# Package: SpatialPCA
# Version: 1.1.0
# Date : 2021-10-27
# Title : Spatially Aware Dimension Reduction for Spatial Transcriptomics
# Authors: L. Shang and X. Zhou
# Contacts: shanglu@umich.edu
# University of Michigan, Department of Biostatistics
#' Calculating kernel matrix from spatial locations.
#' @param object SpatialPCA object.
#' @param kerneltype The type of kernel to be used, either "gaussian", or "cauchy" for cauchy kernel, or "quadratic" for rational quadratic kernel, and "delaunday" for gaussian kernel built with non-linear Delaunay triangulation based distance.
#' @param bandwidthtype The type of bandwidth to be used in Gaussian kernel, "SJ" for Sheather & Jones (1991) method (usually used in small size datasets), "Silverman" for Silverman's ‘rule of thumb’ method (1986)(usually used in large size datasets).
#' @param bandwidth.set.by.user User could select their own bandwidth (a numeric value) if the recommended bandwidth doesn't work in their dataset.
#' @param sparseKernel Select "TURE" if the user wants to use a sparse kernel matrix or "FALSE" if not. It is recommended to choose sparseKernel="TRUE" when sample size is large.
#' @param sparseKernel_tol When sparseKernel=TRUE, the cut-off value when building sparse kernel matrix, any element in the kernel matrix greater than sparseKernel_tol will be kept, otherwise will be set to 0 to save memory.
#' @param sparseKernel_ncore When sparseKernel=TRUE, the number of CPU cores to build sparse kernel matrix.
#' @export
SpatialPCA_buildKernel = function(object, kerneltype="gaussian", bandwidthtype="SJ",bandwidth.set.by.user=NULL,sparseKernel=FALSE,sparseKernel_tol=1e-20,sparseKernel_ncore=1) {
## extract the data from the slot of object, createSpatialPCAobject() function goes first
if(length(object@counts) == 0) {
stop("object@counts has not been set. Run CreateSpatialPCAObject() first and then retry.")
}# end fi
object@kerneltype = kerneltype
object@bandwidthtype = bandwidthtype
cat(paste("## Selected kernel type is: ", object@kerneltype," \n"))
# Calculate the bandwidth for kernel matrix #
#cat(paste("## Scale the expression of each gene. \n"))
for(i in 1:dim(object@normalized_expr)[1]){
expr[i,] = scale(object@normalized_expr[i,])
object@bandwidth = bandwidth_select(expr, method=object@bandwidthtype)
object@bandwidth = bandwidth.set.by.user
cat(paste("## The bandwidth is: ", object@bandwidth," \n"))
# Calculate the kernel matrix with above bandwidth #
location_normalized = scale(object@location)
cat(paste("## Calculating kernel matrix\n"))
object@kernelmat = kernel_build(kerneltype=object@kerneltype,location=location_normalized, bandwidth=object@bandwidth)
}else if(sparseKernel==TRUE){
cat(paste("## Calculating sparse kernel matrix\n"))
object@sparseKernel_tol = sparseKernel_tol
object@sparseKernel_ncore = sparseKernel_ncore
object@kernelmat = kernel_build_sparse(kerneltype=object@kerneltype,location=location_normalized, bandwidth=object@bandwidth,tol = object@sparseKernel_tol, ncores=object@sparseKernel_ncore)
cat(paste("## Finished calculating kernel matrix.\n"))
# return results
}# end function
#' @title Select bandwidth in Gaussian kernel.
#' @description This function selects bandwidth in Gaussian kernel.
#' @param expr A m gene by n location matrix of normalized gene expression matrix.
#' @param method The method used in bandwidth selection, "SJ" usually for small sample size data, "Silverman" usually for large sample size data.
#' @return A numeric value of calculated bandwidth.
#' @export
bandwidth_select=function (expr, method)
N = dim(expr)[2]
if (method == "SJ") {
bw_SJ = c()
for (i in 1:dim(expr)[1]) {
bw_SJ[i] = bw.SJ(expr[i, ], method = "dpi")
}, error=function(e){cat("Gene",i," :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
beta = median(na.omit(bw_SJ))
else if (method == "Silverman") {
bw_Silverman = c()
for (i in 1:dim(expr)[1]) {
bw_Silverman[i] = bw.nrd0(expr[i, ])
}, error=function(e){cat("Gene",i," :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
beta = median(na.omit(bw_Silverman))
#' @title Build kernel matrix.
#' @description This function calculates kernel matrix from spatial locations.
#' @param kerneltype The type of kernel to be used, either "gaussian", or "cauchy" for cauchy kernel, or "quadratic" for rational quadratic kernel, and "delaunday" for gaussian kernel built with non-linear Delaunay triangulation based distance.
