# function to return possible plates for maximum plate balance
# possTypes - possible plate types
# plates - vector of plates to consider
# type - find plates with the minimum ratio of this type
# current - current map with columns "Plate," "type"
.platesForType <- function(possTypes, plates, type, current) {
if (length(possTypes) == 1) return(plates)
currentTypes <- intersect(c(possTypes, 0), unique(current$type))
if (type %in% currentTypes) {
platebalance <- table(current$Plate, current$type)[plates, currentTypes]
typeratio <- vector()
for (pl in rownames(platebalance)) {
typeratio[pl] <- platebalance[pl, type] /
sum(platebalance[pl, colnames(platebalance) != type])
names(typeratio)[typeratio == min(typeratio)]
} else {
plateMap <- function(sample.data, plate.data, duplicates=NULL,
debug=FALSE) {
# redefine sample with debug parameter
# AND so that sample(x) returns x if length(x) == 1, rather than sample(1:x)
.sample <- function(x, ...) {
if (length(x) == 1) return(x)
if(debug) { t <- 422; set.seed(t) }
base::sample(x, ...)
stopifnot(all(is.element(c("Plate", "Well", "SampleID"), names(plate.data))))
if (!is.null(duplicates)) {
stopifnot(all(is.element(unlist(duplicates[,1:2]), sample.data$SampleID)))
# load sample.data data (randomize rows)
strata <- sample.data[.sample(1:nrow(sample.data)),,drop=FALSE]
# define the types
# first, find out how many strata exist
ns <- setdiff(names(strata), c("SampleID", "Reserve", "Family"))
# no strata
if (length(ns) == 0) {
strata$Group <- "A"
ns <- "Group"
for(r in 1:nrow(strata)) {
strata$type[r] <- paste(strata[r,ns], collapse=".")
possTypes <- unique(strata$type)
# split strata table by dup status
if (!is.null(duplicates)) {
strata.dups <- strata[strata$SampleID %in% duplicates[,2],]
strata <- strata[!(strata$SampleID %in% duplicates[,2]),]
names(duplicates) <- c("dup.ID", "SampleID")
dups <- merge(duplicates, strata.dups)
dups <- dups[.sample(1:nrow(dups)),] # randomize rows
# split strata table by reserve status
if ("Reserve" %in% names(strata)) {
reserve <- strata[strata$Reserve,]
strata <- strata[!strata$Reserve,]
ids <- plate.data
# ids has the "Plate Id" and "Well" (within plate)
pnames <- unique(ids$Plate)
lastplate <- ids$Plate[nrow(ids)]
# reserve empty wells at end of last plate
if (empty.wells.at.end) {
nctrl <- sum(ids$SampleID != "")
nempty <- nrow(ids) - (nrow(sample.data) + nctrl)
if (nempty > 0) {
availwells <- ids$Well[ids$Plate == lastplate & ids$SampleID == ""]
emptywells <- availwells[(length(availwells) - nempty + 1):length(availwells)]
ids$SampleID[ids$Plate == lastplate & ids$Well %in% emptywells] <- "empty"
stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "empty") == nempty)
# randomly assign wells for duplicates
# should be evenly distributed across plates until we run out of dups
if (!is.null(duplicates)) {
randplates <- .sample(pnames)
# last plate at end
randplates <- append(setdiff(randplates, lastplate), lastplate)
dupsleft <- nrow(dups)
while(dupsleft > 0) {
for (plate in randplates) {
availwells <- ids$Well[ids$Plate == plate & ids$SampleID == ""]
well <- .sample(availwells, 1)
ids$SampleID[ids$Plate == plate & ids$Well == well] <- "dup"
dupsleft <- dupsleft - 1
if (dupsleft == 0) break
stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "dup") == nrow(dups))
# randomly assign wells for reserved samples
# should be evenly distributed across plates
if ("Reserve" %in% names(strata)) {
