# Copyright © 2014-2019 The YAPSA package contributors
# This file is part of the YAPSA package. The YAPSA package is licenced under
# GPL-3
#' Wrapper function for the Stratification of a Mutational Catalogue
#' \code{\link{run_SMC}} takes as input a big dataframe constructed from a
#' vcf-like file of a whole cohort. This wrapper function calls custom functions
#' to construct a mutational catalogue and stratify it according to categories
#' indicated by a special column in the input dataframe: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{\link{create_mutation_catalogue_from_df}} \item
#' \code{adjust_number_of_columns_in_list_of_catalogues} } This stratification
#' yields a collection of stratified mutational catalogues, these are
#' reformatted and sent to the custom function \code{\link{SMC}} and thus
#' indirectly to \code{\link{LCD_SMC}} to perform a signature analysis of the
#' stratified mutational catalogues. The result is then handed over to
#' \code{\link{plot_SMC}} for visualization.
#' @param my_table A big dataframe constructed from a vcf-like file of a whole
#' cohort. The first columns are those of a standard vcf file, followed by an
#' arbitrary number of custom or user defined columns. One of these must carry
#' a PID (patient or sample identifyier) and one must be the category used for
#' stratification.
#' @param this_signatures_df A numeric data frame \code{W} in with \code{n} rows
#' and \code{l} columns, \code{n} being the number of features and \code{l}
#' being the number of signatures
#' @param this_signatures_ind_df A data frame containing meta information about
#' the signatures
#' @param this_subgroups_df A data frame indicating which PID (patient or sample
#' identifyier) belongs to which subgroup
#' @param column_name Name of the column in \code{my_table} which is going to be
#' used for stratification
#' @param refGenome FaFile of the reference genome to extract the motif context
#' of the variants in \code{my_table}
#' @param cohort_method_flag Either or several of
#' \code{c("all_PIDs","cohort","norm_PIDs")}, representing alternative ways to
#' average over the cohort.
#' @param in_strata_order_ind Index vector defining reordering of the strata
#' @param wordLength Integer number defining the length of the features or
#' motifs, e.g. 3 for tripletts or 5 for pentamers
#' @param verbose_flag Verbose if \code{verbose_flag=1}
#' @param target_dir Path to directory where the results of the stratification
#' procedure are going to be stored if non-NULL.
#' @param strata_dir Path to directory where the mutational catalogues of the
#' different strata are going to be stored if non-NULL
#' @param output_path Path to directory where the results, especially the
#' figures produced by \code{\link{plot_SMC}} are going to be stored.
#' @param in_all_exposures_df Optional argument, if specified, \code{H}, i.e.
#' the overall exposures without stratification, is set to equal
#' \code{in_all_exposures_df}. This is equivalent to forcing the
#' \code{\link{LCD_SMC}} procedure to use e.g. the exposures of a previously
#' performed NMF decomposition.
#' @param in_rownames Optional parameter to specify rownames of the mutational
#' catalogue \code{V} i.e. the names of the features.
#' @param in_norms If specified, vector of the correction factors for every
#' motif due to differing trinucleotide content. If null, no correction is
#' applied.
#' @param in_label_orientation Whether or not to turn the labels on the x-axis.
#' @param this_sum_ind Optional set of indices for reordering the PIDs
#' @return A list with entries \code{exposures_list}, \code{catalogues_list},
#' \code{cohort} and \code{name_list}. \itemize{ \item \code{exposures_list}:
#' The list of \code{s} strata specific exposures Hi, all are numerical data
#' frames with \code{l} rows and \code{m} columns, \code{l} being the number
#' of signatures and \code{m} being the number of samples \item
#' \code{catalogues_list}: A list of \code{s} strata specific cohortwide (i.e.
