#' Pipelines
#' @name Pipelines
#' @examples
#' ## Example of pipeline usage
#' ## There are differet ways of load the dataset
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' # excel_file <- system.file("dataset-demo",
#' # "dummy_metadata.xlsx",
#' # package = "AlpsNMR")
#' # output_dir <- tempdir()
#' ## Load samples with pipes
#' # pipe_load_samples(dir_to_demo_dataset,
#' # glob = "*.zip",
#' # output_dir = "../pipe_output")
#' ## Another way to load it
#' # nmr_dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' ## Saving the dataset in a .rds file
#' # nmr_dataset_rds <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
#' # nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_rds)
#' ## Interpolation
#' # pipe_interpolate_1D(nmr_dataset_rds,
#' # axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 2.3E-4),
#' # output_dir)
#' ## Get the new path, based in output_dir
#' # nmr_dataset_rds <- paste(output_dir, "\", "nmr_dataset.rds", sep = "", collapse = NULL)
#' ## Adding metadata to samples
#' # pipe_add_metadata(nmr_dataset_rds = nmr_dataset_rds, output_dir = output_dir,
#' # excel_file = excel_file)
#' ## Filtering samples
#' # conditions <- 'SubjectID == "Ana"'
#' # pipe_filter_samples(nmr_dataset_rds, conditions, output_dir)
#' ## Outlier detection
#' # pipe_outlier_detection(nmr_dataset_rds, output_dir)
#' ## Exclude regions
#' # exclude_regions <- list(water = c(5.1, 4.5))
#' # pipe_exclude_regions(nmr_dataset_rds, exclude_regions, output_dir)
#' ## peak aling
#' # pipe_peakdet_align(nmr_dataset_rds, output_dir = output_dir)
#' ## peak integration
#' # pipe_peak_integration(nmr_dataset_rds,
#' # peak_det_align_dir = output_dir,
#' # peak_width_ppm = 0.006, output_dir)
#' ## Normalization
#' # pipe_normalization(nmr_dataset_rds, output_dir = output_dir)
#' Pipeline: Load NMR samples
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @family import/export functions
#' @param samples_dir The directory where the samples are
#' @param output_dir Directory where the nmr_dataset and the excel files will be saved
#' @inheritParams fs::dir_ls
#' @return This function saves the result to the output directory
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_load_samples <- function(samples_dir,
glob = "*0",
output_dir = NULL) {
message("Starting pipe_load_samples at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
NMRExperiments <-
as.character(fs::dir_ls(samples_dir, glob = glob))
nmr_dataset <- nmr_read_samples(NMRExperiments)
message("Saving pipe_load_samples results at ", Sys.time())
nmr_dataset_rds <- fs::path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_rds)
fs::path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset_metadata.xlsx")
message(nmr_dataset$num_samples, " samples loaded.")
message("Ending pipe_load_samples at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Add Metadata
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @family metadata functions
#' @param nmr_dataset_rds The nmr_dataset.rds file name coming from previous nodes
#' @param excel_file An excel file name. See details for the requirements
#' The excel file can have one or more sheets. The excel sheets need to be as
#' simple as possible: One header column on the first row and values below.
#' Each of the sheets contain metadata that has to be integrated. The merge
#' (technically a left join) is done using the first column of each sheet as key.
#' In practical terms this means that the first sheet of the excel file MUST
#' start with an "NMRExperiment" column, and as many additional columns to add
#' (e.g. FluidXBarcode, SampleCollectionDate, TimePoint and SubjectID).
#' The second sheet can have as the first column any of the already added columns,
#' for instance the "SubjectID", and any additional columns (e.g. Gender, Age).
#' The first column on each sheet, named the key column, MUST have unique values.
#' For instance, a sheet starting with "SubjectID" MUST specify each subject ID
#' only once (without repetitions).
#' @param output_dir The output directory for this pipe element
#' @return This function saves the result to the output directory
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_add_metadata <- function(nmr_dataset_rds, excel_file, output_dir) {
