#' @details `findClustersMarkers()` takes in a `COTAN` object and a
#' *clusterization* and produces a `data.frame` with the `n` most positively
#' enriched and the `n` most negatively enriched genes for each *cluster*. The
#' function also provides whether and the found genes are in the given
#' `markers` list or not. It also returns the *adjusted p-value* for
#' multi-tests using the [stats::p.adjust()]
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param n the number of extreme `COEX` values to return
#' @param markers a `list` of marker genes
#' @param clName The name of the *clusterization*. If not given the last
#' available *clusterization* will be used, as it is probably the most
#' significant!
#' @param clusters A *clusterization* to use. If given it will take precedence
#' on the one indicated by `clName`
#' @param coexDF a `data.frame` where each column indicates the `COEX` for each
#' of the *clusters* of the *clusterization*
#' @param adjustmentMethod *p-value* multi-test adjustment method. Defaults to
#' `"bonferroni"`; use `"none"` for no adjustment
#' @returns `findClustersMarkers()` returns a `data.frame` containing `n` genes
#' for each *cluster* scoring top/bottom `COEX` scores. The `data.frame` also
#' contains:
#' * `"CL"` the cluster
#' * `"Gene"` the gene
#' * `"Score"` the `COEX` score of the gene
#' * `"adjPVal"` the *p-values* associated to the `COEX`
#' adjusted for *multi-testing*
#' * `"DEA"` the differential expression of the gene
#' * `"IsMarker"` whether the gene is among the given markers
#' * `"logFoldCh"` the *log-fold-change* of the gene expression inside versus
#' outside the cluster from [logFoldChangeOnClusters()]
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clMarkers <- findClustersMarkers(objCOTAN, markers = list(),
#' clusters = clusters)
#' @rdname HandlingClusterizations
findClustersMarkers <- function(
objCOTAN, n = 10L, markers = NULL,
clName = "", clusters = NULL,
coexDF = NULL, adjustmentMethod = "bonferroni") {
logThis("findClustersMarkers - START", logLevel = 2L)
marks <- unlist(markers)
assert_that(is_empty(marks) || any(marks %in% getGenes(objCOTAN)),
msg = "None of the given markers is present in the data")
# picks up the last clusterization if none was given
c(clName, clusters) %<-%
normalizeNameAndLabels(objCOTAN, name = clName,
labels = clusters, isCond = FALSE)
if (is_empty(coexDF)) {
if (clName %in% getClusterizations(objCOTAN)) {
coexDF <- getClusterizationData(objCOTAN, clName = clName)[["coex"]]
if (is_empty(coexDF)) {
coexDF <- DEAOnClusters(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)
adjPValueDF <- pValueFromDEA(coexDF, numCells = getNumCells(objCOTAN),
adjustmentMethod = adjustmentMethod)
lfcDF <- logFoldChangeOnClusters(objCOTAN, clusters = clusters)
assert_that(identical(rownames(adjPValueDF), rownames(coexDF)),
identical(getGenes(objCOTAN), rownames(coexDF)),
msg = paste("Inconsistent data-frames passed in",
"for 'coex' or 'p-value'"))
retDF <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = 0L, ncol = 6L))
colnames(retDF) <- c("CL", "Gene", "DEA", "adjPVal", "IsMarker", "logFoldCh")
for (cl in unique(colnames(coexDF))) {
for (type in c("min", "max")) {
tmpDF <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = n, ncol = ncol(retDF)))
colnames(tmpDF) <- colnames(retDF)
# Get the first n minimum/maximum scores for each cluster
sortedPos <- order(coexDF[, cl], decreasing = (type == "max"))[1L:n]
tmpDF[["CL"]] <- cl
tmpDF[["Gene"]] <- rownames(coexDF)[sortedPos]
tmpDF[["DEA"]] <- coexDF[sortedPos, cl]
tmpDF[["adjPVal"]] <- adjPValueDF[sortedPos, cl]
tmpDF[["IsMarker"]] <- as.integer(tmpDF[["Gene"]] %in% marks)
tmpDF[["logFoldCh"]] <- lfcDF[sortedPos, cl]
retDF <- rbind(retDF, tmpDF)
logThis("findClustersMarkers - DONE", logLevel = 2L)
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