setGeneric("psDist", function(object1,object2, PSpec1,PSpec2,
mzabs=0.001, mzppm=10,symmetric=FALSE,...) standardGeneric("psDist"))
setMethod("psDist", signature(object1="xsAnnotate",object2="xsAnnotate"),
function(object1,object2, PSpec1,PSpec2, method=getOption("BioC")$xcms$specDist.method,
mzabs=0.001, mzppm=10,symmetric=FALSE,...) {
if (length(object1@pspectra[[PSpec1]])>1) {
peakTable1 <- cbind(object1@pspectra[[PSpec1]], object1@groupInfo[object1@pspectra[[PSpec1]],])
}else{ peakTable1 <- cbind(object1@pspectra[[PSpec1]], t(as.matrix(object1@groupInfo[object1@pspectra[[PSpec1]],])))}
gcol <- ncol(object1@groupInfo)-length(sampnames(object1@xcmsSet))+1+object1@psSamples[PSpec1] ## this + 1 is the into-col of the first sample
peakTable1 <- matrix(ncol=4, data=c(peakTable1[,1],peakTable1[,c("mz","rt")],peakTable1[,gcol]))
colnames(peakTable1) <- c("oPeak","mz","rt","into")
if (length(object2@pspectra[[PSpec2]])>1) {
peakTable2 <- cbind(object2@pspectra[[PSpec2]], object2@groupInfo[object2@pspectra[[PSpec2]],])
}else{ peakTable2 <- cbind(object2@pspectra[[PSpec2]], t(as.matrix(object2@groupInfo[object2@pspectra[[PSpec2]],])))}
gcol <- ncol(object2@groupInfo)-length(sampnames(object2@xcmsSet))+1+object2@psSamples[PSpec2] ## this + 1 is the into-col of the first sample in xsAnnotate 2
peakTable2 <- matrix(ncol=4, data=c(peakTable2[,1],peakTable2[,c("mz","rt")],peakTable2[,gcol]))
colnames(peakTable2) <- c("oPeak","mz","rt","into")
method <- match.arg(method, getOption("BioC")$xcms$specDist.methods)
if ( stop("unknown method : ", method)
method <- paste("specDist", method, sep=".")
distance <-, alist<-list(peakTable1, peakTable2, ...))
## for the path of single samples - not yet complete implemented
# setGeneric("psDists", function(xanno,method="meanMZmatch", params=NA,rtabs=5,nSlaves=1,samples=NA...) standardGeneric("psDists"))
# setMethod("psDists","xsAnnotate", function(xanno,method="meanMZmatch", params=NA, rtabs=5,nSlaves=1,samples=NA...) {
# # stop("halooo?")
# lxs <- length(samples) ## number of samples
# if (nSlaves>1) mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=nslaves)
# lx <- NA ## length of Feature-group list of each xanno
# for (a in 1:lxs){
# lx[a] <- length(xanno@xDataList[[samples[a]]]$pspectra)
# }
# ranges <- list() ## all ranges of mz and rt for each pseudospectrum in each sample
# mzrange <- c(200000,0) ## min/max mz for the whole xanno
# rtrange <- c(200000,0) ## min/max rt for the whole x
# for (a in 1:lxs){
# range<-matrix(ncol=4,nrow=lx[a])
# for (gfs in 1:lx[a]) {
# peaks <- xanno@peaks[which(xanno@peaks[,"sample"] == samples[a]),]
# range[gfs,] <- c( range(peaks[xanno@xDataList[[samples[a]]]$pspectra[[gfs]],"mz"]),
# range(peaks[xanno@xDataList[[samples[a]]]$pspectra[[gfs]],"rt"])
# )
# if (range[gfs,1] < mzrange[1]) mzrange[1] <- range[gfs,1]
# if (range[gfs,2] > mzrange[2]) mzrange[2] <- range[gfs,2]
# if (range[gfs,3] < rtrange[1]) rtrange[1] <- range[gfs,3]
# if (range[gfs,4] > rtrange[2]) rtrange[2] <- range[gfs,4]
# }
# ranges[[a]] <- range
# }
# if (rtabs==0) rtabs=rtrange[2]
# ### ich weiss noch nicht genau ob ich das mit den ranges brauche
# cat("mzrange:",mzrange[1]," - ", mzrange[2],"\n")
# cat("rtrange:",rtrange[1]," - ", rtrange[2],"\n")
# cat("rtabs:", rtabs)
# cat("\n")
# distances <- list()
# dpos <- 1
# commands <- list()
# A <- NA
# B <- NA
# for (s in 1:lxs) {## for each sample s
# if (s+1<=lxs)
# for (rs in (s+1) : lxs) { ## for each remeaning sample rs
# command <- list(peaks1=xanno@peaks[which(xanno@peaks[,"sample"]==samples[s]),],
# peaks2=xanno@peaks[which(xanno@peaks[,"sample"]==samples[rs]),],
# pspectra1=xanno@xDataList[[xanno@samples[samples[s]]]]$pspectra,
# pspectra2=xanno@xDataList[[xanno@samples[samples[rs]]]]$pspectra,
# ranges1=ranges[[s]],ranges2=ranges[[rs]],
# rtabs=rtabs,mzmethod=method,mzparams=params)
# commands[[dpos]] <- command
# A[dpos] <- s
# B[dpos] <- rs
# dpos <- dpos + 1
# }
# }
# if (nSlaves>1) {
# distances <- xcmsPapply(commands,sdist)
# }else{
# for (a in 1:length(commands)) {
# distances[[a]]<-sdist(commands[[a]]) ## for debug
# }
# }
# if (nSlaves>1) mpi.close.Rslaves()
# distances$A <- A
# distances$B <- B
# distances
# })
# ## helperfunctions
# getPspec <- function(xanno, index, PS){
# return(xanno@peaks[which(xanno@peaks[,"sample"]==xanno@samples[index]),][xanno@xDataList[[index]]$pspectra[[PS]],])
# }
# sdist <- function(command){## compares each pair of PS in two given samples
# peaks1<-command$peaks1##peaks of first sample
# peaks2<-command$peaks2##peaks of second sample
# pspectra1 <- command$pspectra1 ## PSlist of first sample
# pspectra2 <- command$pspectra2 ## PSlist of second sample
# rtabs <-command$rtabs## maximum rt distance for two PS
# mzmethod<-command$mzmethod ## mz distance method
# mzparams<-command$mzparams ## parameter for mzmethod
# lx1 <- length(pspectra1)
# lx2 <- length(pspectra2)
# # stop("here")
# ## mz/rt ranges for sample1 (a matrix with 4x #pspectra )
# minMZ1 <-command$ranges1[,1];maxMZ1 <-command$ranges1[,2]
# minRT1 <-command$ranges1[,3];maxRT1 <-command$ranges1[,4]
# minMZ2 <-command$ranges2[,1];maxMZ2 <-command$ranges2[,2]
# minRT2 <-command$ranges2[,3];maxRT2 <-command$ranges2[,4]
# distances <- matrix(nrow = lx1, ncol = lx2)
# for (fgs in 1:lx1) { ## for each FG in sample s
# for (fgrs in 1:lx2) { ## for each FG in sample rs
# if ((maxMZ1[fgs] >= minMZ2[fgrs]) &
# (minMZ1[fgs] <= maxMZ2[fgrs])) {
# if ( (maxRT1[fgs]+rtabs > minRT2[fgrs]) &
# (minRT1[fgs]-rtabs < maxRT2[fgrs])) {
# if ( distances[fgs,fgrs] <, c(alist(peaks1[pspectra1[[fgs]],],peaks2[pspectra2[[fgrs]],])))
# else distances[fgs,fgrs] <, c(alist(peaks1[pspectra1[[fgs]],],peaks2[pspectra2[[fgrs]],]),mzparams))
# }
# }
# }
# }
# distances
# }
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