## All class definitions should go in here.
#' @include AllGenerics.R functions-XChromatogram.R functions-XChromatograms.R
## Class unions
setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("character", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("logicalOrNumeric", c("logical", "numeric"))
##setClassUnion("ANYorNULL", c("ANY", "NULL"))
## xcmsSet
representation = representation(peaks = "matrix",
groups = "matrix",
groupidx = "list",
phenoData = "data.frame",
rt = "list",
filepaths = "character",
profinfo = "list",
polarity = "character",
progressInfo = "list",
mslevel = "numeric",
scanrange = "numeric",
.processHistory = "list"),
prototype = prototype(peaks = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
groups = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
groupidx = list(),
filled = integer(0),
phenoData = data.frame(),
rt = list(),
filepaths = character(0),
profinfo = vector("list"),
polarity = character(0),
progressInfo = list(),
mslevel = numeric(0),
scanrange= numeric(0),
progressCallback = function(progress) NULL,
.processHistory = list()),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
## Check if all slots are present.
slNames <- slotNames(object)
missingSlots <- character()
for (i in 1:length(slNames)) {
if (!.hasSlot(object, slNames[i]))
missingSlots <- c(missingSlots, slNames[i])
if (length(missingSlots) > 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("This xcmsSet lacks slot(s): ",
paste(missingSlots, collapse = ","),
". Please update the object using",
" the 'updateObject' method."))
## Check the .processHistory slot.
if (!any(missingSlots == ".processHistory")) {
inh <- unlist(lapply(object@.processHistory,
FUN = function(z) {
return(inherits(z, "ProcessHistory"))
if (!all(inh))
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("Slot '.processHistory' should",
" only contain 'ProcessHistory'",
" objects!"))
if (length(msg))
## xcmsEIC
representation(eic = "list",
mzrange = "matrix",
rtrange = "matrix",
rt = "character",
groupnames = "character"),
prototype(eic = list(),
mzrange = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
rtrange = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
rt = character(0),
groupnames = character(0)))
## xcmsFragments
representation(peaks = "matrix",
MS2spec = "list",
specinfo = "matrix"
##, pipeline = "xcmsRawPipeline"
prototype(peaks = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 6),
##, pipeline = new("xcmsRawPipeline")
## xcmsSource
setClass("xcmsSource", representation("VIRTUAL"))
## If given an xcmsSource object, simply return it unchanged
setMethod("xcmsSource", "xcmsSource", function(object) object)
## xcmsFileSource
validity=function(object) {
if (file.exists(object)) TRUE
else paste("File not found:", object)
## xcmsRaw
setClass("xcmsRaw", representation(env = "environment",
tic = "numeric",
scantime = "numeric",
scanindex = "integer",
polarity = "factor",
acquisitionNum = "integer",
profmethod = "character",
profparam = "list",
mzrange = "numeric",
gradient = "matrix",
msnScanindex = "integer",
msnAcquisitionNum = "integer",
msnPrecursorScan = "integer",
msnLevel = "integer",
msnRt = "numeric",
msnPrecursorMz = "numeric",
msnPrecursorIntensity = "numeric",
msnPrecursorCharge = "numeric",
msnCollisionEnergy = "numeric",
filepath = "xcmsSource",
scanrange = "numeric",
mslevel = "numeric"),
prototype(env = new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv),
tic = numeric(0),
scantime = numeric(0),
scanindex = integer(0),
polarity = factor(integer(0)),
acquisitionNum = integer(0),
profmethod = "bin",
profparam = list(),
mzrange = numeric(0),
gradient = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
msnScanindex = integer(0),
msnAcquisitionNum = integer(0),
msnLevel = integer(0),
msnRt = numeric(0),
msnPrecursorScan = integer(0),
msnPrecursorMz = numeric(0),
msnPrecursorIntensity = numeric(0),
msnPrecursorCharge = numeric(0),
msnCollisionEnergy = numeric(0),
scanrange = NULL,
mslevel = 1
## netCdfSource
setClass("netCdfSource", contains="xcmsFileSource")
## rampSource
setClass("rampSource", contains="xcmsFileSource")
## pwizSource
setClass("pwizSource", contains="xcmsFileSource")
## xcmsPeaks
setClass("xcmsPeaks", contains = "matrix")
## Processing history type statics
.PROCSTEP.PEAK.DETECTION <- "Peak detection"
.PROCSTEP.PEAK.REFINEMENT <- "Peak refinement"
.PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING <- "Peak grouping"
.PROCSTEP.RTIME.CORRECTION <- "Retention time correction"
.PROCSTEP.PEAK.FILLING <- "Missing peak filling"
.PROCSTEP.FEATURE.GROUPING <- "Feature grouping"
.PROCSTEP.FEATURE.FILTERING <- "Feature filtering"
## ProcessHistory
#' @aliases ProcessHistory
#' @title Tracking data processing
#' @description Objects of the type \code{ProcessHistory} allow to keep track
#' of any data processing step in an metabolomics experiment. They are
#' created by the data processing methods, such as
#' \code{\link{findChromPeaks}} and added to the corresponding results
#' objects. Thus, usually, users don't need to create them.
#' @slot type character(1): string defining the type of the processing step.
#' This string has to match predefined values. Use
#' \code{\link{processHistoryTypes}} to list them.
#' @slot date character(1): date time stamp when the processing step was started.
#' @slot info character(1): optional additional information.
#' @slot fileIndex integer of length 1 or > 1 to specify on which
#' samples of the object the processing was performed.
#' @slot error (ANY): used to store eventual calculation errors.
#' @rdname ProcessHistory-class
slots = c(
type = "character",
date = "character",
info = "character",
fileIndex = "integer",
error = "ANY"
prototype = prototype(
date = character(),
info = character(),
fileIndex = integer(), ## This can be of length 1 or > 1.
error = NULL
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
## check type:
if (!any(object@type == .PROCSTEPS))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Got invalid type '", object@type,
"'! Allowd are: ",
paste0("\"", .PROCSTEPS, "\"",
collapse = ", ")))
if (length(object@type) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("length of 'type' should not be ",
"larger than 1!"))
if (length(object@date) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("length of 'date' should not be ",
"larger than 1!"))
if (length(object@info) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("length of 'info' should not be ",
"larger than 1!"))
if (length(msg))
## BasicParam class
## CentWaveParam
setClassUnion("ParamOrNULL", c("Param", "NULL"))
#' @aliases GenericParam Param class:Param Param-class
#' @title Generic parameter class
#' @description The \code{GenericParam} class allows to store generic parameter
#' information such as the name of the function that was/has to be called
#' (slot \code{fun}) and its arguments (slot \code{args}). This object is
#' used to track the process history of the data processings of an
#' \code{\link{XCMSnExp}} object. This is in contrast to e.g. the
#' \code{\link{CentWaveParam}} object that is passed to the actual
#' processing method.
#' @seealso \code{\link{processHistory}} for how to access the process history
#' of an \code{\link{XCMSnExp}} object.
#' @slot fun \code{character} specifying the function name.
#' @slot args \code{list} (ideally named) with the arguments to the
#' function.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @rdname GenericParam
#' @examples
#' prm <- GenericParam(fun = "mean")
#' prm <- GenericParam(fun = "mean", args = list(na.rm = TRUE))
slots = c(fun = "character",
args = "list"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
fun = character(),
args = list()
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@args) > 0)
if (!length(object@fun) > 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("No function name specified in '@fun'",
" but got '@args'"))
if (length(object@fun) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'@fun' has to be of length 1"))
if (length(msg)) msg
else TRUE
#' @aliases XProcessHistory
#' @title Tracking data processing
#' @description The \code{XProcessHistory} extends the \code{ProcessHistory} by
#' adding a slot \code{param} that allows to store the actual parameter
#' class of the processing step.
#' @slot param (Param): an object of type \code{Param} (e.g.
#' \code{\link{CentWaveParam}}) specifying the settings of the processing
#' step.
#' @slot msLevel: \code{integer} definining the MS level(s) on which the
#' analysis was performed.