#' averaged over cohort) normalized exposures \item \code{cohort}:
#' \code{subgroups_df} adjusted for plotting \item \code{name_list}: Names of
#' the contructed strata. }
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' data(sigs)
#' data(lymphoma_test)
#' data(lymphoma_cohort_LCD_results)
#' strata_list <-
#' cut_breaks_as_intervals(lymphoma_test_df$random_norm,
#' in_outlier_cutoffs=c(-4,4),
#' in_cutoff_ranges_list=list(c(-2.5,-1.5),
#' c(0.5,1.5)),
#' in_labels=c("small","intermediate","big"))
#' lymphoma_test_df$random_cat <- strata_list$category_vector
#' choice_ind <- (names(lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df)
#' %in% unique(lymphoma_test_df$PID))
#' lymphoma_test_exposures_df <-
#' lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df[,choice_ind]
#' temp_subgroups_df <- make_subgroups_df(lymphoma_test_df,
#' lymphoma_test_exposures_df)
#' mut_density_list <- run_SMC(lymphoma_test_df,
#' AlexCosmicValid_sig_df,
#' AlexCosmicValid_sigInd_df,
#' temp_subgroups_df,
#' column_name="random_cat",
#' refGenome=BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19,
#' cohort_method_flag="norm_PIDs",
#' in_rownames = rownames(AlexCosmicValid_sig_df))
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_mutation_catalogue_from_df}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{normalizeMotifs_otherRownames}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_SMC}}
#' @export
run_SMC <-
function(my_table, this_signatures_df, this_signatures_ind_df,
this_subgroups_df, column_name, refGenome,
cohort_method_flag = "all_PIDs",
wordLength = 3,verbose_flag = 1,
target_dir = NULL, strata_dir = NULL, output_path = NULL,
in_all_exposures_df=NULL, in_rownames = c(), in_norms = NULL,
in_label_orientation="turn", this_sum_ind=NULL) {
refGenome_Seqinfo <- seqinfo(refGenome)
if (verbose_flag==1) cat("\nYAPSA:::run_SMC::calling ",
merged_results_list <-
create_mutation_catalogue_from_df(my_table, refGenome_Seqinfo,
this_rownames = in_rownames,
temp_rownames <- rownames(merged_results_list$matrix)
if (verbose_flag==1) cat("YAPSA:::run_SMC::calling ",
all_list <-
strata_dir, refGenome_Seqinfo,
name_list <- all_list$name_list
df_list <-
mutation_catalogue_all_df <- as.data.frame(merged_results_list$matrix)
## adjust for trinucleotide content if necessary
if(!is.null(in_norms)) {
if (verbose_flag==1) cat("\nYAPSA:::run_SMC::adapting to different kmer ",
"distribution by calling ",
df_list <- lapply(df_list,
function(l) normalizeMotifs_otherRownames(l,in_norms))
mutation_catalogue_all_df <-
number_of_strata <- length(df_list)
number_of_sigs <- dim(this_signatures_df)[2]
if (verbose_flag==1) cat("\nYAPSA:::run_SMC::calling SMC...\n")
SMC_list <- SMC(df_list, this_signatures_df, in_all_exposures_df,
number_of_strata, number_of_sigs, name_list,
this_subgroups_df, mutation_catalogue_all_df,
cohort_method_flag, in_verbose=verbose_flag)
exposures_strata_list <- SMC_list$exposures_strata_list
exposures_both_rel_df_list <- SMC_list$exposures_both_rel_df_list
this_subgroups_df <- SMC_list$this_subgroups_df
decomposition_method <- SMC_list$decomposition_method
## plot
if (verbose_flag==1) {cat("YAPSA:::run_SMC::calling plot_SMC...\n");}
my_plot_list <- plot_SMC(number_of_strata,output_path,decomposition_method,
#'Stratification of a Mutational Catalogue
#'\code{SMC} takes a given collection of stratified mutational catalogues
#'\code{Vi}, sends them to perform a mutational signatures decomposition by
#'Linear Combination Decomposition (LCD) with the functions
#'\code{\link{LCD_SMC}} with known signatures \code{W}. It subsequently performs
#'some useful statistics and preparation for plotting with the function
#'\code{\link{plot_SMC}}. \code{SMC} is naturally called by
#'@param df_list A list of \code{s} stratified mutational catalogues \code{Vi}
#' \(numeric data frames\) with \code{n} rows and \code{m} columns each,
#' \code{n} being the number of features and \code{m} being the number of
#' samples.This list is naturally provided in \code{\link{run_SMC}}.
#'@param this_signatures_df A numeric data frame \code{W} in with \code{n} rows
#' and \code{l} columns, \code{n} being the number of features and \code{l}
#' being the number of signatures
#'@param in_all_exposures_df The overall exposures \code{H} without
#' stratification, a numeric data frame with \code{l} rows and \code{m}
#' columns, \code{l} being the number of signatures and \code{m} being the
#' number of samples
#'@param number_of_strata The length of the list \code{df_list}
#'@param number_of_sigs The number of signatures used in the current
#' decomposition.
