# ---- checkObjIsUniform ----
#' @aliases checkObjIsUniform
#' @details `checkObjIsUniform()` performs the check whether the given object is
#' uniform according to the given checker
#' @param currentC the object that defines the method and the threshold to
#' discriminate whether a *cluster* is *uniform transcript*.
#' @param previousC the optional result object of an already done check
#' @param objCOTAN an optional `COTAN` object
#' @returns a copy of `currentC` with the results of the check. Note that the
#' slot `clusterSize` will be set to zero if it is not possible to get the
#' result of the check
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(currentC = "SimpleGDIUniformityCheck",
previousC = "ANY",
objCOTAN = "ANY"),
function(currentC, previousC = NULL, objCOTAN = NULL) {
checkerIsOK <- function(checker) {
return(!checker@check@isCheckAbove &&
checker@check@maxRankBeyond == 0L)
assert_that(is.null(previousC) ||
is(previousC, "SimpleGDIUniformityCheck"))
assert_that(is.null(objCOTAN) || is(objCOTAN, "COTAN"))
previousCheckIsSufficient <- FALSE
currentC@clusterSize <- ifelse(is.null(objCOTAN), 0L, getNumCells(objCOTAN))
cCheck <- currentC@check
if (!is.null(previousC)) {
# in this case we assume previousC is the result of a previous check,
# maybe with different thresholds: if possible we try to avoid using the
# GDI to determine the check result
if (currentC@clusterSize == 0L) {
currentC@clusterSize <- previousC@clusterSize
} else {
assert_that(currentC@clusterSize == previousC@clusterSize)
pCheck <- previousC@check
if (is.finite(pCheck@fractionBeyond) &&
(pCheck@GDIThreshold == cCheck@GDIThreshold)) {
cCheck@fractionBeyond <- pCheck@fractionBeyond
previousCheckIsSufficient <- TRUE
if (is.finite(pCheck@quantileAtRatio) &&
(pCheck@maxRatioBeyond == cCheck@maxRatioBeyond)) {
cCheck@quantileAtRatio <- pCheck@quantileAtRatio
previousCheckIsSufficient <- TRUE
# if neither threshold match previous check we cannot avoid re-doing the
# check via the GDI, so fall-back from here
# run the check via pre-calculated GDI if possible
if (!previousCheckIsSufficient && !is.null(objCOTAN)
&& getNumCells(objCOTAN) == currentC@clusterSize
&& isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN)) {
gdi <- getGDI(objCOTAN)
if (is_empty(gdi)) {
# if GDI was not stored recalculate it now
gdi <- getColumnFromDF(calculateGDI(objCOTAN), colName = "GDI")
cCheck@quantileAtRatio <-
quantile(gdi, probs = 1.0 - cCheck@maxRatioBeyond, names = FALSE)
cCheck@fractionBeyond <-
sum(gdi >= cCheck@GDIThreshold) / length(gdi)
if (is.finite(cCheck@fractionBeyond)) {
currentC@isUniform <-
(cCheck@fractionBeyond <= cCheck@maxRatioBeyond)
} else if (is.finite(cCheck@quantileAtRatio)) {
currentC@isUniform <-
(cCheck@quantileAtRatio <= cCheck@GDIThreshold)
} else {
# signal no check result can be established
currentC@clusterSize <- 0L
currentC@check <- cCheck
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(currentC = "AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck",
previousC = "ANY",
objCOTAN = "ANY"),
function(currentC, previousC = NULL, objCOTAN = NULL) {
checkerIsOK <- function(checker) {
return(!checker@firstCheck@isCheckAbove &&
checker@secondCheck@isCheckAbove &&
!checker@thirdCheck@isCheckAbove &&
!checker@fourthCheck@isCheckAbove &&
checker@firstCheck@maxRankBeyond == 0L &&
checker@secondCheck@maxRankBeyond == 0L &&
checker@thirdCheck@maxRankBeyond == 0L &&
assert_that(is.null(previousC) ||
is(previousC, "AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck"))
assert_that(is.null(objCOTAN) || is(objCOTAN, "COTAN"))
previousCheckIsSufficient <- FALSE
currentC@clusterSize <- ifelse(is.null(objCOTAN), 0L, getNumCells(objCOTAN))
cCheck1 <- currentC@firstCheck
cCheck2 <- currentC@secondCheck
cCheck3 <- currentC@thirdCheck
cCheck4 <- currentC@fourthCheck
if (!is.null(previousC)) {
# in this case we assume previousC is the result of a previous check,
# maybe with different thresholds: if possible we try to avoid using the
# GDI to determine the check result
if (currentC@clusterSize == 0L) {
currentC@clusterSize <- previousC@clusterSize
} else {
assert_that(currentC@clusterSize == previousC@clusterSize)
pCheck1 <- previousC@firstCheck
pCheck2 <- previousC@secondCheck