randplates <- .sample(pnames)
# last plate at end
randplates <- append(setdiff(randplates, lastplate), lastplate)
resleft <- nrow(reserve)
while(resleft > 0) {
for (plate in randplates) {
availwells <- ids$Well[ids$Plate == plate & ids$SampleID == ""]
well <- .sample(availwells, 1)
ids$SampleID[ids$Plate == plate & ids$Well == well] <- "reserve"
resleft <- resleft - 1
if (resleft == 0) break
stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "reserve") == nrow(reserve))
strata$plate <- 0
strata$used <- 0 # indicator for assigning samples to well positions
ids$type <- 0
ids$type[which(ids$SampleID != "")] <- "ctrl"
ids$type[which(ids$SampleID == "dup")] <- "dup"
ids$type[which(ids$SampleID == "reserve")] <- "reserve"
ids$type[which(ids$SampleID == "empty")] <- "empty"
# if there are families, they should be plated together
if ("Family" %in% names(strata)) {
# divide strata into families and singles
famsize <- table(strata$Family)
single <- names(famsize)[famsize == 1]
# order families by size
famsize <- famsize[!(names(famsize) %in% single)]
famsize <- sort(famsize, decreasing=TRUE)
# randomize families within size groups
sizegroups <- rle(as.vector(famsize))
families <- list()
for (i in 1:length(sizegroups$values)) {
nfam <- sizegroups$length[i]
size <- sizegroups$values[i]
fams <- names(famsize)[famsize == size]
stopifnot(length(fams) == nfam)
families[[as.character(size)]] <- .sample(fams)
famnames <- unlist(families, use.names=FALSE)
# assign families to plates, starting with largest first
for (f in 1:length(famnames)) {
thisfam <- strata$Family == famnames[f]
size <- sum(thisfam)
# get number of available wells per plate
nwells <- vapply(pnames, function(x) {sum(ids$Plate == x & ids$SampleID == "")}, 1L)
if (!any(nwells >= size)) stop("not enough available wells for family")
if (families.at.random) {
## find plates with enough wells for family
possibleplates <- names(nwells)[nwells >= size]
} else {
## find plates with max number of empty wells
## this way each plate will get a family before we start re-using plates
possibleplates <- names(nwells)[nwells == max(nwells)]
# find best plates for this type
#possibleplates <- .platesForType(possTypes, possibleplates, thistype, ids)
# select one of the possible plates
thisplate <- .sample(possibleplates, 1)
# select wells from this plate
possiblewells <- which(ids$Plate %in% thisplate & ids$SampleID=="")
if (!(length(possiblewells) >= size)) stop("no plates with enough wells for family")
inds <- .sample(possiblewells, size)
# assign family to wells
ids$SampleID[inds] <- strata$SampleID[thisfam]
ids$type[inds] <- strata$type[thisfam]
strata$plate[thisfam] <- thisplate
strata$used[thisfam] <- 1
# for singletons, we can determine number of samples
# of each type for each plate
# find the approx number of wells per type per plate-batch
# want approx = number of each type per plate
samppertype <- table(strata$type[which(strata$used == 0)])
wellsperpl <- table(ids$Plate[ids$SampleID == ""])
totalwells <- sum(wellsperpl)
typeperpl <- matrix(0, nrow=length(wellsperpl), ncol=length(samppertype),
dimnames=list(names(wellsperpl), names(samppertype)))
for (i in 1:nrow(typeperpl)) {
typeperpl[i,] <- floor(samppertype * (wellsperpl[i] / totalwells))
# randomly assign residual types to plates
residtypes <- samppertype - colSums(typeperpl)
residwells <- wellsperpl - rowSums(typeperpl)
types <- names(residtypes)[order(residtypes, decreasing=TRUE)]
