#' @title PCA based on a given gene-signature
#' @description \code{signaturePCA} performs principal component analysis on
#' the given data matrix and gene-signature and returns the results as an object
#' of class \code{prcomp}.
#' @param signature character vector with the signature's gene identifiers.
#' @param data Gene expression matrix where rownames correspond to unique gene
#' identifiers in \code{signature} format and columns correspond to samples.
#' @param center a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
#' shifted to be zero centered. See \code{\link{prcomp}} for more details.
#' @param scale a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
#' scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place. See
#' \code{prcomp} for more details.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{prcomp}.
#' @return A list with class \code{prcomp}.
#' @examples
#' dummyData <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
#' rnorm, n = 100, m = 6))
#' rownames(dummyData) <- paste(rep("gene", nrow(dummyData)),
#' seq(1, nrow(dummyData)), sep = "")
#' dummySig <- c("gene1", "gene8", "gene9", "gene10")
#' dummyPca <- signaturePCA(dummyData, dummySig)
#' @export signaturePCA
signaturePCA <- function(data, signature, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, ...){
inSet <- signature %in% rownames(data)
if (sum(inSet) < 3){
stop(strwrap("Less than 3 genes in the signature match the rows in the
data. Make sure your data and signature are in the same
gene format. Consider using parseData()", prefix = " ",
width = getOption("width")))
genes <- signature[signature %in% rownames(data)]
prcomp(t(data[genes,]), center = center, scale = scale)
#' @title PCA-based Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)
#' @description ...
#' @param data Gene expression matrix where rownames correspond to unique gene
#' identifiers in \code{signature} format and columns correspond to samples.
#' @param signatures list where every entry is a character vector of
#' the gene names that correspond to a gene-pathway. If the gene format is
#' different from the one in \code{rownames(data)}, use \code{\link{parseData}}
#' first.
#' @param p.adj p-value correction method. See \code{\link{p.adjust}}.
#' @param pcs principal components to perform GSEA on. Default: c(1,2).
#' @param filtered logical value indicating if genes in the supplied
#' \code{signature} list that are not present in the \code{data} have been
#' filtered out. Default: FALSE.
#' @export
rankedGSEA <- function(data, signatures, p.adj = p.adjust.methods,
pcs = c(1,2), filtered = FALSE) {
if (!filtered) {
signatures <- lapply(signatures, .filterSignatures, rownames(data))
### Check for signature length!
p.adj = match.arg(p.adj)
pca <- prcomp(t(data))
gsea <- list()
for (i in pcs){
loadings <- pca$rotation[ ,i]
ranking <- rank(abs(loadings))
tmp <- do.call(rbind, mclapply(signatures, .rankTest, loadings,
tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp)
colnames(tmp) <- c("ks.statistic", "p.value")
q.value <- p.adjust(tmp$p.value, method = p.adj)
tmp$q.value <- q.value
gsea[[paste0("pc", i)]] <- tmp[with(tmp, order(q.value,
-ks.statistic)), ]
.rankTest <- function(signature, loadings, ranking) {
ind <- which(names(loadings) %in% signature)
geneset <- ranking[ind]
background <- ranking[-ind]
ks <- ks.test(geneset, background)
c(ks$statistic, ks$p.value)
.filterSignatures <- function(signature, genes){
signature[signature %in% genes]
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