "into")
rownames(gvs) <- NULL
colnames(gvs) <- NULL
expect_equal(fvs, gvs)
## Use the internal function
res <- xcms:::.feature_values(chromPeaks(od_x), featureDefinitions(od_x),
value = "into", method = "medret",
intensity = "into",
colnames = basename(fileNames(od_x)))
expect_equal(featureValues(od_x, value = "into"), res)
res <- xcms:::.feature_values(chromPeaks(od_x), featureDefinitions(od_x),
value = "into", method = "sum",
intensity = "into",
colnames = basename(fileNames(od_x)))
expect_equal(featureValues(od_x, value = "into", method = "sum"), res)
fsum <- featureSummary(xod_xg)
fv <- featureValues(xod_xg, method = "maxint", value = "into")
## For feature 3 we have 2 peaks in sample 3
idx <- unlist(featureDefinitions(xod_xg)[3, "peakidx"])
pks <- chromPeaks(xod_xg)[idx, ]
expect_equal(max(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 3, "into"]), fv[3, 3])
## For feature 37 we have 2 peaks per sample
idx <- unlist(featureDefinitions(xod_xg)[37, "peakidx"])
pks <- chromPeaks(xod_xg)[idx, ]
expect_equal(max(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 1, "into"]), fv[37, 1])
expect_equal(max(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 2, "into"]), fv[37, 2])
expect_equal(max(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 3, "into"]), fv[37, 3])
## method sum
fv <- featureValues(xod_xg, method = "sum", value = "into")
## For feature 3 we have 2 peaks in sample 3
idx <- unlist(featureDefinitions(xod_xg)[3, "peakidx"])
pks <- chromPeaks(xod_xg)[idx, ]
expect_equal(sum(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 3, "into"]), fv[3, 3])
## For feature 37 we have 2 peaks per sample
idx <- unlist(featureDefinitions(xod_xg)[37, "peakidx"])
pks <- chromPeaks(xod_xg)[idx, ]
expect_equal(sum(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 1, "into"]), fv[37, 1])
expect_equal(sum(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 2, "into"]), fv[37, 2])
expect_equal(sum(pks[pks[, "sample"] == 3, "into"]), fv[37, 3])
## missing
na_num <- sum(is.na(featureValues(od_x, value = "into")))
res <- featureValues(od_x, value = "into", missing = 123)
expect_equal(sum(res == 123), na_num)
res <- featureValues(od_x, value = "into", missing = "rowmin_half")
res_na <- featureValues(od_x, value = "into")
is_na <- is.na(rowMeans(res_na))
for (i in which(is_na)) {
are_na <- is.na(res_na[i, ])
expect_true(all(res[i, are_na] == min(res_na[i, ], na.rm = TRUE) / 2))
## Check errors
expect_error(featureValues(od_x, value = "into", missing = "b"))
expect_error(featureValues(od_x, value = "into", missing = TRUE))
## feature values with MS level > 1
expect_error(featureValues(xod_xg, msLevel = 2), "No feature definitions")
## Fake feature definitions for MS level 2
cwp <- CentWaveParam(noise = 10000, snthresh = 40,
prefilter = c(3, 10000))
tmp <- xod_xg
fd <- new("MsFeatureData")
fd@.xData <- xcms:::.copy_env(tmp@msFeatureData)
chromPeakData(fd)$ms_level <- 2L
fd$featureDefinitions$ms_level <- 2L
lockEnvironment(fd, bindings = TRUE)
tmp@msFeatureData <- fd
expect_true(hasChromPeaks(tmp, msLevel = 2L))
expect_true(hasFeatures(tmp, msLevel = 2L))
expect_equal(featureValues(tmp, msLevel = 2L), featureValues(xod_xg))
tmp <- findChromPeaks(tmp, add = TRUE, param = cwp)
expect_equal(unname(chromPeaks(tmp, msLevel = 1L)[, "into"]),
unname(chromPeaks(tmp, msLevel = 2L)[, "into"]))
## correspondence
pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = rep(1, 3))
tmp <- groupChromPeaks(tmp, param = pdp, msLevel = 1L)
tmp <- groupChromPeaks(tmp, param = pdp, msLevel = 2L, add = TRUE)
expect_true(hasFeatures(tmp, msLevel = 1L))
expect_true(hasFeatures(tmp, msLevel = 2L))
all <- featureValues(tmp)
ms1 <- featureValues(tmp, msLevel = 1L)
ms2 <- featureValues(tmp, msLevel = 2L)
expect_equal(all, rbind(ms1, ms2))
rownames(ms1) <- rownames(ms2) <- NULL
expect_equal(ms1, ms2)
test_that("adjustRtime,peakGroups works", {
xod <- faahko_xod
xs <- faahko_xs
## Group these
xsg <- group(xs)
xodg <- groupChromPeaks(xod,
param = PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class))
pks <- chromPeaks(xodg)
rownames(pks) <- NULL
expect_equal(peaks(xsg), pks[, colnames(peaks(xsg))])
expect_equal(xsg@groupidx, featureDefinitions(xodg)$peakidx)
## Now do the retention time correction
xsr <- retcor(xsg, method = "peakgroups", missing = 0, span = 0.3)
## minFr <- (length(fileNames(xod)) - 1) / length(fileNames(xod))
p <- PeakGroupsParam(minFraction = 1, span = 0.3)
xodr <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = p)