# DT is used in the Rmd file, so we require it to be installed now.
message("Starting pipe_add_metadata at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
env <- new.env()
env$nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
env$excel_file <- excel_file
env$xlsx_file <- as.character(fs::path(output_dir, "nmr_metadata_added.xlsx"))
env$nmr_dataset_outfile <- as.character(fs::path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds"))
rmd_file <- system.file("pipeline-rmd", "add-metadata.Rmd", package = "AlpsNMR")
rmarkdown::render(input = rmd_file, output_dir = output_dir, envir = env)
message("Ending pipe_add_metadata at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Interpolate 1D samples
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @inheritParams nmr_interpolate_1D
#' @return This function saves the result to the output directory
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_interpolate_1D <- function(nmr_dataset_rds, axis, output_dir) {
message("Starting pipe_interpolate_1D at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
raw_data_matrix_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "raw_data.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <- file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
plot_html <- file.path(output_dir, "plot-samples.html")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_interpolate_1D(nmr_dataset, axis = axis)
message("Saving pipe_interpolate_1D at ", Sys.time())
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset, raw_data_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_outfile)
plot_webgl(nmr_dataset, html_filename = plot_html)
message("Ending pipe_interpolate_1D at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Exclude regions
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @inheritParams nmr_exclude_region
#' @return This function saves the result to the output directory
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_exclude_regions <- function(nmr_dataset_rds,
output_dir) {
message("Starting pipe_exclude_regions at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
raw_data_matrix_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "raw_data.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <- file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
plot_html <- file.path(output_dir, "plot-samples.html")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
nmr_dataset <-
nmr_exclude_region(nmr_dataset, exclude = exclude)
message("Saving pipe_exclude_regions at ", Sys.time())
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset, raw_data_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_outfile)
plot_webgl(nmr_dataset, html_filename = plot_html)
message("Ending pipe_exclude_regions at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Remove blatant outliers
#' Uses [nmr_pca_outliers_robust] to perform the detection of outliers
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @family outlier detection functions
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @return This function saves the result to the output directory
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_outlier_detection <- function(nmr_dataset_rds, output_dir) {
message("Starting pipe_outlier_detection at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
full_spectra_matrix_fn <-
file.path(output_dir, "full_spectra_matrix.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <- file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
plot_outlier_html <-
file.path(output_dir, "plot-outlier-samples.html")
plot_outlier_QT2 <-
file.path(output_dir, "plot-Qresiduals_vs_Tscores.png")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
pca_outliers <- nmr_pca_outliers_robust(nmr_dataset)
gplt <- nmr_pca_outliers_plot(nmr_dataset, pca_outliers)
nmr_dataset_no_out <- nmr_pca_outliers_filter(nmr_dataset, pca_outliers)
nmr_exp_out <- setdiff(names(nmr_dataset), names(nmr_dataset_no_out))
message("Saving pipe_outlier_detection at ", Sys.time())
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset_no_out, full_spectra_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset_no_out, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset_no_out, nmr_dataset_outfile)
filename = plot_outlier_QT2,
plot = gplt,
width = 14,
height = 8,
units = "cm",
dpi = 300
if (length(nmr_exp_out) > 0) {
"The following NMRExperiments have been flagged
and excluded as outliers:\n",
glue::glue_collapse(nmr_exp_out, sep = ", ", last = " and ")
NMRExperiment = nmr_exp_out,
quantile_plot = TRUE,
html_filename = plot_outlier_html
} else {
"No outlier detected on a first unscaled PCA
(further outliers may be detected later)"
message("Ending pipe_outlier_detection at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Filter samples according to metadata conditions
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @return Pipeline: Filter samples according to metadata conditions
#' @name pipe_filter_samples
#' @param conditions A character vector with conditions to filter metadata.
#' The `conditions` parameter should be a character vector of
#' valid R logical conditions.
#' Some examples:
#' - conditions <- 'Gender == "Female"'
#' - conditions <- 'Cohort == "Chuv"'
#' - conditions <- 'TimePoint %in% c("T0", "T31")'
#' - conditions <- c(Cohort == "Chuv", 'TimePoint %in% c("T0", "T31")')
#' Only samples fullfilling all the given conditions are kept in further analysis.
#' @export
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_filter_samples <- function(nmr_dataset_rds,
output_dir) {
message("Starting pipe_filter_samples at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
raw_data_matrix_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "raw_data.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <-
file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
conditions_expr <- rlang::parse_exprs(conditions)
nmr_dataset <- filter(nmr_dataset, !!!conditions_expr)
message("Saving pipe_filter_samples at ", Sys.time())
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset, raw_data_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_outfile)
pasted_conditions <-
sep = ", ",
width = 80,
last = ", "
message("Dataset filtered by: ", pasted_conditions)
message("Ending pipe_filter_samples at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Peak detection and Alignment
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @inheritParams nmr_detect_peaks
#' @inheritParams nmr_align
#' @return Pipeline: Peak detection and Alignment
#' @name pipe_pakdet_align
#' @export
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @family peak detection functions
#' @family alignment functions
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_peakdet_align <- function(nmr_dataset_rds,
nDivRange_ppm = 0.1,
scales = seq(1, 16, 2),
baselineThresh = 0.01,
SNR.Th = -1,
maxShift_ppm = 0.0015,
acceptLostPeak = FALSE,
output_dir = NULL) {
message("Starting pipe_peakdet_align at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
raw_data_matrix_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "raw_data.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <- file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
plot_peak_detection_html <-
file.path(output_dir, "peak-detection-diagnostic.html")
plot_html <- file.path(output_dir, "plot-samples.html")
peak_data_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "peak_data.csv")
NMRExp_ref_fn <-
file.path(output_dir, "NMRExperiment_align_ref.txt")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
message("Detecting peaks...")
peak_data <- nmr_detect_peaks(
nDivRange_ppm = nDivRange_ppm,
scales = scales,
baselineThresh = baselineThresh,
message("Choosing alignment reference...")