#' @rdname ProcessHistory-class
slots = c(
param = "ParamOrNULL",
msLevel = "integer"
contains = "ProcessHistory",
prototype = prototype(
param = NULL,
msLevel = NA_integer_
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@param) > 0)
if (!is(object@param, "Param"))
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("Only objects from type 'Param' ",
"allowed in slot '@param'! I got ",
if (!is.na(msLevel(object)))
if (msLevel(object) < 0)
msg <- c(msg, "msLevel has to be a positive integer")
if (length(msg)) msg
else TRUE
## Main centWave documentation.
#' @title Chromatographic peak detection using the centWave method
#' @aliases centWave
#' @description The centWave algorithm perform peak density and wavelet based
#' chromatographic peak detection for high resolution LC/MS data in centroid
#' mode [Tautenhahn 2008].
#' @param ppm \code{numeric(1)} defining the maximal tolerated m/z deviation in
#' consecutive scans in parts per million (ppm) for the initial ROI
#' definition.
#' @param peakwidth \code{numeric(2)} with the expected approximate
#' peak width in chromatographic space. Given as a range (min, max)
#' in seconds.
#' @param snthresh \code{numeric(1)} defining the signal to noise ratio cutoff.
#' @param prefilter \code{numeric(2)}: \code{c(k, I)} specifying the prefilter
#' step for the first analysis step (ROI detection). Mass traces are only
#' retained if they contain at least \code{k} peaks with intensity
#' \code{>= I}.
#' @param mzCenterFun Name of the function to calculate the m/z center of the
#' chromatographic peak. Allowed are: \code{"wMean"}: intensity weighted
#' mean of the peak's m/z values, \code{"mean"}: mean of the peak's m/z
#' values, \code{"apex"}: use the m/z value at the peak apex,
#' \code{"wMeanApex3"}: intensity weighted mean of the m/z value at the
#' peak apex and the m/z values left and right of it and \code{"meanApex3"}:
#' mean of the m/z value of the peak apex and the m/z values left and right
#' of it.
#' @param integrate Integration method. For \code{integrate = 1} peak limits
#' are found through descent on the mexican hat filtered data, for
#' \code{integrate = 2} the descent is done on the real data. The latter
#' method is more accurate but prone to noise, while the former is more
#' robust, but less exact.
#' @param mzdiff \code{numeric(1)} representing the minimum difference in m/z
#' dimension required for peaks with overlapping retention times; can be
#' negative to allow overlap. During peak post-processing, peaks
#' defined to be overlapping are reduced to the one peak with the largest
#' signal.
#' @param fitgauss \code{logical(1)} whether or not a Gaussian should be fitted
#' to each peak. This affects mostly the retention time position of the
#' peak.
#' @param noise \code{numeric(1)} allowing to set a minimum intensity required
#' for centroids to be considered in the first analysis step (centroids with
#' intensity \code{< noise} are omitted from ROI detection).
#' @param verboseColumns \code{logical(1)} whether additional peak meta data
#' columns should be returned.
#' @param roiList An optional list of regions-of-interest (ROI) representing
#' detected mass traces. If ROIs are submitted the first analysis step is
#' omitted and chromatographic peak detection is performed on the submitted
#' ROIs. Each ROI is expected to have the following elements specified:
#' \code{scmin} (start scan index), \code{scmax} (end scan index),
#' \code{mzmin} (minimum m/z), \code{mzmax} (maximum m/z), \code{length}
#' (number of scans), \code{intensity} (summed intensity). Each ROI should
#' be represented by a \code{list} of elements or a single row
#' \code{data.frame}.
#' @param firstBaselineCheck \code{logical(1)}. If \code{TRUE} continuous
#' data within regions of interest is checked to be above the first baseline.
#' In detail, a first rough estimate of the noise is calculated and peak
#' detection is performed only in regions in which multiple sequential
#' signals are higher than this first estimated baseline/noise level.
#' @param roiScales Optional numeric vector with length equal to \code{roiList}
#' defining the scale for each region of interest in \code{roiList} that
#' should be used for the centWave-wavelets.
#' @param extendLengthMSW Option to force centWave to use all scales when
#' running centWave rather than truncating with the EIC length. Uses the "open"
#' method to extend the EIC to a integer base-2 length prior to being passed to
#' \code{convolve} rather than the default "reflect" method. See
#' https://github.com/sneumann/xcms/issues/445 for more information.
#' @param verboseBetaColumns Option to calculate two additional metrics of peak
#' quality via comparison to an idealized bell curve. Adds \code{beta_cor} and
#' \code{beta_snr} to the \code{chromPeaks} output, corresponding to a Pearson
#' correlation coefficient to a bell curve with several degrees of skew as well
#' as an estimate of signal-to-noise using the residuals from the best-fitting
#' bell curve. See https://github.com/sneumann/xcms/pull/685 and
#' https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-023-05533-4 for more information.
#' @param x The parameter object.
#' @details
#' The centWave algorithm is most suitable for high resolution
#' LC/\{TOF,OrbiTrap,FTICR\}-MS data in centroid mode. In the first phase
#' the method identifies \emph{regions of interest} (ROIs) representing
#' mass traces that are characterized as regions with less than \code{ppm}
#' m/z deviation in consecutive scans in the LC/MS map. In detail, starting
#' with a single m/z, a ROI is extended if a m/z can be found in the next scan
#' (spectrum) for which the difference to the mean m/z of the ROI is smaller
#' than the user defined \code{ppm} of the m/z. The mean m/z of the ROI is then
#' updated considering also the newly included m/z value.
#' These ROIs are then, after some cleanup, analyzed using continuous wavelet
#' transform (CWT) to locate chromatographic peaks on different scales.
#' The first analysis step is skipped, if regions of interest are passed
#' \emph{via} the \code{param} parameter.
#' @note These methods and classes are part of the updated and modernized
#' \code{xcms} user interface which will eventually replace the
#' \code{\link{findPeaks}} methods. It supports peak detection on
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}} objects (defined in the \code{MSnbase}
#' package). All of the settings to the centWave algorithm can be passed
#' with a \code{CentWaveParam} object.
#' @family peak detection methods
#' @seealso
#' The \code{\link{do_findChromPeaks_centWave}} core API function and
#' \code{\link{findPeaks.centWave}} for the old user interface.
#' \code{\link{peaksWithCentWave}} for functions to perform centWave peak
#' detection in purely chromatographic data.
#' @references
#' Ralf Tautenhahn, Christoph Böttcher, and Steffen Neumann "Highly
#' sensitive feature detection for high resolution LC/MS" \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}
#' 2008, 9:504
#' @name findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @author Ralf Tautenhahn, Johannes Rainer
#' @description The \code{CentWaveParam} class allows to specify all settings
#' for a chromatographic peak detection using the centWave method. Instances
#' should be created with the \code{CentWaveParam} constructor.
#' @slot ppm,peakwidth,snthresh,prefilter,mzCenterFun,integrate,mzdiff,fitgauss,noise,verboseColumns,roiList,firstBaselineCheck,roiScales,extendLengthMSW,verboseBetaColumns See corresponding parameter above. Slots values should exclusively be accessed
#' \emph{via} the corresponding getter and setter methods listed above.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @examples
#' ## Create a CentWaveParam object. Note that the noise is set to 10000 to
#' ## speed up the execution of the example - in a real use case the default
#' ## value should be used, or it should be set to a reasonable value.
#' cwp <- CentWaveParam(ppm = 20, noise = 10000, prefilter = c(3, 10000))
#' ## Change snthresh parameter
#' snthresh(cwp) <- 25
#' cwp
#' ## Perform the peak detection using centWave on some of the files from the
#' ## faahKO package. Files are read using the `readMsExperiment` function
#' ## from the MsExperiment package
#' library(faahKO)
#' library(xcms)
#' library(MsExperiment)
#' fls <- dir(system.file("cdf/KO", package = "faahKO"), recursive = TRUE,
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' raw_data <- readMsExperiment(fls[1])
#' ## Perform the peak detection using the settings defined above.