pCheck3 <- previousC@thirdCheck
pCheck4 <- previousC@fourthCheck
if (is.finite(pCheck1@fractionBeyond) &&
is.finite(pCheck2@fractionBeyond) &&
is.finite(pCheck3@fractionBeyond) &&
pCheck4@thresholdRank > 0L &&
pCheck1@GDIThreshold == cCheck1@GDIThreshold &&
pCheck2@GDIThreshold == cCheck2@GDIThreshold &&
pCheck3@GDIThreshold == cCheck3@GDIThreshold &&
pCheck4@GDIThreshold == cCheck4@GDIThreshold) {
cCheck1@fractionBeyond <- pCheck1@fractionBeyond
cCheck2@fractionBeyond <- pCheck2@fractionBeyond
cCheck3@fractionBeyond <- pCheck3@fractionBeyond
cCheck4@thresholdRank <- pCheck4@thresholdRank
previousCheckIsSufficient <- TRUE
if (is.finite(pCheck1@quantileAtRatio) &&
is.finite(pCheck2@quantileAtRatio) &&
is.finite(pCheck3@quantileAtRatio) &&
is.finite(pCheck4@quantileAtRank) &&
pCheck1@maxRatioBeyond == cCheck1@maxRatioBeyond &&
pCheck2@maxRatioBeyond == cCheck2@maxRatioBeyond &&
pCheck3@maxRatioBeyond == cCheck3@maxRatioBeyond &&
pCheck4@maxRankBeyond == cCheck4@maxRankBeyond) {
cCheck1@quantileAtRatio <- pCheck1@quantileAtRatio
cCheck2@quantileAtRatio <- pCheck2@quantileAtRatio
cCheck3@quantileAtRatio <- pCheck3@quantileAtRatio
cCheck4@quantileAtRank <- pCheck4@quantileAtRank
previousCheckIsSufficient <- TRUE
# if neither threshold match previous check we cannot avoid re-doing the
# check via the GDI, so fall-back from here
# run the check via pre-calculated GDI if possible
if (!previousCheckIsSufficient && !is.null(objCOTAN) &&
getNumCells(objCOTAN) == currentC@clusterSize &&
isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN)) {
gdi <- getGDI(objCOTAN)
if (is_empty(gdi)) {
# if GDI was not stored recalculate it now
gdi <- getColumnFromDF(calculateGDI(objCOTAN), colName = "GDI")
cCheck1@quantileAtRatio <-
quantile(gdi, probs = 1.0 - cCheck1@maxRatioBeyond, names = FALSE)
cCheck1@fractionBeyond <-
sum(gdi >= cCheck1@GDIThreshold) / length(gdi)
cCheck2@quantileAtRatio <-
quantile(gdi, probs = 1.0 - cCheck2@maxRatioBeyond, names = FALSE)
cCheck2@fractionBeyond <-
sum(gdi >= cCheck2@GDIThreshold) / length(gdi)
cCheck3@quantileAtRatio <-
quantile(gdi, probs = 1.0 - cCheck3@maxRatioBeyond, names = FALSE)
cCheck3@fractionBeyond <-
sum(gdi >= cCheck3@GDIThreshold) / length(gdi)
cCheck4@quantileAtRank <-
sort(gdi, decreasing = TRUE)[[cCheck4@maxRankBeyond]]
cCheck4@thresholdRank <- sum(gdi >= cCheck4@GDIThreshold)
firstCheckOK <- FALSE
if (is.finite(cCheck1@fractionBeyond)) {
firstCheckOK <-
(cCheck1@fractionBeyond <= cCheck1@maxRatioBeyond)
} else if (is.finite(cCheck1@quantileAtRatio)) {
firstCheckOK <-
(cCheck1@quantileAtRatio <= cCheck1@GDIThreshold)
} else {
# signal no check result can be established
currentC@clusterSize <- 0L
secondCheckOK <- FALSE
if (is.finite(cCheck2@fractionBeyond)) {
secondCheckOK <-
(cCheck2@fractionBeyond >= cCheck2@maxRatioBeyond)
} else if (is.finite(cCheck2@quantileAtRatio)) {
secondCheckOK <-
(cCheck2@quantileAtRatio >= cCheck2@GDIThreshold)
} else {
# signal no check result can be established
currentC@clusterSize <- 0L
thirdCheckOK <- FALSE
if (is.finite(cCheck3@fractionBeyond)) {
thirdCheckOK <-
(cCheck3@fractionBeyond <= cCheck3@maxRatioBeyond)
} else if (is.finite(cCheck3@quantileAtRatio)) {
thirdCheckOK <-
(cCheck3@quantileAtRatio <= cCheck3@GDIThreshold)
} else {
# signal no check result can be established
currentC@clusterSize <- 0L
fourthCheckOK <- FALSE
if (cCheck4@thresholdRank > 0L) {
fourthCheckOK <-
(cCheck4@thresholdRank < cCheck4@maxRankBeyond)
} else if (is.finite(cCheck4@quantileAtRank)) {
fourthCheckOK <-
(cCheck4@quantileAtRank <= cCheck4@GDIThreshold)
} else {
# signal no check result can be established
currentC@clusterSize <- 0L
currentC@isUniform <- firstCheckOK &&
((secondCheckOK && thirdCheckOK) || fourthCheckOK)
currentC@firstCheck <- cCheck1
currentC@secondCheck <- cCheck2
currentC@thirdCheck <- cCheck3
currentC@fourthCheck <- cCheck4
# ------ serialization ------
#' @details `checkersToDF()` converts a `list` of checkers (i.e. objects that
#' derive from `BaseUniformityCheck`) into a `data.frame` with the values of
#' the members
#' @param checkers a `list` of objects that defines the method, the thresholds
#' and the results of the checks to discriminate whether a *cluster* is deemed
#' *uniform transcript*.