## Check that we've got process histories.
## But we would like to keep the related process history step:
## We want to keep the process history step of the feature alignment!
## Different from original:
expect_true(sum(chromPeaks(xod)[, "rt"] != chromPeaks(xodr)[, "rt"]) > 200)
expect_true(sum(chromPeaks(xod)[, "rtmin"] != chromPeaks(xodr)[, "rtmin"]) > 200)
expect_true(sum(chromPeaks(xod)[, "rtmax"] != chromPeaks(xodr)[, "rtmax"]) > 200)
## between xcmsSet and XCMSnExp
pks <- chromPeaks(xodr)
rownames(pks) <- NULL
expect_equal(pks[, colnames(peaks(xsr))], peaks(xsr))
## To compare the adjusted retention time we have to extract it by sample!
## Otherwise the ordering will not be the same, as rtime is ordered by
## retention time, but @rt$raw by sample.
expect_equal(unlist(adjustedRtime(xodr, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(xsr@rt$corrected, use.names = FALSE))
## Just to ensure - are the raw rt the same?
expect_equal(unlist(rtime(xod, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(xs@rt$raw, use.names = FALSE))
## Check that we get the same by supplying the peakGroupsMatrix.
pgm <- adjustRtimePeakGroups(xodg, param = p)
p_2 <- p
minFraction(p_2) <- 0.5
extraPeaks(p_2) <- 20
peakGroupsMatrix(p_2) <- pgm
xodr_2 <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = p_2)
expect_equal(adjustedRtime(xodr), adjustedRtime(xodr_2))
expect_equal(chromPeaks(xodr), chromPeaks(xodr_2))
p_got <- processParam(
processHistory(xodr, type = .PROCSTEP.RTIME.CORRECTION)[[1]])
peakGroupsMatrix(p_got) <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
expect_equal(p_got, p)
processHistory(xodr_2, type = .PROCSTEP.RTIME.CORRECTION)[[1]]),
## Doing an additional grouping
xodrg <- groupChromPeaks(xodr, param = PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups =
xsrg <- group(xsr)
expect_equal(xsrg@groupidx, featureDefinitions(xodrg)$peakidx)
## Mod settings:
xsr <- retcor(xsg, method = "peakgroups", missing = 0, span = 1)
xodr <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(minFraction = 1,
span = 1))
pks <- chromPeaks(xodr)
rownames(pks) <- NULL
expect_equal(pks[, colnames(peaks(xsr))], peaks(xsr))
expect_equal(unlist(adjustedRtime(xodr, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(xsr@rt$corrected, use.names = FALSE))
xsr <- retcor(xsg, method = "peakgroups", missing = 0, span = 1,
smooth = "linear")
xodr <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(minFraction = 1,
span = 1,
smooth = "linear"))
pks <- chromPeaks(xodr)
rownames(pks) <- NULL
expect_equal(pks[, colnames(peaks(xsr))], peaks(xsr))
expect_equal(unlist(adjustedRtime(xodr, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(xsr@rt$corrected, use.names = FALSE))
xsr <- retcor(xsg, method = "peakgroups", missing = 0, span = 1,
family = "symmetric")
xodr <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(minFraction = 1,
span = 1,
family = "symmetric"))
pks <- chromPeaks(xodr)
rownames(pks) <- NULL
expect_equal(pks[, colnames(peaks(xsr))], peaks(xsr))
expect_equal(unlist(adjustedRtime(xodr, bySample = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(xsr@rt$corrected, use.names = FALSE))
## Dropping results.
tmp <- dropAdjustedRtime(xodr)
expect_equal(tmp, xod)
