groupCorrhack <-
function (xa,xraw=NULL,cor_eic_th=0.75) {
maxscans <- length(xraw@scantime)
scantimes[[1]] <- xraw@scantime
pdata <- peaks(xa@xcmsSet)
EIC <- array(integer(0),c(nrow(pdata),maxscans,1))
EIC[,,1] <- CAMERA:::getEICs(xraw,pdata,maxscans)
CL <- vector("list",nrow(pdata))
CIL <- list()
npspectra <- length(xa@pspectra);
cat('Calculating peak correlations... \n% finished: '); lp <- -1;
for(i in 1:npspectra){
pi <- xa@pspectra[[i]];
#percent output
# cat(i);
perc <- round((npeaks) / ncl * 100)
if ((perc %% 10 == 0) && (perc != lp)) { cat(perc,' '); lp <- perc }
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") flush.console()
#end percent output
for(x in 2:length(pi)){
xi <- pi[x];
for (y in 1:(x-1)){
yi <- pi[y];
if ( ! (yi %in% CL[[xi]] || yi == xi)){
cors <-0;
f <- xa@sample; #sample 1
##end debug
eicx <- EIC[xi,,1]
eicy <- EIC[yi,,1]
px <- peaks(xa@xcmsSet)[xi,]
py <- peaks(xa@xcmsSet)[yi,]
crt <- range(px["rtmin"],px["rtmax"],py["rtmin"],py["rtmax"])
rti <- which(scantimes[[1]] >= crt[1] & scantimes[[1]] <= crt[2])
if (length(rti)>1){
dx <- eicx[rti]; dy <- eicy[rti]
dx[dx==0] <- NA; dy[dy==0] <- NA;
if (length(which(! & ! >= 4){
ct <- NULL
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
try(ct <- cor.test(dx,dy,method='pearson',use='complete'))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
if (!is.null(ct) && !{
if (ct$p.value <= 0.05) cors <- ct$estimate else cors <- 0;
}else cors <- 0;
}else cors <- 0;
}else cors <- 0;
CL[[xi]] <- c(CL[[xi]],yi)
CL[[yi]] <- c(CL[[yi]],xi) ## keep the list symmetric
CIL[[length(CIL)+1]] <- list(p=c(xi,yi),cor=cors)
if (length(CIL) >0){
CI <- data.frame(t(sapply(CIL,function(x) x$p)),sapply(CIL,function(x) x$cor) )
colnames(CI) <- c('xi','yi','cors')
## Subgraph division according to connectivity
xa@pspectra <- CAMERA:::calc_pc(peaks,CL,CI)
} else {
warning("No groups found in ", xraw@filepath)
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