#' @title Numeric Utilities
#' @description A set of function helper related to the statistical model
#' underlying the `COTAN` package
#' @name NumericUtilities
#------------------- negative binomial ----------
#' @details `funProbZero` is a private function that gives the probability that
#' a sample gene's reads are zero, given the `dispersion` and `mu` parameters.
#' @details Using \eqn{d}{`disp`} for `disp` and \eqn{\mu}{`mu`} for `mu`,
#' it returns:
#' \eqn{(1 + d \mu)^{-\frac{1}{d}}}{(1 + `disp` * `mu`)^(-1 / `disp`)}
#' when \eqn{d > 0}{`disp > 0`} and
#' \eqn{\exp{((d - 1) \mu)}}{exp((`disp` - 1) * `mu`)} otherwise.
#' The function is continuous in \eqn{d = 0}{`disp = 0`},
#' increasing in \eqn{d}{`disp`} and decreasing in \eqn{\mu}{`mu`}.
#' It returns 0 when \eqn{d = -\infty}{`disp = -Inf`} or
#' \eqn{\mu = \infty}{`mu = Inf`}.
#' It returns 1 when \eqn{\mu = 0}{`mu = 0`}.
#' @param dispersion the estimated `dispersion` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param mu the `lambda` times `nu` values (a \eqn{n \times m} matrix)
#' @returns the probability `matrix` that a *read count* is identically zero
#' @rdname NumericUtilities
funProbZero <- function(dispersion, mu) {
neg <- (dispersion <= 0.0)
ad <- abs(dispersion)
return(( neg) * (exp(-(1.0 + ad) * mu)) +
(!neg) * (1.0 + ad * mu)^(-1.0 / ad))
#--------------------- dispersion solvers ----------------
#' @details `dispersionBisection` is a private function for the estimation of
#' *dispersion* slot of a `COTAN` object via a bisection solver
#' @details The goal is to find a `dispersion` value that reduces to zero the
#' difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros
#' @param sumZeros the number of cells that didn't express the gene
#' @param lambda the estimated `lambda` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param nu the estimated `nu` (a \eqn{m}-sized vector)
#' @param threshold minimal solution precision
#' @param maxIterations max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)
#' @returns the dispersion value
#' @rdname NumericUtilities
dispersionBisection <-
threshold = 0.001,
maxIterations = 100L) {
if (sumZeros == 0L) {
# cannot match exactly zero prob of zeros with finite values
} else if (sumZeros == length(nu)) {
# in case of zero lambda dispersion is irrelevant. We return 1.0
mu <- lambda * nu
# we look for two dispersion values where the first leads to a
# diffZeros negative and the second positive
disp1 <- 0.0
diff1 <- sum(funProbZero(disp1, mu)) - sumZeros
if (abs(diff1) <= threshold) {
# we assume error is an increasing function of disp
disp2 <- -1.0 * sign(diff1)
iter <- 1L
repeat {
diff2 <- sum(funProbZero(disp2, mu)) - sumZeros
if (diff2 * diff1 < 0.0) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached ",
"while finding the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
disp1 <- disp2 # disp2 is closer to producing 0.0
disp2 <- 2.0 * disp2 # we double at each step
# once we have found the two bounds to the dispersion value we use bisection
iter <- 1L
repeat {
disp <- (disp1 + disp2) / 2.0
diff <- sum(funProbZero(disp, mu)) - sumZeros
if (abs(diff) <= threshold) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached ",
"while finding the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
# drop same sign diff point
if (diff * diff2 > 0.0) {
disp2 <- disp
} else {
disp1 <- disp
#' @details `parallelDispersionBisection` is a private function invoked by
#' [estimateDispersionBisection()] for the estimation of the `dispersion` slot
#' of a `COTAN` object via a parallel bisection solver
#' @details The goal is to find a `dispersion array` that reduces to zero the
#' difference between the number of estimated and counted zeros
#' @param genes names of the relevant genes
