#' update_x_p
#' @description Update values of x using data from \code{Input} and current values of other parameters.
#' @param Model a Model object of class gemini.model
#' @param mean_x a numeric indicating prior mean of x
#' @param sd_x a numeric indicating prior sd of x
#' @param mean_xx a numeric indicating prior mean of xx
#' @param sd_xx a numeric indicating prior sd of xx
#' @param cores a numeric indicating the number of cores to use. See \code{\link[gemini]{gemini_parallelization}} for details. (default=1).
#' @param verbose default FALSE
#' @return An object of class gemini.model
#' @note The structure of the screen may impede parallelization. Our ability to parallelize the updates is
#' contingent upon the independence between guides in position 1 and 2.
#' To account for potential dependence, we define three groups of guides: group 1 (guides only in position 1
#' ), group 2 (guides only in position 2), and group 3 (guides in both position 1 and position 2).
#' Parallelization is possible for groups 1 and 2, but only serial updates are possible for group 3.
#' As such, updates for this group will take longer.
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom magrittr extract
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils getTxtProgressBar
#' @examples
#' data("Model", package = "gemini")
#' Model %<>% update_x_pb()
#' @export
update_x_pb <- function(Model,
mean_x = 1,
sd_x = 1,
mean_xx = 1,
sd_xx = 1,
cores = 1,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Updating x...")
message("\tUsing ", cores, " core(s).")
tstart = Sys.time()
Input <- Model$Input
guide2gene <- Input[[Model$guide.pair.annot]]
LFC <- Input[[Model$LFC.name]]
# genes corresponding to x_seq
x_seq_genes = Model$hashes_x$gene_hash
# mean of gamma distribution
tau = Model$alpha / Model$beta
# Allow looping through sd_x if lists are provided
if (length(sd_x) == 1) {
sd_x = rep(sd_x, length(Model$hashes_x$hash))
names(sd_x) <- names(Model$hashes_x$hash)
if (length(mean_x) == 1) {
mean_x = rep(mean_x, length(Model$hashes_x$hash))
names(mean_x) <- names(Model$hashes_x$hash)
if (length(mean_xx) == 1) {
mean_xx = rep(mean_xx, nrow(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide))
names(mean_xx) <- rownames(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide)
if (length(sd_xx) == 1) {
sd_xx = rep(sd_xx, nrow(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide))
names(sd_xx) <- rownames(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide)
# update x_seq1 and x2_seq1
x_loop <-
sd_x) {
# get individual mean_xi and sd_xi for guide i
# NOTE: mean_x/sd_x should be a named numeric vector, where names correspond to guide labels
mean_xi = mean_x[i]
sd_xi = sd_x[i]
# x_seq to gene names
g = as.character(x_seq_genes[i]) # gene g corresponding to guide i
gihj = Model$hashes_x$hash[[i]] # all guide pairs containing i
h.col = vapply(gihj, function(x){
guidepair = strsplit(x,split = Model$pattern_split, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
}, numeric(1))
# identify genes h paired with gene g
h = guide2gene[match(gihj, guide2gene[, 1]), 2]
h[h.col==2] <- guide2gene[match(gihj, guide2gene[, 1]), 3][h.col==2] # if any h in position 1
# identify guides hj paired with guide gi
hj = Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[match(gihj, rownames(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide)), 1] # guides for genes h
hj[h.col==2] <- Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[match(gihj, rownames(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide)), 2][h.col==2] # if any hj in position 1
gh = apply(cbind(rep(g, length(h)), h), 1, function(x)
paste(sort(x), collapse = Model$pattern_join)) # gene g paired with genes h
# calculating numerator
numerator = LFC[gihj[!h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] - Model$x[hj[!h %in% Model$nc_gene]] *
Model$y[h[!h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] - Model$xx[gihj[!h %in% Model$nc_gene]] * Model$s[gh[!h %in% Model$nc_gene], ]
numerator = tau[gihj[!h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] * numerator
if (sum(!h %in% Model$nc_gene)>1 | sum(!h %in% Model$nc_gene)==0){
numerator = colSums(as.matrix(numerator), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
numerator = colSums(as.matrix(t(numerator)), na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(h %in% Model$nc_gene)>1 | sum(h %in% Model$nc_gene)==0){
numerator = numerator +
colSums(as.matrix(tau[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] * LFC[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ]), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
numerator = numerator +
colSums(as.matrix(t(tau[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] * LFC[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ])), na.rm = TRUE)
#numerator = colSums(as.matrix(numerator), na.rm = TRUE) +
# colSums(as.matrix(tau[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ] * LFC[gihj[h %in% Model$nc_gene], ]), na.rm = TRUE)
numerator = sum(Model$y[g, ] * numerator, na.rm = TRUE)
numerator = mean_xi / (sd_xi ^ 2) + numerator
# calculating denominator
denominator = sum(colSums(as.matrix(tau[gihj, ]), na.rm = TRUE) * Model$y2[g, ], na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