#' res <- findChromPeaks(raw_data, param = cwp)
#' head(chromPeaks(res))
slots = c(
ppm = "numeric",
peakwidth = "numeric",
snthresh = "numeric",
prefilter = "numeric",
mzCenterFun = "character",
integrate = "integer",
mzdiff = "numeric",
fitgauss = "logical",
noise = "numeric",
verboseColumns = "logical",
roiList = "list",
firstBaselineCheck = "logical",
roiScales = "numeric",
extendLengthMSW = "logical",
verboseBetaColumns = "logical"
contains = c("Param"),
prototype = prototype(
ppm = 25,
peakwidth = c(20, 50),
snthresh = 10,
prefilter = c(3, 100),
mzCenterFun = "wMean",
integrate = 1L,
mzdiff = -0.001,
fitgauss = FALSE,
noise = 0,
verboseColumns = FALSE,
roiList = list(),
firstBaselineCheck = TRUE,
roiScales = numeric(),
extendLengthMSW = FALSE,
verboseBetaColumns = FALSE
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@ppm) != 1 | any(object@ppm < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ppm' has to be positive numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@peakwidth) != 2 | any(object@peakwidth < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'peakwidth' has to be a numeric",
" of length 2 with only positive",
" values."))
if (length(object@snthresh) != 1 | any(object@snthresh < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'snthresh' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@prefilter) != 2)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'prefilter' has to be a numeric",
" of length 2."))
allowed_vals <- c("wMean", "mean", "apex", "wMeanApex3",
if (!(object@mzCenterFun) %in% allowed_vals)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzCenterFun' has to be one of ",
paste0("'", allowed_vals, "'",
collapse = ", "), "."))
if (!(object@integrate %in% c(1L, 2L)))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'integrate' has to be either 1",
" or 2."))
if (length(object@mzdiff) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzdiff' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@noise) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'noise' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@fitgauss) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'fitgauss' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@verboseColumns) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'verboseColumns' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@firstBaselineCheck) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'firstBaselineCheck' has to be a",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@roiList) > 0) {
doHaveExpectedEls <- function(z) {
need <- c("scmax", "scmin", "mzmin", "mzmax", "length",
if (is.null(nrow(z))) {
OK <- all(need %in% names(z))
} else {
OK <- all(need %in% colnames(z))
OKs <- unlist(lapply(object@roiList, doHaveExpectedEls))
if (any(!OKs))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'roiList' does not provide ",
"all required fields!"))
if (length(object@roiScales) > 0) {
if (length(object@roiList) != length(object@roiScales))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'roiScales' has to have the same",
" length than 'roiList'."))
if (length(msg))
## Main matchedFilter documentation.
#' @title Peak detection in the chromatographic time domain
#' @aliases matchedFilter
#' @description The \emph{matchedFilter} algorithm identifies peaks in the
#' chromatographic time domain as described in [Smith 2006]. The intensity
#' values are binned by cutting The LC/MS data into slices (bins) of a mass
#' unit (\code{binSize} m/z) wide. Within each bin the maximal intensity is
#' selected. The chromatographic peak detection is then performed in each
#' bin by extending it based on the \code{steps} parameter to generate
#' slices comprising bins \code{current_bin - steps +1} to
#' \code{current_bin + steps - 1}. Each of these slices is then filtered
#' with matched filtration using a second-derative Gaussian as the model
#' peak shape. After filtration peaks are detected using a signal-to-ratio
#' cut-off. For more details and illustrations see [Smith 2006].
#' @param binSize \code{numeric(1)} specifying the width of the
#' bins/slices in m/z dimension.
#' @param impute Character string specifying the method to be used for missing
#' value imputation. Allowed values are \code{"none"} (no linear
#' interpolation), \code{"lin"} (linear interpolation), \code{"linbase"}
#' (linear interpolation within a certain bin-neighborhood) and
#' \code{"intlin"}. See \code{\link{imputeLinInterpol}} for more details.
#' @param fwhm \code{numeric(1)} specifying the full width at half maximum
#' of matched filtration gaussian model peak. Only used to calculate the
#' actual sigma, see below.
#' @param sigma \code{numeric(1)} specifying the standard deviation (width)
#' of the matched filtration model peak.
#' @param max \code{numeric(1)} representing the maximum number of peaks
#' that are expected/will be identified per slice.
#' @param snthresh \code{numeric(1)} defining the signal to noise cutoff
#' to be used in the chromatographic peak detection step.
#' @param steps \code{numeric(1)} defining the number of bins to be
#' merged before filtration (i.e. the number of neighboring bins that will
#' be joined to the slice in which filtration and peak detection will be
#' performed).
#' @param mzdiff \code{numeric(1)} defining the minimum difference
#' in m/z for peaks with overlapping retention times
#' @param index \code{logical(1)} specifying whether indicies should be
#' returned instead of values for m/z and retention times.
#' @details The intensities are binned by the provided m/z values within each
#' spectrum (scan). Binning is performed such that the bins are centered
#' around the m/z values (i.e. the first bin includes all m/z values between
#' \code{min(mz) - bin_size/2} and \code{min(mz) + bin_size/2}).
#' For more details on binning and missing value imputation see
#' \code{\link{binYonX}} and \code{\link{imputeLinInterpol}} methods.
#' @note These methods and classes are part of the updated and modernized
#' \code{xcms} user interface which will eventually replace the
#' \code{\link{findPeaks}} methods. It supports chromatographic peak
#' detection on
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}} objects (defined in the
#' \code{MSnbase} package). All of the settings to the matchedFilter
#' algorithm can be passed with a \code{MatchedFilterParam} object.
#' @inheritParams imputeLinInterpol
#' @inheritParams findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @family peak detection methods
#' @seealso
#' The \code{\link{do_findChromPeaks_matchedFilter}} core API function
#' and \code{\link{findPeaks.matchedFilter}} for the old user interface.
#' \code{\link{peaksWithMatchedFilter}} for functions to perform matchedFilter
#' peak detection in purely chromatographic data.
#' @references
#' Colin A. Smith, Elizabeth J. Want, Grace O'Maille, Ruben Abagyan and
#' Gary Siuzdak. "XCMS: Processing Mass Spectrometry Data for Metabolite
#' Profiling Using Nonlinear Peak Alignment, Matching, and Identification"
#' \emph{Anal. Chem.} 2006, 78:779-787.
#' @author Colin A Smith, Johannes Rainer
#' @name findChromPeaks-matchedFilter
#' @description The \code{MatchedFilterParam} class allows to specify all
#' settings for a chromatographic peak detection using the matchedFilter
#' method. Instances should be created with the \code{MatchedFilterParam}
#' constructor.
#' @slot binSize,impute,baseValue,distance,fwhm,sigma,max,snthresh,steps,mzdiff,index
#' See corresponding parameter above. Slots values should exclusively
#' be accessed \emph{via} the corresponding getter and setter methods listed
#' above.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-matchedFilter
#' @examples
#' ## Create a MatchedFilterParam object. Note that we use a unnecessarily large
#' ## binSize parameter to reduce the run-time of the example.
#' mfp <- MatchedFilterParam(binSize = 5)
#' ## Change snthresh parameter
#' snthresh(mfp) <- 15
#' mfp
#' ## Perform the peak detection using matchecFilter on the files from the
#' ## faahKO package. Files are read using the readMSData from the MSnbase
#' ## package
#' library(faahKO)
#' library(MSnbase)
#' fls <- dir(system.file("cdf/KO", package = "faahKO"), recursive = TRUE,
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' raw_data <- readMSData(fls[1], mode = "onDisk")
#' ## Perform the chromatographic peak detection using the settings defined
#' ## above. Note that we are also disabling parallel processing in this
#' ## example by registering a "SerialParam"
#' res <- findChromPeaks(raw_data, param = mfp)
#' head(chromPeaks(res))
slots = c(
binSize = "numeric",
impute = "character",
baseValue = "numeric",
distance = "numeric",
fwhm = "numeric",
sigma = "numeric",
max = "numeric",
snthresh = "numeric",
steps = "numeric",
mzdiff = "numeric",
index = "logical"
contains = c("Param"),
prototype = prototype(
binSize = 0.1,
impute = "none",
baseValue = numeric(),
distance = numeric(),
fwhm = 30,
sigma = 12.73994,
max = 5,
snthresh = 10,
steps = 2,
mzdiff = 0.6,
index = FALSE
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@binSize) != 1 | any(object@binSize < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'binSize' has to be positive",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (!any(c("none", "lin", "linbase") == object@impute))
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("Only values 'none', 'lin' and ",
"'linbase' are allowed for'impute'"))
if (length(object@baseValue) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'baseValue' has to be a",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@distance) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'distance' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@fwhm) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'fwhm' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@sigma) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'sigma' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@max) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'max' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@snthresh) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'snthresh' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@steps) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'steps' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@mzdiff) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzdiff' has to be a numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@index) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'index' has to be a logical",
" of length 1."))
if (length(msg))
## Main massifquant documentation.
#' @title Chromatographic peak detection using the massifquant method
#' @aliases massifquant
#' @description Massifquant is a Kalman filter (KF)-based chromatographic peak
#' detection for XC-MS data in centroid mode. The identified peaks
#' can be further refined with the \emph{centWave} method (see
#' \code{\link{findChromPeaks-centWave}} for details on centWave)
#' by specifying \code{withWave = TRUE}.
