
Defines functions .checkNullModelTestSingle .testGenoBlockSingle

setGeneric("assocTestSingle", function(gdsobj, ...) standardGeneric("assocTestSingle"))

## do we want the GxE.return.cov option?
## do we want to make imputing to the mean optional?
          function(gdsobj, null.model, test=c("Score", "Score.SPA", "BinomiRare", "CMP"),
                   recalc.pval.thresh=0.05, fast.score.SE=FALSE, GxE=NULL,
                   geno.coding=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"),
                   sparse=TRUE, imputed=FALSE, male.diploid=TRUE, genome.build=c("hg19", "hg38"), 
                   BPPARAM=bpparam(), verbose=TRUE) {
              test <- match.arg(test)
              geno.coding <- match.arg(geno.coding)

              # don't use sparse matrices for imputed dosages
              if (imputed) sparse <- FALSE

              # Convert old null model format if necessary.
              null.model <- .updateNullModelFormat(null.model)

              # check that the provided null model is compatible with the requested test
              .checkNullModelTestSingle(null.model = null.model, test = test, 
              	recalc.pval.thresh = recalc.pval.thresh, fast.score.SE = fast.score.SE, GxE = GxE)
              # coerce null.model if necessary
              if (sparse) null.model <- .nullModelAsMatrix(null.model)

              # filter samples to match null model
              sample.index <- .setFilterNullModel(gdsobj, null.model, verbose=verbose)
              # get sex for calculating allele freq
              sex <- validateSex(gdsobj)[sample.index]
              if (!is.null(GxE)) GxE <- .modelMatrixColumns(null.model, GxE)
              # check ploidy
              if (SeqVarTools:::.ploidy(gdsobj) == 1) male.diploid <- FALSE

              # results
              #n.iter <- length(variantFilter(gdsobj))
              #set.messages <- ceiling(n.iter / 100) # max messages = 100
              if(verbose) message('Using ', bpnworkers(BPPARAM), ' CPU cores')

              i <- 1
              ITER <- function() {
                  iterate <- TRUE
                  if (i > 1) {
                      iterate <- iterateFilter(gdsobj, verbose=FALSE)
                  i <<- i + 1
                  if (!iterate) {
                  var.info <- variantInfo(gdsobj, alleles=FALSE, expanded=TRUE)
                  if (!imputed) {
                      geno <- expandedAltDosage(gdsobj, use.names=FALSE, sparse=sparse)[sample.index,,drop=FALSE]
                  } else {
                      geno <- imputedDosage(gdsobj, use.names=FALSE)[sample.index,,drop=FALSE]
                  chr <- chromWithPAR(gdsobj, genome.build=genome.build)
                  return(list(var.info=var.info, geno=geno, chr=chr))

              res <- bpiterate(ITER, .testGenoBlockSingle, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
                               sex=sex, null.model=null.model, test=test,
                               fast.score.SE=fast.score.SE, GxE=GxE,
                               sparse=sparse, imputed=imputed,

          function(gdsobj, null.model, test=c("Score", "Score.SPA", "BinomiRare", "CMP"),
                   recalc.pval.thresh=0.05, GxE=NULL, 
                   geno.coding=c("additive", "dominant", "recessive"),
                   male.diploid=TRUE, BPPARAM=bpparam(), verbose=TRUE) {
              test <- match.arg(test)
              geno.coding <- match.arg(geno.coding)

              # Convert old null model format if necessary.
              null.model <- .updateNullModelFormat(null.model)

              # check that the provided null model is compatible with the requested test
              .checkNullModelTestSingle(null.model = null.model, test = test, 
              	recalc.pval.thresh = recalc.pval.thresh, fast.score.SE = FALSE, GxE = GxE)

              # filter samples to match null model
              sample.index <- .sampleIndexNullModel(gdsobj, null.model)
              # get sex for calculating allele freq
              sex <- validateSex(gdsobj)[sample.index]
              if (!is.null(GxE)) GxE <- .modelMatrixColumns(null.model, GxE)

              # results
              # n.iter <- length(snpFilter(gdsobj))
              # set.messages <- ceiling(n.iter / 100) # max messages = 100
              if(verbose) message('Using ', bpnworkers(BPPARAM), ' CPU cores')
              i <- 1
              ITER <- function() {
                  iterate <- TRUE
                  if (i > 1) {
                      iterate <- GWASTools::iterateFilter(gdsobj)
                  i <<- i + 1
                  if (!iterate) {
                  var.info <- variantInfo(gdsobj)

                  geno <- getGenotypeSelection(gdsobj, scan=sample.index, order="selection",
                                               transpose=TRUE, use.names=FALSE, drop=FALSE)
                  return(list(var.info=var.info, geno=geno, chr=var.info$chr))
              res <- bpiterate(ITER, .testGenoBlockSingle, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
                               sex=sex, null.model=null.model, test=test,
                               fast.score.SE=FALSE, GxE=GxE,
                               sparse=FALSE, imputed=FALSE,

# function to process a block of genotype data
.testGenoBlockSingle <- function(x, sex, null.model, test,
                                 recalc.pval.thresh, fast.score.SE, GxE,
                                 sparse, imputed, male.diploid, ...) {
    # for BinomiRare and CMP, restrict to variants where the alternate allele is minor
    if (test %in% c("BinomiRare", "CMP")) {
        AF.max <- 0.5
    } else {
        AF.max <- 1
    x <- .prepGenoBlock(x, AF.max=AF.max, geno.coding=geno.coding, imputed=imputed,
                        sex=sex, male.diploid=male.diploid)
    var.info <- x$var.info
    n.obs <- x$n.obs
    freq <- x$freq
    geno <- x$geno
    # mean impute missing values
    if (any(n.obs < nrow(geno))) {
        geno <- .meanImpute(geno, freq$freq)
    # do the test
    if (ncol(geno) == 0){
        res.i <- NULL
    } else {
        assoc <- testGenoSingleVar(null.model, G=geno, E=GxE, test=test,
        res.i <- cbind(var.info, n.obs, freq, assoc)
    #if (verbose & n.iter > 1 & i %% set.messages == 0) {
    #    message(paste("Iteration", i , "of", n.iter, "completed"))

# check that the provided null model is compatible with the requested test
.checkNullModelTestSingle <- function(null.model, test, recalc.pval.thresh, fast.score.SE, GxE){
	calc.score <- test %in% c("Score", "Score.SPA") | (recalc.pval.thresh < 1)

	if(fast.score.SE && !isNullModelFastScore(null.model)){
		stop("null.model must have se.correction when fast.score.SE = TRUE; re-fit your null.model using `fitNullModelFastScore` or update your null.model using `nullModelFastScore`")

	if(calc.score && !(fast.score.SE) && isNullModelSmall(null.model)){
		stop("small null.model cannot be used with test options provided")

	if(!is.null(GxE) && isNullModelSmall(null.model)){
		stop("small null.model cannot be used with GxE")
smgogarten/GENESIS documentation built on Jan. 16, 2025, 7:35 p.m.