#' to rDolphin
#' Parameters for blood (plasma/serum) samples profiling
#' The template `Parameters_blood` contains the chosen normalization approach (by default, PQN), the Spectometer Frequency (by default, 600.04MHz),
#' alignment (by default, TSP 0.00 ppm), bucket resolution (by default, 0.00023)
#' @name Parameters_blood
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("Parameters_blood")
#' Parameters_blood
#' ROIs for blood (plasma/serum) samples
#' The template ROI_blood contains the targeted list of metabolites to be quantified (blood samples)
#' @name ROI_blood
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("ROI_blood")
#' ROI_blood[ROI_blood$Metabolite == "Valine", ]
#' Files to rDoplhin
#' The rDolphin family functions are introduced to perform automatic targeted
#' metabolite profiling. Therefore, ensure that you interpolated from -0.1 ppm
#' in order to consider the TSP/DSS signal at 0.0 ppm. The function generates a
#' list with the files required by to_rDolphin function. Then, it is required
#' to save them with the `save_files_to_rDolphin`. to_rDolphin function will
#' read the generated "parameters.csv" file.
#' function.
#' @param nmr_dataset An [nmr_dataset] object
#' @param biological_origin String specify the type of sample (blood, urine, cell)
#' @return a list containing:
#' - `meta_rDolphin`: metadata in rDolphin format,
#' - `NMR_spectra`: spectra matrix
#' - `ROI`: ROI template
#' - `Parameters`: parameters file
#' @family import/export functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the directory in which rDolphin files will be saved
#' output_dir_10_rDolphin <- file.path(your_path, "10-rDolphin")
#' fs::dir_create(output_dir_10_rDolphin)
#' # Generate the files (for plasma/serum)
#' files_rDolphin <- files_to_rDolphin(nmr_dataset_0_10_ppm, blood)
#' # Save the files
#' save_files_to_rDolphin(files_rDolphin, output_dir_10_rDolphin)
#' # Build the rDolphin object. Do not forget to set the directory
#' setwd(output_dir_10_rDolphin)
#' rDolphin_object <- to_rDolphin("Parameters.csv")
#' # Visualize your spectra
#' rDolphin_plot(rDolphin_object)
#' # Run the main profiling function (it takes a while)
#' targeted_profiling <- Automatic_targeted_profiling(rDolphin_object)
#' # Save results
#' save_profiling_output(targeted_profiling, output_dir_10_rDolphin)
#' save_profiling_plots(
#' output_dir_10_rDolphin, targeted_profiling$final_output,
#' targeted_profiling$reproducibility_data
#' )
#' # Additionally, you can run some stats
#' intensities <- targeted_profiling$final_output$intensity
#' group <- as.factor(rDolphin_object$Metadata$type)
#' model_PLS <- rdCV_PLS_RF(X = intensities, Y = group)
#' }
#' @export
files_to_rDolphin <- function(nmr_dataset, biological_origin) {
message("you can edit obtained files for better performance in rDolphin")
meta_D_3col <- c("NMRExperiment", "SubjectID", "Group")
meta_rDolphin <- AlpsNMR::nmr_meta_get(nmr_dataset)[meta_D_3col]
newcolnames <- c("sample", "individual", "type")
colnames(meta_rDolphin) <- newcolnames
meta_rDolphin$type <- as.numeric(as.factor(meta_rDolphin$type))
NMR_spectra <- nmr_data(nmr_dataset)
Parameters <- NULL
Parameters_blood <- NULL
ROI_blood <- NULL
Parameters_cell <- NULL
ROI_cell <- NULL
Parameters_urine <- NULL
ROI_urine <- NULL
if (biological_origin == "blood") {
package = "AlpsNMR",
envir = environment()
utils::data("ROI_blood", package = "AlpsNMR", envir = environment())
Parameters <- Parameters_blood
ROI <- ROI_blood
} else if (biological_origin == "cell") {
package = "AlpsNMR",
envir = environment()
utils::data("ROI_cell", package = "AlpsNMR", envir = environment())
Parameters <- Parameters_cell
ROI <- ROI_cell
} else if (biological_origin == "urine") {
NMR_spectra <- nmr_data(nmr_dataset)
package = "AlpsNMR",
envir = environment()
utils::data("ROI_urine", package = "AlpsNMR", envir = environment())
Parameters <- Parameters_urine
ROI <- ROI_urine
} else {
message("Unknown biological origin")
files_rDolphin <- list(Parameters, meta_rDolphin, NMR_spectra, ROI)
names(files_rDolphin) <- c("Parameters", "meta_rDolphin", "NMR_spectra", "ROI")
#' ROIs for cell samples
#' The template ROI_cell contains the targeted list of metabolites to be quantified (cell samples)
#' @name ROI_cell
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("ROI_cell")
#' ROI_cell[ROI_cell$Metabolite == "Valine", ]
#' Parameters for cell samples profiling
#' The template `Parameters_cell` contains the chosen normalization approach (by default, PQN), the Spectometer Frequency (by default, 600.04MHz),
#' alignment (by default, TSP 0.00 ppm), bucket resolution (by default, 0.00023)
#' @name Parameters_cell
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("Parameters_cell")
#' Parameters_cell
#' ROIs for urine samples
#' The template ROI_urine contains the targeted list of metabolites to be quantified (urine samples)
#' @name ROI_urine
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("ROI_urine")
#' ROI_urine[ROI_urine$Metabolite == "Valine", ]
#' Parameters for urine samples profiling
#' The template `Parameters_urine` contains the chosen normalization approach (by default, PQN), the Spectometer Frequency (by default, 600.04MHz),
#' alignment (by default, TSP 0.00 ppm), bucket resolution (by default, 0.00023)
#' @name Parameters_urine
#' @docType data
#' @references \url{github.com/danielcanueto/rDolphin}
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' data("Parameters_urine")
#' Parameters_urine
#' Save files to rDoplhin
#' The function saves the CSV files required by to_rDolphin and Automatic_targeted_profiling functions for metabolite profiling.