#'@param name_list A list of names of the different strata
#'@param this_subgroups_df A data frame indicating which PID (patient or sample
#' identifyier) belongs to which subgroup
#'@param mutation_catalogue_all_df The overall mutational catalogue \code{V}
#' without stratification.
#'@param cohort_method_flag Either or several of
#' \code{c("all_PIDs","cohort","norm_PIDs")}, representing alternative ways to
#' average over the cohort.
#'@param in_verbose Verbose if \code{in_verbose=1}
#'@return A list with entries \code{exposures_strata_list},
#' \code{exposures_both_rel_df_list}, \code{this_subgroups_df},
#' \code{subgroup_ind} and \code{decomposition_method}. \itemize{ \item
#' \code{exposures_strata_list}: The list of \code{s} strata specific exposures
#' Hi, all are numerical data frames with \code{l} rows and \code{m} columns,
#' \code{l} being the number of signatures and \code{m} being the number of
#' samples \item \code{exposures_both_rel_df_list}: A list of \code{s} strata
#' specific cohortwide (i.e. averaged over cohort) normalized exposures \item
#' \code{this_subgroups_df}: \code{subgroups_df} adjusted for plotting \item
#' \code{subgroup_ind}: Index of the subgroups chosen and relevant for
#' plotting. \item \code{decomposition_method}: String telling whether LCD or
#' NMF was used, relevant only for handing over to \code{\link{plot_SMC}}. }
#' @examples
#'@seealso \code{\link{run_SMC}}
#'@seealso \code{\link{plot_SMC}}
#'@seealso \code{\link{LCD_SMC}}
#'@import reshape2
SMC <- function(df_list, this_signatures_df, in_all_exposures_df,
number_of_strata,number_of_sigs, name_list, this_subgroups_df,
mutation_catalogue_all_df, cohort_method_flag, in_verbose=1){
## this is the LCD_SMC procedure
if (in_verbose==1) cat("YAPSA:::SMC::calling LCD_SMC on per-PID data...\n")
exposures_strata_list <-
exposures_all_df <- exposures_strata_list$exposures_all_df
sum_over_exposures_all_per_pid <- apply(exposures_all_df,2,sum)
sum_df <- data.frame(sum = sum_over_exposures_all_per_pid,
PID = colnames(exposures_all_df))
## make cohort-wide statistics
## 1. compute exposures in cohort as sum over PIDs
mean_over_exposures_all_per_sig <- apply(exposures_all_df,1,mean)
stderrmean_over_exposures_all_per_sig <- apply(exposures_all_df,1,stderrmean)
exposures_all_PIDs_df <-
data.frame(all_abs = mean_over_exposures_all_per_sig,
all_stderrmean = stderrmean_over_exposures_all_per_sig)
temp_denominator <- sum(exposures_all_PIDs_df$all_abs)
exposures_all_PIDs_df$all_rel <-
exposures_all_PIDs_df$all_abs /temp_denominator
exposures_all_PIDs_df$all_rstderrmean <-
exposures_all_PIDs_df$all_stderrmean / temp_denominator
for (i in seq_len(number_of_strata)){
my_index <- 4*(i)+1
temp_exposures_df <- exposures_strata_list$sub_exposures_list[[i]]
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index] <- apply(temp_exposures_df, 1, mean)
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+1] <-
apply(temp_exposures_df, 1, stderrmean)
temp_denominator <- sum(exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index])
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+2] <-
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index] / temp_denominator
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+3] <-
exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+1] / temp_denominator
names(exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index] <- paste0(name_list[[i]] ,"_abs")
names(exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+1] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
names(exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+2] <- paste0(name_list[[i]], "_rel")
names(exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+3] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
exposures_all_PIDs_df$sig <- rownames(exposures_all_PIDs_df)
exposures_all_PIDs_df$method <- "all_PIDs"
## 2. compute exposures in cohort by running decomposition on a fused vector
if (in_verbose==1) cat("YAPSA:::SMC::compute exposures in cohort by ",