## With subset.
res_sub <- adjustRtime(
xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(subset = c(1, 3),
subsetAdjust = "previous"))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[1]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[2]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[2]]))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[3]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[3]]))
expect_equal(unname(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]),
unname(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[2]]))
expect_equal(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[2]],
xcms:::.applyRtAdjustment(rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[2]],
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[1]],
rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]))
res_sub <- adjustRtime(
xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(subset = c(1, 3),
subsetAdjust = "average"))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[1]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[2]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[2]]))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[3]] !=
rtime(xodg, bySample = TRUE)[[3]]))
expect_true(all(rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[1]] !=
rtime(res_sub, bySample = TRUE)[[2]]))
tmp <- adjustRtime(xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam())
## With subsetAdjust = "average" and the left-out being at the end.
res_sub <- adjustRtime(
xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(subset = 1:2, subsetAdjust = "average"))
res_2 <- adjustRtime(
xodg, param = PeakGroupsParam(subset = 1:2, subsetAdjust = "previous"))
expect_equal(rtime(res_sub), rtime(res_2))
test_that("featureValues,XCMSnExp works as with groupval", {
od_x <- faahko_xod
xs <- faahko_xs
p <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = p)
xs <- group(xs, method = "density")
expect_equal(unname(groupval(xs, value = "into")),
unname(featureValues(od_x, value = "into")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(xs, method = "maxint", value = "into")),
unname(featureValues(od_x, method = "maxint", value = "into")))
## Checking errors
expect_error(featureValues(od_x, value = "bla"))
test_that("groupChromPeaks,XCMSnExp,PeakDensityParam works", {
od_x <- faahko_xod
xs <- faahko_xs
## Check error if no features were found. issue #273
pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class, minSamples = 30)
expect_warning(groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = pdp), "Unable to group any chromatographic peaks.")
fdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = fdp)
xs <- group(xs, method = "density")
expect_equal(xs@groupidx, featureDefinitions(od_x)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(od_x)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, !(colnames(fg) %in% c("peakidx", "ms_level"))])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(xs@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(od_x)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(od_x, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING)[[1]]
expect_equal(processParam(ph), fdp)
fdp2 <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class, binSize = 2,
minFraction = 0.8)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = fdp2)
xs <- group(xs, method = "density", minfrac = 0.8, mzwid = 2)
expect_equal(xs@groupidx, featureDefinitions(od_x)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(od_x)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, !(colnames(fg) %in% c("peakidx", "ms_level"))])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(xs@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(od_x)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(od_x, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING)[[1]]
expect_equal(processParam(ph), fdp2)
pdp <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = xs$class)
res <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = pdp)
res_2 <- groupChromPeaks(res, param = pdp)
expect_equal(featureDefinitions(res), featureDefinitions(res_2))
res_2 <- groupChromPeaks(res, param = pdp, add = TRUE)
expect_true(nrow(featureDefinitions(res_2)) ==
2 * nrow(featureDefinitions(res)))
nr <- nrow(featureDefinitions(res))
featureDefinitions(res_2)[1:nr, ])
featureDefinitions(res_2)$mzmed[(nr + 1):(2 * nr)])
featureDefinitions(res_2)$peakidx[(nr + 1):(2 * nr)])
expect_error(groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = pdp, msLevel = 2), "MS level 2")
expect_error(groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = pdp, msLevel = 1:4),
"one MS level at a time")
test_that("groupPeaks,XCMSnExp,MzClustParam works", {
p <- MzClustParam(sampleGroups = sampclass(fticr_xs))
fticr_xod2 <- groupChromPeaks(fticr_xod, param = p)
fticr_xs2 <- group(fticr_xs, method = "mzClust")
