
Defines functions queryATAC

Documented in queryATAC

#' A function to query scATAC-seq datasets available in this package
#' This function allows you to search and subset included scATAC-seq datasets.
#' A named list of SingleCellExperiment objects matching the provided options will be returned.
#' In cases where a dataset is represented using multiple matrices, each matrix will be a seperate object within the list.
#' The returned list is named by matrix allow easy identification of data.
#' If queryATAC is called without any options it will retrieve all available datasets in sparse matrix format.
#' This should only be done on machines with a large amount of ram (>64gb) because some datasets are quite large.
#' In most cases it is recommended to instead filter databases with some criteria.
#' @param accession Search by geo accession number. Good for returning individual datasets
#' @param author Search by the author who published the dataset
#' @param journal Search by the journal the dataset was published in.
#' @param year Search by exact year or year ranges with '<', '>', or '-'. For example, you can return datasets newer than 2013 with '>2013'
#' @param pmid Search by Pubmed ID associated with the study. Good for returning individual datasets
#' @param sequence_tech Search by sequencing technology used to sample the cells.
#' @param score_type Search by type of score (TPM, FPKM, raw count)
#' @param has_cluster_annotation Return only those datasets that have clustering results available, or only those without (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param has_cell_type_annotation Return only those datasets that have cell-type annotations available, or only those without annotations (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param organism Search by source organism used in the study, for example human or mouse.
#' @param genome_build Return datasets built only using specified genome build (ex. hg19)
#' @param broad_cell_category Return datasets based on broad cell categories (ex. Hematopoetic cells). To view all cell categories available, explore the metadata table.
#' @param tissue_cell_type Return datasets based on tissue or cell types sampled (ex. PBMCs, Bone marrow, Oligodendrocytes)
#' @param disease Return datasets based on sampled disease (ex. carcinoma, leukemia, diabetes)
#' @param metadata_only Return rows of metadata instead of actual datasets. Useful for exploring what data is available without actually downloading data. Defaults to FALSE
#' @param sparse Return expression as a sparse matrix. Reccomended to use sparse format, as dense formats tend to be excessively large.
#' @keywords tumour
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom data.table %like%
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
#' @return A list containing a table of metadata or
#' one or more SingleCellExperiment objects
#' @examples
#' ## Retrieve the metadata table to see what data is available
#' res <- queryATAC(metadata_only = TRUE)
#' ## Retrieve a single dataset based on its accession number
#' res <- queryATAC(accession = "GSE129785")
#' ## Retrieve the metadata of datasets between 2016 and 2020
#' res = queryATAC(year = "2016-2020", metadata_only = TRUE)
#' ## From the table of datasets between 2016 and 2020,
#' ## retrieve the dataset on the third row.
#' res = queryATAC(year = "2016-2020")[[3]]
#' ## Retrieve a filtered metadata table that only shows mouse
#' ## datasets derived from blood cells with cell type annotations
#' res_mus <- queryATAC(has_cell_type_annotation = TRUE, 
#'                  organism = "Mus musculus",
#'                  tissue_cell_type = "blood",
#'                  metadata_only = TRUE)

queryATAC <- function(accession = NULL,
                    author = NULL,
                    journal = NULL,
                    year = NULL,
                    pmid = NULL,
                    sequence_tech = NULL,
                    score_type = NULL,
                    has_cluster_annotation = NULL,
                    has_cell_type_annotation = NULL,
                    organism = NULL,
                    genome_build = NULL,
                    broad_cell_category = NULL,
                    tissue_cell_type = NULL,
                    disease = NULL,
                    metadata_only = FALSE,
                    sparse = TRUE) {
    df <- scatac_meta
    if (!is.null(accession)) {
        df <- df[df$Accession == accession,]
    if (!is.null(author)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Author) == toupper(author),]
    if (!is.null(journal)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Journal) == toupper(journal),]
    if (!is.null(year)) {
        year <- gsub(' ', '', year)
        #check greater than
        if (gregexpr('<', year)[[1]][[1]] == 5
        || gregexpr('>', year)[[1]][[1]] == 1) {
            year <- sub('>', '', year)
            year <- sub('<', '', year)
            df <- df[df$Year >= year,]

            #check between
        } else if (grepl('-', year, fixed = TRUE)) {
            year <- strsplit(year, '-')[[1]]
            df <- df[df$Year >= year[[1]] & df$year <= year[[2]],]

            #check less than
        } else if (gregexpr('>', year)[[1]][[1]] == 5 ||
        gregexpr('<', year)[[1]][[1]] == 1) {
            year <- sub('>', '', year)
            year <- sub('<', '', year)
            df <- df[df$Year <= year,]

            #check equals
        } else {
            df <- df[df$Year == year,]
    if (!is.null(pmid)) {
        df <- df[df$PMID == pmid,]
    if (!is.null(sequence_tech)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Sequencing_Technology) == toupper(sequence_tech),]
    if (!is.null(score_type)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Score_Type) == toupper(score_type),]
    if (!is.null(has_cluster_annotation)) {
        if (has_cluster_annotation) {
            df <- df[df$Clustering_Results_Available == 'Y',]
        } else if (!has_cluster_annotation) {
            df <- df[df$Clustering_Results_Available == 'N',]
    if (!is.null(has_cell_type_annotation)) {
        if (has_cell_type_annotation) {
            df <- df[df$Cell_Type_Labels_Available == 'Y',]
        } else if (!has_cell_type_annotation) {
            df <- df[df$Cell_Type_Labels_Available == 'N',]
    if (!is.null(organism)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Organism) == toupper(organism),]
    if (!is.null(genome_build)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Genome_Build) %like% toupper(genome_build),]
    if (!is.null(broad_cell_category)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Broad_Cell_Categories_Present) %like%
    if (!is.null(tissue_cell_type)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Tissue_Cell_Type) %like% toupper(tissue_cell_type),]
    if (!is.null(disease)) {
        df <- df[toupper(df$Disease) %like% toupper(disease),]

    if (metadata_only) {
        df[, c('signature_link', 'expression_link',
        'truth_label_link', 'sparse_expression_link')] <- list(NULL)
    } else {
        df_list <- list()
        df_names <- character()
        for (row in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
                df_list[[row]] <- fetchATAC(df, row, sparse)
                df_names[[row]] <- metadata(df_list[[row]])$matrix_name
            error = function(e) {
                message("error occured during query: ",

        names(df_list) <- df_names


shooshtarilab/scATAC.Explorer documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 7:12 a.m.