NMRExp_ref <- nmr_align_find_ref(nmr_dataset, peak_data)
message("Starting alignment...")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_align(
NMRExp_ref = NMRExp_ref,
maxShift_ppm = maxShift_ppm,
acceptLostPeak = acceptLostPeak
gplt <-
nmr_detect_peaks_plot(nmr_dataset, peak_data, NMRExperiment = NMRExp_ref)
message("Saving pipe_peakdet_align at ", Sys.time())
plot_interactive(gplt, plot_peak_detection_html)
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset, raw_data_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_outfile)
plot_webgl(nmr_dataset, html_filename = plot_html)
utils::write.csv(peak_data, peak_data_fn, row.names = FALSE)
write(NMRExp_ref, NMRExp_ref_fn)
message("Ending pipe_peakdet_align at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipeline: Peak integration
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @param peak_det_align_dir Output directory from [pipe_peakdet_align]
#' @param peak_width_ppm A peak width in ppm
#' @return Pipeline: Peak integration
#' @name pipe_peak_integration
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @family peak integration functions
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_peak_integration <- function(nmr_dataset_rds,
output_dir) {
message("Starting pipe_peak_integration at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
# Input files from previous node:
peak_data_fn <-
file.path(peak_det_align_dir, "peak_data.csv")
NMRExp_ref_fn <-
file.path(peak_det_align_dir, "NMRExperiment_align_ref.txt")
# Output files:
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
peak_table_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "peak_table.csv")
nmr_peak_table_rds <-
file.path(output_dir, "nmr_peak_table.rds")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
peak_data <- utils::read.csv(file = peak_data_fn)
NMRExperimentRef <- readLines(NMRExp_ref_fn)
peak_data_integ <-
dplyr::filter(peak_data, .data$NMRExperiment == !!NMRExperimentRef)
nmr_peak_table <- nmr_integrate_peak_positions(
samples = nmr_dataset,
peak_pos_ppm = peak_data_integ$ppm,
peak_width_ppm = peak_width_ppm
message("Saving pipe_peak_integration at ", Sys.time())
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_peak_table, nmr_peak_table_rds)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_peak_table, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
utils::write.csv(nmr_data(nmr_peak_table), peak_table_fn, row.names = FALSE)
message("Ending pipe_peak_integration at ", Sys.time())
#' Pipe: Full spectra normalization
#' Normalize the full spectra to the internal calibrant region, then exclude
#' that region and finally perform PQN normalization.
#' If there is no internal calibrant, only the PQN normalization is done.
#' @return Pipe: Full spectra normalization
#' @name Pipe_normalization
#' @inheritParams pipe_add_metadata
#' @param internal_calibrant A ppm range where the internal calibrant is, or `NULL`.
#' @family pipeline functions
#' @export
#' @rdname Pipelines
pipe_normalization <- function(nmr_dataset_rds,
internal_calibrant = NULL,
output_dir = NULL) {
message("Starting pipe_normalization at ", Sys.time())
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
stop("An output directory must be specified")
metadata_fn <- file.path(output_dir, "metadata.xlsx")
full_spectra_matrix_fn <-
file.path(output_dir, "full_spectra_matrix.csv")
nmr_dataset_outfile <-
file.path(output_dir, "nmr_dataset.rds")
plot_norm_factor_ic <-
file.path(output_dir, "normalization_factor_ic.png")
plot_norm_factor_pqn <-
file.path(output_dir, "normalization_factor_pqn.png")
plot_html <- file.path(output_dir, "plot-samples.html")
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(nmr_dataset_rds)
if (!is.null(internal_calibrant)) {
nmr_dataset_norm_ic <-
method = "region",
ppm_range = internal_calibrant
diag <- nmr_normalize_extra_info(nmr_dataset_norm_ic)
filename = plot_norm_factor_ic,
plot = diag$plot,
width = 14,
height = 8,
unit = "cm",
dpi = 300
nfactor <- diag$norm_factor
nfactor_extreme <- dplyr::filter(
.data$norm_factor_norm > 4 |
.data$norm_factor_norm < 1 / 4
if (nrow(nfactor_extreme) > 0) {
nmr_experiments_weird <-
sep = ", ",
last = " and "
"Samples with NMRExperiment ",
" have >4x or <0.25x values in the internal calibrant."
nmr_dataset_norm_ic <-
exclude = list(ic = internal_calibrant)
# Use the normalized samples for PQN
nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_norm_ic
nmr_dataset <- nmr_normalize(nmr_dataset, method = "pqn")
diag <- nmr_normalize_extra_info(nmr_dataset)
filename = plot_norm_factor_pqn,
plot = diag$plot,
width = 14,
height = 8,
unit = "cm",
dpi = 300
message("Saving pipe_normalization results at ", Sys.time())
nmr_export_data_1r(nmr_dataset, full_spectra_matrix_fn)
nmr_meta_export(nmr_dataset, metadata_fn, groups = "external")
nmr_dataset_save(nmr_dataset, nmr_dataset_outfile)
plot_webgl(nmr_dataset, html_filename = plot_html)
message("Ending pipe_normalization at ", Sys.time())
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