"running decomposition on a fused vector...\n")
catalogue_in_cohort_all <- apply(mutation_catalogue_all_df,1,sum)
catalogue_in_cohort_df <- data.frame(all_abs=catalogue_in_cohort_all)
catalogue_in_cohort_df$all_rel <-
catalogue_in_cohort_df$all_abs / sum(catalogue_in_cohort_df$all_abs)
catalogue_in_cohort_df_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(number_of_strata)) {
my_index <- 2*(i)+1
temp_catalogue_df <- df_list[[i]]
catalogue_in_cohort_df[,my_index] <- apply(temp_catalogue_df,1,sum)
catalogue_in_cohort_df[,my_index+1] <-
catalogue_in_cohort_df[,my_index] /
names(catalogue_in_cohort_df)[my_index] <- paste0(name_list[[i]], "_abs")
names(catalogue_in_cohort_df)[my_index+1] <- paste0(name_list[[i]], "_rel")
catalogue_in_cohort_df_list[[i]] <-
data.frame(all_abs = catalogue_in_cohort_df[,my_index])
catalogue_in_cohort_in_exposures <- NULL
decomposition_method <- "LCD"
if (!is.null(in_all_exposures_df)) {
temp_vector <- apply(in_all_exposures_df, 1, sum)
catalogue_in_cohort_in_exposures <- data.frame(all_abs = temp_vector)
decomposition_method <- "NMF"
if (in_verbose==1) cat("YAPSA:::SMC::calling LCD_SMC ",
"on cohort-wide data...\n")
exposures_in_cohort_strata_list <- LCD_SMC(catalogue_in_cohort_df_list,
temp_dim <- dim(exposures_in_cohort_strata_list$exposures_all_df)[1]
exposures_in_cohort_df <-
data.frame(all_abs = exposures_in_cohort_strata_list$exposures_all_df,
all_stderrmean = rep(0,temp_dim))
exposures_in_cohort_df$all_rel <- exposures_in_cohort_df$all_abs /
exposures_in_cohort_df$all_rstderrmean <-
for (i in seq_len(number_of_strata)) {
my_index <- 4*(i)+1
temp_exposures_df <-
exposures_in_cohort_df[,my_index] <- temp_exposures_df$all_abs
exposures_in_cohort_df[,my_index+1] <- 0
exposures_in_cohort_df[,my_index+2] <- exposures_in_cohort_df[,my_index] /
exposures_in_cohort_df[,my_index+3] <- 0
names(exposures_in_cohort_df)[my_index] <- paste0(name_list[[i]], "_abs")
names(exposures_in_cohort_df)[my_index+1] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
names(exposures_in_cohort_df)[my_index+2] <- paste0(name_list[[i]], "_rel")
names(exposures_in_cohort_df)[my_index+3] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
exposures_in_cohort_df$sig <- rownames(exposures_in_cohort_df)
exposures_in_cohort_df$method <- "cohort"
## 3. average over relative exposures
## 3.a) compute relative exposures
exposures_strata_list$norm_exposures_all_df <-
exposures_strata_list$sub_norm_exposures_list <-
function(l) normalize_df_per_dim(l,2))
## 3.b) average and build data structure
mean_over_norm_exposures_all_per_sig <-
apply(exposures_strata_list$norm_exposures_all_df, 1, mean)
stderrmean_over_norm_exposures_all_per_sig <-
apply(exposures_strata_list$norm_exposures_all_df, 1, stderrmean)
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df <-
data.frame(all_abs = rep(0,length(mean_over_norm_exposures_all_per_sig)),
all_stderrmean = rep(0,length(
temp_list <- lapply(exposures_strata_list$sub_norm_exposures_list,
function(l) apply(l,1,mean))
for (i in seq_len(number_of_strata)) {
my_index <- 4*(i)+1
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index] <- 0
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+1] <- 0
temp_vec <- average_over_present(
exposures_strata_list$sub_norm_exposures_list[[i]], 1)
if(!is.null(temp_vec)) {
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+2] <- temp_vec
} else {
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+2] <- 0
temp_vec <- stderrmean_over_present(
exposures_strata_list$sub_norm_exposures_list[[i]], 1)
if(!is.null(temp_vec)) {
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+3] <- temp_vec
} else {
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df[,my_index+3] <- 0
names(norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
names(norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+1] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
