#' update_s
#' @description Update values of s using data from \code{Input} and current values of other parameters.
#' @param Model a Model object of class gemini.model
#' @param mean_s numeric indicating prior mean of s (default 0)
#' @param sd_s numeric indicating prior sd of s (default 10)
#' @param cores a numeric indicating the number of cores to use, see \code{\link[gemini]{gemini_parallelization}}. default=1.
#' @param verbose default FALSE
#' @return An object of class gemini.model
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Model", package = "gemini")
#' Model %<>% update_s_pb()
update_s_pb <- function(Model,
mean_s = 0,
sd_s = 10,
cores = 1,
verbose = FALSE){
if(verbose) {
message("Updating s...")
message("\tUsing ", cores, " core(s).")
tstart = Sys.time()
Input <- Model$Input
LFC <- Input[[Model$LFC.name]]
guide2gene <- Input[[Model$guide.pair.annot]]
# mean of gamma distribution
tau = Model$alpha/Model$beta
# updating synergy
s_loop <- function(gh, Model, guide2gene, LFC, tau, mean_s, sd_s){
gihj = Model$hash_s[[gh]]
gi = Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[gihj,1]
hj = Model$hashes_x$paired_guide[gihj,2]
g = guide2gene[match(gihj,guide2gene[,1]),2]
h = guide2gene[match(gihj,guide2gene[,1]),3]
# numerator for pair of genes
numerator = (Model$xx[gihj]*tau[gihj,])*(LFC[gihj,] - Model$x[gi]*Model$y[g,] - Model$x[hj]*Model$y[h,])
if (length(gihj)>1){
numerator = mean_s/(sd_s^2) + colSums(as.matrix(numerator), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
# transpose because of R
numerator = mean_s/(sd_s^2) + colSums(as.matrix(t(numerator)), na.rm = TRUE)
# denominator for pair of genes
if (length(gihj)>1){
denominator = 1/(sd_s^2) + colSums(as.matrix(Model$xx2[gihj]*tau[gihj,]), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
# transpose because of R
denominator = 1/(sd_s^2) + colSums(as.matrix(t(Model$xx2[gihj]*tau[gihj,])), na.rm = TRUE)
# updating s and s2
s = numerator/denominator
s2 = s^2 + 1/denominator
return(list(s = s, s2 = s2))
s_res <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(X = rownames(Model$s), FUN = s_loop,
Model = Model, guide2gene = guide2gene,
LFC = LFC, tau = tau,mean_s = mean_s,
sd_s = sd_s, mc.cores = cores)
s_res <- parallel::mclapply(X = rownames(Model$s), FUN = s_loop,
Model = Model, guide2gene = guide2gene,
LFC = LFC, tau = tau,mean_s = mean_s,
sd_s = sd_s, mc.cores = cores)
Model$s[] <- lapply(s_res, extract, "s") %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
Model$s2[] <- lapply(s_res, extract, "s2") %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
# output
tend = Sys.time()
tdiff = difftime(tend, tstart)
message("\tCompleted update of s.")
message("\tTime to completion: ", round(tdiff, digits = 3), ' ', units(tdiff))
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