#' Validating new dataset
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @param dataset A gene expression profile to be validated. Different classes
#' of objects can be used including ExpressionSet, SummarizedExperiment,
#' RangedSummarizedExperiment, or matrix. Rownames (genes) should be in
#' human gene symbol format (HGNC). If dataset is a matrix, genes should be in
#' rows and samples in columns. RNA-seq counts should be log(count + 1)
#' prior to the `validate()` call.
#' @param avgLoading A matrix with genes by RAVs.
#' @param method A character string indicating which correlation coefficient is
#' to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman": can be
#' abbreviated.
#' @param scale Default is \code{FALSE}. If it is set to \code{TRUE}, rows
#' will be converted to z-score prior to PCA.
#' @return A matrix of Pearson correlation coefficient (default, defined through
#' \code{method} argument) between RAVs (row) and the top 8 PCs from the
#' datasets (column)
#' @keywords internal
.loadingCor <- function(dataset, avgLoading,
method = "pearson", scale = FALSE) {
# Extract expression matrix from different classes
dat <- .extractExprsMatrix(dataset)
# # row normalization # Plan to remove `scale` argument <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# stopifnot(length(scale) == 1L, !is.na(scale), is.logical(scale))
# if (scale) {dat <- t(scale(t(dat)))}
if (!is(dataset, "SingleCellExperiment") & ncol(dataset) == 8) {
dat <- dat[apply(dat, 1,
function (x) {!any(is.na(x) | (x==Inf) | (x==-Inf))}),]
gene_common <- intersect(rownames(avgLoading), rownames(dat))
prcomRes <- stats::prcomp(t(dat[gene_common,])) # centered, but not scaled
loadings <- prcomRes$rotation[, seq_len(8)]
} else { # Dimensional reduction for scRNAseq data
gene_common <- intersect(rownames(avgLoading), rownames(dat))
res <- irlba::irlba(as.matrix(t(dat[gene_common,])),
nv = 8, # Use only top 8 PCs for validation
center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
loadings <- res$v
rownames(loadings) <- rownames(dat[gene_common,])
colnames(loadings) <- paste0("PC", seq_len(8))
loading_cor <- abs(stats::cor(avgLoading[gene_common,],
use = "pairwise.complete.obs",
method = method))
#' Validate new datasets
#' @param dataset Single or a named list of SummarizedExperiment
#' (RangedSummarizedExperiment, ExpressionSet or matrix) object(s). Gene names
#' should be in 'symbol' format. Currently, each dataset should have at least
#' 8 samples.
#' @param RAVmodel PCAGenomicSignatures object.
#' @param method A character string indicating which correlation coefficient is
#' to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman": can be
#' abbreviated.
#' @param maxFrom Select whether to display the maximum value from dataset's PCs
#' or avgLoadings. Under the default (\code{maxFrom="PC"}), the maximum
#' correlation coefficient from top 8 PCs for each avgLoading will be selected
#' as an output. If you choose (\code{maxFrom="avgLoading"}), the avgLoading
#' with the maximum correlation coefficient with each PC will be in the output.
#' @param level Output format of validated result. Two options are available:
#' \code{c("max", "all")}. Default is "max", which outputs the matrix containing
#' only the maximum coefficient. To get the coefficient of all 8 PCs, set this
#' argument as "all". \code{level = "all"} can be used only for one dataset.
#' @param scale Default is \code{FALSE}. If it is set to \code{TRUE}, dataset
#' will be row normalized.
#' @return A data frame containing the maximum pearson correlation coefficient
#' between the top 8 PCs of the dataset and pre-calculated average loadings
#' (in row) of training datasets (\code{score} column). It also contains other
#' metadata associated with each RAV: \code{PC} for one of the top 8 PCs of the
#' dataset that results in the given \code{score}, \code{sw} for the average
#' silhouette width of the RAV, \code{cl_size} for the size of each RAV.
#' If the input for \code{dataset} argument is a list of different datasets,
#' each row of the output represents a new dataset for test, and each column
#' represents clusters from training datasets. If \code{level = "all"}, a list
#' containing the matrices of the pearson correlation coefficient between all
#' top 8 PCs of the datasets and avgLoading.
#' @examples
#' data(miniRAVmodel)
#' library(bcellViper)
#' data(bcellViper)
#' validate(dset, miniRAVmodel)
#' validate(dset, miniRAVmodel, maxFrom = "avgLoading")
#' @export
validate <- function(dataset, RAVmodel, method = "pearson",
maxFrom = "PC", level = "max", scale = FALSE) {
if (!is.list(dataset)) {
if (ncol(dataset) < 8) {
stop("Provide a study with at least 8 samples.")}
} else {
if (any(lapply(dataset, ncol) < 8)) {
stop("Provide a study with at least 8 samples.")}
if (level == "all") {
stop("'level = \"all\"' is not available for a list of datasets.")}
sw <- silhouetteWidth(RAVmodel)
cl_size <- S4Vectors::metadata(RAVmodel)$size
avgLoading <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(RAVmodel)
# The maximum correlation coefficient among PCs
if (maxFrom == "PC") {
# For a single dataset
if (!is.list(dataset)) {
x <- .loadingCor(dataset, avgLoading, method, scale)
if (level == "max") {
z <- apply(x, 1, max) %>% as.data.frame # rowMax
z$PC <- apply(x, 1, which.max)
colnames(z)[1] <- "score"
z$sw <- sw # Silhouette width
z$cl_size <- cl_size # Cluster size
z$cl_num <- readr::parse_number(rownames(z)) # Cluster number
res <- z
} else if (level == "all") {
res <- x
} else {
# For a list of datasets
x <- lapply(dataset, .loadingCor, avgLoading, method, scale)
l <- nrow(x[[1]]) # the number of RAVs in validation output
if (level == "max") {
z <- vapply(x, function(y) {apply(y, 1, max)},
FUN.VALUE = numeric(l))
zPC <- vapply(x, function(y) {apply(y, 1, which.max)},
FUN.VALUE = integer(l))
colnames(zPC) <- paste0(colnames(zPC), "_PC")
res <- cbind(z, zPC)
} else if (level == "all") {
res <- x
# The maximum correlation coefficient among avgLoadings
else if (maxFrom == "avgLoading") {
if (!is.list(dataset)) {
x <- .loadingCor(dataset, avgLoading, method)
if (level == "max") {
z <- apply(x, 2, max) %>% as.data.frame # colMax
max_z_ind <- apply(x, 2, which.max)
z$validated_RAV <- rownames(x)[max_z_ind]
colnames(z)[1] <- "score"
} else if (level == "all") {
} else {
x <- lapply(dataset, .loadingCor, avgLoading, method)
if (level == "max") {
z <- apply(x, 2, max)
} else if (level == "all") {
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