#' @param peakwidth \code{numeric(2)}. Only the first element is used by
#' massifquant, which specifices the minimum peak length in time scans.
#' For \code{withWave = TRUE} the second argument represents the maximum
#' peak length subject to being greater than the mininum peak length
#' (see also documentation of \code{\link{do_findChromPeaks_centWave}}).
#' @param prefilter \code{numeric(2)}. The first argument is only used
#' if (\code{withWave = TRUE}); see \code{\link{findChromPeaks-centWave}}
#' for details. The second argument specifies the minimum threshold for the
#' maximum intensity of a chromatographic peak that must be met.
#' @param criticalValue \code{numeric(1)}. Suggested values:
#' (\code{0.1-3.0}). This setting helps determine the the Kalman Filter
#' prediciton margin of error. A real centroid belonging to a bonafide
#' peak must fall within the KF prediction margin of error. Much like
#' in the construction of a confidence interval, \code{criticalVal} loosely
#' translates to be a multiplier of the standard error of the prediction
#' reported by the Kalman Filter. If the peak in the XC-MS sample have
#' a small mass deviance in ppm error, a smaller critical value might be
#' better and vice versa.
#' @param consecMissedLimit \code{integer(1)} Suggested values: (\code{1,2,3}).
#' While a peak is in the proces of being detected by a Kalman Filter, the
#' Kalman Filter may not find a predicted centroid in every scan. After 1
#' or more consecutive failed predictions, this setting informs Massifquant
#' when to stop a Kalman Filter from following a candidate peak.
#' @param unions \code{integer(1)} set to \code{1} if apply t-test union on
#' segmentation; set to \code{0} if no t-test to be applied on
#' chromatographically continous peaks sharing same m/z range.
#' Explanation: With very few data points, sometimes a Kalman Filter stops
#' tracking a peak prematurely. Another Kalman Filter is instantiated
#' and begins following the rest of the signal. Because tracking is done
#' backwards to forwards, this algorithmic defect leaves a real peak
#' divided into two segments or more. With this option turned on, the
#' program identifies segmented peaks and combines them (merges them)
#' into one with a two sample t-test. The potential danger of this option
#' is that some truly distinct peaks may be merged.
#' @param checkBack \code{integer(1)} set to \code{1} if turned on; set to
#' \code{0} if turned off. The convergence of a Kalman Filter to a peak's
#' precise m/z mapping is very fast, but sometimes it incorporates erroneous
#' centroids as part of a peak (especially early on). The \code{scanBack}
#' option is an attempt to remove the occasional outlier that lies beyond
#' the converged bounds of the Kalman Filter. The option does not directly
#' affect identification of a peak because it is a postprocessing measure;
#' it has not shown to be a extremely useful thus far and the default is set
#' to being turned off.
#' @param withWave \code{logical(1)} if \code{TRUE}, the peaks identified first
#' with Massifquant are subsequently filtered with the second step of the
#' centWave algorithm, which includes wavelet estimation.
#' @details This algorithm's performance has been tested rigorously
#' on high resolution LC/(OrbiTrap, TOF)-MS data in centroid mode.
#' Simultaneous kalman filters identify chromatographic peaks and calculate
#' their area under the curve. The default parameters are set to operate on
#' a complex LC-MS Orbitrap sample. Users will find it useful to do some
#' simple exploratory data analysis to find out where to set a minimum
#' intensity, and identify how many scans an average peak spans. The
#' \code{consecMissedLimit} parameter has yielded good performance on
#' Orbitrap data when set to (\code{2}) and on TOF data it was found best
#' to be at (\code{1}). This may change as the algorithm has yet to be
#' tested on many samples. The \code{criticalValue} parameter is perhaps
#' most dificult to dial in appropriately and visual inspection of peak
#' identification is the best suggested tool for quick optimization.
#' The \code{ppm} and \code{checkBack} parameters have shown less influence
#' than the other parameters and exist to give users flexibility and
#' better accuracy.
#' @note These methods and classes are part of the updated and modernized
#' \code{xcms} user interface which will eventually replace the
#' \code{\link{findPeaks}} methods. It supports chromatographic peak
#' detection on
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}} objects (defined in the
#' \code{MSnbase} package). All of the settings to the massifquant and
#' centWave algorithm can be passed with a \code{MassifquantParam} object.
#' @inheritParams findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @family peak detection methods
#' @seealso The \code{\link{do_findChromPeaks_massifquant}} core API function
#' and \code{\link{findPeaks.massifquant}} for the old user interface.
#' @references
#' Conley CJ, Smith R, Torgrip RJ, Taylor RM, Tautenhahn R and Prince JT
#' "Massifquant: open-source Kalman filter-based XC-MS isotope trace feature
#' detection" \emph{Bioinformatics} 2014, 30(18):2636-43.
#' @author Christopher Conley, Johannes Rainer
#' @name findChromPeaks-massifquant
#' @description The \code{MassifquantParam} class allows to specify all
#' settings for a chromatographic peak detection using the massifquant
#' method eventually in combination with the centWave algorithm. Instances
#' should be created with the \code{MassifquantParam} constructor.
#' @slot ppm,peakwidth,snthresh,prefilter,mzCenterFun,integrate,mzdiff,fitgauss,noise,verboseColumns,criticalValue,consecMissedLimit,unions,checkBack,withWave
#' See corresponding parameter above. Slots values should
#' exclusively be accessed \emph{via} the corresponding getter and setter
#' methods listed above.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-massifquant
#' @examples
#' ## Create a MassifquantParam object.
#' mqp <- MassifquantParam()
#' ## Change snthresh prefilter parameters
#' snthresh(mqp) <- 30
#' prefilter(mqp) <- c(6, 10000)
#' mqp
#' ## Perform the peak detection using massifquant on the files from the
#' ## faahKO package. Files are read using the readMSData from the MSnbase
#' ## package
#' library(faahKO)
#' library(MSnbase)
#' fls <- dir(system.file("cdf/KO", package = "faahKO"), recursive = TRUE,
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' raw_data <- readMSData(fls[1], mode = "onDisk")
#' ## Perform the peak detection using the settings defined above.
#' res <- findChromPeaks(raw_data, param = mqp)
#' head(chromPeaks(res))
slots = c(
ppm = "numeric",
peakwidth = "numeric",
snthresh = "numeric",
prefilter = "numeric",
mzCenterFun = "character",
integrate = "integer",
mzdiff = "numeric",
fitgauss = "logical",
noise = "numeric",
verboseColumns = "logical",
criticalValue = "numeric",
consecMissedLimit = "integer",
unions = "integer",
checkBack = "integer",
withWave = "logical"
contains = c("Param"),
prototype = prototype(
ppm = 25,
peakwidth = c(20, 50),
snthresh = 10,
prefilter = c(3, 100),
mzCenterFun = "wMean",
integrate = 1L,
mzdiff = -0.001,
fitgauss = FALSE,
noise = 0,
verboseColumns = FALSE,
criticalValue = 1.125,
consecMissedLimit = 2L,
unions = 1L,
checkBack = 0L,
withWave = FALSE
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@ppm) != 1 | any(object@ppm < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ppm' has to be positive numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@peakwidth) != 2 | any(object@peakwidth < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'peakwidth' has to be a numeric",
" of length 2 with only positive",
" values."))
if (length(object@snthresh) != 1 | any(object@snthresh < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'snthresh' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@prefilter) != 2)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'prefilter' has to be a numeric",
" of length 2."))
allowed_vals <- c("wMean", "mean", "apex", "wMeanApex3",
if (!(object@mzCenterFun) %in% allowed_vals)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzCenterFun' has to be one of ",
paste0("'", allowed_vals, "'",
collapse = ", "), "."))
if (!(object@integrate %in% c(1L, 2L)))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'integrate' has to be either 1",
" or 2."))
if (length(object@mzdiff) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzdiff' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@noise) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'noise' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@fitgauss) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'fitgauss' has to be a numeric of",
" length 1."))
if (length(object@verboseColumns) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'verboseColumns' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@criticalValue) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'criticalValue' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@consecMissedLimit) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'consecMissedLimit' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@unions) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'unions' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (object@unions != 0 & object@unions != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'unions' has to be either 0 or 1!"))
if (length(object@checkBack) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'checkBack' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (object@checkBack != 0 & object@checkBack != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'checkBack' has to be either 0",
" or 1!"))
if (length(object@withWave) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'withWave' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
## Main MSW documentation.
#' @title Single-spectrum non-chromatography MS data peak detection
#' @aliases MSW
#' @description Perform peak detection in mass spectrometry
#' direct injection spectrum using a wavelet based algorithm.