names(norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+2] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
names(norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df)[my_index+3] <- paste0(name_list[[i]],
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df$sig <- rownames(exposures_all_PIDs_df)
norm_exposures_all_PIDs_df$method <- "norm_PIDs"
## 4 unite the 3 different methods into one dataframe
exposures_combMethod_df <-
abs_ind <- grep(".*_abs|^sig$|^method$", names(exposures_combMethod_df))
rel_ind <- grep(".*_rel|^sig$|^method$", names(exposures_combMethod_df))
rstderrmean_ind <- grep(".*_rstderrmean|^sig$|^method$",
exposures_combMethod_abs_df <- exposures_combMethod_df[,abs_ind]
exposures_combMethod_rel_df <- exposures_combMethod_df[,rel_ind]
exposures_combMethod_rstderrmean_df <-
## prepare for plotting
if (in_verbose==1) {cat("YAPSA:::SMC::prepare for plotting...\n");}
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df <-
melt(exposures_combMethod_rel_df, id.vars=c("sig","method"),
exposures_combMethod_rstderrmean_melt_df <-
melt(exposures_combMethod_rstderrmean_df, id.vars=c("sig","method"),
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$rstderrmean <-
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$exposure_min <-
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$exposure -
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$exposure_max <-
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$exposure +
counter <- 0
exposures_combMethod_rel_df_list <- list()
exposures_combMethod_rstderrmean_df_list <- list()
method_choice_ind <-
which(exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$method %in% cohort_method_flag)
exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df <-
for (temp_varname in unique(exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$variable)) {
counter <- counter + 1
temp_ind <- which(exposures_combMethod_rel_melt_df$variable==temp_varname)
exposures_combMethod_rel_df_list[[counter]] <-
exposures_combMethod_rel_df_list[[counter]]$sig <-
## adapt subgroups data structure
if(dim(mutation_catalogue_all_df)[2]==dim(this_subgroups_df)[1]) {
this_subgroups_df$PID <- colnames(mutation_catalogue_all_df)
this_subgroups_df$sum <- sum_df$sum
max_total_count <- max(this_subgroups_df$sum)
this_subgroups_df$compl_sum <- max_total_count - this_subgroups_df$sum
subgroup_ind <-
order(this_subgroups_df$subgroup, this_subgroups_df$compl_sum)
this_subgroups_df$index <- order(subgroup_ind)
} else {
cat("YAPSA:::SMC::Warning: dimension mismatch between ",
"mutation_catalogue_df and subgroup_df.\n")
#' Apply statistical tests to a stratification (SMC)
#' \code{stat_test_SMC} tests for enrichment or depletion in the different
#' strata of a stratification of the mutational catalogue for every signature
#' independently by applying Kruskal Wallis tests. For those signatures where
#' the Kruskal Wallis test gives a significant p-value, pairwise posthoc tests
#' are carried out by calling \code{\link[PMCMR]{posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test}}.
#' Additionally all data is tested for normality by Shapiro Wilk tests, so that
#' the user may apply ANOVA and pairwise posthoc t-test where allowed.
#' @param in_strat_list A list with entries \code{exposures_list},
#' \code{catalogues_list}, \code{cohort} and \code{name_list} as in the output
#' of \code{\link{run_SMC}}. \itemize{ \item \code{exposures_list}: The list
#' of \code{s} strata specific exposures Hi, all are numerical data frames
#' with \code{l} rows and \code{m} columns, \code{l} being the number of
#' signatures and \code{m} being the number of samples \item
#' \code{catalogues_list}: A list of \code{s} strata specific cohortwide (i.e.
#' averaged over cohort) normalized exposures \item \code{cohort}:
#' \code{subgroups_df} adjusted for plotting \item \code{name_list}: Names of
#' the contructed strata. }
#' @param in_flag If "norm", all tests are performed on normalized exposures,
#' otherwise the absolute exposures are taken.