#' @param sumZeros the number of cells that didn't express the relevant gene (a
#' \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param lambda the estimated `lambda` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param nu the estimated `nu` (a \eqn{m}-sized vector)
#' @param threshold minimal solution precision
#' @param maxIterations max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)
#' @returns the dispersion values
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @rdname NumericUtilities
parallelDispersionBisection <-
threshold = 0.001,
maxIterations = 100L) {
sumZeros <- sumZeros[genes]
lambda <- lambda[genes]
# cannot match exactly zero prob of zeros with finite values
# so we ignore the rows with no zeros from the solver and return -Inf
output <- rep(-Inf, length(sumZeros))
# in case of zero lambda dispersion is irrelevant. We return 1.0
goodPos <- sumZeros != length(nu)
output[!goodPos] <- 1.0
goodPos <- goodPos & sumZeros != 0L
if (sum(goodPos) == 0L) {
sumZeros <- sumZeros[goodPos]
lambda <- lambda[goodPos]
mu <- lambda %o% nu
# we look for two dispersion values where the first leads to a
# diffZeros negative and the second positive
disps1 <- rep(0.0, length(sumZeros))
diffs1 <- rowsums(funProbZero(disps1, mu)) - sumZeros
if (all(abs(diffs1) <= threshold)) {
output[goodPos] <- disps1
# we assume error is an increasing function of the dispersion
disps2 <- -1.0 * sign(diffs1)
diffs2 <- diffs1
runPos <- rep(TRUE, length(diffs1))
iter <- 1L
repeat {
diffs2[runPos] <- (rowsums(funProbZero(disps2[runPos],
mu[runPos, , drop = FALSE])) -
runPos <- (diffs2 * diffs1 >= 0.0)
if (!any(runPos)) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while finding",
" the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
disps1[runPos] <- disps2[runPos] # disps2 are closer to producing 0
disps2[runPos] <- 2.0 * disps2[runPos] # we double at each step
# once we have found the two bounds to the dispersion value we use bisection
runNum <- length(diffs1)
runPos <- rep(TRUE, runNum)
disps <- disps1
diffs <- diffs1
iter <- 1L
repeat {
disps[runPos] <- (disps1[runPos] + disps2[runPos]) / 2.0
diffs[runPos] <- (rowsums(funProbZero(disps[runPos],
mu[runPos, , drop = FALSE])) -
runPos <- abs(diffs) > threshold
if (!any(runPos)) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while finding the solutions")
iter <- iter + 1L
# drop same sign diff point
pPos <- runPos & (diffs * diffs2 > 0.0)
disps2[pPos] <- disps[pPos]
nPos <- runPos & !pPos
disps1[nPos] <- disps[nPos]
output[goodPos] <- disps
#------------------------- nu solvers ---------------------
#' @details `nuBisection` is a private function for the estimation of `nu` slot
#' of a `COTAN` object via a bisection solver
#' @details The goal is to find a `nu` value that reduces to zero the difference
#' between the number of estimated and counted zeros
#' @param sumZeros the number non expressed genes in the cell
#' @param lambda the estimated `lambda` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param dispersion the estimated `dispersion` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param initialGuess the initial guess for `nu`
#' @param threshold minimal solution precision
#' @param maxIterations max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)
#' @returns the nu value
#' @rdname NumericUtilities
nuBisection <-
threshold = 0.001,
maxIterations = 100L) {
if (sumZeros == 0L) {
# cannot match exactly zero prob of zeros with finite values
# we look for two dispersion values where the first leads to a
# diffZeros negative and the second positive
nu1 <- initialGuess
diff1 <- sum(funProbZero(dispersion, nu1 * lambda)) - sumZeros
if (abs(diff1) <= threshold) {
factor <- 2.0 ^ sign(diff1)
nu2 <- nu1 * factor # we assume error is an decreasing function of nu
iter <- 1L