#' @details This is a wrapper for the peak picker in Bioconductor's
#' \code{MassSpecWavelet} package calling
#' \code{\link{peakDetectionCWT}} and
#' \code{\link{tuneInPeakInfo}} functions. See the
#' \emph{xcmsDirect} vignette for more information.
#' @note These methods and classes are part of the updated and modernized
#' \code{xcms} user interface which will eventually replace the
#' \code{\link{findPeaks}} methods. It supports peak detection on
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}}
#' objects (defined in the \code{MSnbase} package). All of the settings
#' to the algorithm can be passed with a \code{MSWParam} object.
#' @inheritParams findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @family peak detection methods
#' @seealso The \code{\link{do_findPeaks_MSW}} core API function
#' and \code{\link{findPeaks.MSW}} for the old user interface.
#' @author Joachim Kutzera, Steffen Neumann, Johannes Rainer
#' @name findPeaks-MSW
#' @description The \code{MSWParam} class allows to specify all
#' settings for a peak detection using the MSW method. Instances should be
#' created with the \code{MSWParam} constructor.
#' @slot snthresh,verboseColumns,scales,nearbyPeak,peakScaleRange,ampTh,minNoiseLevel,ridgeLength,peakThr,tuneIn,addParams
#' See corresponding parameter above.
#' @rdname findPeaks-MSW
#' @examples
#' library(MSnbase)
#' ## Create a MSWParam object
#' mp <- MSWParam()
#' ## Change snthresh parameter
#' snthresh(mp) <- 15
#' mp
#' ## Loading a small subset of direct injection, single spectrum files
#' library(msdata)
#' fticrf <- list.files(system.file("fticr-mzML", package = "msdata"),
#' recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#' fticr <- readMSData(fticrf[1], msLevel. = 1, mode = "onDisk")
#' ## Perform the MSW peak detection on these:
#' p <- MSWParam(scales = c(1, 7), peakThr = 80000, ampTh = 0.005,
#' SNR.method = "data.mean", winSize.noise = 500)
#' fticr <- findChromPeaks(fticr, param = p)
#' head(chromPeaks(fticr))
slots = c(
snthresh = "numeric",
verboseColumns = "logical",
## params from the peakDetectionCWT
scales = "numeric",
nearbyPeak = "logical",
peakScaleRange = "numeric",
ampTh = "numeric",
minNoiseLevel = "numeric",
ridgeLength = "numeric",
peakThr = "numeric",
tuneIn = "logical",
addParams = "list"
contains = c("Param"),
prototype = prototype(
snthresh = 3,
verboseColumns = FALSE,
scales = c(1, seq(2, 30, 2), seq(32, 64, 4)),
nearbyPeak = TRUE,
peakScaleRange = 5,
ampTh = 0.01,
minNoiseLevel = (0.01 / 3),
ridgeLength = 24,
peakThr = numeric(),
tuneIn = FALSE,
addParams = list()
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@snthresh) != 1 | any(object@snthresh < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'snthresh' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@verboseColumns) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'verboseColumns' has to be a ",
"numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@nearbyPeak) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'nearbyPeak' has to be a ",
"logical of length 1."))
if (length(object@peakScaleRange) != 1 |
any(object@peakScaleRange < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'peakScaleRange' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@ampTh) != 1 | any(object@ampTh < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ampTh' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@minNoiseLevel) != 1 |
any(object@minNoiseLevel < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minNoiseLevel' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@ridgeLength) != 1 |
any(object@ridgeLength < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ridgeLength' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@peakThr) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'peakThr' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@tuneIn) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'tuneIn' has to be a ",
"logical of length 1."))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
#' @title Two-step centWave peak detection considering also isotopes
#' @aliases centWaveWithPredIsoROIs
#' @description This method performs a two-step centWave-based chromatographic
#' peak detection: in a first centWave run peaks are identified for which
#' then the location of their potential isotopes in the mz-retention time is
#' predicted. A second centWave run is then performed on these
#' \emph{regions of interest} (ROIs). The final list of chromatographic
#' peaks comprises all non-overlapping peaks from both centWave runs.
#' @inheritParams findChromPeaks-centWave
#' @param maxCharge \code{integer(1)} defining the maximal isotope charge.
#' Isotopes will be defined for charges \code{1:maxCharge}.
#' @param maxIso \code{integer(1)} defining the number of isotope peaks that
#' should be predicted for each peak identified in the first centWave run.
#' @param mzIntervalExtension \code{logical(1)} whether the mz range for the
#' predicted isotope ROIs should be extended to increase detection of low
#' intensity peaks.
#' @param snthreshIsoROIs \code{numeric(1)} defining the signal to noise ratio
#' cutoff to be used in the second centWave run to identify peaks for
#' predicted isotope ROIs.
#' @param polarity \code{character(1)} specifying the polarity of the data.
#' Currently not used, but has to be \code{"positive"}, \code{"negative"} or
#' \code{"unknown"} if provided.
#' @details See \code{\link{centWave}} for details on the centWave method.
#' @note These methods and classes are part of the updated and modernized
#' \code{xcms} user interface which will eventually replace the
#' \code{\link{findPeaks}} methods. It supports chromatographic peak
#' detection on
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}} objects (defined in the
#' \code{MSnbase} package). All of the settings to the algorithm can be
#' passed with a \code{CentWavePredIsoParam} object.
#' @family peak detection methods
#' @seealso The \code{\link{do_findChromPeaks_centWaveWithPredIsoROIs}} core
#' API function and \code{\link{findPeaks.centWave}} for the old user
#' interface. \code{\link{CentWaveParam}} for the class the
#' \code{CentWavePredIsoParam} extends.
#' @name findChromPeaks-centWaveWithPredIsoROIs
#' @author Hendrik Treutler, Johannes Rainer
#' @description The \code{CentWavePredIsoParam} class allows to specify all
#' settings for the two-step centWave-based peak detection considering also
#' predicted isotopes of peaks identified in the first centWave run.
#' Instances should be created with the \code{CentWavePredIsoParam}
#' constructor. See also the documentation of the
#' \code{\link{CentWaveParam}} for all methods and arguments this class
#' inherits.
#' @slot ppm,peakwidth,snthresh,prefilter,mzCenterFun,integrate,mzdiff,fitgauss,noise,verboseColumns,roiList,firstBaselineCheck,roiScales,extendLengthMSW,verboseBetaColumns,snthreshIsoROIs,maxCharge,maxIso,mzIntervalExtension,polarity
#' See corresponding parameter above.
#' @rdname findChromPeaks-centWaveWithPredIsoROIs
#' @examples
#' ## Create a param object
#' p <- CentWavePredIsoParam(maxCharge = 4)
#' ## Change snthresh parameter
#' snthresh(p) <- 25
#' p
slots = c(
snthreshIsoROIs = "numeric",
maxCharge = "integer",
maxIso = "integer",
mzIntervalExtension = "logical",
polarity = "character"
contains = c("CentWaveParam"),
prototype = prototype(
snthreshIsoROIs = 6.25,
maxCharge = 3L,
maxIso = 5L,
mzIntervalExtension = TRUE,
polarity = "unknown"
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@snthreshIsoROIs) != 1 |
any(object@snthreshIsoROIs < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'snthreshIsoROIs' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1."))
if (length(object@maxCharge) != 1 | any(object@maxCharge < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'maxCharge' has to be a ",
"positive integer of length 1."))
if (length(object@maxIso) != 1 | any(object@maxIso < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'maxIso' has to be a ",
"positive integer of length 1."))
if (length(object@mzIntervalExtension) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzIntervalExtension' has to be a",
" logical of length 1."))
if (length(object@polarity) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'polarity' has to be a",
" character of length 1."))