# reset plate names in case families filled up some plates
pnames <- names(wellsperpl)
for (ty in types) {
while (residtypes[ty] > 0) {
randplates <- .sample(pnames)
for (pl in randplates) {
if (residwells[pl] > 0) {
typeperpl[pl,ty] <- typeperpl[pl,ty] + 1
residtypes[ty] <- residtypes[ty] - 1
residwells[pl] <- residwells[pl] - 1
if (residtypes[ty] == 0) break
stopifnot(all(colSums(typeperpl) == samppertype))
if (empty.wells.at.end) stopifnot(sum(typeperpl) == sum(ids$SampleID == ""))
# plate samples by type
for(pl in pnames) { # loop through plates
for(ty in colnames(typeperpl)) { # loop through types
ss <- typeperpl[pl,ty]
if(ss > 0) {
# randomly select which SampleIDs of this type to plate
possibleids <- strata$SampleID[which(strata$used==0 & strata$type==ty)]
stopifnot(length(possibleids) > 0)
if (length(possibleids) > 1) {
sids <- .sample(possibleids, ss)
} else {
sids <- possibleids
# randomly select which positions to store them
possiblewells <- which(ids$Plate==pl & ids$SampleID=="")
stopifnot(ss <= length(possiblewells))
if (length(possiblewells) > 1) {
inds <- .sample(possiblewells, ss)
} else {
inds <- possiblewells
# assign the selected SampleIDs to the selected positions
ids$SampleID[inds] <- sids
ids$type[inds] <- ty
strata$plate[is.element(strata$SampleID, sids)] <- pl
strata$used[is.element(strata$SampleID, sids)] <- 1
if (empty.wells.at.end) stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "") == 0)
# plate reserved samples
if ("Reserve" %in% names(strata)) {
for (r in 1:nrow(reserve)) {
restype <- reserve$type[r]
possiblewells <- which(ids$SampleID == "reserve")
# select empty well, trying to keep plates balanced by type
if (length(possiblewells) > 1) {
possibleplates <- unique(ids$Plate[possiblewells])
if (length(possibleplates) > 1) {
possibleplates <- .platesForType(possTypes, possibleplates, restype, ids)
possiblewells <- which(ids$SampleID == "reserve" & ids$Plate %in% possibleplates)
ind <- .sample(possiblewells, 1)
} else {
ind <- possiblewells
if (length(ind) != 1) stop("could not plate reserved samples")
ids$SampleID[ind] <- reserve$SampleID[r]
ids$type[ind] <- restype
stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "reserve") == 0)
# plate duplicates
if (!is.null(duplicates)) {
for (r in 1:nrow(dups)) {
duptype <- dups$type[r]
# make sure other member of pair is not on same plate
dupplate <- ids$Plate[ids$SampleID == dups$dup.ID[r]]
stopifnot(length(dupplate) == 1)
possiblewells <- which(ids$SampleID == "dup" & ids$Plate != dupplate)
# select empty well, trying to keep plates balanced by type
if (length(possiblewells) > 1) {
possibleplates <- unique(ids$Plate[possiblewells])
if (length(possibleplates) > 1) {
possibleplates <- .platesForType(possTypes, possibleplates, duptype, ids)
possiblewells <- which(ids$SampleID == "dup" & ids$Plate %in% possibleplates)
ind <- .sample(possiblewells, 1)
} else {
ind <- possiblewells
if (length(ind) != 1) stop("could not plate duplicates")
ids$SampleID[ind] <- dups$SampleID[r]
ids$type[ind] <- duptype
stopifnot(sum(ids$SampleID == "dup") == 0)
if (empty.wells.at.end) {
stopifnot(setequal(ids$SampleID[!(ids$type %in% c("ctrl", "empty"))], sample.data$SampleID))
ids$SampleID[ids$SampleID == "empty"] <- ""
stopifnot(setequal(setdiff(ids$SampleID[!(ids$type %in% "ctrl")], ""), sample.data$SampleID))
idfinal <- ids[,-which(names(ids)=="type")]
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