expect_equal(fticr_xs2@groupidx, featureDefinitions(fticr_xod2)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(fticr_xod2)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, -ncol(fg)])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(fticr_xs2@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(fticr_xod2)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(fticr_xod2,
expect_equal(processParam(ph), p)
p2 <- MzClustParam(sampleGroups = fticr_xs$class, absMz = 1,
minFraction = 0.8)
fticr_xod2 <- groupChromPeaks(fticr_xod, param = p2)
fticr_xs2 <- group(fticr_xs, method = "mzClust", minfrac = 0.8, mzabs = 1)
expect_equal(fticr_xs2@groupidx, featureDefinitions(fticr_xod2)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(fticr_xod2)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, -ncol(fg)])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(fticr_xs2@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(fticr_xod2)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(fticr_xod2,
expect_equal(processParam(ph), p2)
test_that("groupChromPeaks,XCMSnExp,NearestPeaksParam works", {
od_x <- faahko_xod
xs <- faahko_xs
p <- NearestPeaksParam(sampleGroups = xs$class)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = p)
xs <- group(xs, method = "nearest")
expect_equal(xs@groupidx, featureDefinitions(od_x)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(od_x)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, !(colnames(fg) %in% c("peakidx", "ms_level"))])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(xs@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(od_x)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(od_x, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING)[[1]]
expect_equal(processParam(ph), p)
fdp2 <- NearestPeaksParam(sampleGroups = xs$class, kNN = 3)
od_x <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = fdp2)
xs <- group(xs, method = "nearest", kNN = 3)
expect_equal(xs@groupidx, featureDefinitions(od_x)$peakidx)
fg <- featureDefinitions(od_x)
fg <- S4Vectors::as.matrix(fg[, !(colnames(fg) %in% c("peakidx", "ms_level"))])
rownames(fg) <- NULL
expect_equal(xs@groups, fg)
expect_true(length(processHistory(od_x)) == 2)
ph <- processHistory(od_x, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING)[[1]]
expect_equal(processParam(ph), fdp2)
expect_error(groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = p, msLevel = 2), "MS level 2")
expect_error(groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = p, msLevel = 1:3), " at a time")
res <- groupChromPeaks(od_x, param = p)
res_2 <- groupChromPeaks(res, param = p)
expect_equal(featureDefinitions(res), featureDefinitions(res_2))
res_2 <- groupChromPeaks(res, param = p, add = TRUE)
expect_true(nrow(featureDefinitions(res_2)) ==
2 * nrow(featureDefinitions(res)))
nr <- nrow(featureDefinitions(res))
expect_equal(featureDefinitions(res), featureDefinitions(res)[1:nr, ])
featureDefinitions(res_2)$peakidx[(nr + 1):(2 * nr)])
featureDefinitions(res_2)$mzmed[(nr + 1):(2 * nr)])
test_that("fillChromPeaks,XCMSnExp with MSW works", {
p <- MzClustParam()
fticr_xodg <- groupChromPeaks(fticr_xod, param = p)
expect_error(res <- fillChromPeaks(fticr_xod))
res <- fillChromPeaks(fticr_xodg)
## Got a signal for all of em.
## 1) Compare with what I get for xcmsSet.
tmp_x <- fticr_xs
tmp_x <- group(tmp_x, method = "mzClust")
tmp_x <- fillPeaks(tmp_x, method = "MSW")
## Compare
unname(featureValues(res, value = "index")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(tmp_x, value = "maxo")),
unname(featureValues(res, value = "maxo")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(tmp_x, value = "into")),
unname(featureValues(res, value = "into")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(tmp_x, value = "mz")),
unname(featureValues(res, value = "mz")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(tmp_x, value = "mzmin")),
unname(featureValues(res, value = "mzmin")))
expect_equal(unname(groupval(tmp_x, value = "mzmax")),
unname(featureValues(res, value = "mzmax")))
## OK
## 2) Check if the fillChromPeaks returns same/similar data than the
## findChromPeaks does:
fdef <- featureDefinitions(fticr_xodg)
pkArea <- do.call(
fdef$peakidx, function(z) {
tmp <- chromPeaks(fticr_xodg)[z, c("rtmin", "rtmax",
"mzmin", "mzmax"),
drop = FALSE]
pa <- c(median(tmp[, 1]), median(tmp[, 2]),
median(tmp[, 3]), median(tmp[, 4]))
colnames(pkArea) <- c("rtmin", "rtmax", "mzmin", "mzmax")
pkArea <- cbind(group_idx = 1:nrow(pkArea), pkArea,
mzmed = fdef$mzmed)
## Get peak data for all peaks in the first file
allPks <- .getMSWPeakData(filterFile(fticr_xodg, file = 1),
peakArea = pkArea,
sample_idx = 1,
cn = colnames(chromPeaks(fticr_xodg)))
curP <- chromPeaks(res)[chromPeaks(res)[, "sample"] == 1, ]
curP <- curP[order(curP[, "mz"]), ]
expect_equal(unname(allPks[, "mz"]), unname(curP[, "mz"]))
expect_equal(unname(allPks[, "maxo"]), unname(curP[, "maxo"]))
expect_true(cor(allPks[, "into"], curP[, "into"]) > 0.99) ## Not exactly the
## same but highly similar.
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