if (!(object@polarity %in% c("positive", "negative", "unknown")))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'polarity' has to be either ",
"'positive', 'negative' or ",
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
slots = c(sampleGroups = "ANY",
bw = "numeric",
minFraction = "numeric",
minSamples = "numeric",
binSize = "numeric",
maxFeatures = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
sampleGroups = numeric(),
bw = 30,
minFraction = 0.5,
minSamples = 1,
binSize = 0.25,
ppm = 0,
maxFeatures = 50),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@bw) > 1 | any(object@bw < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'bw' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@minFraction) > 1 | any(object@minFraction < 0) |
any(object@minFraction > 1))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minFraction' has to be a ",
"single positive number between ",
"0 and 1!"))
if (length(object@minSamples) > 1 | any(object@minSamples < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minSamples' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@binSize) > 1 | any(object@binSize < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'binSize' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@maxFeatures) > 1 | any(object@maxFeatures < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'maxFeatures' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(msg))
slots = c(sampleGroups = "ANY",
ppm = "numeric",
absMz = "numeric",
minFraction = "numeric",
minSamples = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
sampleGroups = numeric(),
ppm = 20,
absMz = 0,
minFraction = 0.5,
minSamples = 1),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@ppm) > 1 | any(object@ppm < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ppm' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@absMz) > 1 | any(object@absMz < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'absMz' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@minFraction) > 1 | any(object@minFraction < 0) |
any(object@minFraction > 1))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minFraction' has to be a ",
"single positive number between ",
"0 and 1!"))
if (length(object@minSamples) > 1 | any(object@minSamples < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minSamples' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(msg))
slots = c(sampleGroups = "ANY",
mzVsRtBalance = "numeric",
absMz = "numeric",
absRt = "numeric",
kNN = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
sampleGroups = numeric(),
mzVsRtBalance = 10,
absMz = 0.2,
absRt = 15,
kNN = 10),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@mzVsRtBalance) > 1 |
any(object@mzVsRtBalance < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzVsRtBalance' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@absMz) > 1 | any(object@absMz < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'absMz' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@absRt) > 1 | any(object@absRt < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'absRt' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@kNN) > 1 | any(object@kNN < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'kNN' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
slots = c(minFraction = "numeric",
extraPeaks = "numeric",
smooth = "character",
span = "numeric",
family = "character",
peakGroupsMatrix = "matrix",
subset = "integer",
subsetAdjust = "character"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
minFraction = 0.9,
extraPeaks = 1,
smooth = "loess",
span = 0.2,
family = "gaussian",
peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
subset = integer(),
subsetAdjust = "average"
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@minFraction) > 1 |
any(object@minFraction < 0) |
any(object@minFraction > 1))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minFraction' has to be a single",
" number between 0 and 1!"))
if (length(object@extraPeaks) > 1 |
any(object@extraPeaks < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'extraPeaks' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@span) > 1 | any(object@span < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'span' has to be a ",
"positive numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@smooth) > 1 |
!all(object@smooth %in% c("loess", "linear")))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'smooth' has to be either \"",
"loess\" or \"linear\"!"))
if (length(object@family) > 1 |
!all(object@family %in% c("gaussian", "symmetric")))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'family' has to be either \"",
"gaussian\" or \"symmetric\"!"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
slots = c(lamas = "matrix",
method = "character",
span = "numeric",
outlierTolerance = "numeric",
zeroWeight = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric",
tolerance = "numeric",
toleranceRt = "numeric",
bs = "character",
rtMap = "list",
nChromPeaks = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
lamas = matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0),
method = "loess",
span = 0.5,
outlierTolerance = 3,
zeroWeight = 10,
ppm = 20,
tolerance = 0,
toleranceRt = 20,
bs = "tp",
rtMap = list(),
nChromPeaks = numeric()),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (!nrow(object@lamas))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'lamas' cannot be empty"))
else {
if (length(object@method) > 1 |
!all(object@method %in% c("gam", "loess")))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'method' has to be either \"",
"gam\" or \"loess\"!"))
slots = c(binSize = "numeric",
centerSample = "integer",
response = "integer",
distFun = "character",
gapInit = "numeric",
gapExtend = "numeric",
factorDiag = "numeric",
factorGap = "numeric",
localAlignment = "logical",
initPenalty = "numeric",
subset = "integer",
subsetAdjust = "character",
rtimeDifferenceThreshold = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
binSize = 1,
centerSample = integer(),
response = 1L,
distFun = "cor_opt",
gapInit = numeric(),
gapExtend = numeric(),
factorDiag = 2,
factorGap = 1,
localAlignment = FALSE,
initPenalty = 0,
subset = integer(),
subsetAdjust = "average",
rtimeDifferenceThreshold = 5),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@binSize) > 1 |
any(object@binSize < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'binSize' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@centerSample) > 1 |
any(object@centerSample < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'centerSample' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@response) > 1 |
any(object@response < 0) |
any(object@response > 100))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'response' has to be a single ",
" integer from 1 to 100!"))
if (length(object@distFun) > 1 |
any(!(object@distFun %in% c("cor", "cor_opt", "cov", "euc",
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'distFun' has to be one of \"cor\"",
", \"cor_opt\", \"cov\", \"euc\"",
" or \"prd\"!"))
if (length(object@gapInit) > 1 | any(object@gapInit < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'gapInit' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@gapExtend) > 1 | any(object@gapExtend < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'gapExtend' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@factorDiag) > 1 | any(object@factorDiag < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'factorDiag' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@factorGap) > 1 | any(object@factorGap < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'factorGap' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@localAlignment) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'localAlignment' has to be a ",
"logical of length 1!"))
if (length(object@initPenalty) > 1 | any(object@initPenalty < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'initPenalty' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
#' @slot expandMz,expandRt,ppm,fixedMz,fixedRt See corresponding parameter
#' above.
#' @rdname fillChromPeaks
slots = c(expandMz = "numeric",
expandRt = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric",
fixedMz = "numeric",
fixedRt = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
expandMz = 0,
expandRt = 0,
ppm = 0,
fixedMz = 0,
fixedRt = 0
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@expandMz) > 1 | any(object@expandMz < -1))
msg <- c(msg, "'expandMz' has to be > -1 and of length 1")
if (length(object@expandRt) > 1 | any(object@expandRt < -1))
msg <- c(msg, "'expandRt' has to be > -1 and of length 1")
if (length(object@ppm) > 1 | any(object@ppm < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ppm' has to be a positive",
" numeric of length 1!"))
if (length(object@fixedMz) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, "'fixedMz' has to be a numeric of length 1")
if (length(object@fixedRt) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, "'fixedRt' has to be a numeric of length 1")
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
#' @rdname fillChromPeaks
#' @slot rtmin,rtmax,mzmin,mzmax See corresponding parameter above.
slots = c(rtmin = "function",
rtmax = "function",
mzmin = "function",
mzmax = "function"),
contains = "Param"
#' @aliases MsFeatureData
#' @title Data container storing xcms preprocessing results
#' @description The \code{MsFeatureData} class is designed to encapsule all
#' data related to the preprocessing of metabolomics data using the
#' \code{xcms} package, i.e. it contains a \code{matrix} with the
#' chromatographic peaks identified by the peak detection, a
#' \code{DataFrame} with the definition on grouped chromatographic peaks
#' across samples and a \code{list} with the adjusted retention times per
#' sample.
#' @noRd
#' @rdname XCMSnExp-class
setClass("MsFeatureData", contains = c("environment"),
prototype = prototype(.xData = new.env(parent = emptyenv())))
.REQ_PEAKS_COLS <- c("mz", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rt", "rtmin",
"rtmax", "into", "sample")
.REQ_PEAKG_COLS <- c("mzmed", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmed", "rtmin", "rtmax",
#' @aliases XCMSnExp updateObject,XCMSnExp-method
#' @title Data container storing xcms preprocessing results
#' @description
#' The \code{XCMSnExp} object is a container for the results of a G/LC-MS
#' data preprocessing that comprises chromatographic peak detection, alignment
#' and correspondence. These results can be accessed with the \code{chromPeaks},
#' \code{adjustedRtime} and \code{featureDefinitions} functions; see below
#' (after the Usage, Arguments, Value and Slots sections) for more details).
#' Along with the results, the object contains the processing history that
#' allows to track each processing step along with the used settings. This
#' can be extracted with the \code{\link{processHistory}} method.
#' \code{XCMSnExp} objects, by directly extending the
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}} object from the \code{MSnbase} package, inherit
#' all of its functionality and allows thus an easy access to the full raw
#' data at any stage of an analysis.