#' @return A list with entries \code{kruskal_df}, \code{shapiro_df},
#' \code{kruskal_posthoc_list}, \itemize{ \item \code{kruskal_df}: A data
#' frame containing results (statistic and p values) of the Kruskal Wallis
#' tests (tests for enrichment or depletion in the different strata for every
#' signature independently). \item \code{shapiro_df}: A data frame containing
#' results (p values) of the Shapiro Wilk tests (tests for normal distribution
#' in the different strata for every signature independently). \item
#' \code{kruskal_posthoc_list}: A list of results of pairwise posthoc tests
#' carried out for those signatures where the Kruskal Wallis test yielded a
#' significant p-value (carried out by
#' \code{\link[PMCMR]{posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test}}). }
#' @examples
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_SMC}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[PMCMR]{posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{kruskal.test}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{shapiro_if_possible}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{shapiro.test}}
#' @import PMCMR
#' @export
stat_test_SMC <- function(in_strat_list,in_flag="norm"){
my_number_of_strata <-
my_signatures <-
my_number_of_signatures <-
my_number_of_PIDs <-
out_stat_df <- repeat_df(NA,my_number_of_signatures,3)
shapiro_df <- repeat_df(NA,my_number_of_signatures,my_number_of_strata)
rownames(out_stat_df) <- my_signatures
rownames(shapiro_df) <- my_signatures
names(out_stat_df) <- c("Kruskal_statistic","df","Kruskal_p_val")
posthoc_list <- list()
for(temp_sig in my_signatures){
sig_exposures_vector <- c()
sig_strata_vector <- c()
for(j in seq_len(my_number_of_strata)){
temp_df <- in_strat_list$exposures_list$sub_norm_exposures_list[[j]]
} else {
temp_df <- in_strat_list$exposures_list$sub_exposures_list[[j]]
PID_choice_ind <- which(colSums(temp_df)>0)
temp_exposures_vector <- as.numeric(temp_df[temp_sig,PID_choice_ind])
sig_exposures_vector <- c(sig_exposures_vector,temp_exposures_vector)
sig_strata_vector <- c(sig_strata_vector,
## catch exception for temp_exposures_vector being all equal values
## (all zero)
shapiro_df[temp_sig,j] <- shapiro_if_possible(temp_exposures_vector)
sig_strata_vector <- factor(sig_strata_vector)
sig_kruskal <- kruskal.test(sig_exposures_vector,sig_strata_vector)
posthoc_list[[temp_sig]] <-
out_stat_df[temp_sig,1] <- sig_kruskal$statistic
out_stat_df[temp_sig,2] <- sig_kruskal$parameter
out_stat_df[temp_sig,3] <- sig_kruskal$p.value
out_stat_df$Kruskal_p_val_BH <- p.adjust(out_stat_df$Kruskal_p_val,
return(list(kruskal_df=out_stat_df,shapiro_df = shapiro_df,
kruskal_posthoc_list = posthoc_list))
#' Test for differences in average signature exposures between subgroups
#' Apply Kruskal-Wallis tests to detect differences in the signature exposures
#' between different subgroups. Uses \code{\link{split_exposures_by_subgroups}}.
#' Algorithm analogous to \code{\link{stat_test_SMC}}.
#' @param in_exposures_df Numerical data frame of the exposures (i.e.
#' contributions of the different signatures to the number of point mutations
#' per PID)
#' @param in_subgroups_df Data frame indicating which PID belongs to which
#' subgroup
#' @param in_subgroups.field Name indicating which column in
#' \code{in_subgroups_df} contains the subgroup information
#' @param in_PID.field Name indicating which column in \code{in_subgroups_df}
#' contains the PID information
#' @return A list with entries \code{kruskal_df}, \code{kruskal_posthoc_list},
#' \itemize{ \item \code{kruskal_df}: A data frame containing results
#' (statistic and p values) of the Kruskal Wallis tests (tests for enrichment
#' or depletion in the different strata for every signature independently).
#' \item \code{kruskal_posthoc_list}: A list of results of pairwise posthoc
#' tests carried out for those signatures where the Kruskal Wallis test
#' yielded a significant p-value (carried out by
#' \code{\link[PMCMR]{posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test}}). }
#' @seealso \code{\link{split_exposures_by_subgroups}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_test_SMC}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[PMCMR]{posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{kruskal.test}}
#' @examples
#' @export
stat_test_subgroups <- function(in_exposures_df,in_subgroups_df,
# split the data with custom function
exposures_df_list <- split_exposures_by_subgroups(
number_of_subgroups <- length(exposures_df_list)
my_signatures <- rownames(in_exposures_df)
number_of_signatures <- length(my_signatures)
out_stat_df <- repeat_df(NA,number_of_signatures,3)
shapiro_df <- repeat_df(NA,number_of_signatures,number_of_subgroups)
rownames(out_stat_df) <- my_signatures
rownames(shapiro_df) <- my_signatures
names(out_stat_df) <- c("Kruskal_statistic","df","Kruskal_p_val")
posthoc_list <- list()
for(temp_sig in my_signatures){
sig_exposures_vector <- c()
sig_subgroups_vector <- c()
for(j in seq_len(number_of_subgroups)){
temp_exposures_vector <- as.numeric(exposures_df_list[[j]][temp_sig,])
sig_exposures_vector <- c(sig_exposures_vector,temp_exposures_vector)
sig_subgroups_vector <- c(sig_subgroups_vector,
sig_subgroups_vector <- factor(sig_subgroups_vector)
sig_kruskal <- kruskal.test(sig_exposures_vector,sig_subgroups_vector)
posthoc_list[[temp_sig]] <-
posthoc.kruskal.nemenyi.test(x = sig_exposures_vector,
g = sig_subgroups_vector)
out_stat_df[temp_sig,1] <- sig_kruskal$statistic
out_stat_df[temp_sig,2] <- sig_kruskal$parameter
out_stat_df[temp_sig,3] <- sig_kruskal$p.value
out_stat_df$Kruskal_p_val_BH <- p.adjust(out_stat_df$Kruskal_p_val,
return(list(kruskal_df = out_stat_df,shapiro_df=shapiro_df,
kruskal_posthoc_list = posthoc_list))
#' Run SMC at a per sample level
#' Run an SMC analysis (stratification of the mutational catalogue) at per
#' sample / per-PID level, corresponding to a divide and conquer strategy. For
#' every single PID, only those signatures actually present in this PID will be
#' provided for the SMC analysis.