#' @returns a `data.frame` with col-names being the member names and row-names
#' the names attached to each checker
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom rlang is_list
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @importFrom methods slotNames
#' @export
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
checkersToDF <- function(checkers) {
if (!is_list(checkers)) {
checkers <- list(checkers)
df <- data.frame()
for (checker in checkers) {
# check argument is a checker
assert_that(is(checker, "BaseUniformityCheck"))
memberNames <- slotNames(checker)
checkerAsList <- list()
for (name in memberNames) {
member <- slot(checker, name)
membersList <- list()
if (is(member, "GDICheck")) {
membersList <- lapply(slotNames(member),
function(subName) slot(member, subName))
names(membersList) <- paste0(name, ".", slotNames(member))
} else {
membersList <- list(member)
names(membersList)[[1L]] <- name
checkerAsList <- append(checkerAsList, membersList)
# Convert checkerAsList to a data frame row
checkerDF <- as.data.frame(checkerAsList)
# Bind the data frame row to the main data frame
if (is_empty(df)) {
df <- checkerDF
} else {
assert_that(identical(colnames(df), colnames(checkerDF)))
df <- rbind(df, checkerDF)
rownames(df) <- names(checkers)
#' @details `dfToCheckers()` converts a `data.frame` of checkers values into an
#' array of checkers ensuring given `data.frame` is compatible with member
#' types
#' @param df a `data.frame` with col-names being the member names and row-names
#' the names attached to each checker
#' @param checkerClass the type of the checker to be reconstructed from the
#' given `data.frame`
#' @returns `dfToCheckers()` returns a `list` of checkers of the requested type,
#' each created from one of `data.frame` rows
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang is_character
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_i
#' @importFrom stringr fixed
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
dfToCheckers <- function(df, checkerClass) {
checkers <- list()
if (is_empty(df)) {
assert_that(is_character(checkerClass), !isEmptyName(checkerClass),
msg = "A valid checker type must be given")
checker <- new(checkerClass)
assert_that(is(checker, "BaseUniformityCheck"))
memberNames <- slotNames(checker)
dfRootNames <- str_split_i(colnames(df), fixed("."), 1L)
assert_that(all(memberNames %in% dfRootNames),
msg = paste0("Given checkerClass [", class(checker), "] is ",
"inconsistent with the data.frame column names"))
for (r in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
checker <- new(checkerClass)
# Assign values from the data.frame row to the corresponding slots
for (name in memberNames) {
member <- slot(checker, name)
if (is(member, "GDICheck")) {
subNames <- slotNames(member)
if (TRUE) {
relCols <- dfRootNames == name
dfSubNames <- str_split_i(colnames(df)[relCols], fixed("."), 2L)
assert_that(all(subNames %in% dfSubNames),
msg = paste0("Given checkerClass [", class(checker),
"] is inconsistent with the data.frame",
"column names"))
rm(relCols, dfSubNames)
for (subName in subNames) {
slot(member, subName) <- df[r, paste0(name, ".", subName)]
} else {
member <- df[r, name]
slot(checker, name) <- member
checkers <- append(checkers, checker)
names(checkers) <- rownames(df)
# ------ getCheckerThreshold ------
#' @aliases getCheckerThreshold
#' @description `getCheckerThreshold()` extracts the main `GDI` threshold
#' from the given checker object
#' @param checker An checker object that defines how to check for *uniform
#' transcript*. It is derived from [BaseUniformityCheck-class]
#' @returns `getCheckerThreshold()` returns the appropriate member of the
#' checker object representing the main `GDI` threshold
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "SimpleGDIUniformityCheck"),
function(checker) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck"),
function(checker) {
# ------ calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity ------
#' @aliases calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity
#' @description `calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity()` calculates by how much
#' the `GDI` thresholds in the given checker must be increased in order to
#' have that the relevant cluster is deemed **uniform transcript**
#' @param checker An checker object that defines how to check for *uniform
#' transcript*. It is derived from [BaseUniformityCheck-class]
#' @returns `calculateThresholdShiftToUniformity()` returns the positive shift
#' that would make the `@isUniform` slot `TRUE` in the checker. It returns
#' zero if the result is already `TRUE` and `NaN` in case no such shift can
#' exist (e.g. the check have been not done yet)
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "SimpleGDIUniformityCheck"),
function(checker) {
if (checker@clusterSize == 0L ||
!is.finite(checker@check@quantileAtRatio)) {
return(checker@check@quantileAtRatio - checker@check@GDIThreshold)
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck"),
function(checker) {
if (checker@clusterSize == 0L ||
!is.finite(checker@firstCheck@quantileAtRatio) ||
!is.finite(checker@secondCheck@quantileAtRatio) ||
!is.finite(checker@thirdCheck@quantileAtRatio) ||
!is.finite(checker@fourthCheck@quantileAtRank)) {
delta1 <- checker@firstCheck@quantileAtRatio -
delta2 <- checker@secondCheck@quantileAtRatio -
delta3 <- checker@thirdCheck@quantileAtRatio -
delta4 <- checker@fourthCheck@quantileAtRank -
# delta14 is always sufficient to make the cluster UT,
# if delta13 is lower and delta2 collaborates then delta13 can be used.
# We use delta13^+ against delta2 as we never lower
# the secondCheck@GDIThreshold!
delta13 <- max(delta1, delta3)
delta14 <- max(delta1, delta4)
if (delta13 < delta14 && delta2 > max(0.0, delta13)) {
} else {
# ------ shiftCheckerThresholds ------
#' @aliases shiftCheckerThresholds
#' @description `shiftCheckerThresholds()` returns a new checker object where
#' the `GDI` thresholds where increased in order to *relax* the conditions to
#' achieve **uniform transcript**
#' @param checker An checker object that defines how to check for *uniform
#' transcript*. It is derived from [BaseUniformityCheck-class]
#' @param shift The amount by which to shift the `GDI` thresholds in the checker
#' @returns `shiftCheckerThresholds()` returns a copy of the checker object
#' where all `GDI` thresholds have been shifted by the same given `shift`
#' amount
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "SimpleGDIUniformityCheck",
shift = "numeric"),
function(checker, shift) {
assert_that(is.finite(shift), shift >= 0.0,
msg = "Given shift must be a non negative number")
check = new("GDICheck",
isCheckAbove = checker@check@isCheckAbove,
GDIThreshold = checker@check@GDIThreshold + shift,
maxRatioBeyond = checker@check@maxRatioBeyond,
maxRankBeyond = checker@check@maxRankBeyond)))
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
signature(checker = "AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck",
shift = "numeric"),
function(checker, shift) {
assert_that(is.finite(shift), shift >= 0.0,
msg = "Given shift must be a non negative number")
firstCheck =
isCheckAbove = checker@firstCheck@isCheckAbove,
GDIThreshold = checker@firstCheck@GDIThreshold + shift,
maxRatioBeyond = checker@firstCheck@maxRatioBeyond,
maxRankBeyond = checker@firstCheck@maxRankBeyond),
secondCheck =
isCheckAbove = checker@secondCheck@isCheckAbove,
GDIThreshold = checker@secondCheck@GDIThreshold + shift,
maxRatioBeyond = checker@secondCheck@maxRatioBeyond,
maxRankBeyond = checker@secondCheck@maxRankBeyond),
thirdCheck =
isCheckAbove = checker@thirdCheck@isCheckAbove,
GDIThreshold = checker@thirdCheck@GDIThreshold + shift,
maxRatioBeyond = checker@thirdCheck@maxRatioBeyond,
maxRankBeyond = checker@thirdCheck@maxRankBeyond),
fourthCheck =
isCheckAbove = checker@fourthCheck@isCheckAbove,
GDIThreshold = checker@fourthCheck@GDIThreshold + shift,
maxRatioBeyond = checker@fourthCheck@maxRatioBeyond,
maxRankBeyond = checker@fourthCheck@maxRankBeyond)))
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