#' To support interaction with packages requiring the \emph{old} objects,
#' \code{XCMSnExp} objects can be coerced into \code{\linkS4class{xcmsSet}}
#' objects using the \code{as} method (see examples below). All
#' preprocessing results will be passed along to the resulting
#' \code{xcmsSet} object.
#' General functions for \code{XCMSnExp} objects are (see further below for
#' specific function to handle chromatographic peak data, alignment and
#' correspondence results):
#' @section Chromatographic peak data:
#' Chromatographic peak data is added to an \code{XCMSnExp} object by the
#' \code{\link{findChromPeaks}} function. Functions to access chromatographic
#' peak data are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{hasChromPeaks} whether chromatographic peak data is available,
#' see below for help of the function.
#' \item \code{chromPeaks} access chromatographic peaks (see below for help).
#' \item \code{dropChromPeaks} remove chromatographic peaks (see below for
#' help).
#' \item \code{dropFilledChromPeaks} remove filled-in peaks (see below for
#' help).
#' \item \code{\link{fillChromPeaks}} fill-in missing peaks (see respective
#' help page).
#' \item \code{\link{plotChromPeaks}} plot identified peaks for a file (see
#' respective help page).
#' \item \code{\link{plotChromPeakImage}} plot distribution of peaks along the
#' retention time axis (see respective help page).
#' \item \code{\link{highlightChromPeaks}} add chromatographic peaks to an
#' existing plot of a \code{\link{Chromatogram}} (see respective help page).
#' }
#' @section Adjusted retention times:
#' Adjusted retention times are stored in an \code{XCMSnExp} object besides the
#' original, raw, retention times, allowing to switch between raw and adjusted
#' times. It is also possible to replace the raw retention times with the
#' adjusted ones with the \code{\link{applyAdjustedRtime}}. The adjusted
#' retention times are added to an \code{XCMSnExp} by the
#' \code{\link{adjustRtime}} function. All functions related to the access of
#' adjusted retention times are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{hasAdjustedRtime} whether adjusted retention times are available
#' (see below for help).
#' \item \code{dropAdjustedRtime} remove adjusted retention times (see below
#' for help).
#' \item \code{\link{applyAdjustedRtime}} replace the raw retention times with
#' the adjusted ones (see respective help page).
#' \item \code{\link{plotAdjustedRtime}} plot differences between adjusted and
#' raw retention times (see respective help page).
#' }
#' @section Correspondence results, features:
#' The correspondence analysis (\code{\link{groupChromPeaks}}) adds the feature
#' definitions to an \code{XCMSnExp} object. All functions related to these are
#' listed below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{hasFeatures} whether correspondence results are available (see
#' below for help).
#' \item \code{featureDefinitions} access the definitions of the features (see
#' below for help).
#' \item \code{dropFeatureDefinitions} remove correspondence results (see below
#' for help).
#' \item \code{\link{featureValues}} access values for features (see respective
#' help page).
#' \item \code{\link{featureSummary}} perform a simple summary of the defined
#' features (see respective help page).
#' \item \code{\link{overlappingFeatures}} identify features that are
#' overlapping or close in the m/z - rt space (see respective help page).
#' \item \code{\link{quantify}} extract feature intensities and put them, along
#' with feature definitions and phenodata information, into a
#' \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}}. See help page for details.
#' }
#' @note The \code{"chromPeaks"} element in the \code{msFeatureData} slot is
#' equivalent to the \code{@peaks} slot of the \code{xcmsSet} object, the
#' \code{"featureDefinitions"} contains information from the \code{@groups}
#' and \code{@groupidx} slots from an \code{xcmsSet} object.
#' @slot .processHistory \code{list} with \code{XProcessHistory} objects
#' tracking all individual analysis steps that have been performed.
#' @slot msFeatureData \code{MsFeatureData} class extending \code{environment}
#' and containing the results from a chromatographic peak detection (element
#' \code{"chromPeaks"}), peak grouping (element \code{"featureDefinitions"})
#' and retention time correction (element \code{"adjustedRtime"}) steps.
#' This object should not be manipulated directly.
#' @param object For \code{adjustedRtime}, \code{featureDefinitions},
#' \code{chromPeaks}, \code{hasAdjustedRtime}, \code{hasFeatures} and
#' \code{hasChromPeaks} either a \code{MsFeatureData} or a \code{XCMSnExp}
#' object, for all other methods a \code{XCMSnExp} object.
#' @param value For \code{adjustedRtime<-}: a \code{list} (length equal to the
#' number of samples) with numeric vectors representing the adjusted
#' retention times per scan.
#' For \code{featureDefinitions<-}: a \code{DataFrame} with peak
#' grouping information. See return value for the \code{featureDefinitions}
#' method for the expected format.
#' For \code{chromPeaks<-}: a \code{matrix} with information on
#' detected peaks. See return value for the \code{chromPeaks} method for the
#' expected format.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{xcmsSet}} for the old implementation.
#' \code{\link{OnDiskMSnExp}}, \code{\link{MSnExp}}
#' and \code{\link{pSet}} for a complete list of inherited methods.
#' \code{\link{findChromPeaks}} for available peak detection methods
#' returning a \code{XCMSnExp} object as a result.
#' \code{\link{groupChromPeaks}} for available peak grouping
#' methods and \code{\link{featureDefinitions}} for the method to extract
#' the feature definitions representing the peak grouping results.
#' \code{\link{adjustRtime}} for retention time adjustment methods.
#' \code{\link{chromatogram}} to extract MS data as
#' \code{\link{Chromatogram}} objects.
#' \code{\link{as}} (\code{as(x, "data.frame")}) in the \code{MSnbase}
#' package for the method to extract MS data as \code{data.frame}s.
#' \code{\link{featureSummary}} to calculate basic feature summaries.
#' \code{\link{featureChromatograms}} to extract chromatograms for each
#' feature.
#' \code{\link{chromPeakSpectra}} to extract MS2 spectra with the m/z of
#' the precursor ion within the m/z range of a peak and a retention time
#' within its retention time range.
#' \code{\link{featureSpectra}} to extract MS2 spectra associated with
#' identified features.
#' @rdname XCMSnExp-class
#' @examples
#' ## Load a test data set with detected peaks
#' library(MSnbase)
#' data(faahko_sub)
#' ## Update the path to the files for the local system
#' dirname(faahko_sub) <- system.file("cdf/KO", package = "faahKO")
#' ## Disable parallel processing for this example
#' register(SerialParam())
#' ## The results from the peak detection are now stored in the XCMSnExp
#' ## object
#' faahko_sub
#' ## The detected peaks can be accessed with the chromPeaks method.
#' head(chromPeaks(faahko_sub))
#' ## The settings of the chromatographic peak detection can be accessed with
#' ## the processHistory method
#' processHistory(faahko_sub)
#' ## Also the parameter class for the peak detection can be accessed
#' processParam(processHistory(faahko_sub)[[1]])
#' ## The XCMSnExp inherits all methods from the pSet and OnDiskMSnExp classes
#' ## defined in Bioconductor's MSnbase package. To access the (raw) retention
#' ## time for each spectrum we can use the rtime method. Setting bySample = TRUE
#' ## would cause the retention times to be grouped by sample
#' head(rtime(faahko_sub))
#' ## Similarly it is possible to extract the mz values or the intensity values
#' ## using the mz and intensity method, respectively, also with the option to
#' ## return the results grouped by sample instead of the default, which is
#' ## grouped by spectrum. Finally, to extract all of the data we can use the
#' ## spectra method which returns Spectrum objects containing all raw data.
#' ## Note that all these methods read the information from the original input
#' ## files and subsequently apply eventual data processing steps to them.
#' mzs <- mz(faahko_sub, bySample = TRUE)
#' length(mzs)
#' lengths(mzs)
#' ## The full data could also be read using the spectra data, which returns
#' ## a list of Spectrum object containing the mz, intensity and rt values.
#' ## spctr <- spectra(faahko_sub)
#' ## To get all spectra of the first file we can split them by file
#' ## head(split(spctr, fromFile(faahko_sub))[[1]])
#' ############
#' ## Filtering
#' ##
#' ## XCMSnExp objects can be filtered by file, retention time, mz values or
#' ## MS level. For some of these filter preprocessing results (mostly
#' ## retention time correction and peak grouping results) will be dropped.
#' ## Below we filter the XCMSnExp object by file to extract the results for
#' ## only the second file.