denominator = sum(colSums(as.matrix(t(tau[gihj, ])), na.rm = TRUE) * Model$y2[g, ], na.rm = TRUE)
#denominator = sum(colSums(as.matrix(tau[gihj, ]), na.rm = TRUE) * Model$y2[g, ], na.rm = TRUE)
denominator = 1 / (sd_xi ^ 2) + denominator
x_seq = numerator / denominator
x2_seq = x_seq ^ 2 + 1 / denominator
return(list(x_seq = x_seq, x2_seq = x2_seq))
xx_loop <-
sd_xx) {
# Getting individual mean_xxij and sd_xxij values for each guide pair ij
mean_xxij = mean_xx[i]
sd_xxij = sd_xx[i]
# check if both gihj and higj exist
i_split = strsplit(x = i, split = Model$pattern_split, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
i_inv = paste0(rev(i_split), collapse = Model$pattern_split)
if (!is.na(Model$xx[i_inv])){
i = c(i,i_inv)
# Get genes gh and guides ij
gi = Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[i, 1]
hj = Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[i, 2]
g = x_seq_genes[gi]
h = x_seq_genes[hj]
#gh = paste(sort(c(g, h)), collapse = Model$pattern_join)
gh = vapply(seq_len(length(g)), function(x){
return(paste(sort(c(g[x], h[x])), collapse = Model$pattern_join))
}, character(1))
numerator = Model$s[gh, ] * tau[i, ] * (LFC[i, ] - Model$x[gi] *
Model$y[g, ] - Model$x[hj] * Model$y[h, ])
numerator = mean_xxij / (sd_xxij ^ 2) + sum(numerator, na.rm = TRUE)
denominator = 1 / (sd_xxij ^ 2) + sum(Model$s2[gh, ] * tau[i, ], na.rm = TRUE)
xx = numerator / denominator
xx2 = xx ^ 2 + 1 / denominator
return(list(xx = xx, xx2 = xx2))
if (verbose) {
message("\tUpdating x:")
#### DEBUGGING: ###
# x_res <- list()
# for(x in names(Model$x)){
# x_res[[x]] <- try({
# x_loop(i = x,
# Model = Model,
# guide2gene = guide2gene,
# LFC = LFC,
# tau = tau,
# x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
# mean_x = mean_x,
# sd_x = sd_x)
# })
# if("try-error" %in% class(x_res[[x]])){
# print(x)
# }
# }
group1 <- intersect(names(Model$x), setdiff(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,1], Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,2]))
group2 <- intersect(names(Model$x), setdiff(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,2], Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,1]))
group3 <- intersect(names(Model$x), intersect(Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,1], Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[,2]))
if(length(group1) > 0){
if(verbose) {
message("\t\tUpdating x for group 1...")
x_group1 <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(
X = group1,
FUN = x_loop,
Model = Model,
guide2gene = guide2gene,
tau = tau,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
mean_x = mean_x,
sd_x = sd_x,
mc.cores = cores,
ignore.interactive = verbose
x_group1 <- parallel::mclapply(
X = group1,
FUN = x_loop,
Model = Model,
guide2gene = guide2gene,
tau = tau,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
mean_x = mean_x,
sd_x = sd_x,
mc.cores = cores
Model$x[group1] <- lapply(x_group1, magrittr::extract, "x_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
Model$x2[group1] <- lapply(x_group1, magrittr::extract, "x2_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
if(length(group2) > 0){
message("\t\tUpdating x for group 2...")
x_group2 <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(
X = group2,
FUN = x_loop,
Model = Model,
guide2gene = guide2gene,
tau = tau,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
mean_x = mean_x,
sd_x = sd_x,
mc.cores = cores,
ignore.interactive = verbose
x_group2 <- parallel::mclapply(
X = group2,
FUN = x_loop,
Model = Model,
guide2gene = guide2gene,
tau = tau,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
mean_x = mean_x,
sd_x = sd_x,
mc.cores = cores
Model$x[group2] <- lapply(x_group2, magrittr::extract, "x_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
Model$x2[group2] <- lapply(x_group2, magrittr::extract, "x2_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
if(length(group3) > 0){
message("\t\tUpdating x for group 3...")
pb <- pbmcapply::progressBar(max = length(group3))
for(i in group3){
i_res <- x_loop(Model = Model,
i = i,
guide2gene = guide2gene,
tau = tau,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
mean_x = mean_x,
sd_x = sd_x)
Model$x[i] <- magrittr::extract(i_res, "x_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
Model$x2[i] <- magrittr::extract(i_res, "x2_seq") %>%
unlist(recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
if (verbose) {
message("\tUpdating xx:")
xx_res <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(
FUN = xx_loop,
Model = Model,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
tau = tau,
mean_xx = mean_xx,
sd_xx = sd_xx,
mc.cores = cores,
ignore.interactive = verbose
xx_res <- parallel::mclapply(
FUN = xx_loop,
Model = Model,
x_seq_genes = x_seq_genes,
tau = tau,
mean_xx = mean_xx,
sd_xx = sd_xx,
mc.cores = cores
Model$xx[] <- lapply(xx_res, magrittr::extract, "xx") %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
Model$xx2[] <- lapply(xx_res, magrittr::extract, "xx2") %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
# output
if (verbose) {
tend = Sys.time()
tdiff = difftime(tend, tstart)
message("\tCompleted update of x.")
message("\tTime to completion: ",
round(tdiff, digits = 3),
' ',
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