repeat {
diff2 <- sum(funProbZero(dispersion, nu2 * lambda)) - sumZeros
if (diff2 * diff1 < 0.0) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while ",
"finding the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
nu1 <- nu2 # nu2 is closer to producing 0
nu2 <- nu2 * factor # we double/half at each step
# once we have found the two bounds to the dispersion value we use bisection
iter <- 1L
repeat {
nu <- (nu1 + nu2) / 2.0
diff <- sum(funProbZero(dispersion, nu * lambda)) - sumZeros
if (abs(diff) <= threshold) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while ",
"finding the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
# drop same sign diff point
if (diff * diff2 > 0L) {
nu2 <- nu
} else {
nu1 <- nu
#' @details `parallelNuBisection` is a private function invoked by
#' [estimateNuBisection()] for the estimation of `nu` slot of a `COTAN` object
#' via a parallel bisection solver
#' @details The goal is to find a `nu array` that reduces to zero the difference
#' between the number of estimated and counted zeros
#' @param cells names of the relevant cells
#' @param sumZeros the number of genes not expressed in the relevant cell (a
#' \eqn{m}-sized vector)
#' @param lambda the estimated `lambda` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param dispersion the estimated `dispersion` (a \eqn{n}-sized vector)
#' @param initialGuess the initial guess for `nu` (a \eqn{m}-sized vector)
#' @param threshold minimal solution precision
#' @param maxIterations max number of iterations (avoids infinite loops)
#' @returns the dispersion values
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom Rfast colsums
#' @rdname NumericUtilities
parallelNuBisection <-
threshold = 0.001,
maxIterations = 100L) {
sumZeros <- sumZeros[cells]
initialGuess <- initialGuess[cells]
assert_that(all(initialGuess > 0.0),
msg = "initialGuess must hold only positive values")
goodPos <- sumZeros != 0L
# cannot match exactly zero prob of zeros with finite values
output <- rep(Inf, length(initialGuess))
if (sum(goodPos) == 0L) {
sumZeros <- sumZeros[goodPos]
# we look for two dispersion values where the first leads to a
# diffZeros negative and the second positive
nus1 <- initialGuess[goodPos]
diffs1 <- colsums(funProbZero(dispersion, lambda %o% nus1)) - sumZeros
if (all(abs(diffs1) <= threshold)) {
output[goodPos] <- nus1
# we assume error is an increasing function of the dispersion
factors <- 2.0 ^ sign(diffs1)
nus2 <- nus1 * factors
diffs2 <- diffs1
runPos <- rep(TRUE, length(diffs1))
iter <- 1L
repeat {
diffs2[runPos] <- (colsums(funProbZero(dispersion,
lambda %o% nus2[runPos])) -
runPos <- (diffs2 * diffs1 >= 0.0)
if (!any(runPos)) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while ",
"finding the solution straddling intervals")
iter <- iter + 1L
# nus2 are closer to producing 0
nus1[runPos] <- nus2[runPos]
# we double (or half) at each step
nus2[runPos] <- nus2[runPos] * factors[runPos]
# once we have found the two bounds to the dispersion value we use bisection
runNum <- length(diffs1)
runPos <- rep(TRUE, runNum)
nus <- nus1
diffs <- diffs1
iter <- 1L
repeat {
nus[runPos] <- (nus1[runPos] + nus2[runPos]) / 2.0
diffs[runPos] <- (colsums(funProbZero(dispersion,
lambda %o% nus[runPos])) -
runPos <- (abs(diffs) > threshold)
if (!any(runPos)) {
if (iter >= maxIterations) {
stop("Max number of iterations reached while finding the solutions")
iter <- iter + 1L
# drop same sign diff point
pPos <- runPos & (diffs * diffs2 > 0.0)
nus2[pPos] <- nus[pPos]
nPos <- runPos & !pPos
nus1[nPos] <- nus[nPos]
output[goodPos] <- nus
#----------------- legacy functions --------------------
#' @details This is a legacy function related to old `scCOTAN` objects. Use the
#' more appropriate `Matrix::dspMatrix` type for similar functionality.