#' xod_2 <- filterFile(faahko_sub, file = 2)
#' xod_2
#' ## Now the objects contains only the idenfified peaks for the second file
#' head(chromPeaks(xod_2))
#' ##########
#' ## Coercing to an xcmsSet object
#' ##
#' ## We can also coerce the XCMSnExp object into an xcmsSet object:
#' xs <- as(faahko_sub, "xcmsSet")
#' head(peaks(xs))
slots = c(
.processHistory = "list",
msFeatureData = "MsFeatureData"
prototype = prototype(
.processHistory = list(),
msFeatureData = new("MsFeatureData")
contains = c("OnDiskMSnExp"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@.processHistory) > 0) {
isOK <- unlist(lapply(object@.processHistory, function(z) {
return(inherits(z, "ProcessHistory"))
if (!all(isOK))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Only 'ProcessHistory' ",
"objects are allowed in slot ",
## 1) call validMsFeatureData
msg <- c(msg, validateMsFeatureData(object@msFeatureData))
if (length(msg)) return(msg)
## 2) peaks[, "sample"] is within 1:number of samples
if (any(ls(object@msFeatureData) == "chromPeaks")) {
if (!all(object@msFeatureData$chromPeaks[, "sample"] %in%
msg <- c(msg, paste0("The number of available ",
"samples does not match with ",
"the sample assignment of ",
"peaks in the 'chromPeaks' ",
"element of the msFeatureData ",
if (!any(ls(object@msFeatureData) == "chromPeakData"))
return(paste0("Missing 'chromPeakData'. Please update",
" the object with 'updateObject'"))
## 3) Check that the length of the adjustedRtime matches!
if (any(ls(object@msFeatureData) == "adjustedRtime")) {
rt <- rtime(object, bySample = TRUE, adjusted = FALSE)
if (length(rt) != length(object@msFeatureData$adjustedRtime)) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0("The number of numeric vectors",
" in the 'adjustedRtime' element",
" of the msFeatureData slot does",
" not match the number of",
" samples!"))
} else {
if (any(lengths(rt) !=
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("The lengths of the numeric ",
"vectors in the 'adjustedRtime'",
" element of the msFeatureData ",
"slot does not match the number",
" of scans per sample!"))
## 3) If we've got peaks, check that we have also a related
## processing history step.
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
.CHROMPEAKS_REQ_NAMES <- c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "into", "maxo", "sn")
.CHROMPEAKDATA_REQ_NAMES <- c("ms_level", "is_filled")
slots = c(chromPeaks = "matrix",
chromPeakData = "DataFrame"),
prototype = prototype(
chromPeaks = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(.CHROMPEAKS_REQ_NAMES),
dimnames = list(character(),
chromPeakData = DataFrame(ms_level = integer(),
is_filled = logical())
contains = "Chromatogram",
validity = .validXChromatogram)
slots = c(.processHistory = "list",
featureDefinitions = "DataFrame"),
prototype = prototype(.processHistory = list(),
featureDefinitions = DataFrame()),
contains = "MChromatograms",
validity = .validXChromatograms)
#' @aliases mz,CalibrantMassParam
#' @title Calibrant mass based calibration of chromatgraphic peaks
#' @description Calibrate peaks using mz values of known masses/calibrants.
#' mz values of identified peaks are adjusted based on peaks that are close
#' to the provided mz values. See details below for more information.
#' @param mz a `numeric` or `list` of `numeric` vectors with reference mz
#' values. If a `numeric` vector is provided, this is used for each sample
#' in the `XCMSnExp` object. If a `list` is provided, it's length has to be
#' equal to the number of samples in the experiment.
#' @param mzabs `numeric(1)` the absolute error/deviation for matching peaks to
#' calibrants (in Da).
#' @param mzppm `numeric(1)` the relative error for matching peaks to calibrants
#' in ppm (parts per million).
#' @param neighbors `integer(1)` with the maximal number of peaks within the
#' permitted distance to the calibrants that are considered. Among these the
#' mz value of the peak with the largest intensity is used in the
#' calibration function estimation.
#' @param method `character(1)` defining the method that should be used to
#' estimate the calibration function. Can be `"shift"`, `"linear"` (default)
#' or `"edgeshift"`.
#' @details The method does first identify peaks that are close to the provided
#' mz values and, given that there difference to the calibrants is smaller
#' than the user provided cut off (based on arguments `mzabs` and `mzppm`),
#' their mz values are replaced with the provided mz values. The mz values
#' of all other peaks are either globally shifted (for `method = "shift"`
#' or estimated by a linear model through all calibrants.
#' Peaks are considered close to a calibrant mz if the difference between
#' the calibrant and its mz is `<= mzabs + mz * mzppm /1e6`.
#' **Adjustment methods**: adjustment function/factor is estimated using
#' the difference between calibrant and peak mz values only for peaks
#' that are close enough to the calibrants. The availabel methods are:
#' * `shift`: shifts the m/z of each peak by a global factor which
#' corresponds to the average difference between peak mz and calibrant mz.
#' * `linear`: fits a linear model throught the differences between
#' calibrant and peak mz values and adjusts the mz values of all peaks
#' using this.
#' * `edgeshift`: performs same adjustment as `linear` for peaks that are
#' within the mz range of the calibrants and shift outside of it.
#' For more information, details and examples refer to the
#' *xcms-direct-injection* vignette.
#' @note `CalibrantMassParam` classes don't have exported getter or setter
#' methods.
#' @return For `CalibrantMassParam`: a `CalibrantMassParam` instance.
#' For `calibrate`: an [XCMSnExp] object with chromatographic peaks being
#' calibrated. **Be aware** that the actual raw mz values are not (yet)
#' calibrated, but **only** the identified chromatographic peaks.
#' @author Joachim Bargsten, Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @rdname calibrate-calibrant-mass
slots = c(
mz = "list",
mzabs = "numeric",
mzppm = "numeric",
neighbors = "integer",
method = "character"
contains = c("Param"),
prototype = prototype(
mz = list(),
mzabs = 0.0001,
mzppm = 5,
neighbors = 3L,
method = "linear"
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@mz)) {
is_num <- vapply(object@mz, FUN = is.numeric,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (any(!is_num))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mz' has to be a list of numeric",
" vectors"))
is_unsorted <- vapply(object@mz, FUN = is.unsorted,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
if (any(is_unsorted))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("the mz values in 'mz' have to be ",
"increasingly ordered"))
if (length(object@mzppm) != 1 | any(object@mzppm < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzppm' has to be positive numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@mzabs) != 1 | any(object@mzabs < 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'mzabs' has to be positive numeric",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@neighbors) != 1 | any(object@neighbors <= 0))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'neighbors' has to be positive integer",
" of length 1."))
if (length(object@method) != 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'method' has to be of length 1."))
if (!all(object@method %in% c("linear", "shift", "edgeshift")))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'method' should be one of 'linear'",
", 'shift' or 'edgeshift'."))
if (length(msg))
slots = c(maxPeakwidth = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
maxPeakwidth = 10),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@maxPeakwidth) > 1 || object@maxPeakwidth < 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'maxPeakwidth' has to be a positive ",
"number of length 1"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
slots = c(expandRt = "numeric",
expandMz = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric",
minProp = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
expandRt = 2.0,
expandMz = 0.0,
ppm = 10.0,
minProp = 0.75),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@expandRt) > 1 || !is.finite(object@expandRt))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'expandRt' has to be a (defined) ",
"numeric of length 1"))
if (length(object@expandMz) > 1 || !is.finite(object@expandMz))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'expandMz' has to be a (defined) ",
"numeric of length 1"))
if (length(object@ppm) > 1 || !is.finite(object@ppm) ||
object@ppm < 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'ppm' has to be a positive numeric ",
"of length 1"))
if (length(object@minProp) > 1 || !is.finite(object@minProp) ||
object@minProp < 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'minProp' has to be a positive ",
"number of length 1"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
slots = c(threshold = "numeric",
nValues = "integer",
value = "character"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
threshold = 0,
nValues = 1L,
value = "maxo"),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- character()
if (length(object@threshold) > 1 || object@threshold < 0)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'threshold' has to be a positive ",
"number of length 1"))
if (length(object@nValues) > 1 || object@nValues < 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'nValues' has to be a positive ",
"number of length 1"))
if (length(object@value) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'value' has to be a character ",
"of length 1"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
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