#' @param in_dfList Named list of vcf-like data frames, one entry per sample/PID
#' of a cohort.
#' @param in_LCDlist Output of an LCD list perfomed on the above cohort,
#' carrying notably information on the exposures
#' (\code{in_LCDlist$exposures}), the present signatures
#' (\code{in_LCDlist$signatures}) and meta information about the
#' signatures(\code{in_LCDlist$out_sig_ind_df}).
#' @param in_subgroups_df Data frame with subgroup information about the PIDs in
#' the above mentioned cohort.
#' @param in_save_plot Boolean flag to indicate whether per-PID plots should be
#' saved.
#' @param in_save_dir If per-PID plots are to be saved, this is the path where
#' to save them.
#' @param in_save_name Suffix to be appended to the sample name to generate the
#' name of the saved per-PID plots.
#' @param in_verbose_flag Whether to run verbose (1) or not (0).
#' @param ... Data passed on to \code{\link{run_SMC}}.
#' @return A list of lists. The top level is a named per-PID list, each entry is
#' of type SMClist (cf. \code{\link{run_SMC}}).
#' @export
#' @examples
SMC_perPID <- function (in_dfList,
in_save_plot = TRUE,
in_save_dir = NULL,
in_save_name = "KataegisSMCs.pdf",
in_verbose_flag = 0,
...) {
out_listsList <-
lapply(names(in_dfList), function(current_PID){
if(in_verbose_flag == 1) cat("\nCurrent PID: ", current_PID, "\n")
current_vcf_like_df <- in_dfList[[current_PID]]
temp_sig_ind <- which(in_LCDlist$exposures[, current_PID] > 0)
current_sig_df <- in_LCDlist$signatures[, temp_sig_ind, drop = FALSE]
current_sigInd_df <-
in_LCDlist$out_sig_ind_df[temp_sig_ind, , drop = FALSE]
current_all_exposures_df <-
in_LCDlist$exposures[temp_sig_ind, current_PID, drop = FALSE]
current_subgroups_subdf <-
in_subgroups_df[which(in_subgroups_df$PID == current_PID),]
currentNumberOfStrata <- length(unique(current_vcf_like_df$Kataegis))
if(in_save_plot & !is.null(in_save_dir)){
fileName <- file.path(in_save_dir,
paste0(current_PID, "_", in_save_name))
pdf(fileName, width = 6, height = currentNumberOfStrata + 1)
temp_SMClist <- run_SMC(
my_table = current_vcf_like_df,
this_signatures_df = current_sig_df,
this_signatures_ind_df = current_sigInd_df,
this_subgroups_df = current_subgroups_subdf,
verbose_flag = in_verbose_flag,
in_all_exposures_df = current_all_exposures_df,
} else {
temp_SMClist <- run_SMC(
my_table = current_vcf_like_df,
this_signatures_df = current_sig_df,
this_signatures_ind_df = current_sigInd_df,
this_subgroups_df = current_subgroups_subdf,
verbose_flag = in_verbose_flag,
in_all_exposures_df = current_all_exposures_df,
temp_names <-
unlist(lapply(temp_SMClist$cohort, function(current_df){
names(temp_SMClist$cohort) <- gsub("_rel", "", temp_names)
names(out_listsList) <- names(in_dfList)
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