#' plotcsSAM
#' Plots the # of genes called significnat at a given false disocvery rate for
#' the SAM (heterogenous tissue) comparison, and for each of the contrasted
#' cell-types using csSAM
#' @param csfit csSAM fitted model as returned by [csSAMfit].
#' @param sam List object output of the fdrSAM function
#' @param alternative Type of test conducted. Will appear in plot title.
#' @param fileName Name of output pdf file.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to [plot.csSAMfit].
#' @param height,width output height and width
#' @author Shai Shen-Orr, Rob Tibshirani, Narasimhan Balasubramanian, David Wang
#' @cite Shen-Orr2010
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics plot par title
#' @export
plotCsSAM <- function(csfit, sam, alternative = 'two.sided', fileName, ..., height = 8, width = 10){
fileName <- paste0(sub("\\.pdf$", "", fileName), '.pdf')
on.exit( unlink(fileName) )
pdf(file = fileName, height = height, width = width)
n <- sam$ncall.sam
fdr <- sam$fdr.sam[n>0]
n <- n[n>0]
# complete data if necessary
if( min(n) != 1L ){
n <- c(n, 1L)
fdr <- c(fdr, min(fdr, na.rm = TRUE))
plot(n, fdr, xlab="## called", ylab="FDR", type="l",log="x",ylim=c(0,1))
title(paste("SAM", alternative))
# csSAM
p <- plot(csfit, alternative = alternative, ...) + ggtitle('csSAM')
# return path
#' Plotting csSAM FDR
#' @param x a csSAM fit as returned by [csSAMfit]
#' @param subset character or index vector that specifies the subset of
#' cell types to include in the plot.
#' @param alternative test alternative hypothesis for which FDRs are shown.
#' Multiple alternatives can be plotted at once ("two.sided", "greater", "less").
#' Use `alternative = "all"` to plot all of them.
#' @param by specifies the facetting criteria.
#' Default is produces one panel per cell type, each showing FDR for the selected alternative(s).
#' @param xlab,ylab axis labels
#' @param ylim y-axis range
#' @param ... unused trailing arguments for S3 conformity.
#' An error will be thrown if any unsused argument are passed to the function.
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom scales comma
plot.csSAMfit <- function(x, subset = NULL, alternative = 'two.sided', by = c('cell-type', 'alternative')
, xlab='# called', ylab= 'FDR', ylim=c(0,1), ...){
if( length(extra <- list(...)) )
stop("Unused arguments: ", str_out(names(extra), Inf))
# extract fitted model
fit <- basisfit(x)
if( !is.list(fit) ) stop("Invalid input data: must be a list.")
if( is.null(rhat <- fit$stat) ){
warning("Nothing to plot: data does not contain any group comparison data [was csSAMfit run with a group variable in argument `data`?]")
ncell <- nrow(rhat)
cellnames <- rownames(rhat)
if( is.null(cellnames) ){
if( is.character(subset) ){
if( length(subset) > ncell ){
stop("Invalid number of cell types (", length(subset), "):"
, " should have at most the same number of cell type data in `x` (", ncell, ")")
cellnames <- subset
}else cellnames <- as.character(seq(ncell))
if( is.null(subset) ) subset <- seq(ncell)
if( is.character(subset) ){ # partial match the types
subset <- pmatch(subset, cellnames)
subset <- subset[!is.na(subset)]
if( !length(subset) )
stop("None of the cell types ", str_out(subset), " matched [available: ", str_out(cellnames),"]")
if( is.null(FDR <- fit$FDR) )
stop("Could not find FDR data in fit object: check if csSAM was run with group data and nperms > 0.")
# stop("Could not find FDR data in fit object: provide reference data, or, alternatively, run csSAM with group data and nperms > 0.")
alt_set <- names(FDR)
if( !'all' %in% alternative ){
ialt <- charmatch(alternative, alt_set, nomatch = 0L)
FDR <- FDR[ialt]
if( !length(FDR) ){
stop("No FDR data found for alternative ", str_out(alternative, Inf)
, "\n Available hypothesis: ", str_out(alt_set, Inf))
df <- ldply(setNames(subset, cellnames[subset]), function(i){
df <- ldply(FDR, function(x){
n <- ncol(x$ncall.g)
j <- which(x$ncall.g[i, ]<=0)
if( length(j) != n ){
nc <- rev(x$ncall.g[i, -j])
ifirst <- !duplicated(nc)
val <- rev(x$fdr.g[i, -j])[ifirst]
nc <- nc[ifirst]
val <- as.numeric(rbind(val, c(val[-1], tail(val, 1L))))
nc <- as.numeric(rbind(nc, nc))
# complete plot with data for first called
if( nc[1L] != 1 ){
nc <- c(1, nc)
val <- c(val[1], val)
data.frame(x = nc, y = val)
data.frame(x = seq(1, ncol(rhat), length.out = n), y = rev(x$fdr.g[i,]))
}, .id = 'Alternative')
}, .id = 'Cell.type')
# order cell type levels as input columns
df[['Cell.type']] <- factor(df[['Cell.type']], levels = cellnames)
# compute breaks in log scale
# breaks <- .log10_break(df$x)
by <- match.arg(by)
if( by == 'alternative' ){
by.colour <- 'Cell.type'
by.facet <- 'Alternative'
}else if( by == 'cell-type' ){
by.colour <- 'Alternative'
by.facet <- 'Cell.type'
aes_specs <- aes_string(colour = by.colour)
label_pretty <- as_labeller(function(labels){
x <- gsub('.', ' ', labels, fixed = TRUE)
if( any(w <- grepl(' ', x)) ) x[w] <- paste0(toupper(substr(x[w], 1, 1)), substring(x[w], 2))
# create ggplot plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = 'x', y = 'y')) +
geom_line(aes_specs) +
scale_y_continuous(ylab, limits=ylim) +
# scale_x_continuous(xlab, breaks = breaks) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::comma) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 50, hjust = 1)) +
facet_grid(paste0('~ ', by.facet), labeller = label_pretty)
ltitle <- label_pretty(by.colour)
p <- p + labs(colour = ltitle, linetype = ltitle)
# return plot object
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