#' `mat2vec_rfast` converts a compacted symmetric matrix (that is an array)
#' into a symmetric matrix.
#' @param mat a square (possibly symmetric) matrix with all genes as row and
#' column names.
#' @returns `mat2vec_rfast` returns a `list` formed by two arrays:
#' * `"genes"` with the unique gene names,
#' * `"values"` with all the values.
#' @examples
#' v <- list("genes" = paste0("gene_", c(1:9)), "values" = c(1:45))
#' M <- vec2mat_rfast(v)
#' all.equal(rownames(M), v[["genes"]])
#' all.equal(colnames(M), v[["genes"]])
#' genes <- paste0("gene_", sample.int(ncol(M), 3))
#' m <- vec2mat_rfast(v, genes)
#' all.equal(rownames(m), v[["genes"]])
#' all.equal(colnames(m), genes)
#' v2 <- mat2vec_rfast(M)
#' all.equal(v, v2)
#' @importFrom Rfast lower_tri.assign
#' @importFrom Rfast upper_tri.assign
#' @importFrom Rfast upper_tri
#' @importFrom Rfast transpose
#' @export
#' @rdname COTAN_Legacy
vec2mat_rfast <- function(x, genes = "all") {
if (!isa(x, "list") || !identical(names(x), c("genes", "values"))) {
stop("Passed 'x' argument is not a list ",
"with 2 elements 'genes' and 'values'")
numGenes <- length(x[["genes"]])
if (genes[[1L]] == "all") {
m <- matrix(0.0, numGenes, numGenes)
m <- lower_tri.assign(m, diag = TRUE, v = x[["values"]])
m <- upper_tri.assign(m, v = upper_tri(transpose(m)))
rownames(m) <- x[["genes"]]
colnames(m) <- x[["genes"]]
} else {
m <- matrix(0.0, nrow = numGenes, ncol = length(genes))
rownames(m) <- x[["genes"]]
colnames(m) <- genes
for (posGene in match(genes, x[["genes"]])) {
tempArray <- x[["values"]][posGene]
p <- 1L
l <- numGenes
s <- posGene
while (p < (posGene)) {
l <- l - 1L
s <- s + l
tempArray <- c(tempArray, x[["values"]][s])
p <- p + 1L
if (posGene < numGenes) {
#linear part
startReadingPos <- 1L
i <- 1L
while (i < (posGene)) {
startReadingPos <- startReadingPos + (numGenes - (i - 1L))
i <- i + 1L
startReadingPos <- startReadingPos + 1L
endReadingPos <- 0L
for (i in (0L:(posGene - 1L))) {
endReadingPos <- endReadingPos + (numGenes - i)
tempArray <-
c(tempArray, x[["values"]][startReadingPos:endReadingPos])
m[, x[["genes"]][posGene]] <- tempArray
#' @details This is a legacy function related to old `scCOTAN` objects. Use the
#' more appropriate `Matrix::dspMatrix` type for similar functionality.
#' `vec2mat_rfast` converts a symmetric matrix into a compacted symmetric
#' matrix. It will forcibly make its argument symmetric.
#' @param x a `list` formed by two arrays: `genes` with the unique gene names
#' and `values` with all the values.
#' @param genes an array with all wanted genes or the string `"all"`. When equal
#' to `"all"` (the default), it recreates the entire matrix.
#' @returns `vec2mat_rfast` returns the reconstructed symmetric matrix
#' @importFrom Rfast lower_tri
#' @export
#' @rdname COTAN_Legacy
mat2vec_rfast <- function(mat) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
if (!dim(mat)[[1L]] == dim(mat)[[2L]]) {
stop("The matrix is not square!")
v <- lower_tri(mat, diag = TRUE)
return(list("genes" = rownames(mat), "values" = v))
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