#' @param location A n by d matrix of cell/spot location coordinates.
#' @param bandwidth A numeric value of bandwidth.
#' @return The kernel matrix for spatial relationship between locations.
#' @export
kernel_build = function (kerneltype = "gaussian", location, bandwidth)
if (kerneltype == "gaussian") {
K = exp(-1*as.matrix(dist(location)^2)/bandwidth)
else if (kerneltype == "cauchy") {
K = 1/(1 + 1*as.matrix(dist(location)^2)/as.numeric(bandwidth))
else if (kerneltype == "quadratic") {
K = 1 - ED2/(ED2 + as.numeric(bandwidth))
}else if (kerneltype == "delaunday") {
tmp <- ppp(location[,1], location[,2],window=owin(c(-3,3),c(-3,3)))
K = exp(-Delaunay_dist^2/30)
#' @title Build sparse kernel matrix.
#' @description This function calculates kernel matrix.
#' @param kerneltype The type of kernel to be used, either "gaussian", or "cauchy" for cauchy kernel, or "quadratic" for rational quadratic kernel.
#' @param location A n by d matrix of cell/spot location coordinates.
#' @param bandwidth A numeric value of bandwidth.
#' @param tol A numeric value of cut-off value when building sparse kernel matrix.
#' @param ncores A integer value of number of CPU cores to use when building sparse kernel matrix.
#' @return The sparse kernel matrix for spatial relationship between locations.
#' @import parallel
#' @import MASS
#' @import pdist
#' @import tidyr
#' @export
kernel_build_sparse = function(kerneltype,location, bandwidth,tol, ncores)
# suppressMessages(require(tidyr))
# suppressMessages(require(parallel))
# suppressMessages(require(MASS))
# suppressMessages(require(pdist))
# suppressMessages(require(Matrix))
if (kerneltype == "gaussian") {
fx_gaussian <- function(i){
line_i = rep(0,dim(location)[1])
line_i[i] = 1
line_i[-i] = exp(-(pdist(location[i,],location[-i,])@dist^2)/bandwidth)
return(list("ind_i"=ind_i,"ind_j"=rep(i,length(ind_i)),"val_i"=line_i[ind_i] ))
results = mclapply(1:dim(location)[1], fx_gaussian, mc.cores = ncores)
tib = tibble(results) %>% unnest_wider(results)
K_sparse = Matrix::sparseMatrix(i =unlist(tib[[1]]), j= unlist(tib[[2]]), x= unlist(tib[[3]]), dims = c(dim(location)[1],dim(location)[1] ))
#K = exp(-1*as.matrix(dist(location)^2)/bandwidth)
} else if (kerneltype == "cauchy") {
fx_cauchy <- function(i){
line_i = rep(0,dim(location)[1])
line_i[i] = 1
line_i[-i] = 1/(1 + (pdist(location[i,],location[-i,])@dist^2)/as.numeric(bandwidth))
return(list("ind_i"=ind_i,"ind_j"=rep(i,length(ind_i)),"val_i"=line_i[ind_i] ))
results = mclapply(1:dim(location)[1], fx_cauchy, mc.cores = ncores)
tib = tibble(results) %>% unnest_wider(results)
K_sparse = Matrix::sparseMatrix(i =unlist(tib[[1]]), j= unlist(tib[[2]]), x= unlist(tib[[3]]), dims = c(dim(location)[1],dim(location)[1] ))
# K = 1/(1 + 1*as.matrix(dist(location)^2)/as.numeric(bandwidth))
}else if (kerneltype == "quadratic"){
fx_quadratic <- function(i){
line_i = rep(0,dim(location)[1])
line_i[i] = 1
line_i[-i] = 1 - ED2/(ED2 + as.numeric(bandwidth))
return(list("ind_i"=ind_i,"ind_j"=rep(i,length(ind_i)),"val_i"=line_i[ind_i] ))
results = mclapply(1:dim(location)[1], fx_quadratic, mc.cores = ncores)
tib = tibble(results) %>% unnest_wider(results)
K_sparse = sparseMatrix(i =unlist(tib[[1]]), j= unlist(tib[[2]]), x= unlist(tib[[3]]), dims = c(dim(location)[1],dim(location)[1] ))
# ED2=1*as.matrix(dist(location)^2)
# K = 1 - ED2/(ED2 + as.numeric(bandwidth))
}else if (kerneltype == "delaunday"){
tmp <- ppp(location[,1], location[,2],window=owin(c(-3,3),c(-3,3))) # scaled distance often ranges from -3 to 3
K = exp(-Delaunay_dist^2/30)
K_sparse = as(K, "sparseMatrix")
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