#' @param files_rDolphin a list containing 4 elements from `files_to_rDolphin`
#' - `meta_rDolphin`: metadata in rDolphin format,
#' - `NMR_spectra`: spectra matrix
#' - `ROI`: ROI template
#' - `Parameters_blood`: parameters file
#' @param output_directory a directory in which the CSV files are saved
#' @family import/export functions
#' @return CSV files containing:
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' excel_file <- system.file("dataset-demo", "dummy_metadata.xlsx", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dataset)
#' files_rDolphin <- files_to_rDolphin_blood(nmr_dataset)
#' save_files_to_rDolphin(files_rDolphin, output_directory = ".")
#' }
#' @export
save_files_to_rDolphin <- function(files_rDolphin, output_directory) {
output_dir_10_rDolphin <- file.path(output_directory)
Parameters <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "Parameters.csv")
meta_rDolphin <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "meta_rDolphin.csv")
NMR_spectra <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "NMR_spectra.csv")
ROI <- file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "ROI.csv")
utils::write.csv(files_rDolphin$Parameters, Parameters, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(files_rDolphin$meta_rDolphin, meta_rDolphin, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(files_rDolphin$NMR_spectra, NMR_spectra, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(files_rDolphin$ROI, ROI, row.names = FALSE)
#' Save rDoplhin output
#' The function saves the output from Automatic_targeted_profiling function in CSV format.
#' @param targeted_profiling A list from Automatic_targeted_profiling function
#' @param output_directory a directory in which the CSV files are saved
#' @family import/export functions
#' @return rDolphin output from Automatic_targeted_profiling function:
#' - metabolites_intensity
#' - metabolites_quantification
#' - ROI_profiles_used
#' - chemical_shift
#' - fitting_error
#' - half_bandwidth
#' - signal_area_ratio
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rDolphin_object <- to_rDolphin(parameters)
#' targeted_profiling <- Automatic_targeted_profiling(rDolphin)
#' save_profiling_output(targeted_profiling, output_directory)
#' }
#' @export
save_profiling_output <- function(targeted_profiling, output_directory) {
output_dir_10_rDolphin <-
file.path(output_directory, "rDolphin_output")
intensity_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "metabolites_intensity.csv")
quantification_fn <-
ROI_profiles_used_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "ROI_profiles_used.csv")
chemical_shift_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "chemical_shift.csv")
fitting_error_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "fitting_error.csv")
half_bandwidth_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "half_bandwidth.csv")
signal_area_ratio_fn <-
file.path(output_dir_10_rDolphin, "signal_area_ratio.csv")
intensity <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["intensity"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
quantification <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["quantification"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
ROI_profiles_used <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["ROI_profiles_used"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
chemical_shift <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["chemical_shift"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
fitting_error <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["fitting_error"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
half_bandwidth <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["half_bandwidth"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
signal_area_ratio <-
tibble::as_tibble(targeted_profiling[["final_output"]][["signal_area_ratio"]], rownames = "NMRExperiment")
utils::write.csv(intensity, intensity_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(quantification, quantification_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(ROI_profiles_used, ROI_profiles_used_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(chemical_shift, chemical_shift_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(fitting_error, fitting_error_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(half_bandwidth, half_bandwidth_fn, row.names = FALSE)
utils::write.csv(signal_area_ratio, signal_area_ratio_fn, row.names = FALSE)
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